My Wife is a Beautiful CEO

C43 Be Well Rewarded

C43 Be Well Rewarded

2Yang Chen's words made a few female colleagues smile so much that they stood back and forth without the slightest trace of a lady. One of them, with short hair and fried dumplings in her hand, walked up and said coquettishly, "Brother Yang, come closer, I want to talk to you."    


Yang Chen went closer to hear what she said, but that pretty girl suddenly kissed Yang Chen on the cheek and then smiled with a flushed face, "It's your reward!"    


Yang Chen suddenly felt like he was in the clouds. He couldn't help but sigh at the beauty of the world. His Yulei International was truly a paradise for men, and on the second day after he entered, there was already a pretty girl who gave him a kiss, even having breakfast produced such an effect. If he brought them breakfast everyday in the future, would his "sexual happiness" be so far away?    


Yang Chen touched the wet marks on his face and smiled, "Little sister, that's not kind of you. If you still have oil on your mouth, come and kiss me. If I can't wipe it clean, then you have to kiss me back."    


The short-haired girl pretended to be angry. "Hmph, calling you big brother is already letting you win. Of the sisters here, which one is younger than you? Don't push your luck by an inch."    


"Hehe, that's a joke." Yang Chen suddenly remembered that his real age was only twenty-three this year, and there were quite a few students who graduated at twenty-four in China. He was indeed only a younger brother, not a brother.    


The girls all took their favorite food and happily went back to their jobs to enjoy it. From time to time, a few brave girls would give Yang Chen an electric eye, making him feel like his salivary glands were secreting faster. He had to keep eating the rest of the women's food and chomping down on his breakfast.    


At this moment, Yang Chen suddenly thought of something. He turned around to look at a corner and saw the white and tender brothers Chen Bo, who were sitting in the office, typing. Yang Chen remembered that Chen Bo didn't come to get breakfast, so Yang Chen picked up the two buns and walked over.    


"Chen Bo, have you eaten breakfast?"    


Chen Bo turned around nervously, "No, not yet."    


"Then why didn't you come to get your breakfast? Don't you know that I'm going to take care of breakfast from now on?" Yang Chen smiled and handed the steamed bun over to Chen Bo. "Well, you don't have the strength to work if you don't eat breakfast. If you don't have enough to eat, you can eat more. There are still a lot."    


Chen Bo took the bun gratefully, but only took a bun from the plastic bag and returned the other bun to Yang Chen. With an embarrassed expression, he murmured, "My appetite is small, I'm full after eating just one bun."    


Yang Chen almost choked. A man weakly said in front of him that his appetite was too small, he couldn't even eat two steamed buns. He felt like he didn't know whether to laugh or to cry.    


When he returned to his seat and turned on the computer, he saw Liu Mingyu in a light purple dress walking to his side. She had clipped a rosy hairpin to her charming purplish-red hair, adding to her mature charm. If one got close enough, they would be able to smell the smell of lavender that was like an orchid.    


Based on Yang Chen's experience, he was sure that this woman could make all kinds of heavy movements on the bed.    


Liu Mingyu wouldn't think of those dirty thoughts in Yang Chen's heart. She carefully glanced at Chen Bo and said, "Yang, if you have time in the future to care more about Little Chen, then that kid rarely talks and is quite lonely. Although we are all a bit worried about him, we're all girls, so we can't really treat him as a sister."    


It seems that Liu Mingyu had a good heart and was very concerned about her colleagues in the office. Yang Chen didn't mind such a small errand and nodded," I'm just going to buy breakfast anyways. I'm going to take care of my colleagues and protect my male compatriots.    


Liu Mingyu pursed her lips and smiled. "I've heard people say that you're a genius, but I think you're just glib with your words."    


Zhao Hongyan, who sat closest to Yang Chen, turned around and looked at Liu Mingyu meaningfully. She smiled coquettishly and said, "Sister Mingyu, why didn't you ask Yang Chen if he had a girlfriend? I think the two of you are pretty compatible."    


Yang Chen was staring at the two balls of trembling flesh on Liu Mingyu's chest. Hearing this, he could not help but say with regret: "This … Didn't I say that? I'm married. "    


"You're married!?" Zhao Hongyan was taken aback, but soon said in disbelief, "I can't believe a girl married to a lecherous guy like you, who doesn't even want to get ahead."    


Yang Chen was unhappy and said righteously, "How am I lecherous? I'm a decent person. Sis Hongyan, don't speak nonsense."    


"You kept staring at Sister Mingyu's chest, did you think we didn't know?" Zhao Hongyan rolled her eyes.    


Liu Mingyu did not feel embarrassed. She covered her mouth and laughed, "Hongyan, don't talk about him. If I spread the news to his wife, maybe he would return to the washboard." Then she walked away graciously.    


Yang Chen thought to himself, so they are all a group of foxes. They can see everything, but they just won't say anything. However, since he had been exposed, he no longer had to hide. He watched Liu Mingyu's back as she walked away, then swallowed his saliva.    


Zhao Hongyan was speechless at Yang Chen's bluntness, but she smiled and said, "Yang Chen, let me tell you a secret …"    


"What secret?" Yang Chen could hear the hidden meaning in her words, so he couldn't help but ask.    


"Actually, although Sister Mingyu's butt is raised, Zhang Cai's butt is the softest. It feels really good to touch it. You can try it when you have the chance." Zhao Hongyan's eyes were like silk as she said, "I've touched their butts before."    


Yang Chen was extremely envious of this woman. Perhaps it was because she had stayed in this place which was extremely rare for men for too long, causing her to become hungry and thirsty. He could not help but reveal a playful smile and ask: "Then, how is your butt compared to Zhang Cai's?"    


Zhao Hongyan originally wanted to tease Yang Chen, but when she was suddenly asked this question, she stuttered and was at a loss for words. As a woman who was quite confident in her appearance, she was unwilling to admit that she was inferior to Zhang Cai. However, if one were to say that she was superior to Zhang Cai, she would appear to be a bit arrogant and overconfident.    


A pair of beautiful eyes stared at Yang Chen. "Are you very curious? After you touch Zhang Cai's, I'll let you touch it. After that, you can feel it."    


"It's a deal." Yang Chen chuckled.    


Poor Zhang Cai had no idea that her butt was being used as a gambling platform by a pair of heartless men and women.    


Zhao Hongyan was not shy either. She raised her eyebrows and smiled tenderly. "If you have the ability to make all our sisters let you touch them once, then treat it as the welfare for our rare male colleagues in the PR Department."    


Hearing this, Yang Chen was in a great mood. Although he had had relationships with many women in the past few years, but those past, now that he thought about it, were physical vents. Just talking to the women in the office now brought an unprecedented stimulation.    


The work in the morning was exactly as Yang Chen wanted, no one cared about him. He turned on his computer and started playing all kinds of games. Golden Miners and Elves watched everything with great pleasure. Occasionally, a few pretty girls would come over and ask him some questions about foreign languages. Yang Chen could also easily and quickly answer them without wasting any time.    


When it was almost noon, Zhang Cai and Liu Mingyu walked over together. Seeing them, Zhao Hongyan tidied up her things and stood up as well.    


Zhang Cai burst out laughing when she saw the familiar "watch" scene on Yang Chen's screen, "Yang Chen, Sister Hongyan said you came here to play soy sauce. It seems like she wasn't talking nonsense."    


Yang Chen licked his dry lips, rubbed his stomach, then raised his head and smiled, "Are you guys going to eat?"    


"Yeah, it's in the company's dining hall. Are you coming with me?" Liu Mingyu asked.    


Although Yang Chen had finished seven, eight steamed buns and five fried dough sticks and two bags of soy milk in the morning, he was the most tired of those difficult games, so he was still a bit hungry. He stood up and said without a shred of shame: "Of course I'll go with you."    


The three women immediately rolled their eyes.    


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