My Wife is a Beautiful CEO

C519 Small Profiteer

C519 Small Profiteer

0The baroque design of the restaurant combined with the surrounding shops, exuding a luxurious and reserved atmosphere. Even if they didn't enter the restaurant to eat an expensive meal, there were still a lot of people lining up to take photos.    2


Seizing the opportunity, Lin Ruoxi quietly took her hand away from Yang Chen. The blush faded from her face, as if nothing had happened.    


Yang Chen secretly praised the innate talent of women in acting. Just as he was about to enter the restaurant with Stern and the rest, a small figure ran in front of him and blocked his path.    


"Uncle, do you want to buy flowers?" a boy asked crisply in English with a French accent.    


Yang Chen lowered his head. The little boy in front of him was only about ten years old. Because he was not yet of puberty, his body was especially skinny. He had yellow hair, thick eyebrows, big eyes, and a strong head. There were a few freckles on his cheeks, making him look very obedient.    


The boy held in his hand bunches of flowers tied with red strings, but these were not the usual flowers of a flower shop, such as roses, tulips, lilies, but some flower beds and roadside flowers that could be seen everywhere in France. In short, they were wild flowers harvested by the roadside.    


Without waiting for Yang Chen to speak, Lin Ruoxi, who was at the side, squatted down and leaned close to the boy. She asked with a gentle smile, "Little friend, what are you selling? How much?"    


Looking at Lin Ruoxi's extremely gentle expression, Yang Chen wiped his eyes and smiled bitterly. This woman hadn't been to the orphanage for a long time. It seemed like the hidden love was going to flood in Paris.    


Lin Ruoxi was usually feared by people because of her cold temperament. Whenever she met a child, she would look so sweet that they would like her. Otherwise, she wouldn't be so popular in Zhong Hai's orphanage.    


Sure enough, a hint of brilliance flashed through the boy's bright eyes. He said with a tender voice, "Big sister, you're so beautiful."    


Hearing the boy's praise, Lin Ruoxi's smile became even brighter. She intimately touched the boy's curly yellow hair and said, "You're also very cute. What's your name?"    


"Harley, I'm Harley, is sister a foreigner?" Little Harley asked.    


"Yes, I'm from Huaxia," Lin Ruoxi said.    


"Where is China?" Harley asked curiously.    


Lin Ruoxi thought for a moment, then said, "It's very far away, and we have to take a plane to get there."    


"Aircraft?" Harley said excitedly, "Sister, is it fun to fly? I've always wanted Dad to take me on the plane, but he's very busy and rarely takes me out to play, but Dad said he'd take me to Disney in a few days, and then we could watch a flying car show. Well, I don't know if a flying car is like a plane, but did my sister ever see one? "    


Because some of the boy's English was actually French, Lin Ruoxi frowned slightly and looked to Yang Chen for help.    


Yang Chen felt helpless. This woman's attitude towards her child, even if she treated him half well, she still had to translate it for little Harley.    


Lin Ruoxi understood and continued, "Big Sis has never seen Disney's flying car show, but I believe it's very nice to watch. Harley will definitely have a good time."    


Harley nodded forcefully, "I think so too, when the time comes, Mom will also go. My family can take the pirate ship, and we can also take the roller coaster, but I'm a bit scared, I don't know if the roller coaster is high or not. What if dad says I'm a coward …"    


"Kid, didn't you say you were selling flowers? Why did you say that the flying car went to the Cloudsoar Peak?" Seeing Little Harley talking to himself, Yang Chen's patience was starting to run out.    


Lin Ruoxi turned her head and glared at him. "What are you trying to say? It's not like the child is talking to you. Why are you venting your anger at the child?"    


"I didn't get mad at him... Aren't we going to have lunch? " Yang Chen was depressed.    


"If you want to eat, go ahead and eat, and I won't stop you." Lin Ruoxi was not satisfied with Yang Chen's impatience, but at the same time she smiled at Harley, "Harley, don't worry about this bad uncle, just talk to sister."    


Harley blinked and stuck his tongue out at Yang Chen. He made a face and then said to Lin Ruoxi, "Sister is so nice!"    


Yang Chen felt like his lungs were about to explode. This little brat kept calling him "Big Sister" and "Uncle", then wouldn't he become Lin Ruoxi's elder!?    


However, Harley didn't continue to talk about what he meant by that. After Yang Chen reminded him, he picked up the bouquet of flowers in his hands and asked, "Sis, what kind of flowers do you like?"    


To put it bluntly, the flowers in front of him were just some simple wild flowers. Lin Ruoxi didn't recognize any of them, so she casually picked a bunch of relatively pretty bluish-purple flowers, smiling as she asked, "What kind of flowers are these? They're quite pretty. I'll take this one."    


Harley beamed, "It's only one euro!"    


Yang Chen, who was beside him, clicked his tongue, "Little rascal, the wildflowers on the roadside are also selling for a euro. In the future, I will definitely become a small cunning businessman."    


"Why are you still standing here? You can enter the restaurant now." Lin Ruoxi turned around and coldly said to Yang Chen. She then took out a black 5 euro note from her wallet.    


Lin Ruoxi took the flowers but didn't give the money to Harley. Instead, she asked, "Sister Hua can buy it, but can Harley tell sister why he's making money selling the flowers? What Harley told Sister, we will give these 5 euros to Harley."    


Such a young child was selling wild flowers on the street to earn money. Lin Ruoxi couldn't help but wonder if he had been kidnapped and sold off by some illegal group of people.    


Harley looked eagerly at the 5 euro note in Lin Ruoxi's hand and replied in a low voice, "I saw one of Daddy's socks was broken and Daddy was still wearing it, so I wanted to buy Daddy a sock … But I wanted to give dad a surprise, so I couldn't ask mom for pocket money, so I wanted to sell flowers … "    


The boy did not speak English well. Perhaps in life, one of the parents did not have a systematic study of English. He had a thick French accent, but he could still understand some simple words.    


When Lin Ruoxi heard Harley's reasoning, her eyes were full of love. She touched Harley's curly hair once again and put 5 euros into Harley's hands.    


"Thank you, sister!" Harley happily smiled, "Then I'll have enough money!"    


"I don't buy socks one by one, I can only buy a pair." Lin Ruoxi scratched Harley's nose and said with a smile.    


Harley opened his eyes wide, hearing the "unfortunate" news, he felt very disappointed, "Can't we just buy one? I thought I could buy them separately. "    


Facing her child's innocent expression, Lin Ruoxi had no way of resisting. She took out a red 10 euros sock from her wallet and said, "Sister will give you 10 euros more. The socks Harley bought for dad are really expensive. I didn't know that French socks are so expensive."    


Harley's face first revealed a happy expression, then he was discouraged and didn't reach out to take it, "Harley wants to buy Santa's socks for dad, those socks can be used as gifts."    


When Yang Chen heard this, he laughed, "Christmas socks? Your father has really big feet. "    


"Dad's script is very big," Harley stubbornly argued.    


Lin Ruoxi didn't laugh at Harley's choice, but she understood why he had to spend so much money to buy a pair of socks. Lin Ruoxi didn't laugh at Harley's choice, but she understood why he had to spend so much money to buy a pair of socks.    


"Give the money to Harley, just treat it as sister's gift to Harley!" Lin Ruoxi pressed ten euros into Harley's hand.    


Harley mumbled, "Mom told me, I can't casually take other people's gifts..."    


Seeing the troubled expression on the little boy's face, Lin Ruoxi thought for a moment and said, "How about this, let Harley's sister exchange."    


Hearing that, Yang Chen wanted to cry, but no tears came out. He pulled down his face and said, "Wife, don't play with me like that! Why is this little brat kissing you and yet you are asking for money? As a husband, if I want to kiss you, I have to approve it for half a day and I still can't pass!? "    


Lin Ruoxi looked left and right at the passersby, but fortunately, no one noticed this guy's loud shouting. She stared at Yang Chen and said with a flushed face, "What are you shouting for, why are you arguing with a child? A grown man does things all day long without fear of embarrassment, and the children in the orphanage are much more likeable than you. If you want to kiss, you can, but when you're obedient to Harley, I'll think about it!"    


Yang Chen's heart almost broke with these words.    


At this moment, Harley came close to Lin Ruoxi's cheek and kissed it.    


"Sister, I kissed you. Is that right?" Harley said happily.    


Lin Ruoxi nodded, "Harley is so obedient. Now that we've succeeded in our deal, Harley can go buy socks for dad without worry."    


Harley answered with an "En" of excitement, then stuffed the 15 euros he got into his pants pocket. It was bulging, so he guessed that it was probably some coins he got from selling flowers before.    


"Sis, uncle, goodbye!" Harley waved goodbye to Lin Ruoxi and Yang Chen.    


Lin Ruoxi stood up after seeing Harley run away. She turned around and entered the restaurant after seeing Harley run far away.    


Yang Chen couldn't help but laugh: "Since you like children so much, why not have one yourself?"    


Lin Ruoxi's heart trembled slightly. Although she did like children, she did not dare to think too much about the matter of having her own children. She was shy and did not know how to start, so she pretended not to hear anything as she walked into the restaurant to look for Stern and his sister.    


Yang Chen didn't care. However, he suddenly felt confused. Although having a baby with Lin Ruoxi was not realistic, after all, it was not even possible to have a baby at home. However, when he was having sex with Qiangwei, Mo Qianni, Liu Mingyu, and Anxin, he actually didn't do any safety measures.    


Especially for Qiangwei, she would be extremely satisfied if she could conceive a child. Moreover, she would not be as dangerous as the enemies in the underworld in the past.    


However, it seemed that as his strength grew, his ability to give birth to children was inexplicably hindered. Otherwise, why would only 17 be pregnant with his child? He didn't use contraception every time he did that with a woman. Was it really because of the influence that the "Divine Stone" had on him?    


Thinking about this, Yang Chen couldn't help but have a headache.    


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