Special Beauty-guarding Master



0Zhang Zihui, who was forced to hide behind a tree again, frowned.    


Judging from the enemy's brute force techniques, he was definitely a world-class sniper!    


Otherwise, with his current speed, it was impossible for an ordinary sniper to stop him!    


Only a world-class sniper rifle could give him such pressure!    


It was just that Zhang Zihui couldn't figure out which world-class sniper Zhang Zihui had a grudge with!    


Did some enemy hire him?    


However, a world-class sniper was not something anyone could afford!    


Other than the few famous organizations in the world, Zhang Zihui couldn't think of any other forces with the ability to use world-class snipers.    


However, Zhang Zihui had never had anything to do with these forces!    


Could it be that they came for the two school beauties?    


Zhang Zihui had guessed it.    


However, he immediately rejected this guess.    


If the other party's target was really two girls, then their identities would be exceptionally large!    


However, no matter who the target was, Zhang Zihui still had to think of a way to deal with him.    


Otherwise, the three of them would be dealt with by the other party!    




Even if Zhang Zihui was not normal right now, as long as he was within 10 meters of the sniper, the sniper would be able to hit him with his body!    


With the opponent's marksmanship and the speed of the bullets, Zhang Zihui believed he had a chance of being hit!    


It had to be known, a sniper's judgement was not inferior to his Perceptual Power at all!    




There were only two daggers left in his hands, and he had no experience against a world-class sniper!    


If Zhang Zihui had a gun at this moment, even if it was only a single bullet, he would be able to relax a lot!    




The other side began to move!    


With his hearing, Zhang Zihui could accurately tell that the other party was heading towards the right!    


That was where the two girls were hiding due to hunger!    


Could it be that this guy's target was really the two of them?    


Zhang Zihui thought uncertainly.    


However, he did not hesitate to move his body and ran towards the girl!    






Another bullet flew over!    


Furthermore, he flew past Zhang Zihui at a distance of less than five centimeters.    


/p p Without any hesitation, Zhang Zihui quickly lowered his body and rolled two times on the ground before hiding behind a big tree!    




/p p "Damn it!" I should have gone to Dad to teach me a lesson about how to deal with snipers. "    


Zhang Zihui said angrily. He didn't feel any pressure from the bullet flying past him.    


/p p "Hua Hua..."    


Zhang Zihui hid and moved again.    


Frowning, he stretched out his hand and picked up a few stones.    


At this moment, he could only rely on the materials on the spot.    


/p p "Hu!"    


Letting out a breath, Zhang Zihui rushed out again!    


And just as he was about to charge out, he threw out four stones in succession towards the other party's location!    


The other side had also noticed Zhang Zihui rushing forward again!    


He quickly stopped and raised his spear to aim at his body!    


However, before he could aim at Zhang Zihui, the incoming stone made him have no choice but to dodge to the side!    


When he was ready to aim again, Zhang Zihui had already returned to the hiding place of the two girls.    


/p p "Handsome guy, you're back?" How about it? Has that guy been dealt with? "    


Xiao Qingying asked anxiously when she saw Zhang Zihui come back from his round.    


Because they didn't dare to peek their heads out, their hearing was actually enhanced. They could hear the sounds of running, the sound of grass, and the sound of bullets!    


This made them even more nervous!    


/p p "Not yet."    


Zhang Zihui was very serious. Even now, he still wasn't sure if the other person's target was him or the two girls.    


/p p "Swish..." "Swish …"    


Behind the tree, the grass swayed as the other party began to move again!    


However, this time, the opponent only moved for a few seconds before suddenly stopping.    


With his hearing, Zhang Zihui could estimate that the distance between the two of them was only around 20 meters!    


/p p "Ka!"    


A small sound entered Zhang Zihui's ears. When he heard the sound, Zhang Zihui's heart immediately tensed up!    


/p p "Run!"    


Without any hesitation, Zhang Zihui put his arms around the two girls and pulled them along as he ran forward!    


/p p "Gulp."    


Something rolled on the ground and landed on the tree behind Zhang Zihui.    


Two seconds later.    


/p p "Boom!    


A huge explosion was heard!    


A strong wave of air immediately sent the three flying!    


What followed was a series of "kacha" sounds.    


A sound rang out. The entire tree they had been hiding in had been destroyed by the fire!    


He fell towards the three of them!    


What was even more dangerous was that as the tree fell, the three of them were already exposed to the enemy's gunfire!    


And naturally, the opposite party would not let go of such a good opportunity!    


/p p "Xiu!" Swoosh! "Swish!"    


In one breath, the sniper fired three consecutive shots!    


/p p "Hide!"    


Zhang Zihui said to the two girls in a low voice in midair. Then, he used both of his arms and directly threw the two of them out!    


Then he quickly curled up his body!    


He used his four limbs to protect his body!    


However, one of the bullets grazed Zhang Zihui's arm!    


The other one was cut from his Little Moon!    


And the last strike landed directly on his left arm!    


/p p "En!"    


With a groan, Zhang Zihui landed heavily on the ground with blood flowing out from his arm!    


However, he endured the pain and steadied his body with his left hand. He pulled out a second knife with his right hand and threw it in the direction of the bullet!    


/p p Just one clang was heard.    


The sound of the knife striking something rang out as it collided with a metallic object!    


As for the two girls on the other side, they were thrown away by Zhang Zihui and were only scratched a few times.    


However, when they saw Zhang Zihui getting hit, both of them panicked!    


He completely forgot about what Zhang Zihui told them to hide.    


/p p "Handsome!" You've been shot! "    


When Xiao Qingying shouted, Su Yinyin's face was also full of nervousness!    


Due to the delay of a few seconds, the sniper was ready again!    


Pull the trigger!    


The target, shockingly, was two girls!    


/p p "Whoosh!"    


A bullet flew towards the two girls!    


And with the opponent's spear technique, this spear would definitely cause a girl to fall!    


/p p "Pu!"    


The bullet penetrated his flesh!    


Xiao Qingying opened her eyes wide!     4


She looked at Zhang Zihui, who was standing in front of her!    




He blocked in front of her, and the bullet hit Zhang Zihui's right rib. Waves of intense pain caused his face to turn pale!    


/p p "Handsome, you you …"    


For a moment, Xiao Qingying didn't know what to say!    


Su Yinyin also looked at the scene in astonishment. She never expected Zhang Zihui to have a body to protect them from bullets!    


/p p "Cough cough!" Don't worry, I won't die yet. This injury is nothing. "    


Zhang Zihui revealed a smile that wasn't really a forced one.    


This kind of injury really didn't mean much to him.    


Of course, Zhang Zihui had considered the reason why he dared to do so.    


The light sniper rifle's bullets weren't too powerful. Unless it hit a fatal point, it definitely wouldn't die.    


However, if the opponent had used a heavy sniper rifle, this shot would have definitely left a hole in Zhang Zihui's body!    


However, in comparison, the sound of a heavy sniper rifle was way too loud!    


/p p "Ka!"    


The sniper in the dark pulled the trigger once again. Unexpectedly, he was out of bullets!    


Zhang Zihui also heard the sound of the rifling. The moment he heard it, he pulled out the last knife and threw it with all his strength!    


/p p "Clank!"    


Another collision sound rang out!    


At the same time, there was the sound of something disintegrating.    


Zhang Zihui knew that he managed to shatter the sniper rifle!    


At this moment, he revealed a victorious smile!    


Even the sniper didn't expect Zhang Zihui to accurately pinpoint his location under such circumstances!    


He had even scattered his sniper rifle!    


However, on his waist, there was a Desert Eagle!    


/p p Pull out of the desert, aim at Zhang Zihui and start shooting.     


However, at that moment, the sound of barking came from all directions!    


From the sound of the barking, there had to be at least five or six police dogs!    


/p The sniper in the dark knows he has no chance to shoot.     


The moment he opened fire, the sound of gunfire in the desert would immediately expose him!    


He might not be able to escape!    


/p p "The lucky guy!"    


Zhang Zihui heard the sound of footsteps that was getting farther and farther away.    


In less than twenty seconds, five police dogs flew out and surrounded the three of them, keeping a vigilant watch on their surroundings.    


Then, in less than two minutes, more than ten commandos in camouflage clothing arrived!    


/p p "Are you alright?"    


The special forces quickly dispersed, and one of them came close to the three and asked.    


When he saw the blood on Zhang Zihui, he knew he asked too many questions.    


"Someone's injured here, hurry up and bandage him up!"    


the man shouted.    


Following which, he saw a medical soldier carrying a medicine box run over.    


Kid, where are you hurt?    


the medic asked.    


"He was shot twice!" Hurry and save him! "    


Xiao Qingying said anxiously as she supported Zhang Zihui.    


Zhang Zihui said with a relaxed expression, "I got a bullet in my left arm and right rib. The bullet was shot by a light sniper rifle, but it's still in there and didn't injure any organs. You just need to take out the bullet and bind it up."    


When the soldier heard Zhang Zihui's words, he was obviously stunned for a moment: he never expected Zhang Zihui to be able to relax after being hit by bullets!    


Furthermore, he even explained in detail about his injuries and how he was treated!    


Most people should not know about these things!    


However, the quality of a medical soldier was still quite good.    


It soon became clear that this was not the time to think about such things.    


At the moment, he had to help Zhang Zihui remove the bullets.    


Although a light sniper rifle's power was limited, if the bullet was not taken out and stopped bleeding, it would still cause a lot of trouble!    


/p p "To get the bullet out, I might want to cut open the wound a bit more."    


The medic took out the sterilized scalpel forceps and said.    


These words caused the two girls to be stunned: still trying to cut open the wound a little more?    


Isn't that even more painful?    


/p p     


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