My Wife is a Beautiful CEO

C178 You Have so Many Women Outside Can You Save Them All?

C178 You Have so Many Women Outside Can You Save Them All?

2Originally, Yang Chen thought that after he was exposed to Liu Mingyu, there would be a violent storm or a snowstorm. But in reality, Yang Chen found that he did not suffer any disasters because the autumn dress ceremony that was prepared for a long time had officially begun. At the same time, there were also exhibitions and results exchanges for other fashion products.    


Lin Ruoxi did not have the time to care about him!    


The whole of Zhonghai International Exhibition Center was surrounded by Yu Lei's signature advertisement. The smiling faces of the beautiful women in the company made countless ordinary people, employees of other companies, and bosses envious.    


As the most relaxed member of the PR Department, Yang Chen could only brace himself to do some work in this lack of manpower. However, the work was also very easy, it was just to help the beautiful girls explain and translate the exchanges between the small language country partners. For Yang Chen, moving his mouth was still acceptable, not to mention listening to all kinds of familiar foreign accents, it made him slightly nostalgic.    


The climax of the exhibition was naturally CEO Lin Ruoxi's speech. When Lin Ruoxi, who wore a black business suit, white shirt, and pink flowers on her chest walked onto the stage, the audience's exclamations mixed with applause created a strange atmosphere.    


In reality, although Lin Ruoxi was the CEO of Yulei International, she would still attract the attention of the fashion industry. However, due to her personality and her conservative personality, there was very little news about her. In the past, many entertainment media outlets had secretly reported Lin Ruoxi's private life, but this method was cold and straightforward. Women with tens of billions of dollars in assets had allegedly bought those media outlets and joined Yu Lei's fashion publishing chain.    


After that, there were very few media who dared to spread the news about her without Lin Ruoxi's permission. After all, the entertainment media and gossip magazines were run on a small scale and couldn't withstand the torment of a large capitalist. No one in the big state media would offend a cold female capitalist with an unfathomable background.    


Therefore, it was the first time that most of the people present had seen Lin Ruoxi. She was quite intimidating when it came to the appearance of the crescent moon on the big screen.    


Lin Ruoxi's gaze at the large venue was as cold as usual. She didn't seem gentle or warm at all just because the other party was her customer and a business partner. However, these people didn't have much dissatisfaction in their hearts. After all, his strength was right there. To put it harshly, money was still the boss! Not only was she rich, she was also very cool and beautiful.    


"Today, standing here is my first public speech as chairman of the Yulei International Board of Directors and the CEO of the company."    


As the audience fell silent, Lin Ruoxi began to speak in a clear voice, "I'm not good at speaking. I'm not a person who likes to read a script written by someone else, so I'll make a short statement."    


"In the past few years, the majority of the company's business cooperation, with the exception of a few key negotiations, which I personally participated in, was done by the Public Relations Department and the various branch ministers. In response, many of the company colleagues who were present and unable to come were skeptical and speculative about my personal style, and thought that I did not respect the cooperative communication between the companies. I came up here today to clarify this misunderstanding. The reason I didn't participate in those activities was simply because my temperament was inappropriate. I'm not good at socializing. However, I have personally reviewed and revised every contract submitted, trying to maximize the win-win situation. I believe that those companies with experience in cooperation will understand.    


If you can't understand people, you can choose to break off the cooperation between them, but if your company is going to harm the interests of most people because of my personal reasons, I don't think that's in the interest of the team.    


Now, I announce that the cooperation project will, as usual, be handled by the personnel of our Yu Lei Public Relations Department, the personnel of the Market Department will be in charge of supporting the implementation, and our Vice Chairman, the former Public Relations Minister, Miss Mo Qianni will be in charge of the work of the plenary, thank you all. "    


After Lin Ruoxi finished speaking, she slightly bowed and walked off the stage, disappearing without a trace.    


The speech was so short that no one even had the chance to applaud the audience.    


It was only when Mo Qianni walked up to the stage with a helpless smile and coughed into the microphone twice did the audience realize that the CEO's speech had ended!    


Yang Chen, who was standing at the entrance of the exhibition hall, was standing with a bunch of beauties from the PR Department. After they saw Lin Ruoxi's "cool" speech, they all revealed infatuated and intoxicated expressions.    


Looking at the other guests inside, there were actually quite a few who were clapping and praising as well. It was unknown as to what they were praising.    


Yang Chen was puzzled and asked Zhang Cai beside him, "That doesn't count as a speech at all. Why do you guys like her?"    


Zhang Cai rolled her eyes at him, "You don't understand, this is called charisma, our Director Lin was originally like that!"    


"I heard that when Director Lin took up his position, he only said one thing on the board." A gossipy pretty girl said in a low voice.    


After the pretty girl had satisfied her vanity, she cleared her throat and said, "I also heard from senior. It's said that Director Lin originally knew that many of the board members and core members of the company didn't acknowledge her leadership abilities, so he said," If you want to do it, stay, if you want to leave, don't send you off. "    


The group of young girls once again exclaimed in infatuation.    


Yang Chen finally understood that he couldn't use his normal way of thinking to think about Lin Ruoxi's work style.    


Not long after that, Mo Qianni had already started her speech on the podium. The other Yu Lei staff had also started to get busy.    


Yang Chen was just about to sneak out for lunch when his phone rang. He opened it and saw that Lin Ruoxi had suddenly sent him a text message asking him to meet her at a luxury hotel near the exhibition center.    


This was the first time Lin Ruoxi texted him. No matter how cold she used to be in the past, it was still a phone call. Yang Chen thought to himself that she was probably still angry.    


However, he still had to go. Seeing that there was nothing else to do, he immediately slipped away. After driving around in a circle, he arrived at the entrance of the inn.    


When he arrived at the lavishly decorated hall, he found Lin Ruoxi sitting on a sofa in the corner, waiting for him. After seeing him enter, he picked up his bag and slowly walked over.    


"Xu Zhihong invited a private dinner to celebrate the successful holding of the exhibition. I couldn't reject this private dinner, so I told you to come with me." It was hard to tell how she was feeling.    


She hadn't dealt with Xu Zhihong in a long time and Yang Chen had almost forgotten about him. This man was getting more and more unkind. It was one thing to send assassins last time, but now they were here to treat him to a meal. Did he treat him like a fool?    


After pondering for a moment, Yang Chen stretched out his arm and winked at Lin Ruoxi with a smile.    


Lin Ruoxi hesitated for a moment, but still held Yang Chen's hand and moved closer to his body. However, her face faced outwards and she didn't look at Yang Chen at all.    


As the two of them walked towards the private room upstairs, Yang Chen asked, "Ruoxi, you already have several billion in assets, why don't you hire a few bodyguards? What if you run into some kidnappers?"    


"As long as I keep a low profile and don't show myself, no one will recognize me. My grandmother has never hired a bodyguard, so I won't either. " Lin Ruoxi replied.    


Yang Chen felt the same way. He patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, I'll go save you from whoever kidnapped you."    


Lin Ruoxi glanced at him coldly. "You have so many women outside. Can you save them all?"    


These words made Yang Chen's throat clench. Sure enough, she was always sulking!    


Yang Chen smiled awkwardly and had no choice but to retreat for now. Being good and obedient, he could only wait for the woman to stop getting angry before speaking.    


When they arrived at the entrance of the private room, Mao Qiu, with his messy hair and unshaven beard, was already standing there in his well-dressed suit, waiting with a smile and a gesture of invitation.    


"Miss Lin, Mr. Yang, our family's young master has been waiting for a long time." Mao Qiu said with a smile that didn't reach his eyes. His gaze swept across Yang Chen's body, brimming with great interest.    


Wu knew that the matter in Hong Kong must have gotten into their ears, so it was normal for Mao Qiu to be interested in his skills.    


The two walked into the room. Xu Zhihong was debugging a large-sized LED TV. On the TV screen, it showed the situation in the exhibition center.    


"Ruoxi, Mr. Yang, welcome." Xu Zhihong welcomed him with a smile. He didn't feel awkward at all because of Yang Chen's appearance.    


Lin Ruoxi simply nodded and sat in the guest seat, quietly watching the scene on the television. Although she had already left the exhibition center, Lin Ruoxi was still more concerned about the internal situation.    


Xu Zhihong understood Lin Ruoxi's preference, so he didn't rush to let the waiter serve the dishes. Instead, he put Yang Chen aside and talked about the situation of the exhibition and the cooperation project.    


Lin Ruoxi became serious as she talked about her work and chatted with Xu Zhihong.    


Because he didn't know anything about these businesses, Yang Chen could only sit in a daze on the seat. Looking at the situation, Xu Zhihong was planning to ignore him and treat him like air.    


Yang Chen smirked and directly slapped the table: "CEO Xu, you guys continue talking. Can I order some snacks to eat? I'm just bored sitting here."    


Xu Zhihong had been cheated by Yang Chen. After being extorted, he was exceptionally careful. He tried to be polite and asked, "I wonder what Mr. Yang needs?"    


"Give me a bottle of ordinary red wine and some caviar. We'll start eating after you guys have finished talking. How about that?"    


Red wine and caviar couldn't really be considered high grade goods. The domestic red wine costed at most 100 yuan, and caviar seemed like a high-end product. However, it was now everywhere in the world. The eggs are all called caviar.    


"Mr. Yang's all right." Xu Zhihong said generously, ignoring Yang Chen.    


Lin Ruoxi glanced at Yang Chen in disappointment. She originally wanted to use Xu Zhihong's conversation to stimulate Yang Chen so that he could participate in discussions related to business, or learn some theoretical knowledge after realizing his own shortcomings. However, she didn't expect that this precious knowledge and experience couldn't even compare to a bottle of red wine and a plate of caviar …    


Yang Chen happily ordered a bottle of red wine and a plate of caviar from a waiter, then sat down and enjoyed his meal.    


At this moment, Xu Zhihong inadvertently turned his head and saw that something was wrong …    


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