My Wife is a Beautiful CEO

C144 Marriage Without Love

C144 Marriage Without Love

2Yang Chen had already guessed that things wouldn't end so easily, but he didn't expect Lin Ruoxi to ask him to meet her so quickly and even let him bring Zhao Hongyan. Yang Chen couldn't help but feel apprehensive; although nothing really happened between him and Zhao Hongyan, he kissed her and hugged her, so he couldn't say that he didn't do anything, right?    4


He gave a comforting smile to the nervous Zhao Hongyan as the two of them left the scene. As for the Yu Family brothers, although they gnashed their teeth in anger, they had no way to do anything about it.    


Five minutes later, Yang Chen brought Zhao Hongyan to the CEO's office on the top floor. This was the second time Yang Chen came to this place, and although Zhao Hongyan had been in Yu Lei for more than three years, she had never been here before. Although there were still traces of tears on her face, she couldn't care less at this moment as she looked around curiously.    


"Don't worry, just sit there."    


With a calm expression, Lin Ruoxi walked over from the water dispenser at the side of the office. In her hand was a glass cup of steaming green tea. The color of the tea leaves was delicate, and their fragrance assaulted the nostrils. One could smell the natural fragrance of the tea from far away.    


Without waiting for Lin Ruoxi to place the teacup on the mahogany tea table in front of the sofa, Yang Chen smiled and moved forward to receive it.    


"I'm so sorry, the president made the tea himself, I will make it myself …"    


Lin Ruoxi ignored him and just ignored Yang Chen, causing him to miss his target. She walked straight in front of Zhao Hongyan and smiled at her. Her smile was like the beginning of spring and the blossoming of spring.    


"This is this year's new West Lake Longjing. You're someone who understands tea, so I'll give it to you. I'm not willing to give it to an ordinary person." Lin Ruoxi winked at Zhao Hongyan and placed the teacup in front of her.    


Zhao Hongyan was overwhelmed and stood up with a blush on her face. It was unknown if it was due to excitement or embarrassment, "Director Lin, you're too polite. I will be embarrassed …"    


This scene made Yang Chen a little depressed. Why didn't this woman give him a bright smile?    


Liliane walked lightly back to her seat and sat down leisurely, as if she were in no hurry to ask what had happened today. She smiled at Zhao Hongyan and asked, "Sofia, if I remember correctly, you've been at the company for more than three years, right?"    


Zhao Hongyan sat on the soft sofa. Upon hearing Lin Ruoxi's question, she remembered that Lin Ruoxi had said that she was "a tea maker". Her eyes were filled with disbelief. "Director Lin, you know me?"    


"As long as it's an employee from the headquarters, I know everyone. Although I can't interact with you guys often due to my job, as long as it's an employee of mine, I will recognize you." Lin Ruoxi said gently.    


Not only Zhao Hongyan, even Yang Chen, who just sat down was stunned by these words. One must know that there were at least four to five hundred employees in Yu Lei Headquarters. Lin Ruoxi recognized them all even though they rarely came into contact with each other. Looking at her appearance today, it didn't seem like she was spouting nonsense. It seemed that this woman's inner thoughts were much more terrifying than expected for her to be able to control such a large company at such a young age.    


Zhao Hongyan was obviously very excited. Like most other female employees, she also had the feeling of worshipping Lin Ruoxi. At this moment, she found out that her idol could call out her name, and even knew her background, just like an excited sparrow. After sweeping away the dark mood, she said with a face, "I really didn't expect that Director Lin would recognize a small employee like us. It seems like nothing in the company can hide from Director Lin …"    


"You're a bit special. Actually, I saw you before you entered the company." Lin Ruoxi said.    


"Before I entered the company?" Apparently, Zhao Hongyan couldn't remember.    


Lin Ruoxi hesitated for a moment before saying, "Your father, Mr. Zhao's glutinous rice ball is very delicious. I used to buy it often."    


Zhao Hongyan showed an expression of surprise, but at the same time, she felt incredulous, "Director Lin, you like eating glutinous rice balls?"    


She hadn't thought that the elegant and refined CEO would like that kind of snack.    


"Your family owns a glutinous rice ball store?" Yang Chen asked in surprise.    


Zhao Hongyan nodded and said with a little pride, "Our rice balls shop has been around for generations, and its taste is very good. It could even be considered an old brand rice ball shop."    


At the same time, Old Mister Zhao is also one of the traditional teahouses. I've had a drink of his yellow mountain and green spring tea brewing, and his technique and technique are the most orthodox tea ceremony, which is almost extinct within the China. The Japanese reservation is relatively more perfect, but unfortunately, people nowadays only pay attention to those flashy tea ceremony, and do not know how to appreciate the truest tea ceremony. Lin Ruoxi said with both admiration and regret.    


Zhao Hongyan became more and more excited, "I didn't expect Director Lin to know so much about our family. He even knows about my dad …"    


"That was many years ago. Speaking of which, I was two years younger than you. When I went to buy glutinous rice balls, I was still in high school. Because high school is very close to your home glutinous rice ball shop, I often go to eat, when cooked, your father will also make me tea. I see you occasionally helping out in the shop. It's just that you probably don't remember it, but I still remember the pictures in your shop. "I think your family is very happy. Father, mother, daughter, boy, that should be your brother, right? They are all in the same shop helping to make glutinous rice balls and selling them." Lin Ruoxi's eyes showed a hint of yearning, her words were soft and sincere.    


Zhao Hongyan was also a bit nostalgic as she smiled, "That's right. At that time, I was still in university, so I had the time to go to the store to help. After I worked, I didn't go back much. I clearly don't know how to make glutinous rice balls, but he still insisted that I learn. Now that I think about it, I feel really happy. "    


Listening to the two girls talking, Yang Chen couldn't help but admire Lin Ruoxi's talking skills. At this moment, Zhao Hongyan had clearly calmed down from her tensed nerves and started to say something to Lin Ruoxi.    


"How has old mister Zhao been lately?" Lin Ruoxi asked.    


Zhao Hongyan's bright face revealed a tinge of sadness. She forced a smile and replied, "Not so good. I've been hospitalized since last year."    


"Hospital?" Lin Ruoxi seemed to be deep in thought. "Can you explain in detail? I haven't seen him for a long time either."    


Zhao Hongyan picked up the teacup on the table, sipped two sips of hot tea, and said, "My father has been found to have kidney failure and needs to undergo dialysis treatment. He's in a very bad condition, and because of that, my brother is in charge of the family business.    


"I'm sorry." Lin Ruoxi apologized and looked at Yang Chen subconsciously.    


When Yang Chen saw this, he spread out his hands, indicating that he didn't know anything and didn't want her to ask such a sad question on purpose.    


Lin Ruoxi thought for a moment and asked, "Hongyan, the person who came today was your husband?"    


"Yes, Director Lin." Zhao Hongyan nodded sadly.    


"Why did he do that?"    


Zhao Hongyan sighed and told him everything that happened in the bar last night. However, she naturally hid the part about being harassed by Yu Hui. Although it wasn't her fault, it was also disgraceful.    


After Lin Ruoxi heard this, she asked Yang Chen again, "Yang Chen, is it like this?"    


Yang Chen nodded.    


"But why did you kiss Hongyan?" Lin Ruoxi immediately asked again. It was actually a "kiss", but Lin Ruoxi was too embarrassed to say that word out loud.    


"Ugh …"    


Yang Chen was at a loss for words. Zhao Hongyan, who was standing beside him, also blushed. She felt her face was burning when she was asked about this topic, but at the same time, she was looking forward to Yang Chen's answer.    


Lin Ruoxi's gaze was as cold as a scalpel that could cut open a person's heart. She said to Yang Chen, "Don't lie to me."    


Obviously, Yang Chen kissing Zhao Hongyan in front of everyone made Lin Ruoxi extremely dissatisfied. She just didn't express too much emotion.    


Yang Chen smiled embarrassedly, "That Yu guy insisted that I admit that he had that relationship with his wife, and even if I denied it, he wouldn't believe me. He was already so determined to give me a woman; I can't say that I really don't want it. I'm afraid to hurt Hongyan's self-confidence. She's a great beauty. Her husband doesn't want her, and I don't want her either. That's too hurtful!"    


"So that's why you kissed her. Have you ever thought about what you two will do after everyone has seen that scene?" Lin Ruoxi was on the verge of going crazy. For such a rogue reason, this man dared to open his mouth and say something!    


Yang Chen looked at Zhao Hongyan, who was blushing so much that juice was about to come out, and rubbed the back of her head. "What else can we do? Her husband already said he wanted to divorce her. I can't say I want to divorce her, can I?"    


"You …" Lin Ruoxi had a stomach full of pent-up anger, but she didn't know what to say.    


Yang Chen smiled mischievously, "Director Lin is really flattered to be so concerned about my love life. On behalf of my wife, I thank Director Lin for his love."    


He did it on purpose! He was angry with me on purpose!    


Lin Ruoxi clenched her delicate hands into fists and kept shaking. If not for Zhao Hongyan's presence, she really wanted to pick up anything on the table and smash this man to death!    


"Yang Chen, don't use such a tone to talk to Director Lin. She was only doing this for our own good." Zhao Hongyan suddenly persuaded, then looked at Lin Ruoxi with a complicated expression, "Director Lin, I think this is all my fault. I shouldn't have gone to the bar. I lied to my husband beforehand, otherwise, this wouldn't have happened."    


Yang Chen asked in bewilderment, "I've always been curious, why can't you tell that guy when you're having a drink at a bar with your colleagues?"    


Zhao Hongyan stayed silent for a while before saying, "Actually, you saw it today. He's a very conservative and decent person. In his eyes, places like bars, nightclubs and KTV are all so-called 'social worms'. They are places that debauchery people go to. Yu family members are not allowed to enter."    


"Isn't his brother also here?" Yang Chen frowned.    


Zhao Hongyan said with a sad smile, "Yu Hui is his own brother, and I am only his daughter-in-law. According to the Yu Family's views, I am only the daughter of a small shop owner, and my birth is low. If they marry me, it will be a great favor to me, so how can they still tolerate me going to a nightclub?"    


Yang Chen couldn't help but find it laughable, "I really didn't expect that there was such a person in society. Why does it feel like he has regressed back to a feudal society?"    


"Yes, when I first married him, I wasn't used to it. I felt like a monk, and when I got home I felt like I was suffocating, a little better this past year, but I was always afraid to go home. I felt like I couldn't get along with the family, that there was too much of a gap." Zhao Hongyan said in disappointment.    


"Then why did you marry him?"    


Lin Ruoxi rolled her eyes at Yang Chen, "It's for your father. As far as I know, kidney dialysis isn't cheap."    


Zhao Hongyan remained silent and nodded with difficulty, "Yes, my father is friends with Yu Guang's father. When my father entered the hospital, although he had insurance to pay a certain fee, it was still not enough. Yu Guang's mother took a liking to me at that time and wanted me to become her wife. Maybe it was because other families didn't want to marry their daughter to Yu Guang and didn't even like good-looking women, so her family picked me and promised me that they would pay more than half the medical fees for my father's treatment. "    


The truth of the matter was simple and sad. A beautiful young woman married a stubborn, old-fashioned man for her father's medical expenses.    


"Do you love him?" Lin Ruoxi suddenly asked.    


Zhao Hongyan was stunned for a moment before realizing who she was asking about. She smiled sadly and said, "Director Lin, I have never been in a relationship with Yu Guang before, I didn't even have a chance to communicate with him before I got married to him. I don't know him, he doesn't trust me, how could I love him? "    


A marriage without love?    


Lin Ruoxi looked at Yang Chen quietly. Coincidentally, Yang Chen was also looking at her. Lin Ruoxi's heartbeat quickened as she asked Zhao Hongyan: "What are you going to do next?"    


Zhao Hongyan shook her head blankly. "I don't know. Actually, I already thought about it when I divorced from Yu Guang. We are from completely different worlds."    


"But what about your father?" Lin Ruoxi asked.    


Zhao Hongyan bit her lips and said, "I've discussed this with my brother. We can mortgage our family's store from the bank to several hundred thousand yuan. It should be enough for Dad to have a kidney transplant."    


"If I said that I would advance five years of your salary and bonus to work here for another ten years, would you accept it?" Lin Ruoxi asked again.    


Zhao Hongyan raised her head abruptly. Her moist eyes were filled with disbelief and surprise. "Director Lin, are you saying …"    


Lin Ruoxi turned around and pressed a red button on her desk. She spoke into a delicate microphone, "Wu Yue, come in for a moment."    


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