My Wife is a Beautiful CEO

C143 Ceo

C143 Ceo

3The change in the situation caused everyone to gasp. What was this man thinking!?    3


Zhao Hongyan felt that her butt was covered by a big, fiery hand. That hand even stroked her butt a few times in a very contented manner, massaging her flesh a few times. While making Zhao Hongyan feel ashamed to death, the peculiar sensitivity made her legs weak.    


Her surroundings were filled with Yulei International employees, and right in front of her were her husband and brother-in-law. Yet, this man's hand was touching her butt, and what was even more frightening, was that she didn't have the strength to struggle free!    


Zhao Hongyan felt her heart beating harder than on a roller coaster. She was afraid that the people around her would notice her abnormality, but at the same time, she felt a faint sense of anticipation and enjoyment …    


When a person surpasses the endurance of their own mind, they tend to be able to see their truest side. At this moment, Zhao Hongyan was ashamed to realize that she didn't reject Yang Chen's excessive actions, because she already felt that there was dew on her below …    


Was she really a woman with a water personality?    


This question was full of ethics and ethics. It caused Zhao Hongyan to forget about the awkward environment in front of her and fall into a state of self-struggle.    


When Yu Hui saw the woman he had been yearning for day and night being held in Yang Chen's arms, he even touched her butt, which made his teeth itch in anger. He said to his silly brother out of the corner of his eyes, "Big brother, by doing this, he is looking down on you, looks down on you, which is tantamount to looking down on our entire Yu Family. We can't tolerate this!"    


Yu Guang was just angry at Yang Chen's boldness. Now that he heard his brother's explanation, he immediately became hot-headed, "Yang Chen! Is this a provocation towards our Yu Family!? "    


"So what if I am?"    


"Dare you say it again, do you know the consequences!?" Yu Guang asked with a furious expression.    


Yang Chen was too lazy to say anything else. His mouth twitched as he suddenly reached out his other hand and used two fingers to gently pinch Zhao Hongyanguang's smooth and round chin.    


Zhao Hongyan was still in a dazed state and didn't resist at all. She let Yang Chen pinch her chin as she tilted her head slightly, facing Yang Chen with her delicate face. Her eyes were misty, and it was unknown what she was thinking.    


The next moment, the entire audience cried out in disbelief.    


Yang Chen lowered his head without any hesitation and kissed Zhao Hongyan!    


Whether it was the Yu Family brothers or the employees present, after seeing Yang Chen kiss Zhao Hongyan, their lips began to move as they threw themselves into kissing Zhao Hongyan.    


Zhao Hongyan's mind was completely blank. The moment Yang Chen kissed her, the burning hot breath was like a thunder strike on her already complicated mind, instantly purifying all her thoughts!    


There was only one thought left that could stop her heart — He kissed me! He's kissing me! He kissed me!    


Zhao Hongyan had no way to control her body due to her brain failure. Unknowingly, Yang Chen had already invaded her fragrant lips, passed over her teeth, entwined with her tongue, and snuck into the Underworld.    


The two's kiss produced all sorts of seductive sounds. With these ambiguous sounds and such a scene, many young men and women around them thought that it was incomparably romantic. Many of them even began to applaud and cheer.    


Out of the corner of his eye, the Liu brothers' faces turned black and white. They stood there speechlessly.    


After a long while, Zhao Hongyan's eyes became misty and her body felt soft like it was made of water. Yang Chen slowly let go and let go of his beautiful, panting colleague.    


Zhao Hongyan didn't realize what had happened. She continued to look at Yang Chen with her cherry-like lips. Her alluring mature beauty made many male employees envious of Yang Chen.    


"I... I... I want to see your boss! Yu Lei's leader! Immediately! I strongly demand that this shameless scum be chased out of here! A man like him should be imprisoned! " Yu Guang roared angrily, the veins on his forehead were showing. He pointed at Yang Chen and his body trembled!    


"Who wants to see me …"    


The clear and melodious voice suddenly appeared at this moment, and all the Yu Lei employees who heard the voice revealed nervous expressions, respectfully turning around to look at the person.    


Lin Ruoxi, dressed in a black tunic with a cut waist, accompanied by her secretary, Wu Yue, and several senior executives, walked gracefully to the rest area on her silver-gray crystal heels. Her expression was as cold and dignified as usual, like a fairy that was untainted by the world's smoke and fire.    


"Hello, Director Lin!"    


The staff who were watching immediately greeted her with a slight bow. They did not even dare to breathe loudly. It was obvious that Lin Ruoxi had already reached a terrifying level of authority.    


Lin Ruoxi glanced at them coldly. "I'm not paying you guys to watch the show."    


Once he said that, everyone ran off in all directions like they had been drugged. They busied themselves with squeezing the elevator and running up the stairs, trying their best to leave the scene as quickly as possible. In their eyes, Lin Ruoxi might be a super beauty, but when a beauty becomes their parent, then she might even become a demon.    


The Yu Family brothers were also shocked by Lin Ruoxi's appearance. How could they have imagined that the CEO of such a large company would be such a young girl? Moreover, the icy cold atmosphere made the Yu Family brothers feel weak all over.    


Zhao Hongyan, who was hugged by Yang Chen, suddenly came to her senses. When she saw Lin Ruoxi's seemingly unintentional gaze sweep over, her body bounced Yang Chen away as if electrocuted, and she lowered her head with a flushed face. She only wanted to escape, but she was too scared to move.    


A pair of watery, seductive eyes quietly glanced at Yang Chen. This man had really made her miserable, yet she didn't know why she couldn't be mad at him. She was about to go crazy …    


Yang Chen smiled bitterly and rubbed his nose, not knowing what to say. His original plan to mess with the Yu Family brothers was completely disrupted by Lin Ruoxi's sudden arrival. What was even worse, Lin Ruoxi's "murderous aura" clearly showed that she saw him kissing Zhao Hongyan!    


In front of his wife, in his wife's company, he kissed a female colleague. If it wasn't for Lin Ruoxi, other women would have already ripped him apart!    


"I am the Executive President and Chairman of Yulei International. Lin Ruoxi, what do you guys want?" Lin Ruoxi only glanced at Yang Chen once before turning her head to the Yu brothers, no longer looking at him.    


Yu Family's eldest son, Yu Guang, this is my younger brother, Yu Hui. Your company's Yang Chen has an affair with my wife, Zhao Hongyan, and he even did something despicable on the spot. As the CEO of the company, I think Miss Lin, you should expel them all from the company! "" I don't think so.    


Adultery? Lin Ruoxi glanced at Yang Chen and then glanced at Zhao Hongyan's face. She felt a sense of helplessness. This guy is really good-looking.    


Although he knew that this man had played quite a few times, he was still a married woman. How could he not control himself!?    


He was just inspecting the office with a few management staff a moment ago when he happened to run into such a situation. Even if he wanted to ignore it, he wouldn't have the opportunity to avoid it.    


Lin Ruoxi felt bitter and frustrated. When they were getting married, she had said that she wouldn't interfere in his private life and she had never fulfilled her obligations as his wife. She felt too embarrassed to stop Yang Chen from living that kind of life, so she could only turn a blind eye and swallow her anger down.    


After some thought, Lin Ruoxi asked Wu Yue who was typing something on her PDA, "Secretary Wu, is there a rule that male and female employees are not allowed to interact?"    


"Reporting to CEO, there are no rules!" Wu Yue answered bluntly.    


"Then I'm sorry, this matter does not belong to me. This is an employee's own problem, please resolve it in private." With that, Lin Ruoxi prepared to leave.    


How could he just let it go like that? He thought that Lin Ruoxi was deliberately trying to cover up for Yang Chen and Yang Chen, so he said fiercely: "Miss Lin, you are not responsible for this kind of thing! As an entrepreneur, you should shoulder social responsibility. Such outrageous actions should be severely punished! If you don't do anything, just let them both be, I'm going to reveal the squalor of your business in our magazines! Let everyone know, that in the Yulei International, there is such a adulterer! "    


Lin Ruoxi's face turned frosty. "Mr. Yu, can I interpret this as a form of coercion?"    


"If Miss Lin insists on thinking that way," Yu Guang was very proud of her. He felt that Lin Ruoxi must be afraid. After all, the biggest fear of a company like this was losing their reputation.    


Lin Ruoxi suddenly asked Wu Yue who had been searching for something, "Wu Yue, have you finished investigating?"    


"The president of the report, according to the data, 'Guanghua Daily' and 'Zhengqi' magazine are political journals started by the Yu family that are over 30 years old. They are mainly aimed at the government departments of southern China. The total value of the brand name was approximately five million six hundred and fifty thousand Chinese Dollar. Wu Yue was like an intelligent computer that was running at top speed. Knowing Lin Ruoxi's personality, she had long since prepared herself and quickly reported the information to her.    


Lin Ruoxi nodded and extended her white and delicate hand towards Wu Yue.    


Wu Yue immediately took out a cheque book from her briefcase and passed it to Lin Ruoxi.    


Lin Ruoxi picked up a pen that she carried around with her and began writing on the checkbook with a "Shua Shua" sound.    


The Yu Family brothers didn't understand what Lin Ruoxi was trying to do, but their expressions were all tense. Even if this outrageously beautiful woman in front of them didn't say anything, her oppressive might could make them both feel terrified.    


Zhao Hongyan heaved a sigh of relief. She was worried that Yang Chen would be expelled because of her, but now it seemed that the CEO didn't have that intention. She carefully looked at Yang Chen, who was beside her, and found him smiling with a relaxed expression! God! His nerves were way too thick!    


At this time, Lin Ruoxi finished writing the cheque and lightly tore it. She then handed the remaining cheque back to Wu Yue.    


"This check for Swiss Bank is for my private account, it has nothing to do with the company's finances, its value is twenty million Chinese Dollar, which is about four million more than your newspapers, magazines, and all your family assets added together. You can go to Zhong Hai Swiss Bank branch to withdraw or transfer the money anytime. If Mr. Yu wants to report on today's events, I don't mind buying all of your newspapers and magazines. Although we only publish fashion magazines, it doesn't matter if we have a small political magazine company with more than 90 billion yuan in assets. Do not doubt my determination. In the face of absolute funding, you all have no chance of winning. "    


After Lin Ruoxi finished speaking, she casually handed the written cheque to Wu Yue, who was beside her, "Secretary Wu, if you see something you shouldn't see, then use the method I mentioned."    


"Yes, CEO." Wu Yue put the cheque into her briefcase. It was a huge sum of twenty million yuan just by putting it away casually!    


The Yu brothers' lips turned pale, and their legs trembled, unable to utter a single word. They watched helplessly as Lin Ruoxi led her group of upright executives away, not daring to utter a single word. If their own industry was truly bought, even if they took the money, it would be impossible for them to create such a high-profile magazine in just a few years.    


Just when everyone thought that the matter was over, Wu Yue, who had followed Lin Ruoxi for a short distance, suddenly turned back and walked in front of Yang Chen and Zhao Hongyan. She mechanically said, "Director Lin wants to see you guys. Go to her office in five minutes."    


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