My Wife is a Beautiful CEO

C208 I Am Not Human

C208 I Am Not Human

0Yang Chen's "let me make a phone call" caused everyone to be dumbfounded.    0


What was this fellow trying to do? Forget about the police, even informing the army would be useless! As long as they walked for more than ten minutes, they would be able to leave the country. At this moment, any message for rescue was like water that could not be saved!    


"He is Pluto?" Judy asked Broken Blade, looking Yang Chen up and down, a bit uncertain.    


Broken Blade nodded and said, "I have confirmed that he is indeed Pluto, but after returning to Huaxia, his name is Yang Chen."    


"Why is one of the twelve Sovereigns of Mount Olympus acting like this? I can't see anything special about him at all." Andy said in disbelief.    


"Hey hey, let me ask you guys to put on some signals. What are you guys talking about?" Yang Chen twitched his mouth and became a bit impatient.    


A sharp glint flashed across Broken Blade's eyes, "Pluto, you better respect your words, unless you want your woman to turn into a vegetable!"    


Yang Chen smiled indifferently, "Let's talk after I make the call."    


"Well, since you want to call so badly, I'll let you," said Punk, lifting his sleeves with a relaxed expression. His big watch was covered with complicated buttons, and after Punk pressed a few, he said, "I've removed the electromagnetic interference in this area. You can start communicating. I'm curious to know what you can change. "    


"Thank you very much." Yang Chen dialed a number leisurely and pressed "No mention".    


His phone rang and was immediately picked up.    


"Yang Chen!" Is that you? Where are you? Are you all right? When will you be back!? "    


A pleasant female voice came over the phone, but it was filled with incomparable anxiety as it asked a lot of questions.    


The moment this voice appeared, the expressions of Broken Blade and Ye Wen changed!    


Broken Blade's face was filled with panic, suspicion, and Ye Wen's eyes were brimming with tears of joy.    


"Little Qianqian, don't worry. I'm still quite far from you, but I think we'll be able to settle things soon. As for you, just eat obediently and sleep obediently. Just wait for me to come back."    


It was Mo Qianni on the other end of the phone.    


Mo Qianni replied. After confirming that Yang Chen was alright, she was also relieved. "Then you have to be careful. I'll wait here for you. My mom is also anxious. I have to tell her that you are fine."    


"Haha! Don't worry, mother-in-law. I'll bring some yak meat for her when I get back!" Yang Chen joked as if no one else was there.    


"You're annoying, you're not serious at all. I'm hanging up, come back early!" With that, Mo Qianni hung up the phone.    


After confirming that it was indeed Mo Qianni on the other side, Broken Blade's face alternated between green and white. He had no idea what was going on, "Why would she wake up!?"    


Seeing Broken Blade's expression, Judy and the rest of the Blue Storm members asked: "Broken Blade, what's wrong with you, who is that woman?"    


Broken Blade frowned and turned his head to Senior Dan, "Dan Live Buddha, did you give the wrong medicine!?"    


"Absolutely impossible!" The pill refiner was puzzled, "If that female donor was the one who consumed the poison, without the antidote, her mind would have been unable to recover after ten days." And as far as I know, there is almost no one in the world who can do it. "    


Ye Zichen and co. were also puzzled. They knew that the biggest reason why Yang Chen came with them was because Mo Qianni and her mother were poisoned and needed the antidote. But now, Mo Qianni was safe and sound. What was Yang Chen doing?    


"Do you think that everything is different from what you imagined?" Yang Chen put his phone back in his pocket and looked at Broken Blade with a faint smile, "Now, do you think I need to be respectful to you all?"    


Liu steel swallowed his saliva and calmed his heart. He confirmed that he still had an absolute advantage in numbers on his side. On the other hand, it could be said that Yang Chen was alone, so he was not very afraid. Pluto, even if your woman is fine, don't think that you can escape from the eight of us today. "    


"Broken Blade, did the chips you used to threaten him lose their effect?" Judy asked, slightly enlightened.    


Broken Blade nodded, "But it doesn't matter if it loses its effectiveness. Now that the situation has been set, he alone won't be able to change anything."    


"You're right, we were planning to start a war with him. Now it's eight against one, so there's nothing wrong with it," said Punk.    


Yang Chen couldn't help but laugh, "You guys keep talking, until now, I still don't understand why you dragged me into this matter."    


"You don't have to pretend to be stupid. Actually, you know better than anyone else what we want." Broken Blade smiled evilly.    


"You tell me!" Yang Chen shook his head.    


"Divine Stone, we want Divine Stone!" Broken Blade shouted.    


At the mention of "Divine Stone," the people from the Blue Storm and even the higher ups revealed somewhat fanatical expressions. Their gazes towards Yang Chen were filled with greed.    


As for the people from Chinese Iron Brigade, they looked at Yang Chen in surprise. It seemed that they understood a little about the Divine Stone, but did not know that it was in Yang Chen's hands.    


Yang Chen touched his hair in distress, "Why do all of you feel that the Divine Stone is in my hands just like those few Japanese?"    


"Although there was no news about the Divine Stone after the destruction of the old ZERO a few years ago, as long as it is someone who had studied that incident, it would not be hard to believe. With the Divine Stone in your hands, only you, who know how to take care of it the best, would know how to take care of it." Broken Blade said.    


Kalos laughed sinisterly, "Broken Blade, I never thought that other than the Buddha statue, you would also plan to bring the Divine Stone back to the United States. It seems that before you leave Hua Xia, you want to earn more merit points."    


"This is my loyalty to Blue Storm, and also a manifestation of my ability." Broken Blade proudly laughed.    


I can't deny that, Broken Blade, I admire you more and more "Judy giggled," Pluto, 8 against 1, you have no hope of winning, so I advise you to take out the Divine Stone. If it's not on you, we have the time to go anywhere and get it for you. "    


Yang Chen touched his jacket pocket and took out a small medicine bottle. He turned around and walked in front of Leaves and said, "Help me take this, I want to eat it later."    


"What is it?"    


"No need to ask, just keep it safe. I'm afraid it might be broken later."    


Yang Chen gave the medicine bottle to Leaves who was at a loss. He turned around and walked in front of Senior Dan, Broken Blade and the rest of the Blue Storm people, and said, "From last night, I had something that I never told Broken Blade. Because I did not understand many things back then, I have kept it, and can tell you now."    


For some reason, Broken Blade felt a chill on his back. He stared at Yang Chen and asked in confusion, "What are you talking about?"    


"I, hate being threatened the most …"    


Right after he finished speaking, Yang Chen's figure flashed like a bolt of lightning, leaving an afterimage behind as he charged straight at Broken Blade.    


Broken Blade was prepared for this, but he was still scared by the terrifying speed. He could tell that there was a hand about to grab his throat!    


"Don't look down on others!"    


Broken Blade raised his hands horizontally in an attempt to block Yang Chen's attack. Unexpectedly, the bones in his arms cracked like an eggshell when they came into contact with Yang Chen's big hand!    




Broken Blade screamed at the sky. His arms were broken at 90 degrees, and Yang Chen's hand was tightly holding onto Broken Blade's neck!    


Everyone watched this scene in shock and were unable to react in time. The first thing the four people from Blue Storm thought of was not to help Broken Blade, but to subconsciously take three steps back, nervously looking at Yang Chen.    


Yang Chen lifted Broken Blade up with one hand. Broken Blade's face turned red, unable to breathe smoothly. The broken bones in his two broken hands made him wish he was dead. If he wanted to pass out, he would be woken up by the pain!    


"Let me tell you a secret." Yang Chen held Wu Tie in one hand, with his head lowered, he said with a smile: "From the moment you poisoned me and forced me to act, I already suspected that you were acting on your own. Because, if it was the Chinese Iron Brigade's leader, they would definitely know that I hate being threatened the most and that it would be my weak spot. And they wouldn't look down on my strength so much, like you.    


At that time, I deliberately accepted your threat, but I wanted to confirm that this was indeed your private plan, and not because Chinese Iron Brigade really wanted to start a war with me. Afterwards, I asked the other team members and found out that you were the only one who was in contact with the headquarters. All the information, including Blue Storm and the others arrived, you said them alone with confidence. Something that can't even be detected by investigation, where did you get that information from!? These are all loopholes. How can you deploy such an important plan all by yourself? Now it looks like I guessed right, the leader of Chinese Iron Brigade isn't stupid enough to spar with me using this kind of method. As for helping Chinese Iron Brigade to eliminate a pest, I am still happy to help … "    


As he said that, Yang Chen started to increase the movement of his hands. Broken Blade's throat made the sound of gears grinding. His eyeballs started to pop out and blood was flowing out from the corner of his eyes.    


"Not only do I hate being threatened, I also want to tell you that you are too annoying. I wanted to kill you a long time ago."    


"Crack …"    


With a crisp sound of the cartilage in his throat, Broken Blade's head tilted to the side and he completely stopped breathing.    


From the very beginning, no one, including Senior Dan, Second Law King, and the rest of the Blue Storm dared to interfere with Yang Chen.    


At that moment, Yang Chen had a smile on his face as if nothing had happened. However, the image that appeared in his eyes made it difficult for them to move their legs.    


When Hui Lin, who was supporting the unconscious Senior Nun Yun Miao, saw this scene, she could not help but close her eyes. However, she secretly opened a gap and watched as Yang Chen casually threw Broken Blade's corpse out of the hall. That posture happened to be right in front of the heavily injured artillery.    


The people on Chinese Iron Brigade's side revealed looks of joy, while Sky Dragon and the others fiercely breathed a sigh of relief. Broken Blade's death had made them feel much better, and their gazes towards Yang Chen had also become more respectful.    


This man actually considered so many things from the beginning and didn't even reveal a trace of himself. From a certain point of view, he was much more terrifying than Broken Blade who planned everything carefully.    


Yang Chen turned around and smiled at them, "Don't look at me like that. It's normal for you to be tricked." I, on the other hand, have a grudge. Although you guys have unknowingly become Broken Blade's helpers, but I still want to make you suffer a little. Look, Senior Nun Yun Miao, who's always going against me, is the one with the heaviest injuries. "Hehe, but don't worry, you won't die. The only one that will die is Broken Blade."    


Tian Long and the others smiled wryly. No wonder he had sat by the door and watched the show. He had purposely injured them.    


"Alright, it's your turn." Yang Chen turned his head and looked at Master Dan. With an evil smile, he said, "Monk, hand over the Buddha statue and obediently go to jail. It will be boring staying on the plateau all day." I'll pick a cell on the plain for you. Maybe you can be a little bit happier. There are a lot of impersonators now.    


"Dan!" Don't hand over the Buddha statue! He's only one man, and we still have seven. Even if Broken Blade was killed by mistake, how can his strength compare to ours! If we join hands, we might not be afraid of him anymore. This is the best chance to take more Divine Stone s, we cannot let it go! " Kalos shouted.    


Dan Yu frowned and said, "Benefactor Pluto, it will be difficult for one person to change the current situation. Please don't force me to join hands with them and ask for your advice."    


Yang Chen's smile slowly turned cold and his eyes began to dim. His voice sounded hollow as he sighed, "You guys don't seem to understand. It's true that you can't change the situation by yourself. "However, I am not human …"    


"I am a god!"    


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