Supreme Martial God



2The torrential current flowed down from the mountain peak at the back of the valley. Like a long dragon, its imposing aura made it fall into a cold pond below.     4


In the middle of the pond, there was a petal-sized lotus that was quietly blooming. The petals flickered with a green light and a pure fragrance wafted over from them. Just a whiff of it would cause one's internal organs to throb.    


Shockingly, it was a very rare azure lotus! Judging from the appearance of the flower petals, they must have been growing for more than ten thousand years!    


At the same time, Zheng Wan's face turned pale, her Qi weakened and she fell onto a rock not far from the everlasting lotus, her face revealed panic as she stared at the Demonic Beast that appeared under the water.    


This Demonic Beast was three meters long, had a child's face, and a pair of compound eyes that flickered, occupying half of its face.    


Its body was a light green color, its body was concave and convex, it was symmetrical in left and right, with two rows of disgusting sarcomas growing from its body. At the moment, it was twisting in the water, slowly swimming towards the rock Zheng Wan was on.    


Mermaid demon!    


This was a type of second grade Demonic Beast that liked to devour intelligent animals. It protected the Green Lotus for tens of thousands of years just to capture other life that the Green Lotus had attracted!    


When Zheng Wan arrived at the pool's edge, her attention was almost entirely attracted by the blue lotus, and under her excitement, she simply did not notice that beneath the green lotus' leaves, there was this Demonic Beast that was guarding!    


When she went to pick the green lotuses, the two rows of sarcomas behind the Merfolk Goblin suddenly grew, and from them floated out a pungent smell. Zheng Wan was caught off guard, she took in a deep breath, and all the energy in her body disappeared.    


She let out a few cries of alarm before her lips couldn't even move anymore. She could only watch as the hideous fish demon slowly emerged from the water.    




The waterfall rumbled like thunder as it fell into the deep pool.    


Zheng Wan's eyes were filled with despair. With the interference from the waterfall, she was afraid no one would not notice the cry for help just now.    


"I'm only one step away from success. Unfortunately, a cultivator of the Dao of alchemy is too weak. If I had someone to protect me, I could have avoided this situation."    


Compared to beast Martial Soul and artifact Martial Soul, their attack power was much weaker. This also determined that for cultivators of the same level, it was very rare for them to be able to defeat cultivators of the same level.    


A teardrop rolled down from Zheng Wan's face. She stared at the nearby Blue Lotus and looked at the petals that flickered with a bright light. She felt very bitter in her heart.    


"Guji! Guji!"    


Two streaks of demonic red light shot out of the fish demon's demonic compound eyes. The tumour on its back trembled and let out an annoying cackling sound.    


Looking at the woman in white on the stone platform, the fish demon opened its mouth and actually revealed a human-like smile.    


Just that, in Zheng Wan's eyes, this smile was even more terrifying than the half-dead body of Zheng Jinghong, who was an evil thug!    


Zheng Wan was terrified, she wanted to scream but couldn't. She wanted to escape but didn't have the strength to do so.    


The fish demon got closer and closer. Its body was filled with a fishy stench and it pounced towards its face. The sarcoma behind its back had a layer of filth stuck to it. That mucous membrane was most likely something left behind by other creatures that had been eaten.    


"Small fish demon! "Die!"    


Seeing that Zheng Wan was about to be eaten by the fish demon, a sudden shout came from afar. Zheng Wan turned her head to look and saw that Lin Yue had arrived.    


Her eyes lit up with excitement as tears rolled down her face. Her eyes were blurred.    


The Fish Demon was already a few feet away, its tail suddenly waved, and its nine foot long body directly flew out from the water, opening its big mouth, biting towards Zheng Wan.    


"Ghost Step!"    


Lin Yue frowned deeply at this moment. With a sudden shout, his figure inadvertently disappeared from the shore. When he reappeared, he was already in front of Zheng Wan.    


"Thunder Fist!"    


Lin Yue could feel the leaps of the Martial Soul. Grasping onto the rhythm, he took the chance to swing his fist and ruthlessly strike at the Merperson Carp Demon.    




Seven thunderclaps!    


After the Martial Soul absorbed the spirit medicine, it had become much stronger. When Lin Yue punched out, it shockingly produced seven echoes of thunder!    


Seven thunderbolts, a tremendous strength of 12000 jins!    




The fist collided with the Merfolk Goblin's forehead, and instantly produced a dull boom. Lin Yue's body shook slightly, and he was forced two steps back.    


As for the Mermaid monster, it was also directly sent back to the bottom of the water.    


"Gu gu gu gu!"    


The fish demon that was pushed into the water came back up again very quickly, a trace of heaviness shot out of its bewitching eyes, but after blinking twice, it looked at Zheng Wan at the side, and then revealed a strong desire.    


It could sense that there was something different on Zheng Wan's body. If he could eat her, it would definitely be a fresh and beautiful great tonic.    


Lin Yue clenched his teeth, thinking that second grade Demonic Beast's power was truly great, the seven thunderclaps were actually still not enough to kill them.    


He tightly clenched his fists, and his knuckles began to emit dense sounds. With a harden heart, he roared, "Again!"    


Lin Yue bellowed as his aura surged. When the fish demon rushed over, another seven thunderous Thunder Fist s flew over.    


This fish demon was greedy and brutal, it did not want Lin Yue to jump out of the water at all.    


"Boom boom boom!"    


In the blink of an eye, Lin Yue's fist had already collided with the body of the fish demon more than ten times.    


After all, he was a second grade Demonic Beast. Even though Lin Yue was giving his all, his palm was still split open from the force of the blow and fresh blood stained his entire fist. His entire right arm felt extremely numb.    


The Fish Demon's eyes glowed with a red light, his face revealing a strange smile, as though he was ridiculing Lin Yue for overestimating himself.    


Zheng Wan bit her pale lips. Looking at Lin Yue's fist, which was bleeding profusely, this youth standing in front of her, gave her the feeling that he was a mountain.    


"He didn't retreat." Her heart was filled with gratitude. When facing the powerful second grade Demonic Beast, Lin Yue chose to stand in front of her without retreating at all.    


"Guji! Guji!"    


The fish demon laughed cruelly. From underwater, it pounced towards Lin Yue multiple times, wanting to use its strong defensive power to exhaust this puny human to death!    


Lin Yue's forehead was filled with sweat, he could barely lift his arms, and the deep sense of exhaustion filled his body and mind, making him want to give up on the battle.    


However, Lin Yue knew very well that he would not be able to get past this hurdle. In the future, if he encountered a similar situation, he would choose to retreat.    


"What is an expert?"    


"The strong, no matter the circumstances, should always choose to fight! How about the raging inferno!? What about the mountain of swords! If you want to walk the path of a strong martial artist, then you must not retreat! The strong will be unstoppable, fearless and deadly! "    


Familiar scenes quietly appeared in front of Lin Yue's eyes. They were the scenes of people pointing at him while they were at Eastwood City, mocking and ridiculing him, calling him trash one sentence after another.    


"NO!" If I want to become strong, I won't retreat! Kill! Kill! Kill! Anyone who dares to obstruct me will be killed without mercy! "    


All of a sudden, Lin Yue let out a roar that had just awakened. Within his Divine Mansion, the Martial Soul was trembling quickly, pulling his four limbs and hundred meridians to circulate them at full strength.    




The Genuine Essence was like a surging torrent, it broke through the obstruction of the two channels and in that moment, the number of Lin Yue s Genuine Essence increased exponentially, converging at one place, the concentration of the Genuine Qi increased by twofold.    


"Sixth level of the Martial Disciple realm!"    


Lin Yue bellowed, a burst of Thunder Fist power burst out, instantly shattering all the figures in front of him who were ridiculing him.    




In the air, there were eight thunderous sounds!    


"Splash!" The fish demon fell into the water once again. This time, the green fish scales on its body slightly trembled as they peeled off its body.    


In the pool, streams of blood flowed to the surface of the water. The fish demon swayed a few times before it stopped moving.    


Lin Yue took a deep breath, stretched out his arm, and pulled out the green lotus before placing it in the medicinal basket on Zheng Wan's back.    


"You're silly, hurry up and give me a handkerchief, let me wipe my sweat," Lin Yue said unhappily as he shook his head.    


Zheng Wan looked at Lin Yue who was standing in front of him, her eyes filled with tears, and was so excited that she didn't know what to say.    


She was on the verge of death. At this moment, she was crying tears of joy. Her tensed mind relaxed and only continued to shed tears.    


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