My Wife is a Beautiful CEO

C1158 Small Shell

C1158 Small Shell

2Over the next two days, although Guo Xuehua's heart was itchy, she didn't dare to call the girls to play mahjong at home. It seemed that she had a headache due to Lin Ruoxi's stubborn brain.    2


However, as a mother-in-law, she couldn't just admit it in front of everyone. She could only force her daughter-in-law to let her win more happiness, but she could only pretend that there was nothing wrong with it.    


Yang Chen continued to take care of the girls' training on one side while going to work on the other. On the other hand, he spent two days in peace.    


The busiest person in the family was actually the little fat girl, Lanlan. It was because the kindergarten was planning to organize an event to visit Zhong Hai's zoo before it got too cold.    


For Lanlan, who has been yearning for the live giant panda, the zoo tour has been waiting for days, and it's the first time she's been out with other kids.    


Although many of the kids didn't dare to get too close to Lanlan due to the beating, children were always forgetful. Xiao Ya and a few other girls who were close to Lanlan were able to recover within a few days.    


On the other hand, that child from Wang Family had already left Zhong Hai with his parents after quite a few things happened inside the Wang Family.    


Early in the morning, Guo Xuehua specifically changed Lanlan's backpack into a bigger one. There were all kinds of snacks stuffed inside. With Lanlan's appetite, eating all the snacks in the bag was no problem at all.    


Lanlan smiled sweetly as she bid farewell to the adults. Then, she and Min Juann boarded a white BMW X5 that was specially designed to send her off.    


This car was specially prepared by Lin Ruoxi for Min Juann recently. It was mainly for the convenience of taking Lanlan on a journey. The seven to eight hundred thousand yuan car was the cheaper one that Lin Ruoxi could take out.    


Min Juann grabbed the opportunity to get a driver's license and immediately drove a precious car in the eyes of ordinary people on the road. She was also a bit scared, but Yang Chen said later on, "With Lanlan here, what are you afraid of?" Min Juann felt at ease.    


Lanlan was not an ordinary child. Even if something had happened to her when she was driving, it would definitely not be an injury to her child.    


Although it was a bit weird, in the end, it was Lanlan who protected her as the babysitter when the two of them were together.    


On the way to kindergarten, Lanlan sat in the back seat, pouting as she urged Min Juann, "Auntie Min Juann, drive faster! Hurry up! Lanlan is going to the zoo! "    


Min Juann didn't know whether to laugh or cry as she looked back at him. "My little ancestor, the car leaving for kindergarten is waiting for us. It won't be useful until we get there."    


Lanlan didn't care about all this. She was just anxious to increase her speed.    


From West Suburb Courtyard's mansion area, there was a very long road leading to the provincial road at the outskirts of Zhonghai City. Because there were quite a few forks in the road, normally, no one would drive from here, and gradually become abandoned. However, this road was the short way to Yun Hua kindergarten.    


Min Juann's hands were sweating profusely. Every time, she would drive towards this small road. It was more convenient to drive with fewer cars.    


Under Lanlan's urging, Min Juann stepped on the throttle a little harder. However, not long after, a van charged out of the intersection in front of them!    


Min Juann quickly braked. It was obvious that she was going to let the main road's cars go first, but the van didn't seem to follow the rules at all. It just came out as soon as it said it!    


Min Juann pressed her horn and the van stopped moving in the middle of the road!    


"What's going on? Do you have any morals?" Min Juann criticized in a disapproving manner.    


Lanlan pouted, dissatisfied with the idea of parking the car.    


At this moment, the door behind the van opened and three men jumped out. They were well-dressed, with silver chains and dyed hair.    


A few men quickly ran to the side of the BMW. One of them, a man with dyed red hair, punched the door of the driver's seat of Min Juann!    


The man hooked his fingers, "Open the door! Get out of the car! "    


Min Juann was so scared that her face turned pale. She was trembling as she didn't know what to say when she heard the car door open!    


It was Lanlan who got off the car angrily, opened the door, and jumped out!    


The little fat girl had her hands on her hips, the black bangs of her watermelon head fluttering in the cold morning wind, looking just like a little fairy in winter.    


"Why are you stopping us? Lanlan is going to kindergarten, hurry and drive away!" Lanlan shouted angrily.    


The red-hair and the other two men were stunned. They didn't expect this little girl to jump down herself.    


Min Juann could not stay still any longer. She quickly opened the driver's door, ran out of the car, and hugged Lanlan as she asked nervously, "Who are you people? Why are you stopping us!? "    


"Hehe, there's no need for you to know. Obediently sit in the back. We're driving this car!" The red hair laughed sinisterly.    


Lanlan tilted her head and asked, "You want to drive? Is it to send Lanlan to kindergarten? "    


"Haha, kindergarten? Little bastard, if he continues to talk nonsense with your father, I'll slap you in the face! Get in the car! " The red hair said fiercely.    


Seeing how the three of them were behaving so maliciously, Min Juann immediately covered Lanlan behind them. "Lanlan, run and find your parents!"    


"Still trying to run?!"    


The red hair signaled with his eyes, and a man at the side immediately blocked his way, slapping Min Juann's face again!    


"Pa!" A crisp sound rang out as Min Juann screamed and fell to the ground.    


Lanlan immediately raised her eyebrows, "You hit Auntie, you are the bad guys!"    


"The child's voice is really loud, go up and knock her out!" The red hair ordered.    


"Yes sir!"    


That man grabbed Lanlan's collar with one hand and pulled Lanlan over to him, throwing a palm strike onto the back of Lanlan's neck!    


This subordinate was quite heavy as well. Even if he was an adult, he would have most likely fainted from this.    


However, nothing had happened to Lanlan after the beating!    


The man who did it was stunned, "Ai, how could it be like this, how is this little guy fine?"    


Lanlan was so angry that her face turned red. Her pair of shiny black eyes were filled with a murderous intent.    


Such a gaze that looked at life with indifference, it was completely unimaginable that such a cute girl would appear on his body!    


"If you dare to hit Lanlan, mother will not beat Lanlan! You're all bad people! Lanlan will kill you all!"    


The red-hair was shocked by Lanlan's gaze, but when he thought about it, she was just a young girl in kindergarten. What was he afraid of?    


"Hey, did you hear that? This little guy said he was going to kill us?" The red hair sneered.    


"Boss, just stuff them in the car. If you keep on wasting time like this, someone might come. When the time comes, it'll be troublesome. The boss is still waiting for the hostages." Another man said.    


The red hair nodded, "Put the big and small ones in the car and drive away!"    


"Yes sir!"    


After the two men replied, they immediately turned around and prepared to capture him.    


However, before they could touch Lanlan's body, Lanlan moved first!    


The fat little girl's speed was as fast as lightning. Her pure physical strength was purposely restrained. Now that it erupted, these few normal people could not see it clearly!    


There was a piercing sound as something broke through a layer of paper.    


When the man who was about to grab Lanlan finally reacted, he had already lowered his head in disbelief as he looked at his own abdomen …    


Lanlan's fist was like an diamond, penetrating the man's abdomen and exposing the skin on his kidney behind him.    




The man screamed and rolled his eyes, but it didn't affect Lanlan's next move at all.    


The little girl's two round thighs sprung up and her body was like a small cannonball as she jumped up. Her left hand formed a hook and landed a punch right on the other man's forehead!    


Another crisp sound rang out. The man's head had actually turned 180 degrees after being hit. Not to mention that his head had caved in, his neck had been twisted!    


The red-hair saw that his two subordinates had already died beyond recognition in the past three to four seconds. A sudden urge to urinate came over him, causing his legs to tremble as he did not dare to move!    


Lanlan had no intention to restrain herself. She walked up to the red hair and gave him a kick!    




Lanlan kicked the red-haired man's lower leg, and the sound of bones breaking could be heard!    


Min Juann wanted to stop Lanlan, but it was already too late. By the time she reacted, the three men who were about to be kidnapped had already been beaten to a pulp by Lanlan!    


Not far away, the only driver in the van, upon seeing his three companions being weirdly crippled by a little girl, turned his car around in fright. He stepped on the accelerator and ran away, not daring to stay for even a second longer!    


Min Juann couldn't be bothered about that. She looked at the blood that was already flowing on the road and rushed forward. She picked up the unhappy Lanlan and put her in the car.    


"Be good, Lanlan. Sit down first and wait for auntie's call."    


Min Juann knew that she couldn't make any decisions. It was obvious that someone was here to kidnap Lanlan. She had to inform Yang Chen and Lin Ruoxi as soon as possible, so she took out her phone and dialed.    


"Okay." Lanlan pouted and nodded. She looked at the digital clock in the car again, feeling wronged.    


As for the mess of blood on her body and the three kidnappers lying dead on the ground, Lanlan had no interest in them.    


At this moment, Yang Chen and Lin Ruoxi, who were still at home, were sitting on the sofa with Guo Xuehua and Nanny Wang as they watched the morning news because it was still early.    


Yang Chen suddenly saw his cell phone vibrate. He looked and realized it was Min Juann's. He was a bit puzzled. Min Juann usually called Lin Ruoxi whenever she had something to do, but this time, she actually called him.    


She picked it up and listened to Min Juann's hurried words without waiting for Yang Chen to ask anything.    


Yang Chen immediately frowned as a cold light flashed in his eyes. He stood up and said in a calm voice, "You guys stay there. I'll be there shortly."    


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