My Wife is a Beautiful CEO

C658 Not at All

C658 Not at All

1These two poems came from Du Fu's "Visitors' arrival". Although Yang Chen had never been to school, he had a photographic memory that allowed him to store countless information in his brain over the past few years, allowing him to easily remember them.     2


The general meaning was that the master had never swept the flower path for the guests and had only swept it for you today. The gate of wood had never been opened for the guests, but it was opened for you today.    


The meaning placed on him was self-evident, it was Yang Gongming expressing his sincerity, hoping that he would recognize his ancestors.    


It wasn't that Yang Chen didn't think about the benefits of going back to Yang Family, but after coming back to Yang Family, he would definitely have to face Yang Pojun and Yang Lieh. Yang Chen wouldn't need to go up against those two fellows to build a good relationship, if it wasn't for Guo Xuehua and Yang Gongming stopping them, or maybe it could be said that Yan Sanniang was there at that time, Yang Chen wouldn't be able to guarantee that he didn't kill them.    


Yang Chen suddenly missed Lin Ruoxi from Zhong Hai. Sister Lin always gave him some sober-headed pointers on family matters, but unfortunately, the beauty wasn't by his side.    


After staring at the lines and poems for a long time in the pavilion alone, Yang Chen put away the scroll in his hands and slowly went down the mountain. He found a bus to enter the city and took a taxi back to Cai Family.    


Even though if he went back to the Cai Family, it could be said that if he used his own cultivation, it would be in the blink of an eye, but Yang Chen did not want to do that. He didn't have time, and he didn't want to be a ghost all the time.    


They believed that if Yan Sanniang wasn't trying to hurry up and prove Yang Chen's identity through the Cai Family, she would have also chosen a normal transportation route.    


Living in an ordinary person's society, Yang Chen didn't feel that teleportation was a thing worth boasting about. On the contrary, he would lose a lot of the taste of life. "Even a super rich person wouldn't be willing to spend over a hundred million on his clothes. That was just something a nouveau riche would be happy to do.    


When he returned to Cai Family, it was already evening. Under the setting sun, the Cai Family courtyard was bright red.    


Yang Chen walked into the living room. Seeing his mother-in-law Jiang Shan and Cai Yuncheng discussing something beside the sofa, he touched the back of his head in embarrassment. When he was with Cai Yan, she flew into a rage. He pulled Cai Ning to his side. Could this mother be chasing after him with a kitchen knife?    


"Oh wow, Yang Chen, why did you just come back? I was just worried about where you were going!" Jiang Shan suddenly stood up with a red face and a smile. She walked to Yang Chen happily. She looked at Yang Chen with a loving expression and said, "Are you still mad at Auntie? Worst case is, Auntie will make you something nice to eat." We're a family, and you're a man, so don't be too stingy. "    


Yang Chen was flabbergasted, as if he had swallowed a fly. After a long while, he slapped his own face and confirmed that he was not dreaming. He then smiled in embarrassment, "Aunt, what's wrong with you?"    


Jiang Shan suddenly rolled her eyes at him again. "What's wrong?" Who told you to treat yourself like an outsider, and not explain the situation. I truly resent you for not treating us like a family! "    


"Huh?" Yang Chen became more and more confused.    


Jiang Shan ignored his confusion and smilingly said, "Look at your silly look. You look pretty honest from the looks of it, even though you're a little flowery, but you're still an honest kid. As Ning and Yanyan's mother, I've agreed to it, but you have to treat them well, don't mistreat my daughter, understand?"    


Yang Chen gaped in astonishment. Honestly speaking, even if Ah Ruisi, a beast who only knew how to fight, came in front of him and said that he would "follow the rules" in the future, Yang Chen would not be so shocked.    


Jiang Shan seemed to like Yang Chen the more she saw him. In the end, she patted Yang Chen on the shoulder like an elder and said, "I'll go make dinner for you guys. You accompany your uncle and chat more, haha …"    


Watching Jiang Shan leave, Yang Chen almost fell to the ground …    


Cai Yuncheng helplessly watched his wife walk towards the kitchen. He shook his head and saw Yang Chen's dull face again. He sighed and said, "Are you happy or scared?"    


Yang Chen swallowed his saliva, "All of them."    


"Don't be surprised, just now, when you were going out, Li Xin and his wife came back and met your aunt." They said that the marriage contract had been dissolved and that the military court would handle the matter. Ning would not be burdened in any way. They also said the two families would have to be closer in the future.    


It was because your aunt knew your identity in the Yang Family that she turned out like this. I didn't notice it when I was young, but now, I can only feel upset that I married such a woman. " Cai Yuncheng's face was full of regret.    


Yang Chen rolled his eyes, that was indeed the case, "Could it be that the identity of Yang Family is really that useful?"    


"Of course." Cai Yuncheng seemed to have found an opportunity and added fuel to the fire: "You have left China since young, so you aren't clear on the influence of the four great families. Within the Yanjing, any person who had come into contact with the side of four families was not someone an ordinary person could afford to offend. The standing committees of the Politburo, aside from the secretary-general, who would never allow the four noble families to take the throne for the sake of justice, were all dependent on a single family. It could be said that most of the major decisions in China were made by the four great families.    


Even though your aunt is a housewife, she was also born and raised in the Yanjing. She knows very well, if you are the eldest grandson of Yang Family, then if you were to inherit Yang Family in the future, how much weight would you have. Besides, it wasn't a shameful thing to have three wives at the top of the pyramid. Yang Family is, after all, the weakest of the lot.    


Yang Chen rubbed his nose. He had to say, just the benefits of being able to make his relationship life a lot easier was enough to move his heart. It seemed that he really needed to find a chance to go back and take a look at Yang Family.    


He had not expected Cai Ning's case to be resolved so easily, but it was still a good thing that he did not have to do anything about it.    


Just as Yang Chen was about to sit down and chat with Cai Yuncheng, he saw Cai Ning and Cai Yan walk out from the back. Judging from their intimate manner, there shouldn't be any unpleasantness between the two sisters. Wu Tie heaved a sigh of relief.    


Cai Yan didn't hide anything when she saw Yang Chen. She sat on Yang Chen's thigh and put her arms around Yang Chen's neck. She smiled coquettishly and said, "Pervert, let's go out for dinner!"    


Yang Chen looked awkwardly at Cai Yuncheng who was frowning, then looked at Cai Ning who was standing at the side with a smile and said, "Can't you be more reserved? "Also, your mom already went to cook. What are we going out for?"    


"Today is such a joyous day, of course we have to go to HAPPY. You can't be so pitiful, you don't even have the money to eat in your pocket, no problem, sister will pay." Cai Yan refused to stand up and dragged Yang Chen out the door.    


Yang Chen also couldn't argue with this demon woman, so he turned to Cai Ning and asked, "You're going too?"    


Cai Ning nodded slightly. "Yes, Yanyan said she wanted to celebrate my victory."    


Yang Chen suddenly realized that this was a good reason.    


Cai Yuncheng coughed twice and said seriously to Cai Yan, "When you go out to eat, eat. Don't mess around with Yanjing the moment you see it."    


Cai Yan made a face at her father, "Hmph, it's rare for me to return to the Yanjing in these few years, how could I cause trouble?"    


Cai Yuncheng waved his hand dejectedly with a look of helplessness.    


The three of them went out and got into Yang Chen's car. Cai Yan rushed to sit in the front passenger seat and said without buckling her seat belt, "Search around on the GPS and go to 'Cloud Sky Tower'."    


"Cloud Sky Tower? "What is that place?" Yang Chen asked in bewilderment, "A restaurant? "What dishes?"    


Cai Yan smiled innocently. "It's a good place to eat and drink, and also a place where you can sing and dance …"    


Yang Chen was enlightened and rolled his eyes, "Nightclub?"    


"Mm …" "It should be considered a high-end clubhouse. Without a membership card, you're not allowed to enter," Cai Yan proudly said.    


Yang Chen said depressingly, "Then why did you trick me just now to go eat?"    


"Stupid, I'm too lazy to lie to you. If you say you're going to a nightclub, father will definitely not let you go! And my dad doesn't like girls drinking. " Cai Yan said, a little embarrassed.    




Yang Chen felt that maybe Cai Yan should not be Cai Ning's sister, but instead that girl, Tangtang's partner.    


However, after thinking about it carefully, she did not have anything special to do with Tang Wan for now, so Cai Ning's matter had a perfect ending. Hui Lin had also visited her before, so it was about time for her to return to Zhong Hai.    


On the way there, Yang Chen asked curiously, "What did you two sisters talk about all afternoon?"    


Cai Yan smiled and said, "Do you want to know?"    


Yang Chen nodded.    


"I'm not going to tell you," Cai Yan said as she wrinkled her nose.    


Yang Chen was a little embarrassed. He turned around and looked at Cai Ning, "Sister won't tell, sister will tell."    


Cai Ning didn't even look at Yang Chen when she looked out of the window.    


Yang Chen suddenly started to worry. These two sisters weren't conspiring to deal with him in the future right? It seemed like he had to make the first move and find an opportunity to drag them both to bed …    


As he was indulging in these random thoughts, the three of them followed the navigation ship and arrived at the wide parking lot in front of Cloudy Heavens Plaza.    


If one did not have a strong relationship with their superiors to create such a nightclub in Yanjing City, it would be impossible for them to not get involved. Moreover, the parking lot alone was a land that was worth every inch of money. One could imagine how luxurious the interior was.    


The car drove directly to the nightclub. A waiter opened the door and helped her park the car. Cai Yan seemed to have been here often, so she casually passed a tip of one hundred yuan to the waiter.    


Yang Chen chuckled, "You got it from the truth. Director Cai usually embezzles money."    


Cai Yan walked up to Yang Chen and held his arm as she innocently said, "Darling, don't you already know how to reimburse me for the money I spent? I'm already yours, this isn't too much."    


Yang Chen's facial muscles twitched. He looked at Cai Ning, who seemed to be trying to hold back her laughter, and said, "Ning, why don't you hold my other hand. Anyway, it's for the money."    


However, Cai Ning couldn't do such intimate actions. She pursed her lips and was about to walk in by herself.    


Unexpectedly, before they could even take two steps, they heard a man call out to them from behind …    


"Wait!" Wait! Let me follow you in! "    


Hearing this familiar voice, Yang Chen felt a headache, he turned around and said: "Why are you so haunting."    


He was wearing a dog like shirt, and he did not look like a high-end goods. The young lad was as energetic as always, and laughed foolishly: "I just went to the Cai Family to look for you, and I wanted to find you to drink at night. Who knew that you just happened to be out, so I drove over. Hehe, this Cloud Sky Tower's class is too high. I have to save all my pocket money to chase after Tang Xin.    


Yang Chen had completely seen through Lee Dun's stinginess and couldn't be bothered with him.    


Cai Yan recognized Lee Dun and snorted coldly, "Young Master Li wants to eat, drink, and have fun. They will definitely give you their names for free. Do you really need to use our family's Yang Chen's hard-earned money?"    


Yang Chen almost fell down on his head. Well, this time his money has turned into hard-earned money.    


Lee Dun was thick-skinned and did not react at all, "I heard that Sister Cai Ning successfully got rid of my useless cousin and achieved a good marriage. Of course I have to get a toast."    


Seeing how he was helping Cai Ning instead of helping Yong Ye and his brother, Cai Ning became embarrassed by his words and her face, which had remained calm without a ripple, revealed a hint of redness.    


After entering the building, they went directly to the biggest ballroom in the building, as per Cai Yan's orders. They didn't go to any private rooms. They were going to find a place to enjoy the night music and dancing.    


Cai Ning was obviously not someone who would dance, but she would occasionally enter such a place for missions or the like, so she was not unaccustomed to it.    


When the four of them walked around the dance floor and came to a moon-white sofa, many men and women shot various kinds of gazes at them. The biggest reason was naturally the beauty of the Cai Family sisters. Even in the high-end clubhouse full of beauties, they were all alone.    


However, when some of the higher ups realized that the man following behind them was actually the rarely seen Lee Dun, they stopped paying attention to the beauties. There were many disciples from the four great families, but there weren't many opportunities to meet the junior family head. Many people even began to rub their hands together, trying to find an opportunity to get close to him while not letting Lee Dun down. As for Yang Chen, everyone was unfamiliar with him, so they all guessed whether he was a descendant of Lee Family from another province.    


As soon as the four of them took their seats, Cai Yan quickly ordered a large amount of food and wine, and then ran onto the dance floor, following some young men and women who were moving around in excitement.    


Seeing Yang Chen's dazed look, Cai Ning smiled and said, "You have to know that Yanyan has a very moving personality. But in Zhong Hai, she was the police chief, so she couldn't go to the music club to play. She was afraid that someone would say something bad to her, so she endured it all the time. Every time you go back to Yanjing, she would find the time to come to the nightclub to play. "    


Yang Chen was also stunned for a moment before allowing Cai Yan to cause trouble. Looking at the table full of drinks and bakery fruits, Yang Chen rubbed his empty belly and started to gobble down the food.    


Lee Dun was even more impolite. He poured himself a full bottle of whisky and even asked the waiter for a steak. The revelry by his ears didn't affect his eating mood in the slightest.    


Cai Ning nibbled on her grape without saying a word. She didn't go out to play, it was as if she was in another world.    


Yang Chen chewed on his cake and looked at the woman for a while before saying, "Ning, just go down and play with your sister. There's no point in watching us men eat here."    


"I don't know how to play," Cai Ning said, shaking her head.    


"What's wrong with that? Why don't you just randomly twist your butt? Look at Yanyan's actions, it's like she's a stupid bear. You have the lightness arts on you, so any movement you make would be better than hers." Yang Chen said with a smile.    


Cai Ning continued to shake her head with a carefree expression.    


Yang Chen sighed, "Actually, I wanted to say this to you before. I'm already quite old and old. Why are you even older than me? You're just like an old granny." If you continue like this, you'll be completely outclassed by your sister. "    


Cai Ning asked doubtfully, "Why can't I compare to Yanyan?"    


"Tsk tsk." Yang Chen smiled and said, "Speaking of this matter, you seem quite confident."    


"Isn't that so? Don't tell me I'm uglier than Yanyan, not as beautiful as her?" Cai Ning looked a little unhappy. Obviously, she was still unhappy when Yang Chen said that she was inferior to Cai Yan, even if it was her own sister.    


Yang Chen said, "At least one of them is very good, but you don't know it at all."    


"What?" Cai Ning blinked as she asked.    


Even Lee Dun, who was munching on the steak, looked up curiously, licking his lips as he looked at Yang Chen to listen.    


Yang Chen put down the thing in his hand, went close to Cai Ning's ear and whispered, "Darling, do you know how to act coquettishly?"    


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