Unparalleled Divine Power

C186 Defensive Sword Technique

C186 Defensive Sword Technique

2chapter 186. - Sword Control Technique    


Yes, all kinds of swords.    


There were long swords, short swords, huge swords, stone sword and so on, and so on. Their shapes were also very strange. There was nothing you couldn't think of, there was nothing here that you couldn't think of.    


These swords were all inserted into the rocks on the ground. Some of them were even pulled out and thrown on the ground. Some, only half of them were left. It was unknown what was going on.    


"There's actually so much money. This valley isn't that big, but it's a hundred thousand feet in radius. The entire valley is filled with swords. I'm afraid there's more than ten million of them." Qin Xiao's tongue twitched. This was the first time he saw such a scene. It was indeed very grand and shocking.    


A huge valley was filled with swords. What kind of scene was this?    


The Sword Qi of thousands of swords blooming at the same time. How big was that?    


From afar, one could feel a terrifying killing intent, and the chilly wind was shivering. The wind was blowing on his face, as if it was being cut by a knife. It was extremely painful. If it was someone below the Rebirth Stage, perhaps this chilly wind alone would be able to cut a person into meat paste.    


Qin Xiao quickly arrived at the valley and saw a stone tablet standing there. There were three big words carved on it with a sword: Myriad Sword Valley!    


On top of this stone tablet, there was also a sword stuck in it. However, the entire sword body had sunk into the stone tablet, and only the hilt of the sword could be seen. Only the hilt of the sword could be seen, but not the sword. No one knew what kind of sword was inserted into the stone tablet.    


At this time, there were also many people walking around in Myriad Sword Valley. Some of them were even sitting cross-legged and cultivating, while others were exchanging pointers and fighting.    


"Myriad Sword Valley, could it be a place of fortune?" Qin Xiao's heart skipped a beat and a thought emerged in his mind.    


After all, there was a great fortune in the Heavenly Awakening Gate. It took him three days to find this Myriad Sword Valley, and this naturally made Qin Xiao think so.    


However, Qin Xiao looked at the swords in the Myriad Sword Valley and found out, "They are all ungraded swords, ordinary swords. It's worthless. No wonder so many swords were inserted here. No one was willing to pull them out. Even if some of them were pulled out, they were still casually thrown on the spot. They were even too lazy to stick it back in."    


Ungraded swords were just ordinary swords. They were indeed worthless.    


Qin Xiao carefully observed his surroundings, and his gaze quickly stopped on the sword pillars in Myriad Sword Valley. They were called sword pillars. In fact, it was a huge sword-shaped carving, carved from rocks. It was 30 meters tall, and it looked quite imposing as it stood there. And around this sword-shaped stone... It was densely packed with swords, and there were also black chains that fell from the hilt. They were connected to the swords below, looking very strange and strange. He didn't know what it meant.    


It looked like an ancient sword ceremony, but it also seemed like it wasn't.    


He counted carefully. Qin Xiao discovered that there were more than a thousand sword pillars like this in the entire Myriad Sword Valley. Furthermore, there was a pattern to how they were arranged.    


It seemed like they were arranged in an exquisite manner.    


"Why do I feel like this arrangement is the means of the formation?" Qin Xiao could not help but furrow his brows, but he did not know much about formations. After all, he had never come into contact with any of them.    


He only had a rough understanding of them. Formations were very particular about layout. All kinds of wonderful layout were the means used in formations. Therefore, when Qin Xiao saw the sword pillars in front of him, he couldn't help but think about the layout of the formation.    


Qin Xiao quickly arrived in front of an empty sword pillar. Only then did he realize that there were many sword moves carved on the sword pillar. They looked profound and difficult to understand, and didn't have any explanations.    


"Eh, this is..."    


However, when he saw this, Qin Xiao became excited. He had obtained the Truth Way of Sword Dao from the lucky chance in the Great Wilderness. It contained everything, and Qin Xiao had only seen the tip of the iceberg. There were some sword technique patterns on the sword pillar. It triggered some of the analysis in the Truth Way of Sword Dao that Qin Xiao had read before. Comparing them, he naturally immediately understood some of the meaning on the sword column.    


This discovery made Qin Xiao somewhat wild with joy. After spending a full two hours studying the diagrams on the sword pillar, Qin Xiao finally had a lot of collection.    


"Haha! Interesting! It was really interesting. The people of the Expert were indeed worthy of being called the people of the Expert. They were actually able to express a sword technique in such a way. They left it on the sword pillar. Most people would definitely not be able to understand it. He was not someone with an extremely good talent in Sword Dao. They won't be able to understand the profoundness behind it at all."    


"My talent in Sword Dao is not bad, but without the support of Truth Way of Sword Dao, it will be very difficult for me to understand it in such a short period of time."    


"On this sword pillar, there is actually a very powerful middle grade sword skill. The degree of experience is not inferior to my Single Scent Sword. However, I don't need to waste any more time cultivating the Middle-grade Martial Skill, so it won't be of much use to my strength. Of course, it's not bad for my Sword Dao's improvement. I can still cultivate it appropriately. "    


The smile on Qin Xiao's face was very strong. He started cultivating on the spot. It would not be easy for him to cultivate the Middle-grade Martial Skill to a certain level. However, this was not a difficult task for Qin Xiao.    


After cultivating for a day, he had reached a level of twenty to thirty percent.    


Qin Xiao stopped cultivating. He didn't have enough time. It was only three months' time, and it was already the fifth day. He couldn't waste his time on cultivating martial skills that didn't have much improvement for him for the time being.    


"There are over a thousand sword pillars here. If there is a martial skill or cultivation method on each of these sword pillars, then wouldn't there be over a thousand of them? If that was the case, then wouldn't it be too terrifying? If I can record all of the martial skills and cultivation techniques, wouldn't I also earn a huge sum?" Qin Xiao couldn't help but think in his heart.    


The sword skills and techniques inside were probably not available outside. If he sold these martial skills and martial skills, he believed that they could still be sold.    


Qin Xiao continued to look at the other sword pillars. Indeed, on each sword pillar... There was a sword technique on each of the sword pillars. Each of them made Qin Xiao feel that they were very exquisite. None of them were inferior to the One Sword Stroke, but one must know... One Sword Stroke was a top-quality martial technique that was exchanged for within the Guard of Damo. If it was placed outside, then within the Middle-grade Martial Skill... It would definitely be the highest grade, the best of the best. Naturally, the price would be higher.    


And every door here was of such quality. Tsk tsk.    


This made Qin Xiao feel as if he had obtained a treasure. He remembered all of these martial techniques and cultivation techniques, but it would take at least two hours to memorize each of them. There were over a thousand of them here, so it was unrealistic to memorize all of them.    


Not to mention memorizing, just reading them all required a lot of time.    


"Eh? There's actually a high grade sword technique!" Very quickly, Qin Xiao discovered a sword pillar that recorded a high grade sword technique. However, it was very difficult to comprehend it. The difficulty was several times higher than the Middle-grade Martial Skill. Even with the help of the Truth Way of Sword Dao, Qin Xiao was still able to comprehend it. If he really wanted to memorize this sword technique, that would probably take more than half a day.    


It took too much time. Qin Xiao shook his head and decided to give up for the time being.    


After searching for a while, Qin Xiao was finally attracted by a sword technique.    


"Sword control technique, it can actually fly on a sword. Under the explosive speed, it was incomparably fast. It can travel tens of thousands of miles in a day! This..." After learning about this sword technique, Qin Xiao was also quite shocked." This is even faster than my flying boat. Furthermore, this was the speed of flying for a long period of time. If he used his sword to fly for a short period of time... This speed is even more terrifying! With this sword technique, it was simply like a fleeing Divine Artifact. If he were to encounter danger... Even if you can't win, you can still easily escape."    


Qin Xiao had made quite a number of enemies. For example, Soong Long and Yan Nanshan would never let him go. If they bumped into him, it would certainly be a troublesome situation.    


If they had this sword control technique, it would be a life-saving treasure.    


After seeing so much, this sword technique was the most tempting to Qin Xiao. It made him wish he could cultivate it immediately.    


No matter what, this sword technique must be cultivated.    


"But strange, why is there no classification? Furthermore... I am also unable to determine the grade. According to the introduction, the sword control technique... With the Elemental Energy as the sword control technique, the more powerful the Elemental Energy, the greater its power. The sword control technique. It was not an offensive martial skill, but a speed-type martial skill. There were no grades. Did it mean that as your strength grew stronger... What about the power of the sword control technique? "    


Qin Xiao thought for a while, but he couldn't find a better explanation.    


However, he didn't care about it anymore. He immediately started cultivating.    


The sword control technique was divided into three levels. The first level, using force to control the sword, was to use the Elemental Energy to forcefully control the sword. It was like a person taming a horse. This was the first level.    


The second level, using will to control the sword, increasing the concentration, making it easier to control.    


The third level was using one's heart to control the sword, one with the sword, and one with the sword. Once the heart moved, the sword would move. Moreover, once one reached the level of the heart to control the sword, one did not need to borrow the sword anymore. One would directly use one's qi to create the sword.    


In Myriad Sword Valley, the people who entered were all attracted by those sword pillars. Each and every one of them began to comprehend, many of them were cultivating there.    


Therefore, the atmosphere here was pretty good. Comparatively, it was more peaceful and peaceful, unlike the fights and killings outside.    


Qin Xiao's mind was completely immersed in his cultivation, which lasted for three days. Qin Xiao's talent in the Sword Dao was very shocking, and with the help of the Truth Way of Sword Dao, it naturally made it much easier for him to cultivate than others by taking fewer detours.    


Adding the notes on the sword pillar, it made it easier for Qin Xiao to cultivate.    


In just three days, he had already experienced some of the key points, as if he was about to cultivate the first level.    


The first level required the help of the sword. At this moment, Qin Xiao was standing on top of his sword, circulating all the Elemental Energy in his body into the sword, wanting to make the sword fly. The sword under his feet was ready to move, but it seemed to be lacking. It struggled with all its might to fly, but it could not. It was as if it was carrying too much weight.    


Qin Xiao jumped down. He could control the sword by himself. Although he could control it a little, it was still far from enough.    


"The sword control technique is indeed not easy to cultivate. However, I have only cultivated it for three days, so it's normal that I won't be able to produce any results. No matter what, I have to cultivate the first level first. This is an ultimate move to save my life. " Qin Xiao didn't feel discouraged at all. Instead, he continued cultivating with full conviction.    


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