My Wife is a Beautiful CEO

C692 Then What about Me

C692 Then What about Me

0Yang Chen's intervention made the scene quiet down once again. The management looked at Yang Chen and Lin Ruoxi strangely as they swayed between them.    0


After the secret of the husband and wife was exposed, everyone had a different opinion of Yang Chen. Compared to thinking that Yang Chen was a gigolo who was waiting to die, it was more logical to see him as a man with a hidden background. However, no one knew where Yang Chen came from.    


When Liu Mingyu saw Yang Chen enter, she wiped the tears off her face and lowered her head, refusing to look at him.    


Yang Chen didn't miss this detail. Without any hesitation, he walked behind the woman and patted her shoulder.    


Liu Mingyu was shocked. This was in front of so many people, and it was in front of Lin Ruoxi. Yang Chen's action was undoubtedly expressing his concern and support for her. Although she was incomparably touched, it made her feel slightly afraid.    


Liu Mingyu quickly moved away the hand Yang Chen had placed on her shoulder and shook her head. "I'm fine, Chief Director Yang."    


"Why are you still crying when you have nothing to do? Stop trying to be brave and you can't work anymore either. Go home and take a hot bath. Rest well!" Yang Chen said warmly.    


The corner of Liu Mingyu's eyes, which had just dried off, started to moisten again. She was so moved that she couldn't say anything. She only continuously shook her head, indicating that she was fine.    


Seeing this scene, the atmosphere in the meeting room became strange once again. Everyone could see through what was going on.    


Lin Ruoxi's mood did not change at all. There was no trace of anger or joy in her expression. She only looked at Yang Chen numbly to comfort Liu Mingyu for a while before asking, "How do you plan on dealing with it?"    


Yang Chen turned around and looked at the emotionless woman. He awkwardly smiled, "Wife, don't be so serious, I'm scared."    


Lin Ruoxi frowned, "I don't have the time to joke around with you. Also, this is the company, Chief Director Yang."    


"Ugh …" Yang Chen scratched the back of his head and looked around at the crowd who were also looking at him with concern. He smiled awkwardly and said, "I don't know how to check, but don't worry, I will find out sooner or later!"    


Everyone nearly fell off their chairs. They still haven't thought about it!? Was this guy joking with them!?    


"Oh, right!" Yang Chen clapped his hands and smiled, "Actually, it's very simple. Isn't there a monitor in the company? From the surveillance footage, besides Liu Mingyu, who else touched the safe these days, wouldn't it be obvious!?"    


Everyone had a weird expression on their faces as they looked around awkwardly. In the end, it was Mo Qianni who explained, "Chief Director Yang, you might not have noticed. Although most of the company has monitors, the company's top offices are not installed because that would hinder some of the privacy of negotiations. "    


Yang Chen's face stiffened, there was no monitor!? That was who it was, no one knew who it was that had secretly touched it!?    


"Chief Director Yang, I think it's better for you to think deeply before speaking." Lee Minghee sneered.    


Yang Chen rolled his eyes, "Do you have a way to find out who the culprit is?"    


"I, although I hope to be able to do it, but of course I don't have that ability." Lee Minghee spread out his hands.    


"Then shut up." Yang Chen couldn't be bothered to continue interacting with him. He then patted his chest and said to Lin Ruoxi. "Oh, no, don't worry Director Lin. It will only be for two days at most. I promise I'll give you an answer."    


Lin Ruoxi did not respond at all. Instead, she turned to Wu Yue and asked, "Are the police here yet?"    


Wu Yue nodded. "Yes, we arrived five minutes ago and are now in another room, waiting for our meeting to end."    


Lin Ruoxi said, "Let them in."    


"Yes," Wu Yue answered and left the meeting room.    


When Yang Chen heard this, he frowned and asked: "So you've already called the police?"    


Lin Ruoxi glanced at him indifferently, "If something like this happened and we don't call the police, the police would come looking for us."    


Yang Chen thought of something and raised his voice several times. "Do you want the police to take Mingyu away?"    


Lin Ruoxi nodded her head without batting an eyelid, "The police aren't idiots, it seems like Liu Mingyu is the biggest suspect, stealing trade secrets isn't an easy crime. In addition, if our Yu Lei's stocks fall greatly and our finances have problems, it will also cause a huge blow to Zhong Hai's economy, taking the suspect away to interrogate him is also a reasonable thing."    


Everyone in the meeting room sucked in a breath of cold air when they heard her words. They never imagined that Lin Ruoxi would be so decisive in her killing spree! After all, Liu Mingyu had been her employee for so many years. She thought that it would be enough to question Liu Mingyu. She had already sent the police to take her away at any time!    


Liu Mingyu looked dazed. She hadn't expected Lin Ruoxi to call the police so quickly. She sat there silently, as if resigned to her fate.    


Mo Qianni, on the other hand, found it hard to believe everything that was happening before her eyes. She looked at Lin Ruoxi and then looked at Yang Chen, hoping desperately that Yang Chen could stop everything!    


At that moment, two men in police uniforms entered the meeting room. Wu Yue pointed out Liu Mingyu's identity, and the two policemen walked up to her side.    


"Miss Liu Mingyu, based on the information and the evidence available, we suspect you of stealing the company's trade secrets, leaking the customer's privacy, and violating the business laws. We now have you under arrest as a criminal suspect, and we request you to follow us back to the police station to assist in the investigation. You have the right to remain silent and to hire a lawyer, but anything you say now will have a negative impact on you. "    


After finishing his sentence, one of the policemen made a gesture of "please" towards Liu Mingyu.    


Liu Mingyu took a deep breath. She had no intention of resisting or defending herself, so she decided to leave with them.    


"Wait a minute!"    


Yang Chen held down Liu Mingyu as he asked Lin Ruoxi with a sinking tone, "Lin Ruoxi, are you sure you want to do this?"    


Lin Ruoxi remained unmoved. "It's not that I want to do this, it's that the situation is developing. That's what I should do."    


"You know this woman will not betray us!" Yang Chen also did not expect Lin Ruoxi to really send Liu Mingyu to the police station.    


Lin Ruoxi said coldly, "You are wrong, I only believe in the facts that Liu Mingyu is the most suspicious one. Yang Chen, if you want to be involved in the investigation, that is up to you, but, the police want to take Liu Mingyu away, I approve that they are taking responsibility for Yu Lei's employees all over the world, not blindly judging them with my own personal feelings alone!    


After taking care of these things, I still need to preside over many temporary emergency meetings to deal with the series of problems that will arise in the future. I don't have time to waste here with you! "    


Lin Ruoxi's gaze was unrelenting and did not show any fear as she looked Yang Chen in the eye. It was determined and merciless!    


Yang Chen suddenly sneered, "He really is a good CEO. Good boss, I …"    


Before Yang Chen finished his sentence, he felt someone tug on his hand.    


Yang Chen turned around and saw Liu Mingyu shaking her head at him with tears streaming down her face.    


"Please, don't say anymore. Director Lin's decision was right. I can't explain myself, I don't even know how it became like this. If you really want to help me, then find the culprit and not argue with Director Lin. "Liu Mingyu forced a smile," I'm fine, not sentenced. "I'm just helping with the investigation. I'll just be honest."    


Seeing the longing in Liu Mingyu's eyes, Yang Chen couldn't bear to torture her anymore. He felt a stinging pain in his heart, so he let her leave with the police.    


Lin Ruoxi did not bother about Liu Mingyu who was taken away, but said directly to the crowd, "Now that everyone has returned to their positions, when Liu Mingyu leaves, the Public Relations Department will temporarily be replaced by the Deputy Minister. Each department meets under the temporary emergency response. In the afternoon, I will send Wu Yue to inform you of other special meetings. "Dismissed!"    


No one dared to underestimate Liu Mingyu. She was directly taken away. This was a huge blow to them all. It could be seen that this young beautiful CEO was still ruthless enough to not let her guard down in the slightest.    


As everyone left the meeting room, Mo Qianni hesitated on whether she should try to persuade Lin Ruoxi again, but seeing that Yang Chen was still here, she could only grit her teeth and deal with some urgent matters.    


After everyone had left, Lin Ruoxi brought Wu Yue back to her office.    


Yang Chen called out to her with an ashen face: "Why don't you give me a chance to prove Mingyu's innocence. You should know that I have the ability to do so, even if it's just for a day! "Why!?"    


Lin Ruoxi turned around and paused in her steps. After a moment of silence, she let Wu Yue return to her office. Then, she said indifferently, "I'm only doing business. There's no reason why."    


"Mingyu has put in a lot of effort for this company, but she can't even buy a day's worth of time? "Why can't you worry about how much damage this will do to her!?" Yang Chen said.    


Lin Ruoxi turned around and met Yang Chen's cold gaze with her own. She said, "Then can you go and comfort Liu Mingyu in front of everyone and ignore my feelings?"    


Yang Chen was surprised for a moment and said, "The situation just now, do you want me to see her being attacked by so many people alone?"    


"Then what about me? Everyone knows that I'm your wife, yet you care about other women in front of me. Have you considered the way others look at me!?" Lin Ruoxi said coldly, "Since you can disregard my embarrassment for Liu Mingyu, then why should I worry about her feelings and not send her to the police station? Moreover, that's how the facts should be dealt with!"    


"Is this because I'm worried about Mingyu, and you want to fall out with me?!" Yang Chen felt incredulous.    


Lin Ruoxi smiled disdainfully, "Feel free to think whatever you want, I'm very busy right now, I don't want to argue with you, aren't you very powerful, rich and powerful, if you really want Liu Mingyu to suffer less, then quickly investigate the case and solve this crisis, but I can tell you very clearly, this crisis is not something that can be solved with money, because it involves the development of the company's normal operations, you decide."    


With that, Lin Ruoxi left with quick steps.    


Yang Chen watched as Lin Ruoxi walked into the elevator. He took a deep breath and shook his hands angrily. Things were clearly more troublesome than he had expected.    


However, Yang Chen did not lose his composure. From the looks of the current situation, as he had expected, Lee Minghee was the most suspicious one. Lee Minghee acted as if he wanted to pin the blame on Liu Mingyu.    


Furthermore, when he went to Liu Mingyu's office, he met that fellow. And according to Liu Mingyu, Lee Minghee often went to her office to chat and discuss official matters. Adding on Lee Minghee and Wu Yue's relationship, they might have gotten some sort of secret information.    


The key issue now was how to find evidence from Lee Minghee without a video monitor. After all, even if he killed Lee Minghee, it would be useless and would be impossible to remove Liu Mingyu's suspicion.    


Besides, Yang Chen didn't think it was a pipe dream for a mere Lee Minghee to dare to pull out his teeth in a tiger's mouth without a strong backer to back him up. Besides, such a crime wasn't something he could do alone. If no one used the plagiarism data, it would be a waste of time.    


Thus, finding out the evidence of Lee Minghee's crime and the person backing him is the most serious matter.    


Yang Chen pondered for a moment, then dialed Sea Hawk Team Captain Mo Lin's number.    


"Sir Pluto, are you calling because of the explosive news from Yulei International today?" Mo Lin said proudly from the other end.    


Yang Chen pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance. It seemed that everyone knew about this matter, so he said, "Stop bullshitting, come to Yu Lei Headquarters, I need your expertise to confirm some guesses, I hope I'm right …"    


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