Immortals Dump Waste In My Home

C186 Broken Face

C186 Broken Face

2Zhang Yan coldly snorted. "Why? You still have the face to ask why? I've let you play for a few years, can it be that I can't get back the compensation I deserve? "    




Xu Fann smiled. It seemed like he had yet to see through Zhang Yan.    


Zhang Yan was even more shameless than she thought!    




After all the years she had worked, she had been living frugally. She had saved a dollar's worth of money, but now she had the gall to ask for compensation? This was a huge joke.    


Xu Fann snorted and said, "Zhang Yan, your imagination is very rich, but please give up on this idea. I don't have any responsibility to compensate you. I broke up a long time ago."    


"Xu Fann!" Don't force me! "    


Zhang Yan glared at Xu Fann with a cold expression. At this moment, she seemed to have gone mad. She sneered and said, "If you don't give it to me, I'll make it so that you won't be able to bear the consequences!"    


Xu Fann's mouth twitched. Threatening? "I'm not afraid." "Alright."    


The moment Xu Fann finished his words, Zhang Yan's hand went to her clothes and tore it open, revealing her sexy underwear and a large piece of snow-white shirt.    


Looking at her constantly tearing actions, Xu Fann couldn't help but be confused. What was Zhang Yan doing?    


"Xu Fann, no matter what, you're an adult. I'm afraid you know how many years a rapist is sentenced to, right?"    


"…" Xu Fann was stunned for a moment and then laughed out loud.    


Zhang Yan, she didn't even hesitate to ruin her reputation for a mere 200,000?    


"Hehe, Zhang Yan, I really never expected that you would be such a despicable person …"    


"Haha? I am despicable? That's right! I, Zhang Yan, am a lowly woman, Xu Fann! If I don't get you, then I'll destroy you! "    


Zhang Yan's laugh was exceptionally savage. Although this was a method of mutual destruction, she didn't care in the slightest. She was no longer that pure girl from back then. So what if she was despised? It was worth it to drag this man who did not care about him into the water!    


"Hur hur, Xu Fann, you like that secretary of yours a lot, don't you? "Don't think that I can't tell. Think about it carefully. If she knew that you, Xu Fann, was a rapist, what would she think of you?"    


"It's still too late for you to regret it now. Give me the two hundred thousand. From now on, I won't get involved in any conflict between us!"    


Zhang Yan's face showed a hint of playfulness, but she didn't see the fear that she had expected from Xu Fann's face …    


"Aren't you afraid? Do you believe that I'll shout it out right now? "    


Xu Fann shrugged his shoulders and sat down on the sofa without a care. He took out a cigarette from the table, lit it up and smiled: "Why should I be afraid?" It's just a fake thing, I did it properly. "    


"We'll talk about it later." Xu Fann snorted and put out the cigarette he had just taken. He smiled and said, "I said something unpleasant. Zhang Yan, do you think you can sue me?"    




Zhang Yan's face turned pale. She was obviously angered by Xu Fann's arrogant words, but there was nothing she could do.    


That's right, Xu Fann was no longer the same as Xu Fann before. Even his current boss was only on equal footing with him. How could he, a lowly ordinary person, sue the evildoer and scheme against him?    


To put it bluntly, if Xu Fann went berserk now, he would be executed on the spot. If he went to the police, Xu Fann would be the one to get the upper hand.    


Xu Fann slightly raised the corner of his mouth and smiled, "Let's go, you can go now. Go back and take good care of your boyfriend. Finally, I'll give you a word of advice. Take good care of this guy in front of you."    


In Zhang Yan's eyes, Xu Fann's disregard for her was like charity.    


Women were always unreasonable animals, not to mention the crazy Zhang Yan. Even though she knew that she wouldn't even make a fuss about Xu Fann's ass, she had already decided to make a ruckus like a mad dog.    


Even if he couldn't kill Xu Fann, he had to make Xu Fann lose a layer of his skin!    


"Rape! Help! "    


Zhang Yan called out like a shrew. Xu Fann was stunned. He didn't expect that he would make Zhang Yan completely crazy.    


He smiled and sat back on the sofa. He watched Zhang Yan making a ruckus with interest. She was really shameless.    


It was late at night, and the room was soundproofed to make it easier for couples to enjoy themselves. Even when Zhang Yan yelled like a shrew, it didn't attract anyone.    


Hearing her increasingly hoarse voice, Xu Fann smiled and said, "Is this the end? When this is over, let's hurry up and leave. "    


Zhang Yan glared at Xu Fann. The only thing she could use against Xu Fann was shamelessness. She had to continue calling for help.    


Dong, dong, dong.    


The knock on the door surprised Xu Fann. He didn't expect Zhang Yan's hard work to call for someone.    


However, this was not bad. He had better hurry and end this farce as soon as possible. He was truly tired.    


"Xu Fann, what happened to your room?"    


However, the greeting sound outside surprised Xu Fann. The person who came was not the waiter, but Qiu Su'e who lived next door.    


This was probably because Zhang Yan, this crazy woman, had woken Qiu Su'e up …    


Zhang Yan looked at Xu Fann with a sinister smile. Her hard work was not in vain.    


"Rape! Help! "Ah, save me …"    


Qiu Su'e couldn't help but be taken aback when she heard another shout coming from the room.    


"Xu Fann, what's going on? Why is there a woman's voice in your room? "    


Xu Fann rubbed his forehead and felt a headache coming on. Since Zhang Yan had made such a fuss out of him, he could only let Qiu Su'e come in first.    


After she got up and opened the door, Qiu Su'e immediately saw Zhang Yan, who was undressed by the bed. She couldn't help but be stunned and a complicated expression flashed across her face.    


"Xu Fann, this …"    


Although the situation was clear, Qiu Su'e still wanted to hear Xu Fann's explanation.    


"Hehe, have you gone stupid? Your man was just sleeping with me! I just played the rape game! Was she disappointed in him? "Haha!"    


Without waiting for Xu Fann to explain, Zhang Yan, who was on the bed, grabbed the conversation and started to play tricks on him, making the situation more complicated.    


"Sister Su'e …" Zhang Yan was indeed a bitch. Just from her words, he became a bastard who played with women. Looking at Qiu Su'e's sad eyes, Xu Fann didn't know how to explain himself.    


Zhang Yan, on the other hand, was very excited. It would be best if Qiu Su'e, who was a little arrogant, gave Xu Fann a slap; it would be the best if she made a mistake! If that was the case, then it wouldn't have been in vain for him to scream for so long.    


"Xu Fann, I'm sorry, it's sister's fault."    


Qiu Su'e's apology was like a bolt of thunder that struck Zhang Yan's head. She was dumbfounded. Why wasn't this woman angry at all? Instead, she was apologizing?    


Xu Fann was also a bit confused. He frowned and asked, "Sister Su'e, why are you apologizing?"    


Qiu Su'e looked at Xu Fann with a wronged expression and said, "It's sister's fault. I didn't satisfy you. You … You and her …"    


Qiu Su'e's simple and honest personality only believed that Xu Fann would only get together with his classmates because her aunt's problem was not enough to satisfy him.    


As long as Xu Fann had her in his heart, it was enough. Now that Xu Fann was with other women, to be honest, she only felt guilty because she didn't satisfy him.    


"Y-Are you crazy or are you stupid!?" He's playing with other women behind your back, what's the point of you apologizing! "    


Zhang Yan couldn't help but explode when she saw Qiu Su'e's wronged expression. What luck did Xu Fann have to be able to make such a beautiful woman give up on him like that?    


"Sister, Xu Fann has the ability, you can't blame him for that. Weird sister, it's sister who can't satisfy him …"    


Zhang Yan was completely stupefied. If she were to give out three 'four virtues' prizes, she would definitely give them to Qiu Su'e without hesitation. This woman was way too obedient!    


"Madman!" You are all madmen! "    


Zhang Yan put on her loose clothes and got up from the bed. It was obvious that her previous thoughts were a joke now!    


"Xu Fann!" Just you wait! "    


Before leaving, Zhang Yan gave Xu Fann a cold and murderous look. Xu Fann smiled. Crazy, you seem to be the one who is the craziest and most shameless, right?    


Qiu Su'e looked at Zhang Yan, who had slammed the door, and was a little confused.    


Why did she suddenly become enemies with Xu Fann?    


"Xu Fann, what is going on?"    


Qiu Su'e had just gotten up from the bed. Her clothes were messy, but they still gave off a lazy and sexy smell.    


Xu Fann wasn't a saint. After being provoked by Zhang Yan for so long, the suppressed flame was ignited once again by Qiu Su'e.    


"Sister Su'e, let's talk about this later. Didn't you say you'd let me down? Hehehe …"    


It wasn't until the early morning of the next day that Lee Tiagen and Zhao Hua returned to the hotel. Their faces were flushed with excitement. Obviously, the two of them had enjoyed themselves to their heart's content last night.    


When the two of them knocked on Xu Fann's door, Qiu Su'e had already put on her clothes and was standing beside the bed, feeling helpless.    


Facing the mischievous smiles of the two old thugs, Qiu Su'e felt embarrassed.    


"Hehe, old bro, how was it last night?"    


The two old thugs didn't care about what Qiu Su'e was listening to, they started teasing him directly. Xu Fann looked at the bashful Qiu Su'e, and her cheeks puffed up a little. He couldn't help but think back to the ridiculous things he did last night.    


He was in a daze …    


Xu Fann rubbed his nose and said with a coy smile, "Brother Tiagen, don't talk nonsense. We were talking business just now!"    


"Oh, we both know that. Hehe, it's something important. I went to do something important last night as well!"    


"…" Well, Xu Fann reckoned that there was no need to explain himself to these two old thugs, so he didn't want to waste his time talking anymore.    


However, the two of them probably didn't sleep for the whole night and were just acting excited on the surface. Thus, Xu Fann told the two of them to rest for the morning and rush back in the afternoon in case something happened on the way back.    


When the room was checked out, all the people who had come to participate in the agricultural product exchange had already left, including Ma Santing's group. When the room was checked out, all the people who had come to participate in the agricultural product exchange had already left, including Ma Santing's group.    


The group of people got on the car and only returned to the county town at dusk.    


Xu Fann didn't stay too long in the county. Since it was getting late, he drove the car back to Lower River Village with Qiu Su'e.    


"Sister Su'e, I'll take you home first."    


Xu Fann drove the car into the village and headed in the direction of Qiu Su'e's house.    


"No, there's no need. Xu Fann, I-I'll go back alone …"    


Thinking back to the incident at the provincial capital yesterday, Qiu Su'e hurriedly refused.    


It was a good thing that the sky was dark. Otherwise, Xu Fann would have definitely seen Qiu Su'e's bashful expression.    


Who knew what would happen if he let Xu Fann go to his house? Qiu Su'e's heart was still pounding like a little deer when she thought of the charming scene from last night. This little enemy of hers was truly shameful.    


"Sister Su'e, it's already like this, why are you still calling me Xu Fann?"    


Xu Fann suddenly glared at Qiu Su'e. Qiu Su'e couldn't help but be confused, "Ah, what's your name if I don't call you Xu Fann? Could it be the boss? "    


Xu Fann rolled his eyes. Qiu Su'e was good at everything, just that sometimes she didn't have any interest.    


"The first word is correct. Think again, what should I be called?"    


"Old …" Qiu Su'e reacted immediately and patted Xu Fann coquettishly, but was immediately grabbed by Xu Fann and rubbed into her bosom.    


"Hey, Xu Fann, don't. It's not good to be seen by others!"     0


"Don't... Stop messing around, Xu Fann! "    


What a joke! It would be in the village right now. If the villagers saw him embracing Xu Fann, they would probably scold him for seducing a man with a vixen!    


However, Xu Fann was very daring. He rubbed his cheek against Qiu Su'eguang's face and said with an evil smile, "What are you afraid of? I will let people know that you are my woman. Also, is what I said useful? You're calling me Xu Fann again! "    


"B-husband …" Qiu Su'e pouted. Although she was a little bashful, she still obediently called out.    


"Hehe, be good. Come, let's have a husband."    


Xu Fann pointed shamelessly at his own face, indicating for Qiu Su'e to kiss him. This guy took advantage of the fact that no one was looking and became courageous to tease Qiu Su'e.    


Qiu Su'e glanced at Xu Fann shyly and pecked at the place Xu Fann pointed out. She pouted and said, "Hubby, the kiss is over. You should let me go now, right?"    


Xu Fann nodded in satisfaction. He stopped the car and naughtily scratched Qiu Su'e's butt. "Hehe, be good. Be careful on the road."    


After watching Qiu Su'e disappear into the distance, Xu Fann quickly drove back home.    


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