Special Beauty-guarding Master



3Happy times always made people unable to notice the passage of time.    


Unknowingly, it was already 4 o'clock. The afternoon's little entertainment had passed just like that.    


Before dinner, the instructors gave everyone half an hour to freely move about.    


The reason for this was that the tacit understanding and guessing of the situation in the afternoon would result in a lot of fights against Lovers.    


This law was something that many instructors had experienced over the years!    


However, it was definitely impossible for Su Yinyin and Zhang Zihui, at least for now.    


To Zhang Zihui, his current rest time was more used to chat with the girls beside him, whether it was gradual or not.    


It couldn't be said to be busy, but it couldn't be considered to be too leisurely either.    


However, it could not be denied that Zhang Zihui enjoyed this life a lot.    


If there were any shortcomings, it would be that the Twins had brought some trouble to his life.    


Before dinner, the instructors gave everyone half an hour to freely move about.    


After that, everyone was free to do whatever they wanted. However, when they were on the field, they could see that the instructors had already set up a simple stage for the party's performance.    


It was seven o'clock when the assembly whistle sounded. The Chief Military Instructor was still standing there.    


However, this time, he was standing on the platform that was built up.    


Today is the last day of the military training." I've seen your progress over the past five days and it's quite good! I believe that your harvest will definitely not be small! And among these harvests, there must be quite a few people who managed to obtain Aoqing, right?    


Chief Instructor made a rare joke.    


The people below laughed.    


"Tonight is your last night here." I won't say much more. The stage beneath my feet will be handed over to you and your instructors. I hope that if you can sing, you can come up and sing! Anyone who knew how to dance could show off their skills! Right now, are there any students who would dare to go up on stage on their own?! "    


Chief Instructor mobilized.    


Before dinner, the instructors gave everyone half an hour to freely move about.    


< p > "Wow!" There were actually three of them! Everyone applauds and encourages them! "    


The Chief Instructor said, and then handed them a microphone, and asked, "Okay, what are you three planning to do?"    


< p > "I'm acting box, he's performing rap, he's performing dance."    


The boy in the lead said.    


< p > "Wow!" Looks like this first program will be great! "Then you're going to perform together, aren't you?"    


Chief Instructor continued to ask.    


< p > "Yes." I was in charge of the accompaniment, he was in charge of the rap, and then he danced. "    


The distribution of the three boys was very clear. They were clearly good friends, and had cooperated with each other before.    


Okay, now let's give a warm round of applause to the three students who performed the first show!    


With that, the Chief Instructor handed the microphone to the second boy and retreated to the side.    


< p > "Dong!" Dong! "BOOM!"    


With three simple tones, the box boy began, and a burst of clear music came out of his mouth!    


Soon after, the boy started singing along with the rhythm. The third boy began to perform at the same time, bringing together his strength and the burst of his BK Dance.    


Before dinner, the instructors gave everyone half an hour to freely move about.    


The crowd below the stage burst into cheers!    


It was extremely clear!    


This made many people even more eager to go up on stage!    


As soon as the first program ended, another person came up onto the stage on his own. It seemed to be a couple singing a song about love in a big city. The two of them had pretty good voices and good music, and with the cooperation of many people, they sang a song about love in a different big city.    


After that, a few more students automatically went up on stage. During this period of time, they even included the combat performances of the instructors. It was very exciting!    


What was even more unexpected was that Zhang Zihui even saw Lu Ling and Yuting singing on stage.    


Just that, amongst the three, other than Yuting who sang well, the other two were the one who caused everyone to retort.    


"Kid, you're so handsome. You must be good at singing, right?" "Come on, sing one for me."    


It was unknown when Instructor Ye came to Zhang Zihui's side, but he asked him to sing on the stage.    


It wasn't that Instructor Ye wanted to make things difficult for him.    


Seeing that the other teams had people going up to perform, Instructor Ye naturally wanted people to go up as well.    


< p > "Let's just forget about that. My singing skills are average."    


Zhang Zihui declined, he was not a person who liked to show off.    


For a special agent, it was necessary to ensure that as many people as possible did not pay too much attention to him!    


< p > "You brat, don't be modest!" If you say it like that, then you must know how to sing! "Hurry up and go up!"    


Instructor Ye did not plan on letting Zhang Zihui go, "Ladies, do you want your handsome leader to go up and sing?"    


It had to be said that Instructor Ye's shout was very convincing.    


Almost all the girls shouted, "Yes!"    


Those that did not shout, also expressed their thoughts of wanting Zhang Zihui to go up on stage with their gazes.    


Among them, were Xiao Qingying and Su Yinyin.    


In the hearts of the two girls, they both knew that as long as they returned back to school, they would probably never have another chance to contact Zhang Zihui again.    


Therefore, they could only cherish the present even more.    


If I could hear him singing, wouldn't that be a memory, a nostalgia?    


Instructor, you're a real loser.    


Zhang Zihui said somewhat helplessly.    


Then, he stood up and walked towards the stage.    


< p > "Okay!" Another student had taken the initiative to go up on stage! Wow! And he's even a handsome guy! "    


He really did not expect that the Chief Instructor, who had always been a very serious and loud person, would actually cause such a commotion.    


With just that one sentence, many gazes immediately turned towards Zhang Zihui.    


Fortunately, Zhang Zihui was already very used to being the focus of attention.    


< p > "This handsome guy, are you going to sing?" Or dance? Or do you have other shows to give everyone? "    


Chief Instructor handed the microphone to Zhang Zihui.    


< p > "Let me have your love by singing a song."    


Zhang Zihui would normally like to listen to music.    


Amongst all the other singers, he was the one who liked the tank the most.    


The song of the bank gave him a simple yet comfortable feeling. Furthermore, the feeling of clarity within the song made him like it even more.    


< p > "Okay, musician, please download the song and play it!"    


Chief Instructor gave the order, he quickly retreated to the side.    


At the same time, the prelude to the music began to play.    


Listening to the melody, Zhang Zihui put the microphone to his mouth and started to sing.    


When he started to sing, the entire venue suddenly quieted down.    


Perhaps the normal Zhang Zihui's voice didn't have any special characteristics, but when he was singing, his voice had become extremely magnetic!    


Matched with this slow and unhurried song, it gave people a natural and gentle feeling of perfection!    


People could not help but indulge in his song!    


"Give me your love, and let me accompany you to the future. Give me your love, and don't let go of my hand. Even if the universe explodes, the sea water will evaporate. I only wish for my embrace in your memories."    


< p > A short song ended just like that.    


However, the entire place was still silent.    


< p > "Pa Pa Pa!"    


Dazzling applause suddenly rang out. Following that, more and more people began to applaud!    


Waves of thunderous applause resounded through the entire venue!    


< p > "Thank you."    


Zhang Zihui told the crowd, then returned the microphone to Chief Instructor and planned to get off the stage.    


However, before he could step down, everyone in the audience had already started shouting!    


< p > "Again!" Another one! Another one! "    


At this time, Zhang Zihui's singing had already conquered most of the people!    


As for the girls, they even started to have various thoughts and ideas about Zhang Zihui.    


"Since everyone is so insistent, handsome, you can do it again." But, to tell the truth! I also really want you to play another one. "    


He never thought that even the Chief Instructor would have such a thought.    


Well, then, I'll give you another big happiness.    



Zhang Zihui took the microphone and said.    


Not long after he finished speaking, the music started playing.    


Before dinner, the instructors gave everyone half an hour to freely move about.    


And after Zhang Zihui finished singing, there was another round of applause!    


Just that, the people below were still not planning on letting Zhang Zihui go!    


Another "Again!"    


A shout.    


It was very obvious that Zhang Zihui had to sing another song.    


However, a thought suddenly appeared in his mind.    


However, this third song, I'm going to sing a duet, tank's solo song. So, I'm going to ask my girlfriend to come up and sing this song with me. "Rongrong, do you want to come up?    


That's right, the idea that came to Zhang Zihui's mind was to sing together with him!    


During the military training these past few days, the two had only been chatting with each other through text messages. Since there was an opportunity now, they might as well sing a song together!    


Furthermore, by doing so, Zhang Zihui had directly announced that Bai Rongrong was his girlfriend, so as to prevent others from having any ideas on her!    


However, what Zhang Zihui did not know was that his words had also made many girls sad.    


Bai Rongrong, who was sitting below, was also mesmerized by Zhang Zihui's singing earlier.    


She also didn't think that Zhang Zihui would actually sing like this.    


But now, Zhang Zihui wanted her to go up on the stage as well, and to the point of even making Xuan Chang his girlfriend in front of everyone.    


However, at the same time as being shy, there was also a wave of sweet happiness.    


After a slight delay, Bai Rongrong went up on stage.    


At this moment, many of the people below the stage had already picked up their phones to take pictures of the two handsome men and the beautiful women.    


"Zi Hui, why do you want me to sing with you!?" "I'm nervous!"    


Bai Rongrong complained in a low voice.    


< p > "I believe you can."    


Zhang Zihui said gently, and then held Bai Rongrong's hand, indicating that they should start playing the music.    


Immediately, the music started playing.    


Zhang Zihui's voice was equally intoxicating.    


And after he finished singing the male part of the song, it was Bai Rongrong's turn.    


What surprised everyone was that Bai Rongrong's voice was not any weaker than Zhang Zihui's!    


It was pleasant to listen to, crisp and natural!    


As a result, a single solo song made everyone feel much more comfortable!    


However, there were two gazes filled with hidden bitterness that landed on the hands of the two on the stage.    


< p >    


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