Special Beauty-guarding Master



3"About that, you should put on your clothes first."    


Lu Xin said shyly while hiding behind the blanket.    


However, her gaze still stayed on Zhang Zihui.    


That perfect and well-proportioned male body made her feel very enchanted.    


/p p "Oh." "Sorry."    


Zhang Zihui also realized Lu Xin's shyness and quickly picked up his clothes to put on his clothes.    


However, with his Perceptual Power, how could he not know about Lu Xin's petty tricks?    


He couldn't help but find it funny, but he also confirmed his thoughts of taking responsibility for Lu Xin.    


After a while, Zhang Zihui put on his clothes and got off the bed. He casually picked up a tablecloth and casually wrapped up Wu Tie, who was lying on the ground, then poured another surge of energy into his body to ensure that he would be unconscious for a longer time. Then, he dragged him and threw him into the wardrobe in his room.    


"Lu Xin, take a good rest first. Don't worry about anyone coming over. I'll be back in a bit."    


After Zhang Zihui had arranged everything, he gave Lu Xin a reassuring smile and jumped out of the window.    


Of course, in order to ensure Lu Xin's safety, he would keep his Perceptual Power locked on Lu Xin. At the same time, he did not intend to travel too far, so he could simply find a nearby supermarket to buy clothes at.    


After seeing Zhang Zihui leave, Lu Xin gradually relaxed.    


Lu Xin felt that it was all too unrealistic when she thought of how she actually had sex with Zhang Zihui. Even now, her brain had yet to react.    


Lu Xin tried to prop herself up again, but was helpless to find that she still had no strength. Moreover, with just a slight movement, her body was in pain again, making her feel uncomfortable.    


At this point, she couldn't help but be angry at Zhang Zihui for not caring for the fairer sex.    


No matter what, this was the first time she had done this to her in so many different positions.    


However, thinking of those embarrassing postures, Lu Xin suddenly felt that Zhang Zihui's actions meant that she was very attractive to Zhang Zihui.    


Otherwise, how could Zhang Zihui be so infatuated with her.    




What am I thinking?    


He was already someone who had a girlfriend. Everything that happened today with him would only be a memory.    


Lu Xin shook her head to suppress her thoughts.    


However, he couldn't have anything to do with Zhang Zihui after getting killed for the first time.    


Lu Xin didn't have any feelings in her heart. It was absolutely impossible.    


Her first thought would be to spend a wonderful evening with her favorite boy in a good atmosphere.    


But he didn't expect it.    


Zhang Zihui went straight to a ladies' clothing store that was less than 200 meters away from the hotel. He didn't pick anything and just took a matching shirt and a pair of eight-cent jeans.    


Without bargaining, he quickly left the store.    


Then, when the shopkeeper finished packing the clothes, Zhang Zihui took them and went out. However, he frowned: outside of the hotel, there was a very strong man who entered the hotel with two men who looked like thugs.    


Moreover, after they entered, they actually spoke to Ah Feng's two lackeys.    


/p p "Hm?" Why are you two here? Is Ah Feng here too? "    


The man in the lead was actually none other than Hei Hu's second gang leader, Blackwood!    


/p p "Second Sect Master!"    


Seeing Blackwood, the two lackeys quickly stood up, "Reporting to the second gang leader, the third gang leader is indeed here today, so he will be inside the house." "That one."    


A subordinate wanted Blackwood to report.    


However, he stopped when he finished speaking.    


/p p "Oh?" Did Ah Feng bring a girl back from somewhere to play? This kid, Big Bro and I have already told him so many times to stop playing with women, but he just wouldn't listen! "He has no ability at all. How can he interfere in the affairs of the Hei Hu in the future?!"    


Although his subordinate didn't say it clearly, but with Blackwood's understanding of his subordinate, he obviously guessed it right away.    


/p "Which scene did he get the female ugliness from this time?" . Or did he take another good home? "    


Blackwood frowned slightly as he continued to ask.    


/p p "This."    


The lackey hesitated as to whether he should say it or not.    


However, when he saw Blackwood's eyes narrow, he immediately gave up on the idea of hiding anything and honestly told him, "Second Sect Master, this time the third Sect Master is looking for a teacher, a teacher from the third high school. "And then …"    


Following that, he told Blackwood about what had happened today in detail. From the moment Ah Feng started courting Lu Xin, to the moment he sent people to kidnap Lu Xin.    


/p p "Oh?" You said that you tied up a high school teacher to come over? "    


Blackwood clearly frowned.    


He wasn't too dissatisfied with Ah Feng's way of handling things. After all, in the underworld, as long as you want something, it doesn't matter if you use more than a simple method.    


However, his identity as a high school teacher made him a little hesitant.    


If she was a teacher, then she would be tied up to play, and Ding Pi would be able to give her a bit more money.    


However, if the other party was a girl from a good family, there would definitely be some future troubles. Although it wouldn't cause any trouble for Hei Hu's gang, it was still a small matter to create a ruckus!    


If they were to spread the news through the media, Hei Hu would have to do business secretly in the near future.    


"How long has Ah Feng been inside?"    


Blackwood asked.    


/p p "This has been going on for more than an hour."    


The lackey honestly replied.    


/p p "More than an hour?" "This kid, does he really want to die on a woman's stomach?"    


Hearing this, Blackwood was truly unhappy!    


Ah Feng still hasn't come out after such a long time. Obviously, he took some kind of drug.    


And that kind of medicine, can you take more of it?    


/p p Without any hesitation, Blackwood pushed open the door and walked in.    


Of course, none of his lackeys dared to say anything. They didn't even dare to follow him without Blackwood's permission.    


After passing through the corridor, Blackwood arrived at the outside of the room. Without knocking, he kicked open the door!    


However, to his surprise, just as his foot was about to kick out, the door opened by itself!    


And the person that appeared in front of him was not Ah Feng!    


It was a strange boy!    


It was sunny and handsome, with a pair of sea-blue eyes that were like gems.    


This person, needless to say, was naturally Zhang Zihui!    


/p p "Who are you?" Why are we here? "    


When Blackwood saw Zhang Zihui, he was momentarily surprised. Then, he became alert and his body instantly entered the explosive state.    


"You must be Blackwood, Hei Hu's second gang leader." Your little brother Ah Feng kidnapped a friend of mine today, so there shouldn't be too much of an explanation for me to be here, right? "    


Zhang Zihui didn't hide anything and directly revealed his identity.    


/p p "Oh?"    


Blackwood's eyes became wide open. Suddenly, they shot up explosively!    


His right fist was punching towards Zhang Zihui's face with all his strength!    


It was clean, nimble, and full of power!    


It was obvious that Blackwood's kung fu skills were pretty good!    


Zhang Zihui took a step back and casually pushed with his right hand.    


In Zhang Zihui's eyes, there was no threat at all.    


Zhang Zihui took a step back and casually pushed with his right hand.    


This surprised Blackwood!    


However, Blackwood didn't stop his attack on Zhang Zihui because of this. Instead, he stuck close to Zhang Zihui and used his right knee to hit Zhang Zihui's Xiao Yue Fu!    


Zhang Zihui took a step back and casually pushed with his right hand.    


"I say, Blackwood, if you have anything to say, let's talk about it properly first. Otherwise, I won't be polite with you anymore."    


Zhang Zihui looked at Blackwood with a smile.    


And this kind of expression made Blackwood feel a sense of pressure!    


He had also felt this kind of pressure from his big brother Hei Hu.    


/p p "Hmph!" What do we have to say? Where's my brother? "    


Blackwood looked coldly at Zhang Zihui and did not continue to attack.    


"Him? I'm going to throw him in the closet and he's going to fall asleep. You don't have to worry about him. I don't have any thoughts about him anyway."    


Zhang Zihui shrugged casually.    


/p p "What?" You actually threw my brother into the cupboard? "    


Blackwood looked at Zhang Zihui in astonishment. Then, he decided to attack Zhang Zihui once again.    


However, before he could make a move this time, Zhang Zihui's words interrupted his train of thoughts.    


"Boss Blackwood, if you can't talk to me properly, then I don't mind letting you sleep in the corridor for a while."    


Zhang Zihui had already stopped smiling. He released a portion of his aura and pressed it onto Blackwood's body.    


Although it was only a part of the aura, it was enough to shock Blackwood!    


Blackwood looked at Zhang Zihui. The thought that he was going to fight had vanished from his mind at this moment.    


He did not understand why Zhang Zihui and Ding pu were only 20 years old, yet their auras were comparable to his big brother Hei Hu!    


What kind of status and background did he have?    


Thinking about this, Blackwood couldn't help but sigh that his little brother really knew how to cause trouble, he actually provoked such a person.    



"Say it. If you have anything to say, let's talk about it properly."    


At this moment, Blackwood finally quieted down.    


Of course, even if he wasn't quiet, he wouldn't be able to deal with Zhang Zihui, right?    


"Regarding today's incident, I hope that your Hei Hu gang can give me an explanation. Also, I don't want Ah Feng to be by my friend's side again. If I see him, I don't mind giving him some punishment."    


In order to ensure the safety of Lu Xin later on, Zhang Zihui showed an unyielding attitude this time.    


/p p "What did you say?" You want me to give you an explanation? Kid, what are you relying on to say this? That's right, I admit that your strength and aura surprised me. I'm also very curious about the strength of the power behind you. However, this is the territory of Hei Hu's gang, not just anyone can bully me! I said come here and throw my brother into the closet, then ask us, Hei Hu, to give you an explanation. Are you sure you can do that? "    


Although Blackwood didn't have any intentions of fighting Zhang Zihui, this didn't mean that he was afraid of Zhang Zihui.    


The force that Hei Hu's gang supported was not something that any faction could go against!    


"Do you think I don't have the ability to deal with Hei Hu's gang?"    


Zhang Zihui stared coldly back at Blackwood.    


Blackwood did not answer, as he was not sure if Zhang Zihui was lying to him again.    


If that was the case, then he wouldn't be able to see any flaws. But if it wasn't, then he must investigate Zhang Zihui's background once he got back.    


"Blackwood, I won't beat around the bush with you. I won't rule out the fact that there are still some large powers backing you guys, but I can tell you this very clearly. In this world, not just anyone dares to offend the power behind me." "Since today's incident is clear, I don't want us to cause a ruckus, but it's already a small lesson for Ah Feng. You guys can take good care of him from now on."    


As Zhang Zihui said this, he released more of his aura. This made the astonishment in Blackwood's eyes even more obvious!    


Zhang Zihui took a step back and casually pushed with his right hand.    


At this moment, he could feel that his aura had doubled compared to before!    


This was simply unbelievable!    


It looked like this kid's background was definitely not simple!    


At this moment, I can only do as he says for the time being. When I return, I must have a good talk with my big brother.    


Sun Jian made a decision in Blackwood's heart.    


"Alright, as long as my little brother is fine, then I'll do my best to fulfill what you said."    


Blackwood compromised.    


/p p "Very well, then, you may leave for the time being." I will leave with my friends in a while. When that time comes, you can come in and bring your little brother back to be taught a good lesson. "    


Zhang Zihui said and planned to close the door.    


/p p "Wait!" "How would I know if my brother is still well or not!"    


Blackwood pressed on the door.    


"Hehe, don't worry. If I really want him dead, none of you will be able to stop me."    


Zhang Zihui smiled indifferently. Then, he ignored Blackwood and closed the door.    


Looking at the door, Blackwood fell into deep thought. After a long while, he turned around and left.    


"Zi Hui, who are you talking to?"    


When Lu Xin saw Zhang Zihui open the door, she immediately became nervous.    


No matter what, this was Ah Feng's territory, the person outside the door must be Ah Feng's men. If his men knew that Zhang Zihui and him were in this room, wouldn't it be dangerous?    


However, as the conversation between Zhang Zihui and the other party continued for a while, Lu Xin's heart gradually relaxed.    


What he vaguely heard already showed that Zhang Zihui actually didn't care about the other party!    


This made Lu Xin curious about Zhang Zihui's background.    


Why did he get Ah Feng's hand on him when he came here? But now, he didn't care about Ah Feng's subordinates at all.    


"Hehe, it's nothing. It's just a brother of Ah Feng. I told them to take care of Ah Feng in the future so that he wouldn't disturb you again."    


Zhang Zihui said without a care, then placed the clothes he bought on the bed.    


"Do you want to take a bath during the Year of Change?"    


When it came to bathing, Lu Xin should also do it.    


After having a good time with Zhang Zihui, not only was her body covered with sweat, her body also felt a strange discomfort. There was naturally no need to explain the reason behind this.    


However, Lu Xin thought she was completely powerless. How could she bathe herself?    


Could it be?    


/p p "Zi Hui, what, what are you trying to do?"    


Lu Xin looked at Zhang Zihui nervously. She pulled the edge of the bed sheet with both of her hands and covered her body tighter.    


Somehow, she was scared of what Zhang Zihui was going to do to her, but what was even more baffling was that at the same time she was scared, she was also a bit expectant.    


Zhang Zihui took a step back and casually pushed with his right hand.    


/p p     


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