Special Beauty-guarding Master



4After kicking Di Long away, Zhang Zihui no longer bothered with him.    


In this kind of situation, unless Di Long could fly or something, he would only continue to fall and would never be able to attack Zhang Zihui again.    


However, Zhang Zihui still paid attention to him, after all, it was hard to ensure that Di Long did not have a gun.    


Zhang Zihui pressed his right hand against the wall.    


A large amount of energy gathered in the palm of his hand, using a special method to create a suction force that could slow down his falling speed.    


As for stopping, Zhang Zihui was not a Spider-Man, his abilities were not enough to do it!    


Furthermore, he was holding onto Wang Xiaochun!    


However, what Zhang Zihui had done was already enough!    


His body pressed against the wall and the speed at which he was falling had clearly slowed down!    


If he kept this speed down, he could guarantee that there would be no problems when he landed!    


Di Long's eyes were wide open, he could not believe that Zhang Zihui could actually do such a thing!    


At this moment, he had already fallen to the second floor and was about ten meters away from the ground.    


Zhang Zihui was on the third floor, which was more than five meters away from Di Long!    


Di Long's hatred towards Zhang Zihui was definitely not willing to see him be alright!    


However, under such a circumstance, with no firearms, how could he possibly have Zhang Zihui attacking?    


Di Long unwillingly clenched his fists!    


Suddenly, something caught Di Long's attention!    


Without any hesitation, Di Long quickly took off the steel gloves and threw it at Zhang Zihui with all of his strength!    


< p > "Bang!"    


Just as Di Long threw it, his body simultaneously slammed into the ground, the back of his head fiercely smashing onto the concrete ground, causing fresh blood to blossom like flowers!    


Such a beautiful scene!    


With regards to this, Zhang Zihui didn't have the heart to change his mind.    


Di Long's full strength thrown the glove came smashing over quickly!    


Zhang Zihui was sure that if he was hit, he would die for sure!    


If it hit him, he definitely wouldn't be able to maintain his energy and would definitely fall down!    


Without the protection of energy, even with his body's toughness, he still couldn't withstand a height of more than ten meters!    


However, the front of the hotel was a glass wall. As long as it was hit by Di Long's glove, it would immediately shatter.    


At the same time, Zhang Zihui would lose the ability to continue falling!    


Seeing that Di Long's gloves were getting closer and closer to them, the two of them finally reached the second floor, and there were still about ten meters left between them.    


Gritting his teeth, Zhang Zihui kicked the glass with his foot and took the chance to leave.    


He had not even taken one meter back when his steel fist slammed heavily into the glass!    


Large pieces of glass were shattered into pieces!    


It flew towards the two of them!    


Zhang Zihui hurriedly pulled Wang Xiaochun into her embrace with both hands and turned around. Energy condensed on her back as she used her back to block the glass fragments!    


Because of this, Zhang Zihui's attire was directly cut by a dozen different sizes!    


Fortunately, Zhang Zihui did not sustain any injuries.    


Zhang Zihui pressed his right hand against the wall.    


Moreover, he was only five meters away from the ground!    


After taking a deep breath, Zhang Zihui suddenly leaned back. He was still hugging Wang Xiaochun, intending to land on her back!    


A large amount of energy continued to be distributed behind him. Zhang Zihui wasn't sure if doing this would have an effect, but compared to doing nothing, it would definitely be much better.    


< p > "Boom!    


His back landed heavily on the concrete floor!    


It was unknown if it was due to the energy, but the sound of something hitting the ground was very loud!    


So much so that Zhang Zihui could clearly feel that the concrete ground beneath him was caved in!    


To be able to sense it meant that at least Zhang Zihui was not dead.    


In just a short two seconds, the energy behind his back dissipated!    


Following that, an intense wave of pain spread across every single one of Zhang Zihui's nerves!    


What was even more terrifying was that he could hear something cracking inside his body!    


It was obvious that the bones in his back were severely injured!    


< p > "Cough cough." "Cough, cough."    


Along with the intense pain was the unbearable feeling of the humongous moon.    


Zhang Zihui could not help but to cough, the smell in his throat was suddenly, and he began to cough out blood!    


A few drops of warm blood fell onto Wang Xiaochun's clothes and her own face.    


This caused her, finally closing her eyes, to open them.    


Zhang Zihui was holding her in his arms, and naturally, she was fine.    


Wang Xiaochun looked around in confusion. It was obvious that the hotel was a little to the side.    


Then, she looked down at Zhang Zihui, causing Qing Qing to panic!    


< p > "Zi Hui!" Are you all right? "Don't scare me!"    


Seeing Zhang Zihui's pale face and painful expression with blood at the corner of his mouth, Wang Xiaochun's entire heart tensed up!    


Just a moment ago, her entire heart had been taken away by Zhang Zihui.    


At this moment, he saw the boy who was moved by his own efforts being heavily injured while saving him, and his tears couldn't help but fall down.    


< p > "That." Cough cough. Xiaochun, can you go first? Cough. "Come down first."    


This injury, coupled with the fact that it did not have any energy at all, made Zhang Zihui feel uncomfortable even with Wang Xiaochun's weight!    


Even though Wang Xiaochun was definitely not even a hundred kilograms.    


< p > "Ah?"    


Wang Xiaochun also realized that she was still in Zhang Zihui's embrace now, and hurriedly moved away from him and squatted beside her. She didn't even care about the entire dress when it landed on the ground.    


"Zi Hui, let me help you up first!"    


Wang Xiaochun didn't know what to do, and felt that she should first help Zhang Zihui up.    


< p > "Don't."    


Zhang Zihui decisively refused.    


He was sure that his spine was injured. If he did not have a stretcher and he moved around randomly, it would only result in a second injury to his spine!    


It worsened his injuries!    


< p > "Then what should I do?" "Woo woo ?"    


Seeing that she couldn't even help Zhang Zihui, Wang Xiaochun cried even more miserably.    


< p > "Don't cry." Call for an ambulance. "    


Zhang Zihui understood.    


It was just that, seeing how sad she felt, Zhang Zihui felt very uncomfortable in his heart.    


< p > "Yes!" Right! Ambulance! Call an ambulance! "    


Wang Xiaochun also reacted, she quickly took out her phone and was about to make an emergency call!    


It just so happened that at this time, Yi Yue and the other girls had all run down from the stairs, their expressions all filled with worry and fear!    


The reason the girls knew about Zhang Zihui's accident was because Ji'er had called them from the first floor.    


When Ji'er struggled to the edge of the glass, just as the steel gloves were about to break the glass, Zhang Zihui continued to drop down!    


But when she saw Zhang Zihui heavily land on the ground, her entire face turned deathly pale!    


Fortunately, as a secret service agent, she was mature enough to deal with the situation. She immediately called Yi Yue and the others, and at the same time contacted the ambulance.    


< p > "Zi Hui!" Xiaochun! "    


Bai Rongrong, who was running in the first place, had long cried when she saw the two people she cared most about get into trouble at the same time!    


The other girls also had worried looks on their faces!    


A few of them even started crying!    


< p > "Zi Hui, are you alright?" Don't scare me! "    


Looking at the pale Zhang Zihui on the ground, Bai Rongrong cried even more.    


< p > "Brother Zihui! "Woo woo ?"    


Lulu also followed along, crying sorrowfully.    


As for the other girls, Meng Ziyi, Xiao Qingying, Su Yinyin, Ye Xue, and Yang Zhiyan were also there.    


Xuewen and Jiang Yueer didn't come, they probably went to look for Ji Er and Jiang Zier.    


"Zi Hui, let me help you up."    


Yang Zhiyan's eyes were bloodshot. She walked over to help Zhang Zihui up, but she was stopped by Yi Yue just in time.    


< p > "Don't cry." Don't worry, I'm fine. It's just some minor injuries. When I recover, all of you can just wait for me to push you onto the bed. When the time comes, I will buy a large bed and throw all of you out. Hehe. "Cough, cough."    


Zhang Zihui forced a smile as he talked, but in the end, he started to cough.    


Yi Yue hatefully glared at Zhang Zihui for a total of ten thousand times, "Stop talking, you're already in this state, why are you still not being calm?"    


Seeing Zhang Zihui like this, Yi Yue also felt terrible, but, she knew what she had to do.    


However, Zhang Zihui's words had eased up the mood of the girls by quite a bit.    


After all, to be able to adjust them, at least it meant that Zhang Zihui would not die.    


< p > "Oh, yeah." "Mhmm."    


The sound of an ambulance could be heard from afar. Soon, the ambulance stopped and two medical personnel carrying a stretcher came down from the back.    


The girls all quickly moved out of the way and let the two people carry Zhang Zihui onto the stretcher.    


< p > "Who is the patient's family member?" "Come with us first."    


One of the medical staff said.    


< p > "Me!"    


Bai Rongrong was naturally the first one to stand out and quickly followed.    


But unexpectedly, just as she went up, Wang Xiaochun also followed closely behind.    


< p > "I'll go with you."    


Wang Xiaochun said.    


Seeing Zhang Zihui acting like this, she felt really uncomfortable.    


The medical staff didn't object. The two girls were slim and didn't take up much space.    


Watching the ambulance gradually grow further away, all the girls simultaneously thought about following it.    


Coincidentally, Zhao Dayong and his two lackeys had arrived in a van, and it just so happened that they could take the girls to the hospital.    


The remaining car was for Ji Er and Jiang Zier.    


When the others rushed to the hospital, Zhang Zihui had already been sent to the operation room. Bai Rongrong and Wang Xiaochun were anxiously waiting outside.    


"Rongrong, what's the situation with Zi Hui now?"    


Yi Yue ran over and asked.    


Bai Rongrong helplessly shook her head. "Big Sis Yi Yue, I don't know. Zi Hui will be fine, right? "    


"Rongrong, I'm sorry, it's all my fault. It's all my fault that my son Hui has become like this."    


Wang Xiaochun walked over, lowered her head and spoke while blaming herself.    


Yi Yue shook her head lightly, put her arm around Wang Xiaochun's shoulders and comforted him. "It's fine, we need to believe that Zihui will be fine."    


< p > "Yeah!" Brother Zihui definitely won't be so! "    


Lulu spoke with tear-stained eyes.    


At this time, her eyes were red, and so was Meng Ziyi.    


< p > "How is it?"    


Ji Er and Xuewen rushed over with the others.    


At this time, Jiang Zier had already woken up. After hearing that something had happened to Zhang Zihui, she experienced a moment of astonishment, and almost fell down to the ground!    


< p > "I don't know yet. However, with his physique, he'll definitely be fine. "    


Yi Yue told the few of them.    


However, just as she finished her sentence, a lovely figure rushed over with a worried expression on her face.    


"Yi Yue, what's going on? Something's happened to Zi Hui! "    


Fox Girl looked at Yi Yue worriedly. She didn't think that she would actually hear the news of Zhang Zihui's accident while she was gone!    


Yi Yue simply explained what had happened to Fox Girl.    


After Fox Girl finished listening, her face revealed nothing but a look of regret.    


"It's my fault. Those two guys already said they were planning something." But I didn't notice them. "If I had noticed earlier, tonight's incident would not have happened!"    


The Fox Girl blamed herself.    


However, her words caused Ji'er to stare in shock.    


"You said you were with them?"    


Ji'er looked at Fox Girl in astonishment. All this time, the girls were not clear about the background of the Fox Girl.    


Now that they heard that she was on the same road as Di Long, everyone looked at her in astonishment. Then, their gazes gradually filled with hostility!    


< p > "Alright!"    


Yi Yue naturally felt the change in the gazes of the women and could not help but berate them, "Fox Girl and I were once Lady-killer of that organization, but so what? This does not mean that we are not sincere towards Zi Hui. Furthermore, Zi Hui is still inside, but we're complaining to ourselves. If he comes out and sees us, what will we do? "    


It had to be said that Yi Yue's big sister's grandeur had been completely displayed at this moment!    


"Girl Sis, I'm sorry, Lulu misunderstood you."    


Lulu apologised to Fox Girl apologetically.    


The other girls also lowered their heads, feeling extremely awkward.    


"Lulu, don't say that. Everyone will wait for Zhang Zihui."    


Fox Girl smiled and took a deep breath.    


She didn't want the other girls to have any enmity towards her. That would mean that they wouldn't accept her, which would make it difficult for Zhang Zihui.    


Fortunately, Yi Yue had helped her in time.    


Fox Girl could not help but look at him with gratitude.    


Yi Yue only smiled slightly.    


Hadn't she attacked the girls before?    


Speaking of which, she was even more outrageous than the Fox Girl.    


Therefore, she didn't want the Fox Girl to be excluded by the other girls because of tonight's incident.    


Especially since what happened at night had nothing to do with the Fox Girl.    


Following that, the girls all quietly waited for the surgery to end.    


During this time, Bai Ye's and Wang Xiaochun's parents respectively called him, and the few girls only casually explained it to them.    


Now, how could they have the heart to explain in detail?    


Half an hour had passed, and the lights in the operating room had finally turned off.    


Seeing this scene, all the girls couldn't help but become nervous, waiting for the doctor to come out.    


< p > "Squeak."    


The door to the operation room was pushed open and a doctor wearing a mask walked out. The girls immediately surrounded him.    


< p > "Doctor, what's the situation like?"    


Yi Yue asked.    


The doctor couldn't help but be stunned when he saw so many girls waiting outside.    


Fortunately, he was only stunned for a moment.    


"Don't worry, the patient will recover in a short period of time, except for the damage to his bones."    


As the doctor spoke of this, he was also extremely shocked in his heart.    


At that time, the nurse had said that he had fallen from the Hong City Hotel, but he had only suffered such a small injury.    


It was unbelievable.    


< p > "Really?"    


The girls all let out a sigh of relief when they heard the doctor's reply.    


They had been extremely worried.    


The door to the operation room was pushed open again. This time, it was Zhang Zihui who was pushed out of the room.    


At this moment, he had yet to wake up due to the anesthesia.    


However, their ruddy faces made the girls feel more at ease.    


< p > "The patient needs two days of rest, so I can't leave you by for the time being." < <

> In two days, maybe he'll wake up and be visited. "    


The doctor spoke again, but these words made the girls feel very disappointed. With Zhang Zihui's current state, all of them would be able to stay by his side.    


"Alright, since we can't stay by Zi Hui's side, let's go back and have a good rest. We'll come back tomorrow to take a look."    


Yi Yue instructed.    


At the same time, he had Jin and his two lackeys stay behind to protect him.    


After that, the group of people all returned to the villa, and even the Fox Girl followed them.    


At this moment, she was no longer thinking about any organization.    


On the other side, the escaped Number Ten had already returned to their own residence.    


Back at the hotel, he had actually witnessed the entire process of Zhang Zihui and his fallen body.    


He even had the chance to get Zhang Zihui to take Wang Xiaochun away.    


It was just that Number Ten was scared!    


Falling from the seventh floor, Zhang Zihui was still alive!    


Then how scared should he be!    


If Zhang Zihui still had other tricks up his sleeves, wouldn't that mean that he himself had come out to die?    


This was why Number Ten had always been hiding. Only after everyone had left, did he quickly return to his own residence.    


At the moment, Di Long was already dead, and it was impossible for the Number Ten to complete the mission on his own.    


Especially since Fox Girl was already Zhang Zihui's person, then there was even less of a chance.    


Number Ten gradually calmed down after experiencing fear. His mind came up with the only way to continue asking for help.    


Zhang Zihui pressed his right hand against the wall.    


Number Ten quickly returned to his room and opened the hidden software request as he tried to organize the call.    


Zhang Zihui pressed his right hand against the wall.    


"I'm from Number Ten. If there's anything important to report, report it to the leader immediately."    


The Number Ten went straight to the point.    


< p > "Hmph."    


A cold snort of a woman came from the other end. She didn't say anything and immediately started to transfer the call.    


"Number Ten, what's the matter now?"    


After a long while, the gloomy voice came from the other end of the phone.    


"Leader, Di Long." Di Long was dead. Fox Girl has also become the other party's person, now I'm the only one left. I don't have the ability to do anything alone, so I hope that the leader can send more people over. "    


Number Ten hesitated at first, but in the end he still told him everything that had happened.    


"You said that Di Long is dead?"    


The man's voice suddenly lowered, Number Ten could clearly feel his suppressed anger!    


< p > "Yes." "Yes."    


Number Ten braced himself to answer.    


< p > "Hehe, good!" Very good! "How dare he do something to my men!"    


The man laughed sinisterly, "Number Ten, you can keep an eye on him for now, I will arrange for someone else to go over."    


With that, the man immediately cut off all contact.    


Number 10 looked at the computer screen that showed that he had no connection with the system. For the time being, she relaxed.    


As long as he was not required to deal with Zhang Zihui.    


Next, it was time for Number Ten to consider changing locations.    


Otherwise, if Fox Girl came back to see him, she probably wouldn't let him go.    


< p >    


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