My Wife is a Beautiful CEO

C145 Successor

C145 Successor

2Wu Yue, who was dressed in old-fashioned attire, quickly walked into the office with her PDA and briefcase. She didn't even look at Yang Chen and Zhao Hongyan and directly bowed to Lin Ruoxi and asked, "Director Lin, what's the matter?"    4


"Help me calculate it. Zhao Hongyan's performance for the past three years and her salary for the past three years can be compared to the PR Department as a whole."    


Wu Yue immediately opened her notebook and quickly typed on the keyboard with her slender finger, "Zhao Hongyan's results for the past three years have been 1.56 million, 1.73 million and 2.11 million respectively. The prize money and salary have averaged about 200,000 per year, which is above average in the Public Relations Department."    


Lin Ruoxi nodded. "Help me draft a contract. Zhao Hongyan's salary and bonuses will be halved over the next ten years. The company will pay 1.5 million in advance to fund her account. You decide the conditions."    


Wu Yue frowned. "President, please allow me to express my views."    


"You don't agree?" Lin Ruoxi asked.    


"Yes, as a publicist, 10 years is too long, very few people can keep increasing or maintaining order transactions, especially young women. As they get older, it is very obvious that their business will decline, such a contract is too risky." Wu Yue said calmly.    


Without waiting for Lin Ruoxi to speak, Yang Chen could not stand it any longer and could not help but laugh, "Is your brain made of a machine? I used to think that you were lacking in stature, but now, it turns out that you are lacking in brain as well? The company isn't yours, and the money isn't yours either. 1.5 million isn't much for this company, and because she had something to do, she signed a contract with the company for 10 years. "    


"Yang Chen, don't say anymore. What Secretary Wu said is also the truth." Zhao Hongyan hurriedly stopped her. Although she was moved by Yang Chen's words, she didn't want to make things difficult for Lin Ruoxi.    


Wu Yue coldly glanced at Yang Chen and said, "I'm just discussing the matter. I'm only considering the company and CEO's interests."    


"Enough …" Lin Ruoxi looked at the two of them with a slight headache, sighing, "Wu Yue, do as I say. I believe Hongyan."    


This time, Wu Yue didn't say anything else, merely agreed and left.    


Zhao Hongyan stood up with red eyes and bowed solemnly to Lin Ruoxi, saying, "Thank you."    


"No need to thank me, I also hope to be able to eat the glutinous rice balls cooked by Mr. Zhao in the future." Lin Ruoxi smiled and said, "You must have a lot of work to do today, so you don't have to work anymore. If the Yu Family is unwilling to let go or wants to blow up, you can contact me and I'll get a lawyer to help you solve these problems."    


The greatest favor was providing help in the midst of a snowstorm. When Zhao Hongyan left the office with tears streaming down her face, she gave Lin Ruoxi another deep look. The emotion contained within her gaze could only be understood by those involved.    


Seeing that Yang Chen was still standing in the office and not leaving, Lin Ruoxi looked at him with a faint smile. It made her uncomfortable and she asked in a disguised manner, "Is there anything else?"    


"I just didn't expect that our family's little Ruoxi would have such an amiable side to her. Her performance today was very cute and worthy of praise." Yang Chen said with a smile.    


"If you want to gossip, then please leave as soon as possible. Don't affect my work." Lin Ruoxi couldn't be bothered with him and turned to look at the computer screen.    


Yang Chen shrugged and left.    


But before he could take a few steps, Lin Ruoxi called out to him from behind …    


"Yang Chen."    


"What? You don't want me to leave?" Yang Chen turned around and said.    


"Will marriages that aren't in love end up like them?" Lin Ruoxi asked, her head lowered as if she was talking to herself.    


Yang Chen was stunned for a moment. After thinking about it, he smiled evilly and said, "No, at least we won't. If you want to go to the nightclub, baby Ruoxi, just call me. I'm very open-minded. We can play together …"    






After leaving the CEO's office, Yang Chen didn't go straight to work. So many things had just happened, if he went to the PR Department, he would be asked a bunch of questions. Yang Chen didn't want to suffer like this and would wait until everyone's interest faded tomorrow.    


Yang Chen was leaving Zhong Hai for a while on Wednesday. At the moment, Yang Chen was thinking that he should go see Qiangwei. She was the woman who was willing to be his lover, and he hadn't seen her for a long time. On one hand, he thought that Qiangwei would be very busy during this period of time. After all, it would take a while for the West Union Society soldiers to settle this mess. He had so little time for her that he felt guilty about Qiangwei.    


When he drove to ROSE bar, it was still quiet and empty during the day. A few waiters were dozing off beside the table, but when they saw Yang Chen enter, they immediately cheered him up.    


Yang Chen waved at the few of them, then walked to the corridor at the back. When he arrived at the center of the corridor, he discovered that there were a few Red Thorn Society guards there.    


On the wall of the corridor, there was actually a door that was moved away. Normally, that door would be combined with the wall, so it was very hard to recognize it. Yang Chen only discovered it today.    


Several bodyguards saw Yang Chen walk over and immediately shouted, "Hello Brother Yang."    


Yang Chen pointed at the dark tunnel behind the door. "What's inside?"    


A bodyguard replied, "It's a basement the president dug last year to deal with brothers and enemies who commit crimes."    


This' handling 'naturally wouldn't be a good thing. To put it bluntly, the place where people killed, confessions were forced, and torture were carried out.    


Yang Chen didn't feel that it was strange, he just wasn't satisfied with Qiangwei's choice of place. It was so close to her bedroom, and she always killed some people inside, so the yin aura was too heavy.    


"Brother Yang, do you want to go in? The president says that you can look for the president anytime." a bodyguard asked politely.    


Yang Chen waved his hand: "I'm not going in, there's no meaning in killing people."    


Yang Chen was afraid that if he saw the bloody scene in front of him, he would lose his mind. If he let Qiangwei knock him out again, it would be pure self-abuse!    


The bodyguards didn't think too much about it. Killing was indeed not an interesting scene, and they also nodded in deep agreement.    


But at this moment, a petite figure dressed in white suddenly ran out from the passageway. With one hand covering her face and her head lowered, she ran out of the corridor like a gust of wind, crying!    


Although it was just a blink of an eye, Yang Chen still saw clearly who the girl was. It was Chen Rong's little sister.    


Seeing Chen Rong running away in tears without even seeing herself, Yang Chen asked a bodyguard: "What's wrong with Rongrong?"    


The bodyguard forced out a smile and said: "Today, the President brought Miss Chen down because he wanted her to kill some of the people from West Union Society …"    


Yang Chen was silent. Although he knew Qiangwei had the intention of nurturing Chen Rong, he didn't expect her to kill someone like Chen Rong, let a girl who had just come out of the mountains and was still a novice in the world pick up a weapon and kill a living person. Even if she knew that the other party was not a good person, this was still a challenge to their bottom line.    


After all, if you kill someone, you can walk this road of no return.    


His mind was in a mess. Yang Chen wondered if he had brought Chen Rong here right or wrong. Did he let down that young lad who hadn't left for long, Chen Bo …    


Qiangwei walked out of the tunnel after having smoked a cigarette in the corridor. She was dressed in a long black dress with flowing tassels. Her bright white skin appeared exceptionally lustrous and clean, like a Queen of the Night walking out of the darkness.    


Qiangwei looked tired, but when she saw Yang Chen standing at the door, she immediately brightened up. She rushed forward and embraced Yang Chen, without caring about the presence of her subordinates, she kissed Yang Chen on the lips.    


"You miss me?" Qiangwei asked as she held Yang Chen's neck.    


Yang Chen nodded, "I just finished smoking, stop kissing. There's a smell."    


"The smell of smoke is better than the smell of blood." Qiangwei's eyes revealed a sense of loneliness.    


Yang Chen reached out his hand to stroke Qiangwei's soft hair, "Even you aren't immune to bloodshed. Letting Rongrong participate so quickly, isn't that too harsh?"    


By this time, the surrounding bodyguards and subordinates had already left, leaving the couple some private space. The corridor was empty.    


Qiangwei smiled helplessly. "I asked her many times, and she answered me with certainty that she was willing to walk this path."    


"But killing …"    


"In the future, it would be better to kill people now. When a person was still not very familiar with this world, the so-called rules and restrictions were also at a time when their awareness was at its weakest. If she waited a few more years, Rongrong would find it even harder to make a move. Right now, she will only feel disgusted and scared when she kills, but after a few years, she will feel that she has gone against human nature and social morals. If she kills again after a few years, she will collapse even more. " Qiangwei explained.    


Yang Chen frowned: "She already killed someone?"    


"Yes, three. All of them were the small leaders of the West Union Society. I asked her to shoot at least three times each person, and she did it, which surprised me too. " Qiangwei said lightly.    


Yang Chen sighed, "Congratulations, she might become your successor."    


Qiangwei caressed Yang Chen's face, "Hubby, do you think I'm very cruel and selfish? Sometimes even I feel like I'm very brutal. I even felt like Rongrong hated me in an instant …"    


"I can only say that what you have done is far from being able to meet the brutal standards in my heart. It is normal for Rongrong to hate you, otherwise, she would really be the Evil Woman. " Yang Chen said honestly.    


"She is truly outstanding. She seems very weak, but her determination is growing very quickly. She will gradually become stronger than anyone else. She was very smart and had a high comprehension ability. She understood a lot of things without saying anything. More importantly, she knew what she wanted very well. She would not be soft-hearted towards important decisions. Only someone like him can lead a gang to continue on. "    


Yang Chen felt a headache whenever he thought about Chen Rong, who would become a mafia boss in the future. He hugged Qiangwei's soft body and stuck her to the wall, feeling the alluring elasticity of her curvy figure.    


"Qiangwei, let's not talk about this anymore. I'm going to Hong Kong on a business trip the day after tomorrow. It might take a week, and I'm here to say goodbye to you today."    


Qiangwei was a ripe peach long ago. Having her lover caress and tease her so closely, she immediately had a feeling. She whispered, "Don't stay here. Let's go into the room …"    


"You can go to your room after you're done here." With an evil smile, Yang Chen started to untie the ribbon on Qiangwei's waist. At the same time, he used his erect lower body to poke between Qiangwei's legs.    


Qiangwei's body started to tremble as she felt the flesh around her chest being squeezed by a large hand. "But I still have the scent of blood on me. I'm going to take a bath …"    


"I like the smell of your blood …" Yang Chen hissed as he bit on Qiangwei's red lips …    


Before long, the corridor was filled with the low and loud sounds of a man and a woman tangling with each other.    


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