My Wife is a Beautiful CEO

C1644 Ridiculous Night

C1644 Ridiculous Night

1After finding out that Yang Chen had returned, all the women from all over the world who were busy killing the demons rushed back.    


Guo Xuehua cried tears of joy. She held her son's hand and kept trying to persuade Yang Chen not to do something stupid. He had to see the truth clearly and not be fooled by Athena again.    


Yang Chen kept nodding and agreeing, so he asked Guo Xuehua, who hadn't rested for a few days, to take a nap.    


The warmth of his family and loved ones made Yang Chen feel an indescribable feeling. Compared to before, in this kind of situation, warmth was extremely precious.    


No one asked Yang Chen where he had gone to, nor did they ask him what he planned to do. In fact, if it wasn't for Yang Chen bringing up Lin Ruoxi on his own accord, no one would dare to bring up this topic.    


Yang Chen even specially comforted Nanny Wang and told her that Lin Ruoxi was still alive, but was temporarily unable to wake up.    


This made Nanny Wang feel a bit better. After all, she was so pained by the thought that her young lady might have been killed by Athena long ago.    


Ron, Soren, Ma Qidun and the rest of Yang Chen's subordinates were also worried about coming up to take a look. Yang Chen had met with them and secretly told them something that no one else would know.    


However, from the serious expressions of these people as they walked out, it was not hard to guess that Yang Chen said something very serious.    


In the evening, Yang Chen calmed down and sat in the dining hall with an entire family, enjoying a good dinner.    


Lanlan sat beside Yang Chen and asked him a few times where his mother had gone. Yang Chen only said that it wouldn't be long before his mother returned. She was skeptical, but at least she could eat.    


Halfway through his meal, Yang Chen suddenly thought of something and took out a bunch of magical equipment from his spatial ring.    


This included those over ten immortal artifacts, which caused all the women present to be stunned.    


Yang Chen said with a smile that he didn't go home for the past few days and was very sorry to let everyone worry, so he intentionally sent some treasures to make up for it.    


Suxin and the others, who understood the weight of the celestial item, almost choked when they saw Yang Chen give it to the girls as if it was a cabbage.    


They knew that Yang Chen travelled to the north to plunder all kinds of treasures, but they never expected him to be so rich!    


Most likely, the Immortal-ranked magic treasures which he possessed alone were comparable to the combined treasures of the three great clans!    


However, although these treasures were valuable, they still caused the women to feel a bit worried. They had a faint premonition, but they could not express it clearly and could only force themselves to accept it with a smile.    


After dinner, Yang Chen went to the basement and summoned out the Object of Chaos Cauldron. He refined all the remaining spirit materials into the highest quality spirit pills and placed them in several portions according to each woman's needs.    


After taking care of these things, Yang Chen went back upstairs and into Lanlan's room. He looked at his daughter, who had eaten her fill and slept soundly, and stared at her warmly for a while in a daze.    


Finally, he gently caressed his daughter's face and kissed on her forehead. Then, Yang Chen got up and walked out of the room.    


Taking a deep breath to let the tears in his eyes dissipate, Yang Chen revealed a wicked smile, as if he had thought of something interesting, he walked to the door of Rose's room and pushed it open … …    


This was perhaps the most "absurd" night in Yang Chen's life …    


All the women in the castle, without exception, were scared to death by this incomparably crazy guy!    


Rose, Mo Qianni, An Xin, Tang Wan, Liu Mingyu, Cai Ning, Cai Yan, Li Jingjing, and Xiao Zhiqing, all the girls that had sex with Yang Chen, were carried out of their rooms, and thrown onto the bed in the master bedroom.    


In the end, even Yang Chen caught Xu Zhenxiu and Lin Hui, who had yet to taste the forbidden fruit.    


How could the women not know what Yang Chen was trying to do? Just thinking about it made their necks burn. Even if they loved the same man, it would still be difficult for them to face him calmly.    


Some of the women had experienced this, but this time there were eleven of them who had made love to him. It was simply going to break them down!    


All of them were either wearing colorful, sexy lace undergarments or pajamas. They were originally either cultivating in a room or sleeping out of habit, but now, all of them turned out wrong!    


Looking at each other's awkward expressions, the women did not know whether to laugh or to be angry. This was too reckless!    


However, in order to not let them escape, Yang Chen directly cast a barrier around the room. With the power of the women, there was no way they could escape.    


By the time everyone had gathered together, the huge bed in the master bedroom was almost sleepless.    


Yang Chen's face was filled with an evil grin. With a leap, he threw himself into the crowd of women, causing a flurry of shouts and shouts …    


In the pile of women, Yang Chen was rubbing against the delicate skin of all the women. He didn't need to look to know that they were his women. He picked one up and kissed it, caressing the other, not caring who was who.    


This kind of intemperate and ridiculous, unrestrained and primitive contact allowed Yang Chen to relax his whole body and mind, completely falling into the world of desire.    


The women were frightened at first, especially Zhen Xiu and Hui Lin who were still inexperienced.    


But gradually, they saw that Yang Chen, Anxin, Rose, Tang Wan, and a few other women who were relatively open-minded, had their lips and tongues entwined as they moaned softly and softly … …    


The women even took the initiative to extend their hands to serve the sensitive parts of the men. They were all short of breath as they watched, their hearts thumping, their faces flushed red, and their apricot eyes shining with the radiance of spring.    


Unknowingly, all the women's clothes had been torn off. Some of them had been taken off by themselves, some of them had been unconsciously ripped off by Yang Chen, and some of them had been playfully taken off by women.    


No one had any unnecessary thoughts. At this moment, no matter what Yang Chen wanted to do, they didn't want to miss it.    


No one knows who will be the first to cry out, but the night's battle has officially begun …    


Yang Chen was like a wild horse that had escaped from its halter. His stamina was endless. Almost every impact was filled with violent power, causing the beauties beneath him to love and hate him.    


Yang Chen seemed to be doing it on purpose. This time, Yang Chen was not able to hang on to a woman for one or two hours like he used to. Instead, he was able to release his energy after the woman had climbed to the peak two to three times.    


However, Yang Chen will soon regain his courage and continue charging towards another woman.    


Joyous with the woman below him, he hugged her to the left and to the right, trying to keep the women from feeling lonely.    


But no matter what, there were still too many women, and he was unable to make up his mind.    


It was a good thing that the women who had already let go would find something to do. They would do more and more shameful things to each other. In the end, they couldn't even care less about Yang Chen. Two or three women mixed together to enjoy the special excitement between women.    


In the latter half of the night, the entire bed was filled with the dubious wetness of men and women. No one was aware of it, and all they could do was to keep asking for and give it away.    


Everyone was trapped in the most primal of desires, unable to extricate themselves.    


Yang Chen didn't know how many times he had planted seeds in the same woman's body, but unless this woman had fainted due to exhaustion, he wouldn't let her go.    


The women also had strong battle prowess. They came and went with Yang Chen, so no one wanted to be at a disadvantage.    


Even the newly-wedded Zhen Xiu and Hui Lin quickly recovered their bodies and continued to linger around Yang Chen.    


All night long, under the bed, the white flesh rippled, the warbler cried, and the hibiscus was warm, full of life and fragrance …    


The rain and clouds stopped.    


The next day the thin sunlight seeped into the bedroom.    


Yang Chen slowly sat up from the bed. He didn't look sleepy at all, because he didn't sleep at all.    


Glancing at the beautiful ladies around him, Yang Chen shook his head with a self-deprecating smile.    


It seemed like the crazy events that lasted for more than ten hours were too much for these women.    


The women's hair was a mess, and their bodies were covered with traces of passion, even bite marks.    


Rose and Mo Qianni were hugging each other, their plump breasts pressed together; Anxin was hugging Zhen Xiu, Zhen Xiu was holding onto Anxin's chest like a toddler; Xiao Zhiqing directly buried her head between Tang Wan's thighs, completely unaware that her head was being held by Tang Wan's thigh; Lee Jingjing and Liu Mingyu were still hugging their thighs, while the corner of Liu Mingyu's mouth still had some thick liquid remaining on it.    


The entire room was filled with the smell of erosion, causing one to feel intoxicated.    


Yang Chen sweetly swept his gaze across all the women's faces. Finally, he showed a trace of determination.    


Yang Chen thought for a bit and a small bottle flew out of his spatial ring. After opening the bottle, he sprinkled a piece of invisible and colorless powder onto the women's bodies.    


Very quickly, Rose, Cai Ning, Anxin, and the other women clearly moved their heads and fell into a deep sleep.    


The women were obviously pretending to be asleep just now. They wanted to know what Yang Chen wanted to do, but they didn't expect that Yang Chen would have expected this. Last night, he had made them all sleep because of a harmless knockout drug.    


"Heh …" Yang Chen reached out and patted Rose's butt, and apologetically said, "Sorry, darling, no matter if I live or die, I can't escape, this is my life … …"    


He got up and cleaned himself. After changing his clothes, he walked to the window and disappeared from the room without looking back …    


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