Immortals Dump Waste In My Home

C984 Crazy Ideas

C984 Crazy Ideas

3Xu Fann's sigh caused the surrounding bystanders to subconsciously look in the direction of Sha Feng's trio.    


When they saw the smiles on the faces of Sha Feng and the other two, inexplicably, those villains from the movies and TV dramas appeared in their minds.    


The appearance of this image caused a strange expression to appear on their faces.    


It had to be said that Sha Feng and the other two's image were like those of villains in movies and TV dramas.    


Facing the gazes of the crowd and the many strange gazes, Sha Feng and the others' faces were flushed red.    


Just when Sha Feng was preparing to retort and continue his taunting. Xu Fann looked in their direction and raised his right hand.    


"Stop this useless war of words. I'm tired of it too." He looked at the three in front of him and said, "Come."    


"I want to fight."    


"Come now!"    


The moment he said that, Xu Fann spread out his posture and prepared to fight.    


Seeing Xu Fann's posture, everyone knew that Xu Fann was not pretending.    


And when he thought of Xu Fann, he really planned to use one against three. A fiery passion flashed in everyone's eyes.    


In addition, gazes of doubt and disbelief were all fixed on Xu Fann.    


They really didn't understand what kind of strength Xu Fann possessed. He actually dared to use a 1v3. This was an extremely disadvantageous challenge.    


While everyone was thinking this, Sha Feng and the others who saw Xu Fann's display were also stunned.    


They understood that Xu Fann, who was trying to fight one against three, would lose without a doubt tonight.    


As long as Xu Fann was defeated, the attention that they got would be returned to them.    


Not only that, the attention that originally belonged to Xu Fann would also be focused on them.    


After realizing this, smiles appeared in their eyes.    


Sha Feng and the other two looked towards Xu Fann's direction at the same time and said, "Since you're deliberately looking for trouble, don't blame me!"    


As his voice faded, a sinister smile appeared on Sha Feng's face.    


At the same time, Sha Feng stomped his feet. It attacked towards Xu Fann's direction.    


The other two followed closely after Sha Feng and rushed towards Xu Fann.    


Seeing Sha Feng and the other two attacking at the same time, the surrounding observers all focused their gazes on Xu Fann.    


They also wanted to know what kind of method Xu Fann would use to deal with the attacks from the three Heaven Stage s.    


However, what they didn't expect was … Xu Fann didn't move in the face of their attacks.    


Not only that, Xu Fann's eyes were also full of ridicule as he looked at the three people who were attacking.    


It was as if their attacks were nothing in Xu Fann's eyes.    


When that posture entered the eyes of Sha Feng and the other two, after a brief moment of blankness, their eyes were filled with fury.    


The three of them were all top geniuses, even in this banquet.    


Other than Zhong Ling'er, no one else dared to show such disdain to them.    


Because of this reason, their expressions quickly became gloomy.    


"You're courting death!" Sha Feng shouted loudly. The inner strength in his body started gathering towards his right fist.    


As for the other two, they weren't as excited as Sha Feng. However, the inner strength within his body was also crazily surging.    


Even though the two of them were not like Sha Feng, who was so angry that he went all out and really wanted to beat Xu Fann to death with a single punch.    


However, due to Xu Fann's gaze, the strength of their punches and kicks increased greatly.    


Compared to the previous 50% strength, this time their fists and kicks were much stronger. It went directly to 70% of his body's condition.    


The sudden increase in power from the three of them caused their auras to be subconsciously released.    


Due to their strength, they were the stronger of the many geniuses.    


As a result, after he released his aura. Many of the surrounding spectators felt a wave of pressure.    


This kind of pressure made them feel somewhat uncomfortable at the same time. This also made them understand that Sha Feng and the other two were infuriated by Xu Fann.    


That was because this pressure was something that would only be released when the three of them went all out.    


"Tsk tsk, three all-out mid-stage Heaven Stage. That kid can be considered finished."    


"He also brought this upon himself. Who asked him to provoke those three people earlier and even today, he displayed an extremely disdainful expression towards their attacks?"    


"If I had to say, this kid relied on the fact that he is the son-in-law of someone with Xia Family to be so arrogant, and only just now did he dare to provoke Sha Feng and the other two."    


"So what if he's a son-in-law with Xia Family? And Patriarch of Xia Family is not here either. That kid is definitely going to get beaten up ruthlessly this time."    


After seeing Sha Feng and the other two go all out, such voices came from the surrounding people.    


Facing such a voice, Xu Fann's expression still did not change.    


The three of them were now less than a meter away from him. The three attacks were about to reach him.    


Xu Fann, who was originally motionless, finally made a move. He pulled back his right foot slightly and leaned forward.    


His posture was like that of a cheetah about to hunt for food on the prairie.    


The appearance of that scene made Sha Feng and the others frown.    


They could tell that Xu Fann was going to make a move. However, they had never seen anyone create such a defence.    


The surrounding people were also surprised by Xu Fann's actions.    


They never thought that Xu Fann would do this before Sha Feng and the other two attacked them.    


However, they didn't think of this. But the scene of Xu Fann defeating Wu Hai surfaced in their minds.    


They remembered that when Xu Fann had killed Wu Hai, he hadn't moved at all.    


It was only when Wu Hai arrived in front of Xu Fann that he knocked over Wu Hai with a simple action.    


The scene that appeared in his mind caused the hearts of the surrounding people to tremble.    


"Could it be that he's prepared to kill Wu Hai in an instant with this method? He's planning to kill Sha Feng and the other two men in an instant!" And then, these thoughts emerged in their minds.    


At first, these thoughts were immediately banished as soon as they appeared.    


In their eyes, Sha Feng and the other two could not be compared with Wu Hai at all.    


It was definitely impossible for Xu Fann to want to deal with the three of them like how he wanted to deal with Wu Hai.    


However, when they recalled that Xu Fann was motionless, it was only when Sha Feng and the other two arrived in front of him did they take action.    


The idea of expelling him from their minds once again surfaced in their minds.    


Such an appearance made them cast doubtful gazes at Xu Fann.    


When they saw Xu Fann's face, they still maintained the calmness they had when fighting against Wu Hai.    


The idea that appeared in their minds once again became even more powerful and resolute.    


The firmness of this thought caused everyone in the surroundings to be shocked. The doubt in their eyes turned into shock.    


They never thought that Xu Fann would be able to kill off Sha Feng and the other two in an instant with the method he used to deal with Wu Hai.    


It was because these guesses and thoughts were truly too crazy.    


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