Special Beauty-guarding Master



3Just when Zhang Zihui was feeling depressed, Yi Yue, who was on the right side, also woke up.    


When Yi Yue woke up, she stretched her body in confusion.    


Immediately, her curvy body became even more prominent!    


The full-bodied Lunar Hun was squeezed into Zhang Zihui's Lunar Hun.    


Not only did this cause Zhang Zihui to lose his cool, Yi Yue had also instantly sobered up. She was aware of the current situation and the craziness that had occurred last night.    


Immediately, Yi Yue loosened her body and slightly curled up, hiding most of her head in the blanket.    


Everything that had happened last night made her blush just thinking about it.    


She didn't even know how she fell in that situation!    


And in the end, Fox Girl and him!    


This was too embarrassing!    


She couldn't help but to bury herself in the blanket.    


/p p However, something happened.    


The three of them were indeed too crazy last night.    


At this point, Yi Yue felt that her lower body was in pain, and she felt very uncomfortable.    


Yi Yue, you're awake too.    


Fox Girl said with a smile.    


She herself was more open-minded than Yi Yue.    


Especially since what happened last night had been her own doing.    


Yi Yue was just a lamb that had been delivered to his doorstep and had been captured by Zhang Zihui just as he was about to act.    


/p p "Hmph!"    


Yi Yue glared at Fox Girl in dissatisfaction.    


However, there wasn't much enmity between them.    


She also didn't expect that she would have sex with Fox Girl and Zhang Zihui last night.    


Moreover, because of the way the two of them ended up with each other, she had already accepted Fox Girl as her sister.    


/p p What to say?    


Men, shouldering guns together, drifting through Chang.    


As for the two of them, they had slept together.    


They were only led by Zhang Zihui.    


"Sister Yi Yue, are you still mad at me?" Can I apologize to you? "    


Perhaps it was because they were together last night, but Fox Girl actually started to apologize to Yi Yue.    


Zhang Zihui was very surprised by this, but he instantly understood Fox Girl's thoughts: she didn't want Zhang Zihui to face the conflict between her and Yi Yue again because of his awkwardness.    


/p p "Alright." There's no need to mention what happened in the past. The two of you are now both my women.    


Zhang Zihui interrupted.    


However, when he spoke of the two girls being his, his heart was filled with pride!    


He was baffled.    


/p p "Hmph!" "Bad guy, you made us so miserable last night, we'll ignore you for the rest of the week!"    


Taking off her cold clothes, Yi Yue once again assumed the posture of a little woman.    


He even planned to join hands with Fox Girl!    


Fox Girl never thought that Yi Yue would have such a side to her.    


However, thinking that she would also reveal a bit of melancholy in front of Zhang Zihui, she felt relieved: everyone would have their own special side and would only show it in front of the right person.    


Zi Hui, Yi Yue and I are going to be the same this time." You're not allowed to touch us for at least a week.     


Fox Girl did not refuse Yi Yue's invitation.    


She also didn't want to do that sort of thing with Zhang Zihui recently.    


Last night, Zhang Zihui's performance caused the two of them to suffer.    


Fox Girl was sure that if she had been alone the night before, she would have slept all the way to noon and never left her bed for the entire day.    


Zhang Zihui was very happy to see the alliance between the two girls.    


This meant that the conflict between the two of them had been resolved.    


However, Zhang Zihui felt that he had to do something if they were to join together to resist him!    


Exerting force into his arms, he pulled the two girls into his arms, and the two girls' plump Moons were immediately stuck to his mouth!    


The soft touch caused Brat Hui to enter a state of excitement again!    


/p p "The two of you, are you trying to rebel against me?"    


His palm climbed up the peak of a woman and he kneaded her lightly.    


This caused the two women's bodies to gradually heat up!    


/p p Morning itself is a good time to do something you love to do.    


What's more, the two girls were new to being girls, and their different and lovely features made it difficult for others to control them!    


Of course, Zhang Zihui knew that the two girls couldn't take too much anymore.    


They really needed rest.    


However, what Zhang Zihui didn't expect was that Fox Girl actually smiled charmingly and looked at him with her beautiful eyes, "Come on!" "Who's afraid of you!"    


Saying this, he actually put his hand into the blanket boldly, and caught the boy Hui with his claw!    


It was a pity that Fox Girl had never thought about how strong Little Hui actually was!    


Feel the rice in the palm of his hand and the boiling hot boy's splendor!    


Fox Girl "Ah!"    


Then, he quickly let go!    


Her face was flushed red!    


/p p Last night, was that the size of the thing that entered my body?    


Fox Girl thought shyly.    


Damn it!    


Zhang Zihui complained in a low voice!    


When Fox Girl's soft and warm hands grabbed onto the boy Hui, that feeling made Zhang Zihui angry again!    


He was a man!    


It was the easiest time for him to not stay calm!    


There were also two naked beauties that had just become his women last night!    


/p p "Stop messing around!"    


Zhang Zihui glared at Fox Girl fiercely.    


However, Fox Girl was confused by the idea in her head and didn't pay attention to Zhang Zihui's words.    


On the other side, Yi Yue looked curiously at Fox Girl and asked, "Fox Girl, what's wrong?"    


/p p "That."    


Fox Girl hesitated for a moment before stretching out her hand from under the blanket. She grabbed Yi Yue's right hand with her claw and pressed it down accurately in the direction of Brat Hui!    


/p p "Ah!"    


The moment Yi Yue felt the item in her hand, the same expression as Fox Girl appeared on her face!    


In his heart, he was thinking about the same thing as Fox Girl.    


/p p "You're all courting death!"    


Zhang Zihui's anger was ignited by Fox Girl's actions!    


With a flip of the blanket, he pushed Fox Girl down to the ground again!    


/p p "Zi Hui, what, what are you doing?"    


It was then that Fox Girl realized she had gone too far.    


However, it was already too late!    


Zhang Zihui bent his body down and stopped her!    


At the same time, he also climbed up to Fox Girl's Lunar Hun Tribe with familiar hands!    


He started to knead in front of Yi Yue!    




Yi Yue blushed as she wrapped herself in the blanket, leaving a small crack as she peeked outside.    


/p p "Zi Hui. Don't! Can I be wrong? I, I really can't do it anymore! "    


Fox Girl panted.    


She really couldn't accept Zhang Zihui's demand anymore!    


Zhang Zihui smiled evilly and whispered into Fox Girl's ear, "I know you can't take it anymore, so let's do something else!"    


/p p "Ah?"    


Fox Girl was stunned.    


After that, Yi Yue, who was hiding in her bed, saw a rather charming scene!    


It made her body tremble slightly as it started to heat up again.    


Then, would Zhang Zihui let her go?    


Or could it be that Fox Girl only served Zhang Zihui like this?    


The answer should not need to be said.    


Half an hour later, Zhang Zihui finally managed to calm himself down from the uneasiness of the morning with the two girls.    


At this time, the two girls looked at Zhang Zihui with complaints and fatigue.    


Alright, you two should get some sleep. Get up later to eat.    


Zhang Zihui wasn't the kind of person to ignore the feelings of two girls.    


If it wasn't for what Fox Girl did afterwards, he wouldn't have tortured them again so early in the morning.    


/p p "Hmph!"    


Fox Girl rolled her eyes at Zhang Zihui.    


Thinking about the embarrassing thing Zhang Zihui did to them just now, her heart trembled again.    


Zhang Zihui actually took them both to the Huns!    


/p "Alright, hurry up and rest first."    


Zhang Zihui put on his clothes and gently covered the two of them with a blanket.    


After a few rounds, the two girls had accepted each other, and they had the same opinion of Zhang Zihui.    


This was something that Zhang Zihui had never thought of.    


He left his room and went downstairs.    


It was only a little after seven, and Ye Xue was still unconscious.    


Zhang Zihui went out to buy some breakfast.    


The breakfast shop was outside of the villa complex. It wasn't too far away, and Zhang Zihui just happened to be taking a walk outside.    


Zhang Zihui received a few messages from quite a few girls during his breakfast time.    


Especially Bai Rongrong, she actually asked if he was free the next Sunday.    


This made Zhang Zihui smile in his heart: Of course Zhang Zihui understood what Bai Rongrong meant by that.    


However, no one could say for sure what had happened at that time.    


After all, there were still a lot of troubles around Zhang Zihui.    


Not to mention the mysterious organization in the distance, Lady-killer, Di Long, and Lady-killer were watching the closest one, and there were also quite a few enemies that had always appeared beside the girls. Although nothing had happened yet, they might do something if they were impulsive.    


/p p It's not certain if there's time, but it doesn't mean that Zhang Zihui won't schedule anything.    


It was only a few days before Bai Rongrong's birthday.    


He had to quickly prepare everything he had to do.    


After all, there wasn't just one Bai Rongrong at that time.    


After buying breakfast, Zhang Zihui returned to the mansion. Ye Xue had just washed up and went downstairs.    


As a woman for the first time, every time she woke up, she would emit an aura that was even more attractive!    


Every time Zhang Zihui and Ye Xue had a showdown, he would have to endure it on the morning of the second day.    


"Zi Hui, you're up so early?"    


Last night, Ye Xue slept soundly. She didn't know how crazy the whole night was in Zhang Zihui's room.    


Zhang Zihui put down his breakfast and embraced Ye Xue, giving her a "good morning", "Xue Er, you are becoming more and more charming now!"    


Although Zhang Zihui had already set fire to the two girls this morning, his ability was so strong and Ye Xue was so attractive, so it would be strange if he didn't have any ideas.    


However, Zhang Zihui was also a bit depressed: it seems like he's getting more and more agitated over that sort of thing.    


/p p "Stop messing around, I'm going to class today."    


Ye Xue rolled her eyes at Zhang Zihui.    


At this time, even the whites of her eyes gave others the feeling that she was a young woman.    


Zhang Zihui was paying close attention to Ye Xue's plans. "Xue Er, you're becoming more and more attractive." I really want to eat you.     


As she spoke, she lowered her head and kissed her snow-white neck.    


Ye Xue actually wanted to agree with Zhang Zihui's words.    


However, she knew that if she agreed, then she wouldn't have to consider going to school today.    


Therefore, she could only lower her head and whisper with a flushed face, "In two days, I'll be out of class. I'll be with you again."    


/p p "Okay."    


Zhang Zihui obviously wouldn't force Ye Xue. He embraced her lightly and walked to the dining table, pressing her down on the chair, indicating that she should eat breakfast.    


"Xue Er, I'll get Uncle Jin to send you to school later. I'm not going there today."    


On the school side, Zhang Zihui had a class.    


However, upstairs, Yi Yue and Fox Girl had just become his men. How could he leave them behind and run around?    


/p p "Sure."    


Ye Xue agreed indifferently.    


However, a pair of eyes spun twice, and from everything that happened in front of his eyes, he quickly analyzed a bold guess.    


"Zi Hui, did you give Yi Yue to her last night?"    


Ye Xue looked at Zhang Zihui in doubt and tried to probe him.    


Cough, cough!    


Zhang Zihui, who was drinking soy milk, would never have thought that Ye Xue would suddenly ask this. He immediately choked on the soy milk in his mouth!    


That was the best answer he could give.    


/p p "That." "Yes."    


Zhang Zihui nodded awkwardly. He really couldn't understand how Ye Xue could have guessed it.    


Fortunately, she didn't know there was still Fox Girl, so Zhang Zihui naturally wouldn't tell her that.    


"Ye Xue, you won't be angry, right?"    


That kind of thing seems like it's always easy for girls to have all kinds of thoughts.    


However, Ye Xue looked at Zhang Zihui in amusement, "Then, she intentionally got angry," Humph! You have so many girlfriends, you already knew this would happen. So what if he was angry? can't change anything. "    


What Ye Xue wanted to say was: Zhang Zihui is so strong, there are only a few of them, who can deal with him?    


"Hur hur, thank you."    


Zhang Zihui laughed dryly.    


Ye Xue's acceptance of him wasn't too surprising.    


However, he didn't just eat Yi Yue last night.    


Take care of her today.    


Ye Xue ate the food in her hands. "I'll go find Uncle Jin myself."    


Ye Xue didn't wait for Zhang Zihui to say anything else as she stood up and walked towards the door.    


Zhang Zihui also stood up and hugged Ye Xue as she passed by him.    


"Xue Er, I'm sorry."    


Zhang Zihui suddenly apologized very seriously.    


In fact, he had let down every girl around him. He had all of them, and they were going to share one of him.    


/p p "Idiot."    


Ye Xue smiled. For the first time, she said Zhang Zihui was a fool, "We are lucky to have met you. We are happy to be by your side. As long as you are sincere to us, why would you let us down? And, speaking of it, I am the luckiest person here. "    


Ye Xue's words were from her heart.    


Having been saved by Zhang Zihui, it was his first time seeing her again, and she was the first woman to be saved by Zhang Zihui.    


This really made her feel that the heavens were blessing her.    


Zhang Zihui didn't say anything. He just hugged Ye Xue tightly and pressed his lips against hers, stopping her from talking further.    


After watching Ye Xue get into Jin's car and watch her leave, Zhang Zihui closed the door and went to his room with his breakfast in hand.    


After entering the room, the two girls were still sleeping.    


It seemed that he was indeed very tired.    


Fox Girl turned to Yi Yue and put her head on Yi Yue's shoulder with a smile.    


At this moment, she didn't have a single trace of a lovely brow. What she had was only a young woman sleeping soundly.    


On the other hand, Yi Yue's right hand was exposed on the blanket, her snow-white arm making it difficult for people to look away.    


The faint smile on her face gave off a tranquil and serene feeling, as though she was a sleeping beauty.    


Of course, she was indeed a beauty. Right now, she was a beauty that belonged to him, Zhang Zihui.    


Zhang Zihui didn't intend to wake the two up after setting aside breakfast. Instead, he sat in front of his computer and started to look through some things.    


In Fox Girl's room, the unconscious Di Long finally woke up.    


With some difficulty, Di Long propped himself up and shook his head. Then, he remembered what happened last night.    


/p p "Damn it!"    


Di Long complained in a low voice.    


Since he didn't manage to get Fox Girl last night, from now on Fox Girl's impression of him would be at its lowest!    


Furthermore, she would always pay attention to him and wouldn't give him any more opportunities to take advantage of her.    


In exchange for this kind of result, how could Di Long be willing to accept it?    


It was a pity that the facts were already laid out in front of him.    


At this time, not only did he not know where Fox Girl was going, he also didn't have a chance to be accepted by Fox Girl anymore.    2


Even though he'd never had a chance in Fox Girl's heart.    


Di Long stood up with a dejected look on his face.    


When he thought about the possibility of never obtaining Fox Girl again, his heart didn't clear in the slightest.    


However, his face was suddenly replaced by a venomous look, "Zhang Zihui, since you took my woman, then I won't let your woman off either!"    


He pushed the door open and walked out. Number Ten was sitting alone in the living room.    


Number Ten didn't have much reaction when he saw Di Long coming out of Fox Girl's room. He already knew some things last night.    


However, only he knew if there were any thoughts in his heart.    




Even if Number Ten thought he was funny, he didn't care.    


Of course, this was on the premise that Number Ten didn't show it.    


"Where's Fox Girl?"    


Di Long asked with a cold expression.    


His clear heart was extremely unhappy.    


"I don't know, I haven't seen her today." "Why?"    


Number Ten hesitated and didn't say it in the end.    


However, he did this on purpose.    


Now, he wanted to see what Di Long thought.    


Di Long let out a "whoosh" when he heard that Fox Girl had not returned.    


Then, he got angry again!    


He was sure that Fox Girl went to find Zhang Zihui last night!    




However, he did not know that Fox Girl not only went to look for Zhang Zihui, but also gave him to Zhang Zihui. In the end, she even managed to make Yi Yue and Zhang Zihui share a bed.    


If Di Long knew that Fox Girl's actions were only because of what he did last night, Di Long would probably go crazy!    


"Number Ten, make the arrangements you mentioned last time. We'll carry it out in two days."    


Di Long said coldly.    


The reason he didn't make a move back then was because he didn't want Fox Girl to think that he was a man who bullied women.    


And now, even Fox Girl didn't care about him anymore, so why would he care about these things?    


Especially when he thought that Fox Girl would be Zhang Zihui's woman in the end, Di Long couldn't help but want to go crazy!    


Number Ten didn't expect Di Long to agree to his plan after what happened last night.    


This made him go wild with joy!    


He was actually drooling at the girls beside Zhang Zihui!    


Number Ten was so excited that he wanted to ask if Di Long was telling the truth, but Di Long's next sentence made him even happier.    


/p "Arrange as many fowls as you can for me!    


Since he was going to do it, then he had to be the fiercest and most ruthless!    


Zhang Zihui stole Fox Girl from him, so he wants to take more girls from Zhang Zihui!    


Even if he didn't have the chance to take them, he would destroy them!    


Di Long, don't worry. I'll definitely arrange a plan that will satisfy you!    


Number Ten said excitedly.    


Wasn't a plan to make Di Long satisfied just the same as making him satisfied himself?    


/p p "Hmph!" "Zhang Zihui."    


Di Long's eyes flashed with the light of revenge, "I want you to have a taste of the pain of losing a woman you love!    


/p p     


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