Special Beauty-guarding Master



2"Dad, something bad happened!"    


In a normal two-story house, a twenty-six-year-old man with dyed brown hair suddenly shouted and rushed to the second floor.    


However, just as the man reached the second floor, he heard the sound of a woman stretching her fingers out, as well as the sound of flesh colliding with flesh!    


However, to everyone's surprise, the man acted as if he didn't hear the voice. He went straight to the room where the voice came from and pushed open the door to enter!    


Suddenly, a burst of Feimu's aura rushed out!    


Within the room, there was a bald, middle-aged man in his forties who was using the position of a twenty-five-year-old girl as he continuously attacked her!    


However, the man didn't react at all to this scene, as if it was very normal.    


< p > "Phew!" Son, come out. Something big had happened! "Oh!"    


The middle-aged man suddenly felt the girl beneath him shrink back. This made him feel extremely comfortable!    


He almost sprayed out blood!    


The man hurriedly slowed down his speed. "Son, this female ugliness is too satisfying!" You should come over and try as well! Both father and son fed this shit to its heart's content!    


After saying that, he felt that the feeling of wanting to spray out his body had lessened and he continued to rapidly rush forward!    


The man watched his father fight with the woman, but didn't have the mood to fight.    


If he hadn't heard the sudden news, he would have rushed up to his father and attacked her from the front and back!    


< p > "Dad, stop playing first!" Something has happened! "    


The man looked anxious. Something big must have happened.    


"Son, look at you." Oh! "Wait!"    


Sensing that the woman beneath him was close to perfection, the middle-aged man decisively charged forward at full speed!    


The loud banging only made them feel uncomfortable!    


After assaulting more than seventy times in a single breath, the middle-aged man no longer restrained himself and directly exploded within the woman's body!    


As for the woman, she could feel the middle-aged man's gush of energy, and her body trembled before she lay paralyzed on the couch, not moving at all.    


< p > "Hu!"    


After he felt comfortable for a while, the middle-aged man patted the woman's butt before sitting down on the couch and looking at his son, "Tell me, what has made you so anxious?"    


"Father, Ye Xue is no longer an air stewardess in the airline! I heard she resigned! When it comes to Hongcheng University, you become a teacher! "    


The man spoke out everything in one breath.    


When he first heard about this, he was stunned for a long time!    


What?" You said that the girl isn't a flight attendant but a teacher? F * ck me! An air stewardess was not worth tens of thousands a month, but she was actually going to be a crappy teacher that was worth thousands a month! Then, what money would we get from her in the future? "This girl, she actually hid this from us and did such a great thing!    


The middle-aged man was equally shocked!    


He and her son were jobless homeless people, and Ye Xue had given them money to take care of them!    


And every month, Ye Xue would give them fifteen thousand.    


And these fifteen thousand was their monthly expenses.    


However, the father and son pair had been spending more and more recently. The previous fifteen thousand yuan still had two to three thousand left, but now it was not enough.    


If not for the remaining thirty thousand last year, they would have ran over to Ye Xue to collect the money again.    


However, they had already spent most of their money, and had already planned to take it from Ye Xue.    


"Dad, once this Ye Xue becomes a teacher, the money she gives us will definitely be less, how can she still be enough to speak to us?" What do you think we should do? "    


the man asked worriedly.    


Men's worry was also a problem for middle-aged men.    


However, the middle-aged man had a lot of insidious ideas after all. He immediately came up with a vicious idea.    


"Son, go get a few more photos of Ye Xue and then contact the rich. This time, you'll need to find the one with the highest bid! He directly sold her out! He'll have to wait for her to pay every month after he saves money. "    


The middle-aged man sneered.    


When the man heard this, he was stunned for a moment, but then he let out a sharp laugh. "Dad, you're really amazing!" Coincidentally, I recently walked very closely with a rich person. Rumor has it that his house belongs to the underworld! Nearly nine figures a year! He always said recently that there were no beauties to play with! We'll sell Ye Xue to him! You can make five million in one breath!    


When he said five million, the man was immediately excited!    


Tsk, it's only five million. I need at least ten million.    


The middle-aged man looked at his son in disdain.    


Then, he laughed again, "Furthermore, we must first taste Ye Xue's taste."    


Thinking about Ye Xue's beautiful appearance and body, the middle-aged man's heart burned with passion. If not for that woman at that time, he would have pushed her away at the age of sixteen.    


Her words caused the man to be shocked once again. "Dad, are you saying that we can give Ye Xue back?"    


To be able to taste Ye Xue, the man was equally passionate. It was because he had coveted Ye Xue for a long time!    


If it wasn't for the fact that Ye Xue never returned and always transferred money to their bank cards, he would have made her move long ago.    


"Hehe, in any case, she's not my biological daughter, so I might as well play with her for a bit." Furthermore, even if it's my biological father's, as long as it's fertile water that doesn't flow to outsiders, what's wrong with letting my father enjoy it for a while? "    


The middle-aged man's words were simply unbearable!    


The woman lying on the couch now understood what the two of them were talking about.    


So it turns out that Ye Xue was their daughter and sister!    


< p > What a pest!    


The woman cursed disdainfully in her heart.    


However, the middle-aged man had already rested enough. He lifted up the moon he was holding and once again accurately inserted his lower body into her body. This time, another round of impact began!    


The woman once again released a silver ray of light!    


Son, come along soon!    


The middle-aged man charged forward while calling out to his son!    


< p > "Alright!"    


After solving the next problem, the man was already very good at it. He quickly took off his belt and jumped onto the bed!    


The man's worry was also a problem for the middle-aged man.    


There was a sound.    


During that time, there was also the sound of stirring the liquid.    


Early morning, Ye Xue and Yang Zhiyan went to school with Xuewen.    


As a teacher, Ye Xue naturally had to attend class frequently.    


Of course, with Zhang Zihui's help, she didn't mind not going.    


It was just that Ye Xue didn't like being a vase from beginning to end. Furthermore, she had become very proficient in teaching and even started to like teaching.    


There weren't many classes in the morning, only two.    


Ye Xue solved the problem very easily.    


Hesitation was not an official teacher, so her lectures were rather casual, which led to a lot of people coming to her classes.    


After returning to the office, Ye Xue began to organize the things she had gained today.    


Her improvement was that she would examine herself every day, find flaws, and improve upon them.    


Ye Xue, you can rest so soon today." It just so happens that I don't have any classes left. Why don't we go have a cup of coffee together?    


The one who said that, was naturally towards Sun Yi, who still had not given up.    


The last time Sun Yi had invited him, sshe had done so well. After eating, he had brought Ye Xue to the movies and, if everything went well, he would then consider getting a room or something.    


Of course, Sun Yi felt that it wouldn't be so easy to obtain Ye Xue, but their relationship had grown.    


Who would have known that in the end, Zhang Zihui and the three girls would suddenly appear, and even ruthlessly beat him up!    


He had to hold back his phone and run back to get the money before returning to pay the bill.    


He had been utterly humiliated!    


< p > "There's no need for this." "I'm not tired anyway, I'll go find someone else later."    


Just as he was speaking, Ye Xue's phone rang.    


When she saw the number that had disappeared, she was stunned for a moment.    


"Sun Yi, I'm sorry, I'll answer your call."    


Ye Xue smiled apologetically at Sun Yi, then took her phone and walked into the corridor.    


< p > "Hello, why are you calling me? I've already sent the money for this month. "    


Ye Xue said as she frowned.    


She really didn't want him to call her.    


However, they kept pestering her, which annoyed her a lot.    


It wasn't like Ye Xue hadn't thought of letting Zhang Zihui settle the matter for her.    


However, when she thought of the ugly faces of the two, she did not want Zhang Zihui to see them.    


Just as Ye Xue finished speaking, a voice came out from the other side of the phone.    


< p > "What?" Twenty thousand? Why don't you just rob them! Before, fifteen thousand was already a lot, but now, you still want twenty thousand? "    


Hearing her request, Ye Xue was furious.    


However, the other party didn't care about Ye Xue's anger at all, and still spoke up with a cold smile.    


"Alright, tell me the location, I'll come and find you."    


Even though Ye Xue really didn't want to meet him, it seemed like this was the only thing she could do.    


Furthermore, in order to let others not know, Ye Xue planned to go over alone.    


She was going to deal with it herself.    


She didn't know what she was going to face.    


"Sun Yi, I'm sorry, I have some matters to attend to, next time when there's a chance, let me buy you a cup of coffee."    


Returning back to the office, Ye Xue apologized to Sun Yi.    


"Hehe, it's fine. There will be opportunities in the future anyway." Ye Xue, you still have things to do, so hurry up and go. "    


Sun Yi laughed.    


However, the gaze with which he looked at Ye Xue, was flickering with a particular kind of light.    


< p > "Then I'll be leaving first."    


Ye Xue smiled apologetically, picked up her bag and quickly left.    


Sun Yi walked to the corridor, and looked at Ye Xue who was walking straight toward the school's gate. A trace of anticipation suddenly rose from the corner of his mouth.    


Then he turned and went down the stairs and hurried toward the parking lot.    


After exiting the school, Ye Xue immediately stopped a taxi. After reporting the address, she let the driver drive.    


His heart was already tensed up as he began to think about how he should talk to the other party later.    


Just as the taxi that Ye Xue was driving was about a hundred meters away, a BMW drove out of the school and followed behind her from afar.    


Half an hour later, Ye Xue arrived at the northern part of the city.    


The northern part of Hong City was the consumption area, so more than half of the streets here were shopping streets!    


Furthermore, the items here were of the lower middle class. If the price was not high, then the flow of people was even greater!    


But, when Ye Xue got down from the stage, she saw a large supermarket promoting a mooncake at the entrance!    


Ye Xue's destination was the teahouse beside the large supermarket.    


When he walked into the teahouse, he found that there were quite a few people inside. Each table was filled with three to five people who were drinking tea and chatting together. It was bustling with noise and excitement.    


This was also why Ye Xue dared to come alone. After all, in a place with many people, those two fellows wouldn't do anything to her.    


Ye Xue's arrival caused many people who made tea to focus their attention on her.    


No matter where a beauty went, she would always attract attention, let alone a top tier beauty like Ye Xue!    


Ignoring everyone's gazes, Ye Xue looked around the teahouse, and finally saw the person she was looking for. She walked straight over to the corner.    


The people in the teahouse couldn't help but follow Ye Xue as she walked in.    


And when they discovered that there were two people sitting in the direction Ye Xue had walked towards that looked very ordinary, but gave off an unpleasant sensation, they were both stunned.    


One of them was only twenty-five or twenty-six years old. He looked the same, but he gave off an indescribably wretched feeling.    


The other one was a middle-aged man in his forties. He was not bad looking, but he gave off an indescribable feeling of discomfort.    


What does this beauty have to do with them?    


Everyone in the teahouse was thinking about this question.    


"Tell me, how do you want me to settle this?"    


Ye Xue sat in front of the two of them and looked at them coldly.    


The middle-aged man was called Wang Jian, and the young one was called Wang Tong. Although her name sounded alright, Ye Xue did not have any good impression of the two of them.    


These two were definitely worthy of having the heart of a person!    


If she could, Ye Xue definitely wouldn't want to have anything to do with them!    


Helpless, this matter was not something that she could decide.    


The man's worry was also a problem for the middle-aged man.    


His gaze did not hide his desire for Ye Xue at all!    


Wang Jian did not express anything obvious, but this did not mean that he did not feel anything in his heart.    


Compared to the other women he had played with, Ye Xue was simply too perfect!    


If it wasn't for the fact that he hadn't seen her in university, he would have definitely pushed her to the ground and eaten her!    


However, when he thought about how he would have a chance to taste Ye Xue later, Wang Jian felt that it wasn't too late.    


"Heh heh, Ye Xue, no matter what, we haven't seen each other for several years, there's no need to be so cold and detached, right? "Come, have a cup of tea first."    


Wang Jian laughed as he spoke, and then poured Ye Xue a cup of tea.    


"Hmph, I don't want to meet with you guys." Tell me, what are you planning to do this time? Didn't you say you wanted twenty thousand on the phone? Let me tell you the truth too, twenty thousand is impossible, the maximum is fifteen thousand. "    


Ye Xue's attitude was unyielding.    


Normally, she would never do this, but thinking of the ugly expressions on their faces, she knew she had to do this!    


However, Wang Jian still did not care at all. It was as if the reason he had called Ye Xue over was not for the money.    


"Ye Xue, I know you still hate me, but your mother really couldn't think of a way to jump off a building at that time, so don't blame me for this! Besides, you are my daughter, why do you do this to me? "Come, this cup of tea is my apology to you."    


With that, Wang Jian took his tea and drank it all in one gulp.    


< p > "Hm?"    


Wang Jian's actions caused him to frown.    


With her understanding of Wang Jian, he shouldn't have said something like that, there must definitely be some sort of purpose behind it!    


However, how could Ye Xue have guessed it right now?    


"Ye Xue, since I've already done this, you should at least give me some face and drink your tea, right? No matter what, I am still your stepfather. "    


< p > "You,"    


Ye Xue really wanted to stand up and point at Wang Jian's nose and curse him for being shameless!    


How could he have the qualifications to be her stepfather!    


It was just that with Ye Xue's good qualities, she was unable to do such a thing.    


< p > "Hmph!" I have nothing to do with you at all. "    


Ye Xue said coldly, then took the tea cup and drank it in one gulp.    


However, what she did not realize was that after she drank it, the corner of Wang Jian's mouth curled into a scheming smile as he succeeded.    


< p > "Alright!" Now you can get to the point! If we continue to drag things out, I won't be accompanying you. "    


Ye Xue didn't even want to sit with the two for long. She felt that it was uncomfortable to be near them even for a little longer.    


< p > "Alright, alright. Let me get down to business."    


Wang Jian laughed, "Ye Xue, you aren't young anymore. As for me, I have found a young master from a rich family for you, you should marry him in a few days."    


< p > "What!"    


Ye Xue never thought that Wang Jian would actually be so absurd!    


Other people had already arranged for them to meet first, but he, Wang Jian, had directly wanted Ye Xue to marry them!    


They didn't even need to meet or get to know each other!    


This was ridiculous!    


< p > "This is impossible!" I already have a boyfriend! "    


Ye Xue glared at Wang Jian fiercely!    


The current her, in her heart, other than Zhang Zihui, no one else could enter!    


"Ye Xue, it's just a boyfriend. If worst comes to worst, we can just kick him away. Since you're so beautiful, of course you have to find rich people. "Don't worry, I found them for you with millions. You don't have to be afraid of them."    


Wang Jian was still smiling.    


< p > "No!" "I don't agree!"    


Ye Xue actually wanted to say that no matter what, Zhang Zihui himself had several tens of millions, and that was in the form of a few dollars!    


Moreover, it didn't even include his parents!    


Just that, Ye Xue knew that if she were to say that, she would definitely cause the two of them to pester her and use all sorts of excuses to get the money!    


"Ye Xue, you have to listen to me about this. You have to know, I'm your father."    


Wang Jian was simply too shameless, to the point of even saying that he was Ye Xue's father!    


Ye Xue really wanted to slap him!    


But she still endured it.    


"Like I said, I have nothing to do with you at all. Furthermore, my body is already given to my boyfriend!" Don't think about anything else! "    


Ye Xue just blurted it out.    


< p > "What?" You actually gave your first time to me? "    


Hearing Ye Xue's words, Wang Jian was also stunned, but he recovered in the blink of an eye and started to sneer, "Hehe, as expected of someone who saw a good thing, to actually be played around with by someone before getting married! "It just so happens that when I play with you later, I can feel the taste of a young woman."    


These words caused Ye Xue to be shocked in her heart!    


< p > "You want."    


Ye Xue was about to slap the table and get up, but halfway through her words, his body suddenly felt a wave of powerlessness, and her mind felt like it was about to fall asleep!    


0 < p > "What?" Why. "What's going on?"    


Thick uneasiness emerged from Ye Xue's heart.    


< p > "Hehe."    


Wang Jian laughed sinisterly, "Let me tell you, we drugged your teacup first. You, just go back to sleep. When you wake up, you will be the slave of us father and son! "    


At this moment, Wang Jian's eyes erupted with a gaze that was hotter than a king's jade!    


At this moment, Ye Xue couldn't help but regret that she didn't ask Zhang Zihui to accompany her here.    


If he was here, everything would definitely be solved.    


It was just that it was too late to regret it now.    


< p >    


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