Immortals Dump Waste In My Home

C703 Sick

C703 Sick

4The two of them were not far from each other. Before long, Ye Feng arrived in front of Xu Fann.     4


However, he only glanced at Xu Fann before turning to Guan Xiaolin.    


"Although many accidents have happened today, my heart for you will never change." Facing Guan Xiaolin, he half knelt on the ground and said, "Furthermore, the reason why I invited so many guests today is also to witness our love."    


After saying that, Ye Feng turned to the side and waved his hand.    


Not long after, three attendants arrived, carrying three exquisite gift boxes.    


"This first gift, it's all called the Faint Blue Eye. Its material came from the depths of the Dead Sea, and the designer was also the masterpiece of the great designer Mondo from 300 years ago. She appears in many of the modern operas that are related to love, thus she is known as the Eye of True Love in the entire world." When the waiters reached Ye Feng's side, he pointed to three gift boxes and began to introduce them, "The price I bought ten years ago was 690,000 USD. Now, Mondo has damaged a work, and this item can be said to be Mondo's only product that represents true love.    


"Even some ordinary rich people can't afford to pay such a price, much less some bumpkins from other places."    


As Ye Feng spoke, he disdainfully shot Xu Fann a glance to show that the bumpkin he was talking about was that person.    


Due to Ye Feng's gaze, the people who were already staring at the banquet all turned to look at Xu Fann.    


The way these people looked at Xu Fann was as if they were looking at an ant trying to stop a carriage.    


However, if one were to look at the other circumstances, the gazes of these participants were truly abominable. But now, due to the hatred of others, it had become much friendlier.    


"I heard this thing is the most precious thing to Brother Ye. It's too emotional for Brother Ye to even give Sister Guan this."    


"If I were to say that I really like Guan Xiaolin, I would definitely leave. After all, I don't even have the ability to give wealth to people I like. Why would I stay by their side?"    


"Hey, brother, how can you say that? You don't like Guan Xiaolin either. Someone who likes Guan Xiaolin is someone who has a soft spot. How could he give up on her because of this?"    


"That's right, I was counting on Sister Guan to raise me for the rest of my life."    


Because at this moment, Ye Feng's brother had already started to taunt and jeer without restraint.    


Unbridled laughter, amidst everyone's mockery, had spread throughout the entire banquet site.    


This laughter made some of the wealthy merchants present frown.    


However, because of their powerful Ye Family, it was not good for them to express any views on this kind of matter that went too far.    


When Ye Feng heard the ridicule from his best friend and saw the gazes from the surrounding people, he suddenly felt a sense of joy. To insult another person in front of a woman was too enjoyable.    


However, being satisfied was being satisfied. He did not plan to give the Faint Blue Eye to the other party forever, because he still had to rely on this Faint Blue Eye to trick more girls that had seen the world.    


As he thought of this, a smile involuntarily appeared on his face.    


On the other side, Xu Fann first looked at the sneering Ye Feng, then looked at the carefree Ye Feng's buddies.    


He did not say anything, but silently looked at Ye Feng, his best friend and all the other people present. If a more popular word was used to describe it, then his image would be the same as quietly watching one act arrogantly.    


However, since he was looking at everyone as if they were retarded, the people who had been laughing and ridiculing him also gradually withdrew.    


Two or three minutes later, not a single person's laughter could be heard from the entire Yun Lai Manor banquet hall.    


Those who were laughing or mocking Xu Fann all looked at him calmly. They truly could not imagine how thick a person's skin could be. Even in the face of so many taunts, he was still able to maintain such a steady posture.    


"I have given you guys such a long time. You should have had enough of laughing this time around, right?" Xu Fann yawned tiredly, squinted his eyes and followed the crowd.    


Since the entire banquet was silent, Xu Fann's words immediately spread throughout the banquet venue.    


For a moment, the eyes of everyone present widened. Even Guan Xiaolin who was beside Xu Fann was the same.    


No one could ever imagine that a man who wasn't deaf, after enduring two to three minutes of mockery, would still have a calm face and a flat tone, not changing at all.    


"Damn, isn't his skin way too thick? It's even more powerful than the city walls."    


"It can't be deaf, right? It can't be deaf, I don't think it's far from being deaf too."    


Before long, two voices that were both emotional and doubtful could be heard from the crowd.    


After this voice resounded, Ye Feng's best friend quickly seized this opportunity and was prepared to encourage everyone else to mock him.    


"To be honest, I don't know why you're smiling." However, before these buddies could even get excited, Xu Fann said depressingly: "I really don't know what a fake is, is it worth being so happy over?"    


Xu Fann's words were a perfect example of what was meant by his words.    


After he finished speaking, the entire venue quieted down. Even Ye Feng's best friend who was just about to continue encouraging him was also stunned.    


"Just now, I heard someone say 'Wow, so romantic.' I was depressed. A dignified Young Master Ye gifting dozens of dollars, a few cents of counterfeit goods are also romantic. You guys can flatter me, but you don't have to care about face." While everyone was still in a daze, Xu Fann continued, "There's something wrong with it. I remember that the jewelry that you gave to the dancers was worth over a thousand yuan. This gift that you guys praised when you looked down on Guan Xiaolin and thought she wasn't even as good as the dancers is definitely something wrong. It's really something wrong with you guys."    


Ignoring Guan Xiaolin's stupefied expression, Xu Fann loudly said these words in front of everyone.    


"However, I must say that you all have a certain amount of reason to give such a grand young master a fake thing as a gift. That sort of thing is indeed worth all of you sighing over." Subsequently, he added in an extremely understanding tone.    


Since no one said anything and no one interrupted, Xu Fann's words reached everyone's ears and were heard clearly.    


However, everyone who heard it was shocked and stupefied.    


The stupefied expression on the people's faces at the banquet continued for a long time before it slowly started to disintegrate. Only then did they slowly wake up.    


"I had thought that the people Guan Xiaolinxin knew, even if they weren't any powerful figures, they would at least have the courage and charisma of a man. I hadn't thought that you would actually be such a petty person, a hypocrite who mocked others because his wealth couldn't compare to others."    


"A person like you is really laughable. What qualifications do you have to become Guan Xiaolin's friend?!"    


Ye Feng, who had awoken, seized this opportunity to attack Xu Fann verbally!    




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