My Wife is a Beautiful CEO

C147 What Do You like about Me

C147 What Do You like about Me

2After suffering for 15 minutes, the plane finally welcomed a shock wave caused by the high altitude airflow. The seat belt lights were switched on, and the voice broadcast told all passengers to return to their seats and fasten their seat belts to prevent them from moving around.    


Yang Chen smiled and undid his seat belt. He quietly stood up, quietly opened the curtain at the back of the business class cabin and walked in.    


When Mo Qianni, who had been dozing off the whole time heard the noise, silently took this scene into her eyes. A hint of suspicion flashed across her eyes, but she did not make a sound. After that, she simply closed her eyes again.    


In order to save space in an airplane, the toilets in an airplane are usually made for both men and women, unless it is a specially designed luxury plane.    


At this moment, Yang Chen really liked the design of the plane's toilet, because this way, he wouldn't feel uncomfortable entering the "ladies' room".    


As it was a special time of the plane's fluctuation, there was obviously no one in the toilet. Yang Chen quickly ducked in and locked the bathroom door.    


In less than a minute, someone knocked on the bathroom door …    


After three slow knocks, Yang Chen opened the door.    


The slim figure in a light blue uniform was like a ball of soft cotton candy. The moment she opened the door, she jumped into Yang Chen's arms!    


The toilet on the plane was so small that it could fit five to six people standing at the same time. At this moment, the two of them were standing in a circle, and it was extremely crowded.    


Yang Chen locked the toilet again and hugged Anxin's soft waist with one hand while the other hand held onto her supple, round butt. He squeezed it forcefully, causing Anxin to groan uncontrollably.    


"Lighten up, you're hurting me."    


This kind of alluring tone made men go crazy. With Yang Chen's open mouth, Anxin immediately responded enthusiastically. Although the two of them had only known each other for one night, they had a good understanding of each other. Because that night was too memorable, the communication between the two of them was etched into her mind.    


Anxin's delicate lips were squeezed into all kinds of deformations. Her mouth was also dominated by Yang Chen's aggressive tongue. As they entangled each other wet, she could only 'cough' and express her pleasure.    


Anxin's body weight seemed light in Yang Chen's embrace as the hot and wet kiss continued. Yang Chen pressed her directly against the wall of the toilet and hugged her tightly to his strong lower back. Anxin was like an octopus, with a pair of jade arms around Yang Chen's neck, stroking Yang Chen's back, and her well-developed legs around Yang Chen's waist.    


The pair of black diamond heels were kicked to the ground by Anxin. Her two legs, wrapped in black gauze, were curled up, showing how tense their master's body was right now.    


Very quickly, Yang Chen opened the chest area of Anxin's stewardess' uniform with one hand. Her collar was pulled to the side. After unbuttoning the three white shirts, a violet bra was revealed. The snow-like skin on Anxin's chest was paired with the purple corset. The strong visual impact made Yang Chen dizzy for a short moment.    


"It is truly hard to imagine that you are simply a gift from the Creator to me." Yang Chen stretched out his hand and held Anxin's plump body. In his hand, the soft flesh was pinched into all kinds of shapes, but Yang Chen couldn't bear to use too much strength because it looked like he would break it if he used even a little more strength.    


Anxin's cheeks were rosy when she heard the red praise from the man she liked, but her watery eyes were full of love.    


Yang Chen's gentle caress made her gasp for breath, but at last, she couldn't resist moving closer to Yang Chen's ear. She gently bit Yang Chen's earlobe and spat out a hot and wet fragrance: "I like you to be brave, do you dare?"    


"I'm afraid you won't be able to take it."    


"Pull out your spear, knight."    


Anxin smiled charmingly. She suddenly held Yang Chen's dragon horn with one hand!    


Receiving such provocation, Yang Chen couldn't help but reveal an evil smile. He suddenly let go of Anxin, who was pressed against the wall, and placed her on the ground.    


Anxin's legs went weak as she sat on the ground. Just as she was wondering what Yang Chen meant by this, she saw Yang Chen quickly remove the restraint on his lower body, exposing the malevolence underneath …    


Anxin was frightened by the sudden appearance of this "terrifying weapon". She raised her head and looked pitifully at Yang Chen. As a mature woman who had watched quite a few movies, she knew the meaning behind a man's mouth when he pressed down a woman …    


"It's too big, I don't have any experience, I can't …"    


"How would we know without trying?"    


After saying that, Yang Chen pressed down on the woman's head. Anxin, who was on the bow, had no choice but to close her eyes and accept her fate as she opened her rosy lips …    


Yang Chen, who hadn't enjoyed this treatment for more than half a year, let out a long breath. Although Anxin's skills were unfamiliar, and she didn't know how to curry favor with men, as long as she looked down at her blue flight attendant uniform and her beautiful face, thinking of such a woman doing this service for him, he felt more accomplished than just his body.    


About ten minutes later, Anxin was almost out of breath. Her tears were full of grievance.    


Yang Chen also felt his heart ache. He hugged the woman and gave her an encouraging kiss. Then he pressed her against the wall and pulled down Anxin's uniform skirt from behind, revealing the most mysterious scene.    


Anxin closed her eyes in anticipation and nervousness. She slightly raised her butt, revealing an extremely charming curve to her back. Although this was her first time doing such a shameful pose, but putting down all her modesty made her feel extremely excited.    


When Yang Chen captured the last barrier from behind, he couldn't remember that the two of them were thousands of feet high in the airplane toilet. Other than the fusion of the spirit and the body, there was nothing else.    


After more than half an hour, the violent storm of attacks finally stopped. Anxin, who could no longer stand, collapsed into Yang Chen's arms. Her clothes were messy and her face was like a red jade.    


Yang Chen caressed Anxinguang's clean thigh with one hand and asked, "Why did you become an air stewardess?"    


"I'm an air stewardess to begin with," Anxin replied lazily. "Because I don't want to live the life that my father defined for me, I came here to be an air stewardess even before I graduated from university. Only by flying around the plane can I break free of the cage that my father gave me."    


"Will your father agree?"    


"The CEO of this airline is one of my uncles. He liked my mom when he was young and has always doted on me since I was young. I said I wanted to be an air stewardess, so he arranged for me to come in. Even if my dad wanted to oppose it, he wouldn't be able to. " Anxin smiled slyly.    


Yang Chen smiled, but it made sense: "Where's your fiance? Is he still bothering you? "    


Anxin shook her head, "I don't want to care about him. I told dad that if he forced me any more, I would kill myself. Maybe he was really scared after seeing me do something crazy. Anyway, I'm still young, so I'll just work as an air stewardess for a few years before deciding. In the future, that annoying fellow might marry another woman, so there's no need for me to have a headache. "    


"I just made a decision." Yang Chen said with a smile.    


Anxin asked with a puzzled expression, "What?"    


"I remember what I said last time at the police station. If we meet again, you will have to give me a baby. What should we do this time?"    


Anxin gawked, a little panicked. "You can't really want me to give birth to your child, right? We can't do that, my father won't allow me to marry you."    


"I didn't say I wanted to marry you either." Yang Chen smiled and said, "I'm already married, and my wife is also very pretty."    


"Then what do you mean? Are you toying with me!?" Anxin was fuming. When she heard Yang Chen say that he had a wife, she felt a burst of unhappiness in her heart.    


"I'm not playing with you." Yang Chen said seriously, "I've found out that I can't accept another man owning you anymore. You can either be my woman in this life or I'll kill whoever you dare to be with."    


Anxin was about to say that Yang Chen was joking, but then she realized that the man's eyes were so real. Although the words were so frivolous, but the certainty in his eyes made people believe that he wasn't just speaking offhandedly — he would really kill another man!?    


"Don't be like that, I'm so scared …" Anxin lowered her head in fear.    


Yang Chen kissed her on the forehead and smiled, "Don't be afraid, it's not that I want to eat you, I'm just announcing your ownership."    


"Why did you rob me of my life?" Anxin complained in a low voice.    


"There is no such thing as absolute fairness in this world. From the moment you seduced me into a hotel room that night under the bar, you had already decided on the cause and effect of today. You can take me for a tyrannical, rude, vulgar, vicious man, and I don't care, but I can assure you that everything I say is sincere, that I like you, and that I want you to be my woman. If you doubt my ability, I don't mind killing the other men surrounding you to prove it. Even your father … "    


Yang Chen spoke plainly, but the madness in his words deeply moved Anxin.    


After a long while, Anxinqing sighed, "You bad guy, what do you like about me?"    


"There is no reason for me to like a person. If I don't like a person, then everything is my reason."    


Anxin pouted and said with a slightly intoxicated look on her face, "Are you saying that to every woman?"    


"No, you may not be the woman I love the most, but you are the first woman I want to say that." Yang Chen said honestly.    


"If I were to become your woman, would I be destined to be a lover in the shadows for the rest of my life?"    


"If you don't mind, you can sit right across from my wife and chat and have tea with her. I don't care. It depends on your ability." Yang Chen laughed.    


Anxin touched Yang Chen's face with her soft palm and said with tears in her eyes, "Yang Chen, I don't know how to reject you anymore. Or rather, I have already fallen, but I don't like the feeling of being taken. Can you let me have a little willfulness?"    


"What willfulness?"    


Anxin lifted an index finger and pursed her lips, "Within a year, if we can meet again, it won't be you looking for me, it won't be me looking for you either. If we meet again, then I'll listen to you, be your lover, give birth to your children, everything will be yours …"    


"What if we don't meet?" Yang Chen asked with a smile that was not a smile. In fact, this question was too simple for him. As long as he wanted to, he would be able to find Anxin.    


"If we hadn't met …" Anxin said dejectedly, "We have no affinity with each other, but I will stop being with other men for you. I'm really afraid that you will kill someone else …"    


Women were always sensitive. For Anxin, who lacked a sense of security since she was young, she was more willing to believe in fate, in order to give the most firm affirmation of her fate.    


"Alright, I promise you, but don't you dare go back on your word." Yang Chen said with a smile.    


Anxin pouted as she rolled her eyes at him in embarrassment. "I've already been spoiled by you. Who else can I go with?"    


By the time the two had finished dressing themselves, an hour had already passed from start to finish.    


Anxin opened the door to the toilet and found that there were several male and female passengers standing there. They were looking at her with dissatisfaction, obviously waiting to go to the toilet.    


Anxin could only smile shyly at everyone and immediately ran back to the workshop.    


Just as a female passenger was about to enter the toilet, Yang Chen walked out again.    


The passengers were all stunned — men and women going to the same toilet together!?    


Yang Chen saw everyone looking at him weirdly, so he shouted in dissatisfaction: "Don't look, men pee while standing, women sit, is there a problem going to the toilet together?" After saying that, he turned around and returned to the business class.    


Only a few passengers were left, staring blankly at the only toilet in the toilet …    


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