Immortals Dump Waste In My Home

C1082 The Back Axe

C1082 The Back Axe

0Realizing this, the two people at the front desk said in unison: "What's the wager?"    4


Xu Fann didn't answer immediately after hearing the voice. Instead, he turned his gaze to the hallway.    


He remembered clearly that Fu Zhang left from here.    


"I bet that within three minutes, he will appear here again." Xu Fann turned around after looking at the corridor for a while.    


"Hmm?" The two girls at the front desk didn't understand Xu Fann's words.    


"The gist of it is that if your young master comes back within thirty percent of the time without bringing any helpers, it'll be my victory." Seeing this, Xu Fann smiled lightly and continued, "If your young master can't appear within thirty percent of the time, or if he brings an extra helper, then it's my loss."    


After saying this, a hint of joy flashed through the eyes of the two girls at the front desk.    


As far as they were concerned, this was a gamble that they were guaranteed to win without any suspense.    


It was for this reason that doubt appeared in the eyes of the two ladies at the front desk.    


"You're not kidding us, are you?" Such voices came out from their mouths.    


"No matter what you say, you will never be able to keep it up." Faced with the duo's doubt, Xu Fann smiled and said, "What's more, Fu Zhang has chosen to believe that I will make a bet with him, so why wouldn't you believe him?"    


These words caused the two female front desk staff to recall the scene from before.    


As they felt that they were inferior to Fu Zhang, Xu Fann did not need to deceive them. They immediately nodded and replied, "Okay."    


Seeing the two agree, Xu Fann smiled. After considering the wording, he was just about to state the wager that both parties would place on him.    


An itchy feeling that originated from the tip of his forefinger suddenly entered his mind. It made him frown and turn his hand.    


It was originally on the tip of his finger, but now there was only the mark of a dragon head. It was unknown when it had spread to the roots of his index finger, and it even had a dragon's tail.    


This scene scared Xu Fann.    


He really didn't understand why this dragon head mark would suddenly extend out of the dragon's body for no apparent reason.    


However, before he could think too much, the mark of the dragon's body had already begun to wiggle.    


The wriggling lasted for a few seconds, and then a small green dragon suddenly emerged from his finger.    


He passed through the wall at an extremely fast speed and disappeared before him.    


This scene immediately caused Xu Fann, who was previously frightened, to freeze on the spot.    


However, after being stunned for a moment, Xu Fann was awakened by Xu Fann's ringtone.    


He took out his phone and turned on the SMS function. After a simple flip, Xu Fann opened the text message he just received.    


At the first glance, Xu Fann, who had just woken up, widened his eyes.    


Although the text message appeared to be long and smelly, it was extremely complicated.    


But its central idea can be summed up in 20 simple words. That is, transfer 219,000,000 cash into your bank card!    


Although Xu Fann had East Sea Food Base, and also Taotie Pavilion. Even if he wanted to earn 200 million, it wouldn't be that difficult.    


However, the two hundred million he had received this time was equivalent to the two hundred million he had received from heaven and earth.    


Even the richest man in the world would not have the chance to encounter something like this.    


However, the surprise that the heavens gave Xu Fann had yet to come to an end.    


Just when Xu Fann was surprised and confused about the transfer of 200 million yuan to his account.    


"Put me down! Put me down! " An angry voice came from the end of the corridor.    


The familiar voice caused everyone to look back.    


He saw Fu Zhang, who just left, flying towards them in a floating posture.    


This scene immediately caused Fu Zhang's men to be stunned on the spot.    


They didn't understand why their young master would suddenly return after leaving.    


As for the two front desk staff of the hotel, they also opened their eyes wide and looked at Fu Zhang in disbelief.    


They really didn't understand their young master. How could they come back here after they just agreed to the wager?    


They didn't understand why their young master could fly.    


As for Xu Fann, he was also confused.    


He didn't know why Fu Zhang suddenly came back.    


While everyone was still in a daze, Fu Zhang had a sorrowful expression on his face. He floated to the front of Xu Fann from the end of the corridor.    


When he arrived in front of Xu Fann, the force that made him float in the air disappeared completely.    


He, who was originally floating in the air, fell to the ground with a thump.    


This fall had woken everyone from their daze.    


They all looked at Fu Zhang with doubt in their eyes. They wanted Fu Zhang, why did he suddenly come back?    


However, even though Fu Zhang saw them, he didn't care about them at all.    


Instead, he kneeled on the ground and kowtowed in Xu Fann's direction.    


With a "dong", a sound of a kowtow was kowtowed out by Fu Zhang.    


Instantly, the surrounding spectators all opened their eyes wide and their mouths wide open.    


Just like a statue on the street, he stood there in a daze and looked at Fu Zhang, who was kowtowing.    


No one would have thought that he would be the child with the richest Aurora Town. He actually kowtowed to a young man of the same age in front of everyone.    


For a moment, the entire corridor was silent. Only "dong, dong" sounds could be heard from time to time.    


After a long time, Xu Fann, who witnessed many miracles, woke up from his daze.    


He turned over his palm and looked at his fingertips.    


After Xu Fann confirmed that the dragon's head mark on his finger had disappeared, he shook his head.    


Now, he understood Fu Zhang's strange behavior. In all likelihood, it was all caused by the two Ink Dragon Stone that had dripped blood earlier.    


Otherwise, with Fu Zhang's personality, it was impossible for him to kowtow to him in front of so many people.    


Recalling the scene just now, Xu Fann couldn't help but sigh: "It's really self-inflicted, you can't live."    


One must know, the person who was going to take out the Ink Dragon Stone was not him, but Fu Zhang.    


While Xu Fann was thinking this, Fu Zhang's men also came to their senses.    


Seeing Fu Zhang still kowtowing to Xu Fann, they rushed to Fu Zhang's side, wanting to stop him.    


However, they had just caught Fu Zhang. A huge force exploded from Fu Zhang's body.    


Immediately, all the experts went to stop him. They were all sent flying by this enormous force.    


Those who were knocked over all looked at Fu Zhang in shock. They really didn't understand how Fu Zhang could have such power.    


The old man who was addressed as Grandpa Zhao by Fu Zhang earlier was the first to recall the memory. Xu Fann and Fu Zhang made a bet under the Ink Dragon Stone.    


After realizing that it was the Ink Dragon Stone, knowing that he was unable to stop it, he came up with a plan out of the blue.    


He grabbed the carpet under their feet and, waving his right hand, divided it into eight parts.    


The carpet, which will be split into eight parts, is all stacked at Fu Zhang's buttonhole. Only then did the pain on Fu Zhang's face lessen.    


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