Immortals Dump Waste In My Home

C922 Difficult Drawing

C922 Difficult Drawing

1As he spoke, Xu Fann raised the cup in his hand. After flipping the cup over, he poured the water from the cup into a bowl.    


The moment the water was poured in, something unbelievable happened.    


What he saw was the white grain that was originally stained on the surface of the porcelain bowl. As soon as the water fell, it simply broke away from the orchid print.    


After leaving the orchid print, all the white particles converged into one piece.    


It formed a white Brahma Wood that was about ten times smaller than its original size, and followed the flow of water. It was like he was climbing up to the teacup in Xu Fann's hand.    


As they climbed, white granules were continuously washed down by the water.    


After this white grain was washed away by the water, it fell into the porcelain bowl.    


The moment the white granule entered the bowl, it turned black. And then it spread out and melted into the water.    


Xu Fann, who was at the side, looked at the slightly blackened water without any surprise in his eyes.    


He sighed and said, "I can't believe that the water source on which trees live will one day kill the essence of the trees."    


As he lamented, the white particles that had been climbing unceasingly fell into the porcelain bowl.    


At this moment, the clear water in the bowl had become pitch-black, almost the same color as coal.    


However, Xu Fann was still dissatisfied with this. He would grasp the hand of the teacup and raise it slightly.    


The torrents of water instantly stretched outwards. Immediately, all the white granules that seemed to have climbed into the water began to flow and fall into the bowl.    


The moment the white granules fell into the porcelain bowl, the originally pitch-black water immediately turned thick and black.    


Upon closer inspection, it was even darker and thicker than the color of the ink.    


Seeing this, a smile appeared on Xu Fann's face. He poured all the water in the cup into a porcelain bowl and set the cup aside.    


Then, without hesitation, he inserted his finger into the bowl.    


Before his finger had stabbed into the porcelain bowl, the water in the bowl had been as black as ink.    


However, when Xu Fann inserted his finger into the bowl, the water that was originally as black as ink suddenly became clear.    


"I've finally succeeded." Seeing this scene, Xu Fann immediately started to mutter excitedly.    


This was because this object was something that the Brahma Wood had transformed into, something that could help his two Talisman.    


Thinking about this, Xu Fann kept his hand that was inserted into the bowl.    


Then, he placed his hand on the edge of the bowl and lightly flicked it.    


Immediately, the water that was smeared on his finger was ejected.    


The moment the water left Xu Fann's finger, it turned into ink droplets.    


Then, he fell into the porcelain bowl and became a member of the black water.    


At this moment, Xu Fann saw that the things he needed had been completely refined.    


He stood up and pulled all the materials he had gathered back to his side.    


Then, he threw these ingredients into the cauldron and began to refine them one by one.    


Compared to the refining of Brahma Wood, the refining of these materials was much simpler.    


In less than half an hour, all of the materials were refined.    


After Xu Fann finished refining these materials, he mixed the powder that was formed from them into the ink-like black water in the porcelain bowl.    


Then, he picked up a wooden stick and began to grind it.    


After circulating his inner force for half an hour, he began to train with all his might. The powder from the ingredients in the bowl had completely merged into the black water.    


Due to the addition of various ingredients, the originally pitch-black water had become slightly lighter.    


However, Xu Fann's expression did not change at all.    


He first stored the rest of the ingredients, as well as the Caldron s that were used to refine the ingredients.    


Then, he took out a yellow paper the size of a handkerchief from the Storage Space.    


Xu Fann didn't act immediately after taking out the yellow paper. Instead, he closed his eyes and recalled the complete set of the Tai Yi Talisman.    


After all, the Talisman he had refined this time around was far stronger than before.    


After recalling for three minutes, Xu Fann slowly opened his eyes.    


In these three minutes, he had already drawn the Talisman tens of times in his mind.    


However, he understood that the next step was the key.    


With this thought, he inserted his hand into the bowl, and after getting some black water on it, he brought it out.    


After that, he started to draw according to the drawing method of the Tai Yi Talisman.    


Sure enough, compared to the stronger Invisible Talisman s, it was extremely difficult to draw.    


Xu Fann's hand had just rested on the talisman paper. He had just circulated his inner force and had yet to draw with his hands.    


The talisman placed under his hand had a hole poked through it by his tyrannical inner force.    


After this happened, Xu Fann was speechless. He also put away the broken talisman paper, then took out another one and prepared to draw again.    


Xu Fann raised his hand again after taking out the paper talisman. This time, his speed was very fast.    


In less than three seconds, he had already drawn three. As his speed was very fast, his internal force did not stay on the talisman paper for long.    


So this time, the talisman drawn by Xu Fann didn't show any signs of damage.    


However, his movements were too fast. Xu Fann accidentally drew the wrong line.    


Immediately, the talisman in Xu Fann's hand turned into dust.    


This scene made Xu Fann frown. But soon, he took out another piece of paper.    


But this time, even though Xu Fann was fast, he wasn't wrong.    


However, due to the drawing process, there was no convergence of internal force. After three or four seconds of drawing, the paper talisman in his hand was still destroyed by Xu Fann Qiang's inner force.    


When this scene appeared, Xu Fann's forehead was covered in sweat.    


One had to know that other materials were easy to find, but Brahma Wood were not that easy to find.    


Even though the amount of Brahma Wood water consumed to fail was far less than the amount that would be required to complete a piece of Talisman water.    


However, if they continued to use it this way, the Brahma Wood water would ultimately all be used up in an instant.    


By that time, he could be considered to have wasted so much time.    


Fortunately, Xu Fann already knew that he wouldn't be able to make it so smoothly.    


He had even predicted that there would be a worse situation than this.    


Thus, after calming down a bit, Leylin calmed his emotions. He took out another piece of symbol paper and began to draw.    


This time, he carefully continued drawing.    


However, the result was the same as before. Halfway through the drawing, the talisman paper was completely destroyed.    


This time, he did not stop. Instead, he took out another one and began to draw.    


Under this persistent situation, the amount of paper talismans that Xu Fann had scrapped kept increasing.    


The amount of Brahma Wood water in the porcelain bowl also decreased gradually, until the bottom of the bowl could be seen.    


But the Talisman that were completely refined, did not even have a single one.    


This kind of situation caused Xu Fann to feel a sense of loss in his heart.    


Fortunately, the rate of failure gradually decreased, Xu Fann's heart more or less had some comfort.    


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