My Wife is a Beautiful CEO

C964 I Feel Submissive

C964 I Feel Submissive

4The next morning, there were many white clouds in the sky.    


Sunlight broke through the clouds, shining over the Ionian Sea, and the seabirds soared over the white-tide cove.    


In the center was a large flat area covered in green grass.    


In normal times, there would be aboriginals playing with traditional reflexes, and outsiders playing football and throwing Frisbee as a place for people to play.    


And today, this vast and spacious grassland was filled with beautiful flowers.    


Multicolored tropical flowers, meticulously decorated all over the large grassland, crowded together into a variety of happy beautiful totem.    


There was a long passage on both sides of a white lily paving the way, leading directly to a tall platform in the middle.    


On the high platform, there were all sorts of advanced electronic equipment. All kinds of microphones and loudspeakers had been decorated with many flowers and accessories.    


The ones who came and went were the aboriginals and the gray residents. But because they lived together all year round, they were very close to each other. As a result, every household was familiar with each other.    


Everyone was talking and laughing, busy carrying the wicker tables and chairs, arranging the flower baskets, and also bringing wine from elsewhere. Later, at the wedding feast, they could enjoy the wine and wine to their heart's content.    


A Caucasian woman with long amber hair in a pink tunic stood in the center of the field, carefully speaking in various languages and holding onto a microphone. She commanded everyone present to place everything in a suitable position.    


The entire arrangement of the wedding banquet was controlled by her alone.    


This person was naturally Jane who had arrived last night.    


"Move those tables a bit closer, don't get too close, it will be crowded if you walk too many people …"    


You there, don't break those flowers, please put some of them on...    


"The northernmost ones, take some coconut milk wine, don't put all of it in fruit wine, some people don't drink fruit wine …"    


Princess Jian was the only one who was able to control the whole situation, master of the aesthetic, and proficient in all sorts of languages. Therefore, everyone was in awe of her and was obedient to her.    


Beside Jane was a well-built lady in a red dress, playing with a domestic guinea pig from who knows where.    


The guinea pig was also known as the Dutch pig. Many people raised it because it was very cute and chubby. The children on it loved to play with this kind of small animal.    


At this moment, however, the lady was poking the guinea pig's belly with her finger and was speaking to the guinea pig in a childish tone!    


"Little fatty, why is your stomach so round? What did you eat this morning? What? Didn't you eat? So it turns out that you have inherited it... It's the same as Catherine's chest and butt...    


My Jane had me here early in the morning, and I didn't know anything about wedding arrangements. I had only been married once in my life, and it was a royal wedding, so I didn't need to design it.    


However, I can't not listen to little Jane's words. Even if I don't have enough time to eat breakfast, I still have to come over. Otherwise, little Jane will be angry with me again …    


Last time, because I introduced someone to little Jane, little Jane almost didn't recognize me as her mother … Little fatty, do you think Catherine is very pitiful … "    


No matter how hard Jane tried to pretend that she didn't hear her, the words of Her Majesty still made her want to go mad!    


"Catherine, if you want to eat, go eat. You obviously want to come with me, don't talk to yourself there."    


Jane put down the receiver, wiped the fine sweat from her forehead, and scolded in a huff.    


The guinea pig that was lying on the ground was shocked and immediately rolled over.    


Catherine stood up and said with a wry smile, "How can that be? You haven't even eaten, so of course Catherine can't …"    


"How many times have I told you, you're not allowed to call me by that name!" Jane was going crazy.    


She was not afraid of anything logical. She could not stand a completely illogical woman like her mother!    


Catherine pouted shyly. "But I like it. It's so intimate …"    


"Didn't you see that I'm very busy?" Jane feebly said, "I'm begging you. Now go and find Cousin Edward and let him play with you. Don't bother me by my side!"    


Catherine pouted. "It's obviously a man you like getting married to another woman. Why would little Jane spend so much time and effort on it …"    


Jane was startled. Only now did she realize that her mother felt that her feelings were not worth it.    


A warmth welled up in her heart. Jane felt helpless. This woman was always wandering between reason and madness. You never knew what she was thinking.    


No matter how intelligent she was, she had never been able to understand her mother.    


"That man is Yang Chen." Jane bitterly smiled, "How can it be the same to the man that gave us everything today. Moreover, he personally came last night to ask me to arrange it, so how can I reject him."    


Catherine suddenly walked forward, held her daughter's face and lowered her head to kiss her forehead.    


"Darling, do you want Mommy to go in and seduce him when she's in Yang Chen's bridal chamber?"    


Jane couldn't help but roll her eyes. It was only a few sentences before the Queen started to sound abnormal again.    


She reached out and pinched Catherine's soft chest, "Go away and change into a more conservative outfit. Although Miss Lin is not inferior to you, you can't wear it that well."    


"Little Jane, seriously, just say it if you want to drink your mother's milk. Why do you have to pinch? I knew you drank so little since you were a child and were already full. So you didn't drink enough …"    


"Shut up and leave!" Jane was on the verge of tears.    


"Okay, okay, I'm leaving, I'm leaving." Catherine pulled down her collar and blew a kiss before she ran to find her maid to change.    


Watching this troublesome mother finally leave, Jane touched her temples with a headache, picked up the microphone and continued directing the proceedings.    


More than an hour later, it was almost noon. The venue had finally been arranged according to the royal family's wedding arrangements.    


If one were to look down from the sky at a wedding that was filled with a dignified aura and didn't lose its natural style, it would be an absolutely beautiful sight.    


Following that, Ron, as the host of the wedding, stood on the high platform and began to announce the official start of the wedding.    


Because it was the true owner this time, and also the guardian of this pure land, Yang Chen's grand wedding, the two thousand plus people, other than the army guards that had to patrol outside, all came to the scene.    


All of a sudden, the entire venue was filled with a hubbub of voices.    


Seated at the front of the red-carpeted passageway, surrounded by lilies, was Guo Xuehua, Soren, Ma Qidun and other people who had the closest relationship with Yang Chen.    


Catherine had changed into an elegant pink dress, seemingly to match up with her daughter as a mother and daughter. Her clothes were also tighter.    


Behind Soren and Ma Qidun sat ZERO, Hai Ying and other representatives of all the important organizations. Behind Edward sat the financial oligarchs and representatives of important aristocrats who followed Yang Chen.    


Originally, these people were either full of murderous intent or arrogant and domineering. However, now that they were sitting at the wedding site, they were all very serious and upright.    


This was because the owner of the wedding was the very reason why they were able to maintain their arrogance outside.    


Seeing that almost everyone was already there, Ron nodded with satisfaction and spoke into the microphone, "Now, please take note. According to Sir Pluto's request, he will be hosting this wedding himself …"    


After saying that, Ron led the applause and slowly walked off the stage.    


Everyone present was puzzled. What did this mean? He was hosting it himself?    


What was even more puzzling was that Yang Chen's subordinates did not appear.    


It was unknown who shouted, "Quick, look up!"    


With this shout, all of the wedding guests raised their heads.    


Upon seeing this, everyone present was dumbstruck. Their expressions were quite wonderful.    


Yang Chen, who wore a well-ironed suit and a red bow tie, had combed his hair in a rare manner. He was brimming with energy and was smiling brilliantly, but he was actually "descending from the sky"!    


However, this wasn't a parachute jump, nor was it a fall from a high altitude.    


A red rope was tied around Yang Chen's waist. On the red rope, there was a "heart" shaped huge hydrogen balloon with the word "LOVE" written on it!    


However, due to the design of the balloon being less powerful than the gravity of the human body, Yang Chen was able to land lightly on the platform!    


What was even more shocking was that Yang Chen even waved his hand at the audience at 360 degrees with a proud expression.    


This was a really stupid way to go on stage. The audience was at a loss whether to laugh or cry. The audience was taken aback.    


Seeing this scene, Catherine quietly said to Jane who was beside her, "Little Jane, mother is very glad. You're not the one who married this strange man …"    


Jane didn't argue this time, because she too was feeling sorry for Lin Ruoxi.    


On the other hand, Guo Xuehua touched her face as she muttered to herself, "Just pretend I didn't see it …"    


Yang Chen saw the reaction of the audience, so he treated it as a compliment.    


After untying the LOVE balloon from his waist, Yang Chen landed lightly on the high platform. He looked at the wedding guests and walked in front of the microphone.    


The first sentence, Yang Chen cleared his throat and said: "First of all, I want to thank everyone for supporting us.    


I can understand everyone's expression. I know that everyone is impressed by my wonderful idea and my great way of getting on stage … "    


The entire audience suddenly fell silent.    


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