Unparalleled Divine Power

C125 Seclusion Cultivation

C125 Seclusion Cultivation

2chapter 125. - Seclusion cultivation    


After joking around, Mr. Chunjie said in a rare serious tone: "Speaking of which, Mr. Qin Xiao, you are really in big trouble now. There were a lot of people from the Chou family, including those from the Soong Family and the Xuan family, as well as some of the people who had been involved in the evil deeds of the two families. All of them were looking for an opportunity to harm you. "    


"And that Jian Wuqing, you have completely offended him. I say, Mr. Qin Xiao, you are the number one person in the history of this world. Tsk tsk, someone as awesome as you is absolutely rare. I, Mr. Chunjie, have never admired anyone, but now I admire you sincerely. "    


Qin Xiao shook his head and said with a bitter smile," It's just my personality. I don't like to lower my head. If you want me to lower my head, you might as well let me die. I don't want to provoke anyone, but don't provoke me. I am just one person, perhaps this is one of my shortcomings. But mountains are easy to change, the nature is hard to change. I don't think my personality is bad. So I don't want to change anything. I will still do what I have to do. No matter who my opponent is."    


"Haha, from a certain point of view, too hard and sharp is indeed a weakness. But from a certain point of view, this was another hard and precious advantage. To dare to do what the world did not dare to do, that was the true strength of a brave man. Qin Xiao, you are clearly a brave man. Opportunities are usually given to brave men. If you go too far with the flow, I'm afraid you'll end up as mediocre. " Mr. Chunjie grinned. He said again, "I think people like you... You can become a dragon in one leap, and only then will you be able to reach a height that no one can imagine."    


"Because your body itself is enough to shock everyone You don't walk the normal path, yet you dare to do it for others. When facing a powerful enemy, or even when facing death, you have a fearless heart. You can even face it with a calm mind."    


"Moreover, you are able to turn danger into danger, and you are blessed with luck. Therefore, it is easier for you to obtain opportunities. If you want to become an expert, you need to have enough opportunities. It's impossible for us grasslands like us to cultivate solely based on our own hard work."    


"Yo -" Gu Lingyue looked at Mr. Chunjie with a strange look and said with some surprise: "Mr. Chunjie, when did you come up with such a big theory?"    


"Hehe, that's not true. Mr. Chunjie might not be good at other things, but he was still very proud of one thing. We are cultured and meaningful people. You can't always use vulgar eyes to look at us. Come and look at me. That way, you won't be able to see the good side of me, Mr. Chunjie." Mr. Chunjie grinned.    


Gu Lingyue naturally did not believe him. She waved her hand and made a sound of cutting.    


Qin Xiao smiled. What Mr. Chunjie said made some sense. This also made Qin Xiao slightly surprised. He did not expect Mr. Chunjie to have such a side. It seemed that his evaluation of Mr. Chunjie would have to be reorganized.    


After chatting for a while, Qin Xiao took the initiative to ask Mr. Chunjie to leave. Now that the welcoming event had ended, Qin Xiao was most eager to cultivate it to perfection. Only then would he have more confidence. Otherwise, he was afraid that he would be in trouble if he went out like this.    


As for returning to the Qin Family, he would have to give it a push first. This wasn't a problem. Presumably, the Qin Family had already received the news that he had become a Guard of Damo. Soong Xiongyan was no longer a threat to them. His father's strength was still guaranteed, and he wasn't afraid of anything. Furthermore, he was a Guard of Damo. Presumably, the County Prince's Mansion had already sent someone to give him a reward.    


This was also a tradition of the Damo Kingdom. Whenever a family produced a Guard of Damo, the County Prince's Mansion would send someone to give them a reward. Furthermore, a plaque would be given to them. This was a symbol of their status and identity.    


As long as the plaque was hung on the door of the mansion, it would let others know. This family had a Guard of Damo. Upon seeing this information, it naturally had a deterrent effect. This was also one of the means that the Damo Kingdom used to protect the family members of the Guard of Damo.    


If one dared to ignore the plaque, it would be regarded as a provocation to the Damo Kingdom. Not many people could bear the consequences.    


Now that there were so many enemies, Qin Xiao naturally wouldn't dare to be careless. He had to make a perfect plan.    


If he could cultivate the One Sword Stroke to its peak, he wouldn't have to fear Jian Wuqing anymore.    


The current situation forced Qin Xiao to raise his strength as soon as possible.    


After a moment of silence, Qin Xiao began his seclusion.    


He had only cultivated the One Sword Stroke to thirty percent completion, but his battle with Jian Wuqing had ignited a lot of insights. Now that he had cultivated it, it naturally became much easier for him to do so. Many emotions surged out from his heart. The effects of his cultivation after the battle were indeed much better.    


Qin Xiao was cultivating in seclusion in his courtyard, but the commotion outside had caused a huge commotion.    


The news of the Guard of Damo being killed had been brought back one after another, causing the dignity of the Guard of Damo Branch Guards to be damaged. The County Prince's Mansion had also sent out a notice to the entire county and issued a bounty.    


Those who did not know about the situation could only watch the show. Those who knew about the situation knew how terrifying this matter was. Furthermore, this matter had quickly spread to the ten major powers. One after another, the disciples of the Guard of Damo had died in Devil Valley Lord's hands.    


Such a matter continued to heat up and ferment, causing all the Guard of Damo in the Liufeng County to shrink back into the county city.    


But even so, there were still successive incidents. When David Mo could not find it, Devil Valley Lord attacked the family members of the Guard of Damo, forcing the Guard of Damo to leave and then killed them.    


In just a short month, more than a dozen Guard of Damo had died in Devil Valley Lord's hands. There were even three Guard of Damo families that had been slaughtered. It was a cruel and bloody scene. Such a matter naturally caused Lord Houyin and County King Lua Feng to fly into a rage.    


Several experts moved out, but they were still unable to do anything to Devil Valley Lord.    


No matter how lively it was outside, Qin Xiao, who was in seclusion, couldn't hear anything at all. In his cultivation room... In a month of devoted cultivation... It could be said that he forgot to eat and sleep. Such hard work and hard work could be considered to have gained quite a bit. In a month's time, he had cultivated One Sword Stroke to around seventy percent completion. But Qin Xiao was still not satisfied.    


What he needed was perfection. Even if it wasn't perfect, it wouldn't be able to meet his requirements.    


Qin Xiao had always had very high requirements when doing things, and if it wasn't fulfilled, it would be hard for him to stop.    


"At this rate, if I want to cultivate to perfection... I'm afraid that would take three months. The further I go, the more difficult it will be. Right now, I'm only at seventy percent completion. The remaining thirty percent, two months was more or less enough. Two more months of cultivation. In terms of time, it wouldn't be long. However, it wouldn't be short either. Father and the others are probably still waiting for me to return. If I don't return after a long time..."    


This situation had indeed made Qin Xiao somewhat conflicted. On the other side, he also wanted to return as soon as possible. Although he didn't have to worry about anything happening in the Qin Family, he had already become a Guard of Damo. Naturally, he wanted to return and share such a festive event with his family. Furthermore, Qin Xiao wanted to teach Soong Xiongyan a lesson.    


After hesitating for a while, Qin Xiao decided to go out and take a breather before making a decision.    


He had been in seclusion for a month. He did feel mentally and physically exhausted.    


As soon as he came out, he heard a familiar voice coming from outside the door.    


"Qin Xiao, are you there?"    


This was Bai Jianqiu's voice. Hearing this voice, Qin Xiao's face immediately revealed a happy expression. He quickly went over to open the door and said, "Mr. Bai, you are here. Come in quickly."    


After inviting Bai Jianqiu in, what made Qin Xiao feel somewhat awkward was that he didn't have any wine with him.    


Bai Jianqiu seemed to have seen through Qin Xiao's thoughts. He waved his hand and said, "I didn't come here today to drink with you. I just wanted to remind you of something so that you won't suffer a great loss."    


"Mr. Bai is talking about the Xuan family's Soong Family?" Qin Xiao twitched his mouth, but he didn't really care about it. He had already thought of all these things, so he naturally wouldn't find it strange.    


Bai Jianqiu shook his head and said, "It's not about these things. I won't be worried about these things. Even if the Soong Family of Xuan family wants to take revenge on you, and dare not do it too brazenly. With your identity as a Guard of Damo, I believe they wouldn't dare to go too far. What I want to say... It happened in the past month. I heard that you have been in seclusion for the past month. You haven't taken a single step outside, so what's going on outside? You have no idea at all."    


Qin Xiao was slightly stunned and immediately asked, "What's wrong with Mr. Bai? Did something happen outside? I only received a notice on the Soul Stone saying that our Guard of Damo should not leave the county city for the time being. I didn't think about it carefully."    


The Soul Stone was a wondrous rock that could be used to communicate. When it became a Guard of Damo, every Guard of Damo would send a Soul Stone. Firstly, they could communicate with each other. Secondly, they could directly transmit any news through the Soul Stone to ensure that it would reach everyone's ears at the fastest speed.    


Soul Stones were expensive. Ordinary people could not afford to use Soul Stones. They were the most common means of communication in this world.    


The effective range of a Soul Stone like the one sent by the Guard of Damo was within three thousand miles. If it exceeded this distance, it naturally could not be received. Of course, there were also some Secret Realm that could suppress Soul Stones, but they also failed. However, under normal circumstances, the communication was still very good.    


Therefore, once the Guard of Damo encountered danger outside... He could use the Soul Stone to ask for help from others.    


The range of three thousand miles basically included the entire Liufeng County. As long as it was within the territory of the Liufeng County, he could ask for help at any time.    


The method of communicating with the soul stone was to have someone leave their soul imprint on it. For example, the Soul Stone that had just been sent out had Lord Houyin's soul imprint on it. Then, it would be very convenient for friends to leave their soul imprint on each other.    


Bai Jianqiu frowned and nodded heavily. "Too many things have happened in this month. It has also caused us a lot of trouble. Don't worry, I will tell you slowly. You should still remember the test of your Guard of Damo a month ago, the Devil Valley Lord you saw. "    


"Could it be that Devil Valley Lord has really gone crazy, secretly hunting our Guard of Damo?" Qin Xiao was startled and immediately guessed the situation.    


Bai Jianqiu nodded his head. He then told Qin Xiao about the recent month's events in detail. After listening to it, Qin Xiao frowned deeply and felt his scalp go numb.    


"Crazy. This Devil Valley Lord is really a complete lunatic." Qin Xiao shook his head. He was afraid that this Devil Valley Lord was the first one who dared to go against the Guard of Damo.    


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