Special Beauty-guarding Master



3Half an hour later, Zhang Zihui carried the red-faced Lu Xin out of the room. When he saw him and Lu Xin coming out, the two men outside were astonished!    


They couldn't understand why the one who came out wasn't Ah Feng but Zhang Zihui. Plus, Lu Xin had Zhang Zihui hugging her like that and the blush on her face showed that she didn't have any aversion to Zhang Zihui.    


Blackwood didn't say anything as he saw Zhang Zihui come out. He just sat quietly to the side. After Zhang Zihui left, he stood up and walked into the room with his henchmen behind him.    


/p p Blackwood came to the wardrobe and opened it.    


Immediately, Ah Feng, who was still unconscious, fell from the wardrobe and was held by Blackwood.    


"The two of you wake him up, then tell him to come back and find me. I'll go back and discuss something with my big brother first."    


Seeing that Ah Feng didn't have any issues, Blackwood was relieved. However, he still needed to discuss Zhang Zihui's situation with Hei Hu as soon as possible. Zhang Zihui's background made him feel that Zhang Zihui would become a threat to the gang in the future, so he had to make some preparations this morning.    


/p p "Understood."    


Ah Feng's two lackeys, of course, had no objection. They supported Ah Feng and let him lie on the bed, watching Blackwood leave.    


However, what they were curious about was that a small piece of the bedsheet had actually been cut off, and on the mattress, a faint red color could be seen.    


/p p "That." Can you put me down first? "    


Zhang Zihui carried Zhang Zihui onto the street. When the pedestrians on the street saw the two of them like this, they naturally cast their gazes at them. After all, the combination of handsome men and beautiful women attracted the attention wherever they went.    


Lu Xin naturally felt that such a clear shape was not suitable for her. She wanted Zhang Zihui to put her down.    


However, Lu Xin's pink face was not because of these things.    


Thinking about how Zhang Zihui carried her into the Bath Room, put her in the bathtub, and washed her with his own hands, his entire body was seen by Zhang Zihui.    


Although the two of them had already honestly met once when they had that relationship, they had been in a state of confusion at that time, so they didn't pay too much attention to each other.    


Compared to taking a bath, it was a completely different situation!    


"That won't do. You can't move around as you please."    


Zhang Zihui smiled.    


If Lu Xin could leave by herself, he would of course have no objection. However, Zhang Zihui was clear about what he had done to Lu Xin.    


It would be great if Lu Xin could recover some strength. Walk?    


There was no need for her to think about it anymore. It was already good enough for her to be spirited today.    


/p p "I can do it."    


Lu Xin wanted to show that she could do it, but she didn't expect that after a slight movement, her body would go soft again. She didn't have any strength left at all.    


"Hehe, alright, don't think too much about it. It's only this far. My car is just on the other side of the street. We'll be fine once we get on the car."    


Zhang Zihui shook his head in amusement. However, Lu Xin's performance gave him a new understanding of her.    


Zhang Zihui's words made Lu Xin quieten down.    


However, the passerby's gaze still made her feel weird, and she couldn't help but bury her head in Zhang Zihui's arms.    


By doing this, she immediately heard Zhang Zihui's heartbeat and felt an inexplicable sense of relief.    


In less than ten minutes, the two of them arrived at the car.    


However, what surprised Zhang Zihui was that when he looked down, he found Lu Xin had already fallen asleep in his arms.    


Hehe, sure enough, she is still too tired.    


Zhang Zihui smiled as he looked at Lu Xin's peaceful sleeping appearance.    


At this moment, Lu Xin was truly beautiful.    


At the third high school, the school leaders were already getting nervous about Lu Xin's incident. The police were also getting busy, collecting clues and investigating the situation.    


However, after almost two hours, they still had nothing.    


To someone, this was simply torture!    


Ten minutes ago, Lu Ling received a call from her high school's leader, informing her that something had happened to Lu Xin!    


At that moment, his heart was in chaos!    


His entire body felt like it was collapsing!    


He was trying to call Lu Xin over and over again crazily!    


However, after calling for more than ten minutes, he was met with the same thought again and again, "The number you are calling is temporarily unanswered."    




Such a mechanical reply made Lu Ling want to throw her phone off the hook!    


Fortunately, he understood that doing so wouldn't help in finding Lu Xin, so he could only hurry to the third high school. What he saw was the police reporting the situation to several security guards, which made him even more worried about Lu Xin's situation!    


When they rushed to Lu Xin's class, Lu Ling looked at the students inside with unease.    


/p p "Eh?" Isn't that Brother Zihui's roommate? "    


After hearing from Zhang Zihui that Lu Xin was fine, Lulu and Meng Ziyi let out a sigh of relief.    


When they raised their heads, they saw Lu Ling standing outside the classroom with her head lowered.    


This made Lulu curious, "Why is Lu Ling here?"    


Lulu was so curious that she dragged Meng Ziyi over to Lu Ling.    


/p p "Hello!" Aren't you Brother Zihui's roommate? Why would it appear here? "    


Lulu asked as she came to Lu Ling's side.    


/p p "Hm?"    


When Lu Ling saw Lulu, she was stunned for a moment before reacting: Isn't this girl before her the same girl from last time at school?    


/p p "You're Lulu?" Why are you here? Wait, you are my sister's student? "    


Lu Ling immediately reacted.    


/p p "Ah?" You're Teacher Lu Xin's younger brother? "    


Lulu was also stunned for a moment before reacting.    


"You must have heard that something has happened to Teacher Lu Xin, right? "Don't worry, Teacher Lu Xin is fine."    


Seeing Lu Ling's expression, the smart Lulu naturally knew that he had only come over because he was worried about Lu Xin. She immediately told Lu Ling about Lu Xin's safety.    


/p p "What did you say?" Is my sister alright? "    


Hearing Lulu's words, Lu Ling was stunned. Then, she looked at Lulu with a pleasantly surprised expression. She naturally hoped that Lu Xin would be fine.    


However, he wasn't sure if he could believe the words that came out of a little girl's mouth.    


"About that, you don't have to worry. Brother Zihui is already back, right? Teacher Lu Xin has been rescued?"    


Meng Ziyi added.    


/p p "Hu!"    


Hearing Meng Ziyi's words, Lu Ling heaved a sigh of relief. If it was Zhang Zihui, then it was possible.    


After all, Zhang Zihui was still in his twenties, it was only right for him to have the ability.    


"Then where are my sister and Zi Hui right now?"    


Lu Ling asked again.    


"We are not sure about that, but Brother Zihui said that he would be back soon with Teacher Lu Xin, so we just need to stay in the school and wait for him."    


Meng Ziyi continued to answer.    


/p p "That's good, that's good."    


Lu Ling relaxed and took two steps on the spot before turning around and heading to the school gate.    


The two girls looked at each other and naturally understood what he was thinking. They immediately followed him.    


The three of them arrived at the school gate. What they didn't expect was that just as they arrived at the school gate, they saw Zhang Zihui's car parked in front of the gate!    


In the car, Lu Xin was sitting on the passenger seat, sleeping quietly.    


"Teacher Lu Xin is back!"    


Lulu was the first to shout!    


After that, Lu Ling and the two girls quickly ran over!    


Zhang Zihui got out of the car and was surprised when he saw Lu Ling running over. He then walked towards the three of them.    


/p p "Shhh!" Lu Xin is tired. Let her have a good rest first. "    


Seeing that the two girls were going to go over, Zhang Zihui quickly stopped them and signaled them to let Lu Xin continue sleeping.    


Afterwards, he looked at Lu Ling. "Lu Ling, why are you here?" Also, you know Lu Xin? "    


Judging from Lu Ling's behavior, it wasn't hard to guess that he and Lu Xin had something to do with each other. However, it wasn't easy to guess that they had something to do with each other.    


"She's my sister."    


Lu Ling answered.    


/p p "Hm?" Is she your sister? "    


Hearing Lu Ling's reply, Zhang Zihui was stunned. He never thought that Lu Xin would be his dorm mate's sister!    


And just before this, he had just had that kind of relationship with his friend's sister!    




What was this supposed to be?    


"Zi Hui, thank you for saving my sister. If it wasn't for you, I think something would have happened to her." "Thank you."    


Lu Ling thanked Zhang Zihui very formally as she glanced at Lu Xin, who was sleeping soundly.    


/p p "This. You don't have to thank me, Lu Xin and I are friends after all. "    


Zhang Zihui answered awkwardly.    


When Zhang Zihui thought of Lu Ling and Lu Xin being siblings, he felt that he didn't know how to face Lu Ling.    


/p p "No matter what, thank you." Oh right, Zi Hui, how are you going to deal with the exile that kidnapped my sister? Did you give him a good lesson? "    


When she thought of Ah Feng, Lu Ling's heart was once again enraged!    


/p p "I fixed him a little." "But don't worry, I've already told him to never come back to find Lu Xin again."    1


Zhang Zihui wasn't suitable to tell Lu Ling about some matters that happened in detail.    


/p p "That would be great!" "This way, my sister will be much safer in the future."    


Lu Ling became even happier when she thought that Ah Feng wouldn't come looking for Lu Xin again. For the past few days, the siblings had been worrying a lot about Ah Feng.    


/p p "Hm?"    


At this moment, Lu Xin seemed to have been woken up by their conversation. Her eyelashes trembled a few times, then she opened her eyes.    


"Sis, you're finally awake. Are you alright?" That bastard didn't do anything to you, right? "    


Seeing that Lu Xin had woken up, Lu Ling immediately rushed to Lu Xin's side.    


/p p "Little brother?" "Why did you come here?"    


Seeing Lu Ling, Lu Xin was slightly stunned, but she quickly understood, "Little brother, don't worry, I'll be fine. Fortunately Zi Hui arrived in time, that guy didn't do anything to me. "    


Lu Xin said with a smile.    


However, thinking about what happened between him and Zhang Zihui, he couldn't help but blush again.    


Thank you very much indeed, Zi Hui. It's all thanks to him.    


Lu Ling expressed her gratitude towards Zhang Zihui once again.    


Little brother, from what you said, you and Zi Hui know each other?    


Lu Xin was immediately aware of the extra meaning behind Lu Ling's words.    


"Hehe, Lu Xin, Lu Ling is my roommate and we're classmates."    


Zhang Zihui walked over and asked Lu Ling.    


/p p "This."    


This answer caused Lu Xin to be stunned.    


She was also surprised that her brother was Zhang Zihui's classmate.    


No matter how he looked at it, the relationship between him and his little brother's classmate was definitely not a good thing.    


While Lu Xin was in a dilemma, Lulu pulled Meng Ziyi over.    


Fortunately, nothing happened to you. Eh? "Teacher, why did you change your clothes?    


The sharp-eyed Lulu noticed that Lu Xin's current clothes were different from the ones she wore when they first met!    


/p p "This."    


Lu Xin hesitated for a moment before speaking. "The clothes were torn by that exile. Zi Hui bought it for me at the last moment, so it's not the same."    


Lu Xin explained for a moment what she knew to say and what she shouldn't say.    


/p p "What?" "That bastard actually planned to do this to you."    


Lu Xin's words made Lu Ling's eyes widen!    


His face was instantly filled with rage, "Bastard!" That guy actually wants to do that to you, sister! "    


"Little brother, am I not fine?" "Don't think too much."    


Lu Xin comforted Lu Ling, "By the way, the school's leaders should be in a hurry by now, right? Let's go over and talk to them first. "    


Lu Xin said as she opened the door, intending to get out.    


/p She forgot that she still didn't have much strength left in her body!    


Unavoidably, the moment the car door was opened, her body fell out uncontrollably!    


/p p "Be careful!"    


Luckily, Zhang Zihui hugged Lu Xin in time.    


/p p "Sis!" What's the matter with you? "    


Seeing Lu Xin like this, Lu Ling got nervous.    


Of course, it was Zhang Zihui who did it.    


However, Zhang Zihui couldn't say it out loud. He could only feel depressed.    


Fortunately, there were several excuses.    


"Lu Xin was kidnapped by those guys and they drugged her, so she still hasn't recovered yet."    


Zhang Zihui's reason was very reasonable, so no one doubted him.    


Ziyi, Lulu, you two support Lu Xin. Let's go in first.    


Zhang Zihui instructed. Even though he actually wanted her to hug him at this moment, it would make it seem like the relationship between the two of them wasn't ready for the day yet. If Lu Ling felt that there was something going on between him and Lu Xin, it might lead to some unnecessary awkwardness.    


Thus, he could only temporarily hide it.    


/p p "Okay."    


The two girls naturally had no objections to Zhang Zihui's instructions.    


What happened next was that a group of people contacted the school leadership and made a statement to the police. After that, everything was settled.    


After that, Lu Xin was brought to the school doctor by the two girls to see if she needed any treatment.    


Of course, with Zhang Zihui around, she didn't need any treatment.    


All she needed was a good day's rest and a comfortable sleep.    


"Teacher Lu Xin, you should have a good rest in the next two days. There's no need for lessons."    


After everything was settled, the school director gave Lu Xin two days of vacation.    


This was a good result for Lu Xin. Zhang Zihui acted as a temporary driver to send Lu Xin and Lu Ling home.    


When Zhang Zihui sent the two of them home, Blackwood had already returned to the inside of the Wu Steel Gang. He found his elder brother Hei Hu and told him in detail about what happened today.    


/p p     


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