My Wife is a Beautiful CEO

C527 Key People

C527 Key People

0Although Yang Chen had some understanding of Jaguar, due to the geographical location, he didn't have much contact with this mercenary group in the past. At this moment, he didn't have the energy to bother about this guy who was heavily injured and had already fainted. He walked around this big guy and entered the dance hall first.    1


Walking into the brightly lit hall, Yang Chen immediately saw the source of the scene.    


There were four tough, big men and women who also came from Jaguar, and were currently blocking the path of four arrogant white men and women who wore blue leather clothes.    


Seeing that outfit, Yang Chen couldn't help but sigh with emotion. They really can do anything. The Blue Storm of the United States and him are really fated. They were in the Tibetan area and the Japanese Twin Cities. Now that he was at the secret meeting, they were the first ones to cause trouble in front of him.    


However, Yang Chen had no interest in going up. He pretended to walk by and sat down at the bar not far away.    


"A Jack Danny." Yang Chen casually asked the bartender for a cup of the most common American brand of wine, which was also a good idea, to see what would happen next.    


The bartender was specially selected from the army, so he was not scared by the fight outside. He immediately poured the wine and passed it to Yang Chen.    


Yang Chen looked at the two groups of people. Seeing that they were arguing, he felt bored. They had already taken action, so why didn't they continue?    


"Your eyes are really gloating." A familiar female voice suddenly appeared on the side.    


Yang Chen looked over his shoulder and couldn't help but open his eyes wide, "senior nun?"    


Two seats away from him, a middle-aged woman in a black and red dress sat quietly with a glass of champagne in her hand. It was actually Senior Nun Yun Miao, who he had only met once before he left the country!    


Yang Chen didn't realize that Senior Nun Yun Miao was so close to him before because she was dressed in a suit which Yang Chen couldn't recognize.    


Senior Nun Yun Miao had lost her original appearance as a nun. Her hair was all tied up behind her head. She had put on a bit of makeup to cover up some of the crow's feet, and a string of delicate pearls hung from her chest. She wore a black and red dress with a thin veil, giving off a dignified aura.    


Although Senior Nun Yun Miao was already over sixty years old, because of her profound inner force skills and the skill to retain her looks, it would appear that she was a mature woman of around forty years of age.    


Yang Chen looked at her carefully, feeling sorry for Lin Zhiguo, that old geezer who was always looking for trouble. How come you don't know how to cherish such a beautiful wife?    


Senior Nun Yun Miao blushed when she saw Yang Chen staring at her. "Damn brat, don't even think about it. I'm from your grandma's generation, is there anyone that can keep staring at me like that!?"    


Yang Chen waved his hand and smiled bitterly, "senior nun, don't think too much. Even if you are really pretty, I don't have that kind of thought. "Don't worry, otherwise it will be a big misunderstanding. This is the first time I've seen you dressed up like this, so I'll have to take a closer look."    


"Hmph." Only then did Senior Nun Yun Miao relax a little. She knew how unfaithful Yang Chen was. She had always felt that sending her granddaughter to Yang Chen was a major mistake on her part. But she couldn't go back on her word. She had endured until now because she felt that she owed her Senior Brother Soong Tianxing. However, if Yang Chen was really so outrageous that even she, an old woman, could not help but think, then even if Senior Nun Yun Miao were to lose all decorum, she would definitely drag Hui Lin back to her side.    


"This time, I'm basically the only one who will represent Chinese Iron Brigade in this secret meeting. "If I'm wearing a daoist robe and walk around here, it would be better to change into this ordinary attire to look more ordinary," Senior Nun Yun Miao explained.    


Yang Chen nodded. Thinking about it, since a nun was walking on the street, there was no woman walking on the street who seemed inconspicuous. Furthermore, Senior Nun Yun Miao was still concerned about the matters of Lin Family. As a matriarch, she could not always wear that Daoist robe, right? The outsider's heart was pure, how could she casually involve herself in matters of the world?    


Senior Nun Yun Miao narrowed her eyes again at Yang Chen and said, "I thought you wouldn't come. Looks like you still know about the news about the Sword of Death and want to steal the sword?"    


Yang Chen shook his head, "I'm not in the mood. I just want to join in on the fun and see if something I'm worried about will happen."    


Senior Nun Yun Miao could tell that Yang Chen was not interested in swords, but she didn't pursue the matter any further. After all, Yang Chen didn't seem to want to explain too much.    


"senior nun, have you been watching them all this time? How did it happen? " Yang Chen asked casually.    


Yun Miao raised her head to look at the Jaguar mercenary, and said: "The big guy that was kicked out earlier, was trying to hook up with the woman from Blue Storm, but that woman was ungrateful, and even made a few jokes with the other three Americans, infuriating the big guy. In the end, that big guy wanted to make a move, but he was not a match for Blue Storm and the other four. He was kicked out by the tallest American when you came. "    


Yang Chen responded with a meaningful "Oh". He glanced around the hall and saw a few attendees. He smiled and said, "Everyone is sitting very calmly. It seems like everyone wants to watch a good show."    


"The barbarians from Jaguar can't beat those four people from Blue Storm. Those four people are genetic variant espers. I really don't understand what they are still arguing about. Sigh …"    


Hearing Senior Nun Yun Miao's sigh, Yang Chen took a sip of his wine and muttered, "That might not be the case …"    


Senior Nun Yun Miao vaguely heard Yang Chen's words, but she did not take them seriously. Looking at the Jaguar s, the four of them continued to shake their heads.    


And just at this time, the four people of Jaguar were already burning with anger. They would never apologize to Blue Storm, and with their unreconciled attitude, even if they did not want to cause trouble on board the ship, they would have no choice but to give face.    


"Damn you American bastards, do you really think that our Jaguar is easy to bully!? I'll give you one last chance, kneel down and kowtow to the sloth, and admit your wrongs! " One of the bald men pointed at the man who had just woken up.    


The name of the tanned man who had been hit was the sloth. He sat on a chair close to the door, panting and clutching his chest, and stared fiercely at Blue Storm and the other four.    


"Are you an idiot? Are you staying in the jungle for too long? Have you all become gorillas?" The brown haired lady from the Blue Storm mocked: "A trash that could be sent flying with a single kick actually wants to strike up a conversation with me? You think you are qualified to negotiate with us? "    


"Milly, let's not waste our time talking to them." The tall white American who had just kicked out coldly said, "Get out of the way, otherwise, like that guy, I'll kick you all flying."    


The eyes of the bald man and the other three burned with anger. "You've gone too far. The sloth only said a few words, yet you guys are so ruthless. Don't think that we'll be afraid of you because you're American!" If we do not leave you with justice today, we will fight you to the death! "    


Just as the bald man finished speaking, a figure appeared in front of him. A hand suddenly grabbed the bald man's shoulder.    




The baldy let out a blood-curdling screech before kneeling on the ground, his other hand clutching the shoulder that had been grabbed.    


"Allen, don't you think there's too much nonsense to speak? Let's do it!" The man in front of the baldy was wearing sunglasses, was thin, had a beard, and spoke to the tall American with a pout.    


"Bastard!" What did you do to Rhino!? " When the remaining three saw the bald Rhino's miserable scream, they immediately questioned the sunglasses guy.    


The man in shades snorted coldly. "It's nothing. I just broke a few bones in his shoulder."    


With these words, the remaining three Jaguar Warriors were immediately and completely enraged. The three of them pounced towards the few people with Blue Storm in a fighting stance, almost at the same time.    


Unfortunately, although the three of them were elite mercenaries with first-rate fighting skills, these four Adepts with Blue Storm were clearly stronger than them by a large margin.    


The tall American man didn't wait for a soldier to get in front of him. He lifted his leg and kicked the warrior in the chest, about a meter away.    




The warrior was sent flying by an invisible force out of nowhere. He drew a straight line and hit the steel wall a dozen meters away just like the sloth just now!    


The woman called Milly also acted very relaxed. She simply parted her lips and said something to the warrior who was charging at her.    


The burly man who was about to come into contact with Millie suddenly stopped, his hands covering his ears. He collapsed limply to the ground, rolling on the ground in pain.    


The last soldier originally was charging towards the sunglasses guy. He didn't want to grab onto the sunglasses guy's shoulder with one hand, so the moment he did, his hand issued a bone-cracking sound …    


The bones of his entire palm suddenly shattered in an instant!    


Seeing the Jaguar mercenaries suffer a crushing defeat and crying out in pain, Senior Nun Yun Miao's brows tightly knitted, "The gap is too big. These abilities used sound waves to stimulate the brain, the ability to shake bones, the ability to control air currents, and the ability to control air currents. "No matter how good these mercenaries are at fighting in the wild and using guns, they won't be able to defeat them in close combat."    


The surrounding spectators did not think that it was interesting, but they were not too surprised. After all, although the Blue Storm of the United States was not as strong as the Sword in the Stone s in the "genuine" version, they still relied on genetic technology. However, this did not mean that there were many people in the Blue Storm who were the world's leading fighters. Most of the Adepts in the Sword in the Stone had innate blood and talent, but there was a chance that even normal people would be able to successfully create an Adept with their Blue Storm, allowing them to have an advantage in numbers.    


Yang Chen had been silent the entire time, and only then did he gulp down the wine in his cup. He smacked his lips and said: "Don't look down on Jaguar and his people. It's impossible for them to only have five people. The key figures should be arriving soon. "    


Senior Nun Yun Miao was stunned for a moment. She didn't quite understand what Yang Chen meant.    


"Here it comes," Yang Chen pointed at the door.    


Senior Nun Yun Miao looked over with doubt in her eyes.    


It was a weirdly dressed woman with a malt complexion and black hair with colored feathers on both sides. As for the woman, she wore a gorgeous dress that was similar to a Chinese girl's. What was even more puzzling was that this woman had painted a few different lines on her face. Fans who watched the ball often did this, but this woman was a drawing of a flag.    


Some people noticed that this woman walked into the hall barefooted without even wearing her shoes.    


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