Beauty's Evil Bodyguard

C1666 The Dust Settled(3)

C1666 The Dust Settled(3)

0Xue Shengzhe!    


Xue Chen was very satisfied with this name. Even if he were to give his son a name, he might not be able to give his son a good one.    


After Xue Chen and Shee Xueyan chatted for a while, Martial God came and Shen Xuening came.    


When Shee Xueyan saw Shen Xuening, she was more or less frightened. One must know that Shen Xuening was Xue Chen's wife, and she was just a lover without any title.    


This was just like how a concubine in ancient times faced the main wife. Even if she gave birth to a child, when she saw the main wife, she would more or less feel uneasy and uneasy!    


"President Shen..."    


As she spoke, Shee Xueyan was about to get up.    


Shen Xuening saw the situation and immediately said, "You just gave birth and your body is very weak. Don't move."    


After hearing Shee Xueyan's words, she very obediently did not move. At this time, Martial God called Xue Chen away.    


In an instant, only Shen Xuening, Shee Xueyan and Xue Chen were left in the room.    


The atmosphere became heavy and awkward at this moment.    


Shen Xuening looked at Xue Shengzhe who was still in the swaddling clothes and softly said, "Can I hug him?"    


"Of course!" Shee Xueyan hurriedly said!    


Shen Xuening slowly picked Xue Shengzhe up from the bed. "He is very cute. Did you give him a name?"    


"Yes, he's called Xue Shengzhe!"    


"Very nice!" Shen Xuening said with a smile, "Little Shengzhe, did you see Dad just now?"    


Seeing Shen Xuening hugging Xue Sheng Zhe with a smile on her face, Shee Xueyan could not help but let out a sigh of relief.    


After hugging Xue Shengzhe for a while, Shen Xuening placed Xue Shengzhe on the bed and chatted with Shee Xueyan.    


At the same time, after Martial God called Xue Chen away, Xue Chen seemed to be preoccupied with something.    


Martial God could tell what Xue Chen was thinking at first glance. He said softly, "Don't think too much. Miss Shen is not so mean. She will treat Saint Zhe as her own."    


"Besides, women have their own ways of dealing with things between women."    


Xue Chen let out a breath of anger. "Old man, have you found a way to save my mother?"    


"Yes!" Martial God nodded. "Not only did I find the method, I also saw the formula for immortality medicine. It said that it used dragon blood as the catalyst, and some medicinal herbs that have long disappeared!"    


"The two of us can forget about the Longevity Medicine. This is too unreal!" Xue Chen said calmly.    


Since ancient times, many people wanted to live forever, but they could live forever. Was there anyone who wanted to live forever?    


I'm afraid not!    


Therefore, even though Xue Chen had the formula for the immortality medicine, he had no interest in it. In Xue Chen's opinion, life and death were the reincarnation of the Great Dao. It was the so-called Heavenly Dao.    


He did not ask for anything, nor did he want to live forever.    


"But there is a prescription inside. It is very scary. It can be made even now. I will give the prescription to you later. You can decide what to do with it."    


"What prescription?"    


"A nameless prescription, but according to the records, " If you can refine this pill and give it to others, "This thing can completely develop the potential within a human's body. But the price is indeed my own life! " Martial God said with a serious face, "Taking this medicine will allow one to obtain a terrifying power in a short period of time. It makes people not tired or hungry. In the battlefield, it is an invincible existence."    


"Moreover, according to the records of our Xue Family, the First Emperor had an invincible cavalry. Every time he went out, he did not need grain and could quickly annihilate the enemy!" Martial God said heavily, "This cavalry army became the Tiger Tooth Army!"    


"Each of them wore a mask. No one knew what they looked like, but they were all extremely strong. Moreover, there were only three thousand of them, and they never exceeded three thousand. However, these three thousand men were able to fight against thirty thousand men!"    


"Later on, after the death of the First Emperor, this Tiger Tooth Cavalry disappeared. From the looks of it, this Tiger Tooth Cavalry didn't disappear. It seems that no one knows the pill formula and is no longer able to create such an invincible army!"    


After hearing Martial God's words, Xue Chen couldn't help but take a deep breath. There was indeed such a legend in the streets, and it had appeared many times in the movies.    


However, there was no way to verify whether it was true or not. From the looks of it now, it was completely true!    


If this pill formula had not been used by the First Emperor in the past, There are others who know if this Tigerfang Cavalry still exists. Then the Qin Dynasty might not have perished!    


Three thousand people could fight against thirty thousand people. If thirty thousand people, then wouldn't they be able to fight against three hundred thousand people?    


"After taking this pill, there is no risk at all. But after a month, I will definitely die from seven orifices." Martial God said again, "There is no solution at all."    


"If this thing falls into someone's hands, it will definitely start a world war."    


Martial God was not exaggerating. Xue Chen was very clear about this point. After all, this thing was too scary. Most importantly, it was not life-threatening. If it was given to warriors, it would not take much. There would only be a few hundred people and then there would be terrorist attacks everywhere. He was afraid that the entire incident would fall into an unprecedented state of anxiety.    


If this thing fell into the hands of Ba Yong or Antonio, the consequences would be unimaginable.    


Even now, Xue Chen's heart was filled with fear as soon as he thought about it.    


"But this isn't the main point. The most important thing is that there is a set of Nine Needles of Life Continuing Technique. As long as an expert of the Void Realm uses it, even if it is just one breath, it will be able to prolong its life!" Martial God said heavily, "This is also the key to saving your mother!"    


"Then can this also save you?" Xue Chen asked without hesitation.    


"I don't know." Martial God shook his head. "I was poisoned. Although the poison was suppressed by me, it would be very terrifying if it flared up."    


"However, that is not important. What is important is that you go to your mother now!" Martial God said neither lightly nor heavily, "This is the Minor Rejuvenation Pill recorded in the Emperor's Internal Cultivation Scripture. " I got it from the black box last time. Although a thousand years have passed, "Martial God said. It has been tested and studied by me. There's still 40% of the drug left. Consuming it will increase the chances of success! "    


Martial God gave the jade bottle to Xue Chen. "There are three left, and one for your mother. You can keep the remaining two for yourself."    


Martial God did not hide anything from Xue Chen. He gave everything he could to Xue Chen.    


"Are you taking it?"    


"Yes," Martial God said. "It doesn't work even if you take it." Martial God knew what Xue Chen meant. He said softly, "Alright, come with me. I have already organized the nine needles to extend your life. Take a look now and save your mother."    


These few days, Martial God had been studying this thing day and night. He did not know how many ancient books he had read. Fortunately, the Xue Family had been passed down for thousands of years and there were many ancient books. Moreover, they had always been in a reclusive state, so he could search for many ancient materials and words.    


After that, Martial God brought Xue Chen to look at Xue Jianing.    


Xue Jianing was lying on the cold jade bed as usual, not moving at all.    


However, beside the cold jade bed, there was a map of the human body's acupuncture points and bones. Furthermore, there were numerous numbers, explanations, and places where the needles were placed.    


These were all done by Martial God. The purpose was to let Xue Chen understand all of these things.    


Xue Chen also knew medical skills. In addition, Martial God's notes were very detailed. Xue Chen only took a glance and understood.    


"Xue Chen, I have prepared all the silver needles for you. See if there is anything you don't understand. If there is, I will tell you!" Martial God said softly, "If there is nothing, I will go outside to protect you."    


Martial God knew that Xue Chen must not be disturbed when he was injecting the needles. Otherwise, if Xue Chen was distracted, everything would go to waste.    


Therefore, Martial God would never allow anyone to disturb Xue Chen.    


"You are very detailed. I basically understand."    


"That's good."    


Martial God let out a long sigh of relief and turned around to leave.    


Wait. After Martial God left the place, Xue Chen took out the Little Recovery Pill from the jade bottle Martial God gave him. According to Martial God, he used water to disperse it and carefully fed it into Xue Jianing's mouth.    


After doing all this, Xue Chen slowly let Xue Jianing lean to the side.    


After that, Xue Chen grabbed with his right hand. The silver needle on the side seemed to have given life and started to tremble slightly.    




In the next moment, the silver needle appeared in Xue Chen's hand with a swoosh. Then, Xue Chen directly inserted the silver needle into Xue Jianing's Baihui acupuncture point. Then, the silver needle actually started to tremble on its own.    


Xue Chen's right hand suddenly grabbed the air and another silver needle appeared in Xue Chen's hand. Xue Chen immediately inserted the silver needle into Xue Jianing's jade pillow acupuncture point.    


Xue Chen was very fast and he took the needle from the air. The silver needle flew to his hand automatically and stabbed Xue Jianing's head again.    


This seemingly casual stab actually contained a gentle inner strength. It was only five needles, and Xue Chen's forehead was already covered in cold sweat. It could be seen how much energy and inner strength Xue Chen had expended at this moment.    


After an unknown amount of time, nine silver needles had been inserted into Xue Jianing's head. At this moment, there was a strange white fog above Xue Jianing's head.    


The entire scene looked like a martial arts master who had sixty years of internal force healing.    


In fact, it was true. Xue Chen was in the Void Realm, and probably the only Void Realm. His inner strength was very strong!    




The next moment, Xue Chen placed his right hand on top of Xue Jianing's head. More accurately, his right hand was covered by several silver needles. At the same time, an invisible force controlled the silver needles, causing the silver needles to enter Xue Jianing's head bit by bit.    


At this moment, Xue Jianing's originally calm expression had unknowingly knitted her brows together. Her face was also filled with pain.    


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