Beauty's Evil Bodyguard

C5 The Problem of Getting along

C5 The Problem of Getting along

4Although Shen Xuening had left Xue Chen behind and Shen Xuening's parents had secretly arranged for their marriage certificates, this did not mean that Shen Xuening would yield and admit that Xue Chen was her husband.    


So she had drawn up this marriage contract before this.    


According to Shen Xuening's words, whoever does not let me live well, I will not let anyone live well either.    


When Xue Chen heard the words' marriage contract ', he was slightly stunned. But then, he reached out his hand and picked up the marriage contract and started to read it seriously.    


"Respect each other's private lives." Xue Chen nodded. "That's good. It's very humane. Who doesn't have any privacy?"    


"Cooperate with your acting!" Xue Chen pursed his lips. "That's not a problem, either. Many internationally renowned directors invited me to act in the past..."    


Xue Chen continued to comment as he watched. Fortunately, Xue Chen's comments were all reasonable. Moreover, this marriage contract was very humane.    


Shen Xuening did not say a word from the beginning to the end. She still relied on Xue Chen's random comments.    


But when Xue Chen saw the last line, his eyes widened and his face was full of disbelief. "Are you sure you wrote the right one?"    




Do you know what you wrote? "    


"During the marriage, the male party is not allowed to request to have sex with the female party!" Shen Xuening said coldly.    


After hearing Shen Xuening say it, Xue Chen immediately said unhappily, "I am a hot-blooded young man. Being able to hold it for a week, could it be that I can hold it for half a month? Hold it for a year? Are you trying to hold it in until I die?"    


If you die, I'll guard you for the rest of my life! "    




Xue Chen's face was full of shock when he heard Shen Xuening's words. At this moment, he really wanted to knock Shen Xuening's head open and see what she was thinking. She would rather die than have sex with him.    


What kind of woman was this?    


Could it be that she was a stone woman?    


Thinking of this, Xue Chen suspiciously scanned Shen Xuening's body.    


"If you have no objections, just sign it!"    


"I have a question..."    




[You can't be a stone girl, right?] Xue Chen looked at Shen Xuening carefully and asked.    


After Shen Xuening heard Xue Chen's words, her sharp gaze instantly fell on Xue Chen.    


Sensing Shen Xuening's icy cold gaze, a thought flashed through Xue Chen's mind. He hurriedly changed his words and said, "Could it be that you are a lily?"    


Shen Xuening did not answer Xue Chen's question. Instead, she stared at Xue Chen and said, "If you have no objections, sign!"    


"Tell me the answer first. Are you a stone girl or a lily?" Xue Chen looked back and forth on Shen Xuening as he spoke. He murmured, "Your breasts are so big and your figure is so good. You don't look like a stone girl. You shouldn't be a lily either."    


Shen Xuening clenched her fists when she heard Xue Chen's words. Her heart was burning with anger and her face turned gloomy.    


She knew that if she did not answer Xue Chen's question, he would not sign it. So she gritted her teeth and said fiercely, "None of them!"    


"Since none of them are, then this rule is invalid." Xue Chen said indifferently.    


"Impossible!" Shen Xuening said with great force, "We can discuss other things, but not this one."    


"Why?" Xue Chen asked in confusion.    


Shen Xuening did not say anything, or rather did not know how to say it. Could it be that she wanted him to tell him that she was afraid of marriage because of her parents' divorce?    


If she told him this, Xue Chen would definitely ask why she was divorced.    


Then what should she say next? Could it be that she wanted to recall what she did not want to remember?    


It was very likely that Xue Chen would laugh at her for having a fear of marriage!    


Therefore, she chose to remain silent and just stared at Xue Chen unblinkingly.    


Ever since Shen Xuening's parents divorced, Shen Xuening had never thought of getting married. However, fate was playing tricks on people. She and Xue Chen had an engagement. Of course, she could also resist.    


However, if she resisted, then the two people she hated the most and did not want to see in her life would appear in front of her.    


So, she agreed!    


Sensing Shen Xuening's complicated and angry gaze, Xue Chen guessed that perhaps she had something difficult to say, so he did not dwell too much on this topic.    


"What's the benefit of signing it?"    


"I guarantee you that you will not have to worry about food and clothing for the rest of your life." Shen Xuening coldly said, "I will give you money that you will not be able to spend for the rest of your life. I can let you drive a luxury car and live in a big house!"    


"I can even transfer 30% of the company's shares to you!"    


"Are you very rich?" Xue Chen asked curiously.    


"As long as you don't squander, it will be enough for you to spend the rest of your life!"    


Xue Chen was shocked. Did he have the face of a prodigal?    


"So, I became your gigolo?" Xue Chen rubbed his face and said.    


Shen Xuening nodded and admitted it.    


"Then can I take your money and take care of a lover?" Xue Chen asked curiously.    


Shen Xuening did not say anything. Instead, she stared at Xue Chen with an unfriendly gaze. She hated men who took care of a mistress the most in her life!    


If his father had not found another woman, How could her parents divorce? How could they hate men so much?    


In Shen Xuening's eyes, her father, Shen Baichuan, was the best man in the world. He was the best father in the world. After Shen Baichuan suddenly brought a woman into the family.    


Shen Xuening felt that her sky had collapsed and everything had changed.    


It was also from then on that she had also started to change. She had become disgusted with men and thought that men were animals that liked the new and hated the old.    


Now Xue Chen actually asked her if she could take the money Shen Xuening gave him to raise other women. If Shen Xuening gave him a good face, it would really be strange!    


Sensing Shen Xuening's unfriendly gaze, Xue Chen had already gotten the answer. A depressed expression immediately appeared on his face. At the same time, he smiled bitterly in his heart. She was really a powerful woman.    


No wonder when he came, his old master told him that wanting to conquer his wife, Shen Xuening, was about the same as the Red Army's Long March back then.    


At this moment, Xue Chen felt that his master was wrong. This was a long journey. It was almost the same as the journey to the west. He had met many beautiful demons along the way. He had to endure it and not do anything bad. Otherwise, the Buddha would slap him to death.    


At this moment, Shen Xuening was just like the Buddha in Xue Chen's heart, and he was Tang Sanzang who was riding a white horse. He wanted to experience the same thing as Tang Sanzang!    


This woman wanted to tie him to her side and only guard her. She could only watch and not touch. This was the rhythm of killing people!    


Which man would stare at such a beautiful wife every day without any thoughts? Could that man endure it forever?    


Of course, if Shen Xuening allowed him to find other women to solve physical problems, Xue Chen could consider signing this marriage contract.    


But it was absolutely impossible now!    


"I am a normal man. Normal men have physical needs. Your marriage contract is an overlord's treaty. It is a treaty of disgrace and disgrace. I will not sign it." Xue Chen refused firmly.    


Xue Chen was not a fool. He knew that as long as he signed his name on it, it was equivalent to signing the contract of selling himself. He would not sign such an unfair contract even if he was beaten to death.    


"How about you sign it?"    


"Remove the last one." Xue Chen took out a cigarette and lit it. "You look good," he said. But it's not exactly what I want. I don't have much interest in you, so this one is invalid."    


Shen Xuening frowned when she saw Xue Chen unceremoniously smoking in front of her. She was even more disgusted with Xue Chen in her heart.    


Shen Xuening completely ignored Xue Chen's earlier words. Her expression was cold as she said, "Since you are not interested in me, then there is no need to cripple me."    


"Then I will not sign it either. You must know that love grows day by day!" Xue Chen crossed his legs and leaned on the sofa. He said lightly, "Furthermore, I am here to marry a wife, not to look for abuse. Of course, if you do not like me, we will go our separate ways. I will not make things difficult for you, and you should not make things difficult for me. If it is really not possible, we will kowtow to each other and bow to each other."    


"Impossible. You won't be able to resist this marriage!"    


"How do you know I can't resist?"    


"He told me that if you dare to resist, you will be beaten to death."    


Xue Chen's face immediately darkened. Although he did not know who told Shen Xuening this, he had to admit that Shen Xuening was right. As long as he dared to break off the marriage, his old master would definitely beat him to death!    


Just thinking about it made Xue Chen feel a headache. The TV shows how his master doted on his disciple and what his disciple wanted to do. He could do whatever he wanted, but this was good. He had never enjoyed this kind of treatment before.    


"Since you don't like me, why don't you resist?" Xue Chen asked curiously, "Could it be that someone is willing to beat you to death?"    




Xue Chen nodded. "Then why didn't you fight back?"    


Shen Xuening became silent again.    


"It seems that you are powerless to resist." Xue Chen sighed helplessly. "Since we are both miserable people, why do you want to make things difficult for me?"    


"Because you are my legal husband!" Shen Xuening pointed to the two marriage certificates on the coffee table.    


Xue Chen's face immediately darkened. Just because I am your legal husband, you can make things difficult for me and force me to sign this unfair treaty?    


What kind of logic is this!    


"Must I sign it?" Xue Chen asked with a sad face.    


"Think about it."    


Although he said so, the light in Shen Xuening's eyes told Xue Chen that he had to sign it.    


"What if I am determined to not sign it?"    


"Then you can leave my place."    


"Go there?"    


"Up to you!" Shen Xuening's expression was still calm as she coldly said, "It was you who wanted to leave, not me who forced you. If your family heard the news and rushed over..."    


Threats, naked threats.    


"I will sign!" Before Shen Xuening could finish her sentence, she was interrupted by Xue Chen through gritted teeth.    


As soon as he finished his sentence, Xue Chen picked up the pen he had prepared on the coffee table and signed his name and date in the blank space of the person who had written the book.    


Seeing Xue Chen sign on it, Shen Xuening secretly heaved a sigh of relief.    


"Here you go!" Xue Chen handed the signed marriage contract to Shen Xuening.    


"Since you have signed the marriage contract, now it is time to talk about how we get along."    


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