My Wife is a Beautiful CEO

C116 Teacher and Student

C116 Teacher and Student

3When Yang Chen drove to Zhonghai's Yizhong, it was still too early to meet Tangtang. Therefore, Yang Chen leisurely got off the car and smoked alone in front of the school gate while thinking about something.     3


Many of the students and teachers who came and went saw this man standing beside a brand-new BMW while smoking a cigarette. They all seemed to be thinking about something, as if they were thinking about something related to 'raising' them.    


Yang Chen wasn't very knowledgeable about this. Seeing so many people looking at him, he thought it was because he was dressed exceptionally handsomely today and his domineering aura leaked out.    


Just when Yang Chen finished his first cigarette and wanted to continue smoking, a cool and slim figure walked out from the school gate. She wore a blue and white plaid tunic, and under it were the light colored tight-fitting denim pants. At the same time as she drew out the perfect curve, her pair of white calves was particularly eye-catching.    


"Jingjing." Yang Chen called out to the girl. He was originally considering entering the school to take a look, but he didn't expect Lee Jingjing to just walk out.    


When he saw Old Lee and his family having dinner with Jiang Shuo in the restaurant, he felt that Lee Jingjing was not in a good mood. But since Old Lee and his wife were here, he couldn't say anything, not to mention that Lee Jingjing didn't want to talk to him.    


As he had been busy these past few days, he forgot to contact Lee Jingjing on his own accord. Perhaps he had little habit of contacting a girl himself, so he was unable to clarify many of his questions.    


Lee Jingjing was surprised to see Yang Chen, her eyes revealed a little surprise, walked up to him and asked with hope, "Brother Yang, why are you here? Were you waiting for me? "    


Looking at the girl's hopeful look, Yang Chen felt he was cruel, but he still told the truth, "Uh, I'm waiting for someone. It's a student at school. We have an appointment to play games."    


"Oh …" Lee Jingjing lowered her head in disappointment and then stood there silently.    


Yang Chen smiled awkwardly, "She's just a little brat. I have nothing better to do, so we can play games together. Actually, I'm not too familiar with her either."    


Lee Jingjing forced a smile, "Brother Yang, you are leading our students astray like this, shouldn't I, as a teacher, chase you away?"    


"If she takes the initiative, I'll be on the defensive." Yang Chen tried to defend himself.    


"Is it a boy or a girl?" Lee Jingjing whispered again.    


"Girl, just a silly little girl." Yang Chen did not hide anything.    


There was a hidden bitterness in Lee Jingjing's eyes, "Brother Yang, this isn't good. You shouldn't have provoked too many girls when you're married. Plus, she's still a high school student, so her future life is still far away. I'm afraid you're going to hold her up. "    


"It's not what you think, it's just normal friendship. She said she didn't need to attend class today, so she came out to play games with me. I won't mislead the children, so don't worry, Teacher Li." Yang Chen said with an embarrassed smile.    


Lee Jingjing nodded and then went silent again. However, anyone could see from her small face that she was feeling wronged.    


Yang Chen sighed and asked, "Last time I saw your family having dinner with that Jiang, was it about you and him?"    


Lee Jingjing bit her lip and said, "Yes, Mom and Dad want me to have an official relationship with Group Leader Jiang. Group Leader Jiang has been chasing me and I don't know what to do."    


"Do you like him?" Yang Chen asked.    


"I don't know …" Lee Jingjing shook her head. "I don't hate Group Leader Jiang. Although he does things too openly sometimes, I don't think he's bad. Besides, he's really been very good to me. Mom and dad have suffered for a lifetime. I want them to live a good life. I don't have the heart to reject them, so I'm still considering it."    


"Your mom should tell you to stop messing around with me!" Yang Chen asked with a smile.    


Lee Jingjing looked up in surprise. "Brother Yang, how did you know?"    


"Because you are someone who doesn't know how to lie. That day, I saw that your face changed and you stubbornly refused to speak to me, so I guessed that you must have something on your mind."    


Lee Jingjing said faintly, "You know that I have something on my mind, but you won't take the initiative to call me. I thought you were angry at me, Brother Yang. You planned to ignore me from now on …"    


These soft words made Yang Chen feel guilty. He didn't seem to care much about the women beside him, maybe it was because of machismo, so he felt that there were some things that he shouldn't care too much about, and rarely cared about the subtle feelings of the women. He didn't expect that Lee Jingjing would care about him even though he missed a phone call.    


"Actually, it's not that bad. Maybe I'm not used to it. Maybe one day, I really will like Group Leader Jiang …" Lee Jingjing said, "After all, human feelings can always be slowly nurtured. I can't hold on to an unrealistic fantasy life all my life. I have to have my own life."    


Yang Chen was stunned. He never expected Lee Jingjing to say such words. As a result, he couldn't say much. After all, the path of life was up to her to choose. Even if she felt that Jiang Shuo was unreliable, she couldn't say it out loud. With some shame and relief, he said, "I've only been a teacher for such a short amount of time, so my way of speaking is different. But I'm happy for you."    


Lee Jingjing rolled her eyes at him mischievously. "If you don't think so, I can't possibly start crying the moment I see you, right?"    


Looking at the girl's bright and beautiful face under the sunlight, Yang Chen wanted to pinch her soft cheek, but he felt that it was inappropriate. After all, he wasn't the kind of person to speak truthfully. He did this kind of intimate thing all the time, but he just had to give an explanation. He really couldn't accept it, so he put his hands in his pockets.    


The atmosphere between the two of them was exceptionally awkward. Even when they had met each other for the first time, it wasn't as difficult to talk to.    


At this time, a girl wearing a bright yellow jacket and a short black skirt ran out from the school gate. When she saw Yang Chen, she happily waved and shouted — —    


"Uncle, who are you chatting with!?"    


Tangtang, who was still young, seemed to be exceptionally happy. She practically skipped over to Yang Chen, but when she saw Lee Jingjing, who was beside Yang Chen, Tangtang's bright red lips formed an O shape, like a frightened rabbit.    


"Teacher Li, why are you here? Hehe …" Tangtang grinned awkwardly.    


Lee Jingjing seemed to understand and smiled, "So the student Brother Yang is Tangtang, what a coincidence."    


Yang Chen was stunned for a moment before realizing what she meant, "This girl is your student?"    


"I'm her form teacher." Lee Jingjing stared at Tangtang teasingly, revealing her authority as a teacher, "Tangtang, teacher has told you many times. You have to study hard in your third year, don't always think about playing games. If you do, I'll call your mother. "    


"Aiyo …" Tangtang wrapped her arm around Lee Jingjing's, shaking her head as she said coquettishly, "I finished today's computer exam, so I'll play around with uncle. I promise I won't be too greedy, I'll hand in my homework on time. Besides, wasn't my last Monthly Test in the top ten of the entire year? I'll definitely get on top of that, so don't worry about it. You keep using my mother to bully me, you're too cruel to me! "    


"Whether you win or lose, you won't be discouraged. How can you be so proud!" Lee Jingjing lectured seriously.    


Tangtang raised her hands in surrender, "Teacher Li, Beauty Li, please let me go. I've already made an appointment with the uncle. Besides, you know the uncle, so let me off this time out of respect for the uncle …" As she said that, Tangtang pushed Yang Chen again, gesturing for him to speak.    


Yang Chen creased his eyebrows, thinking that this girl really did have something to hide, but he could only cooperate and said, "Jingjing, let's forget about it this time. It's fine if we just relax a bit. I'll supervise her, I won't let her overdo it."    


Lee Jingjing didn't want to refuse Yang Chen's face, so she could only nod and say, "Alright then. But Tangtang, you have to go home on time. Don't worry about your mother anymore."    


"Okay, okay." Tangtang giggled. "I promise I won't let you down, okay!?"    


Lee Jingjing laughed and scolded him, saying nothing more.    


Tangtang was like a runaway convict as she dragged Yang Chen to the car, afraid that Lee Jingjing would go back on her word and let her study in the school.    


Yang Chen smiled wryly as he greeted Lee Jingjing before getting into the car.    


Lee Jingjing sighed and turned around after the car had left and disappeared around the corner. The figure of a person leaving was somewhat sad.    


At the same time, Tangtang, who was sitting in the car, patted her chest, "So close! Uncle, you're really something. How could you know Teacher Li? You scared me to death!"    


"I am friends with your Teacher Li's father." Yang Chen explained.    


"Really?" Tangtang said distrustfully, "But why do I see Teacher Li staring at Uncle as if she's a resentful wife? Uncle, you can't have done something to let our Teacher Li down, right?"    


"Is there?" Yang Chen really didn't notice the deep resentment in Lee Jingjing's eyes. He laughed dryly, "How is that possible? I'm a married man."    


Tangtang pouted and said, "Uncle, stop pretending. There are too many men who are cheating these days. My mom told me that men don't have many good things, especially in this city where they have the heart of beasts."    


"Hey, don't slander me, I'm not that kind of person." Yang Chen said with a straight face. In his heart, he thought, "This is all for the good of the child …"    


Tangtang chuckled. "Uncle, why are you in such a hurry? I didn't say anything about you, but to be honest, it would be great if you could win over Teacher Li. I won't have to be so afraid then." Uncle, you don't know, ever since Teacher Li came to be our class teacher, I was completely controlled. Furthermore, Teacher Li often contacted my mother, how can you stand it! "    


Yang Chen didn't expect Lee Jingjing to be such a good teacher. The fact that she was able to control this problematic girl was evident. He smiled and asked Tangtang, "Don't complain, tell me where to go first."    


Tangtang curled her lips, her fair cheeks revealed a sweet dimple, "Zhonghai eSports center."    


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