My Wife is a Beautiful CEO

C1392 Proposal

C1392 Proposal

4Women are always particularly interested in the word "treasure", immediately open it to examine.     4


When they saw that it was something the size of a black pigeon's egg, the two women lost most of their interest in it.    


Xiao Zhiqing even cutely sniffed at it with her nose and frowned. "What? Is this really a spirit treasure? It seems to be a piece of coal, but it's heavier than coal. Is it a stone?"    


Jane was a lot more professional. She looked through the microscope for a while, and then did some chemical analysis. She even used a spectrum test.    


"It seems to be a kind of carbide, and the composition is very complex. It seems to be some kind of mineral, but strangely, it seems to have protein in it. Could it be that it's some kind of biological remains — there are a lot of mixtures of life and non-life in nature, though not a lot — but it's not that rare."    


After Yang Chen heard this, he couldn't help but get angry. How could such a crappy thing be treated as a spiritual treasure? The Meng Family isn't so poor. Could it be that it's just a memorial?    


After all, Yang Chen valued this item a lot, so he decided to put it away and see if it would work in the future.    


The two girls couldn't figure it out in a short period of time, so Yang Chen told them to go back to West Suburb Courtyard for dinner. He hoped they wouldn't be so preoccupied with finding a way — but they were starving.    


On the way home, Yang Chen received a call from Hui Lin.    


The girl was now very busy. She had just finished advertising her box-office movie and was already on her way to the United States to record the latest album. Then she would begin her global tour.    


She didn't know if Lin Ruoxi had purposely arranged for Hui Lin to have no extra time. Although she didn't feel tired physically, her heart was always tired.    


Yang Chen's promise to find time to listen to her concert made Hui Lin look forward to it and her yearning became more apparent. This made Yang Chen feel especially guilty.    


When he got home, he found Min Juann playing with Lanlan in the main hall. Mo Qianni had gone out to the market to buy vegetables.    


It was rare for this little fat girl to not play a game. She probably thought that Min Juann's skills were too terrible, so she took out some watercolor paint and crayons and started to draw on some white paper.    


The art class in kindergarten was one of Lanlan's favorite courses, because her drawing of animals, flowers and plants were always more similar than the other children, which had something to do with Lanlan's superior memory.    


Yang Chen walked to his daughter's side and looked at the picture on the white paper. It was a big red-roofed house with green grass and Lanlan's sky. The sun was very kind.    


On the grass, a long-haired woman with a little girl and a man who looked like Superman was flying in the sky, wearing a red cloak.    


Yang Chen was elated, "My good daughter, the Superman in your painting is your dad?"    


Lanlan was in the middle of focusing on the last tree. After she finished patting the green leaves of the last tree, she turned around and nodded her head vigorously.    


"Then who is this long-haired woman and little girl?" Yang Chen asked.    


"The little girl is Lanlan, the big girl is mother, mother's hair is long." Lanlan said sweetly.    


"That's not right, our little girl's face is a bit rounder and her body is a bit fleshy. This little girl is too skinny." Yang Chen teased.    


Lanlan suddenly pouted. "Lanlan missed her mother, so she got skinnier."    


Yang Chen felt a little strange inside, he smiled and said, "These past few days, it was always your Aunt Qianni who cooked for you. I saw that you also ate quite a bit, where have you gotten any skinnier?"    


"I'm hungry if I don't eat." The little girl seemed to feel embarrassed herself, sticking out her tongue.    


Yang Chen didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He pinched the child's cheek and said, "Your Aunt Qianni is sad. She cooked so many delicious foods for you, yet you still don't want to draw a picture of her."    


Lanlan blinked and said, "It's because Lanlan missed her mother but couldn't see her, so she wanted to paint …"    


Yang Chen didn't say anything. He didn't think of this reason and sighed in his heart. Forget about not being able to see her, I'm still waiting for her to come back.    


"Dad, does Mom not want us anymore?" Lanlan suddenly asked.    


Yang Chen was caught off guard and didn't know how to explain this problem. He hesitated for a moment and shook his head with a smile, "Lanlan, you have to remember that I definitely like you. It's just that I'm not happy now, so I'll be fine later on."    


"Mom will definitely like me, because I was born to her!" The little girl said confidently. It was unknown where her confidence came from.    


Yang Chen felt sad. He didn't know if Lanlan really remembered her own mother. A wave of tender affection rose up. He couldn't help but pick up her heavy body and gently pat her back.    


Min Juann silently listened from the side. Her eyes showed that she could not bear to see this, so she quietly wiped the corners of her eyes.    


If it wasn't for the fact that Yang Chen taught Lanlan the cultivation method, Lanlan would probably not be able to sleep well in these days when Lin Ruoxi wasn't around.    


Not many people would believe that a girl of such a young age would hide these complex feelings deep within her heart, even if she smiled so brilliantly during the day.    


A Sunday night passed slowly as the hour wore on.    


Yang Chen was finally looking forward to Monday. Logically speaking, Lin Ruoxi should be returning to Zhong Hai to work today.    


As for Meng Yue saying that she would bring him to a party in the evening, Yang Chen didn't worry about it at all. He wouldn't be nervous about it at all.    


Yang Chen originally planned to wait for Lin Ruoxi to come home from work, but he felt that he had to take the initiative for this kind of thing.    


Thus, after Yang Chen finished his breakfast, he drove to Yulei International headquarters and planned to go to Lin Ruoxi's office to find her.    


He followed the extremely familiar elevator up to the top floor. Although the CEO of Yulei International was now Xue Minghee, the CEO's office was a different room. Lin Ruoxi's office was directly changed to the Chairman's title.    


Yang Chen went up to knock on the door nervously, but there was no response from inside.    


At this moment, a young secretary who looked to be in his twenties walked out from a secretary's office and asked, "Is it Mr. Yang?"    


Yang Chen was stunned, he did not know the other party too well, "You are?"    


"I'm the newly transferred secretary, Little Yun. Mr. Yang, you definitely don't know me, are you looking for President Lin?" Little Yun asked respectfully. The employees of her company naturally knew who Yang Chen was.    


"Yes, where is she?" Yang Chen smiled. In his heart, he had guessed that Zhao Hongyancheng was the new secretary who had replaced her.    


Xiao Yun said, "President Lin has convened a Board of Trustees this morning and should still be in the third meeting hall."    


"Board of Directors?" Yang Chen frowned. She was really a crazy worker. She never took a break.    


He arrived at the Third Meeting Room that Little Yun mentioned. He looked in from the outside and saw that it was filled with people. They were either executives of the company or shareholders of Yu Lei.    


As usual, Lin Ruoxi, who sat on the chairman's seat, did not smile. There were no emotions in her bright eyes. Compared to the past, she seemed to be even more cold and elegant.    


All the shareholders and executives in the meeting room felt a little uncomfortable. Some of them were already in awe of Lin Ruoxi, but the woman was like an ice goddess as she emanated a cold aura, causing them to tremble.    


Yang Chen's appearance at the door immediately attracted the attention of many people in the meeting room. Xue Minghee, Wu Yue and Chris, the foreigners all had kind smiles on their faces.    


At the front, Mo Qianni and Liu Mingyu were slightly surprised. They didn't expect Yang Chen to be so impatient to come to the company.    


Yang Chen smiled at the two girls and looked at Lin Ruoxi with a complicated expression.    


Lin Ruoxidai frowned, but her expression was as calm as ever. After taking a glance, she pretended that Yang Chen did not exist.    


Many people at the scene smelled something, and they looked at the two with a strange expression.    


Yang Chen's smile froze. He touched his chin bitterly and sighed, leaning against the door frame of the meeting room helplessly.    


Although he wanted to go up and have a good talk with Lin Ruoxi now, it was definitely not worth it to disturb the work of the women at this time.    


"Department Head Zhao, we were halfway through what we said just now, continue," Lin Ruoxi said to Zhao Hongyan, who was at the side.    


However, she still nodded and looked at the document: "This time, when our Yulei International Group is established, we need to assign a large number of high-level personnel to go to the major branches and subsidiary companies to work. This way, we can ensure that the management of the Group is successful.    


The chairman of the board believes that the senior management of the headquarters should lead by example and contribute to the growth of the group. "Therefore, we propose to appoint two great Vice Chairman s, Mo Qianni and Liu Mingyu, to take care of the newly established South African branch, and the South American branch established in Buenos Aires …"    


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