Special Beauty-guarding Master



3In an office in the twentieth mile, a man in a suit, who looked to be in his thirties, with a crew cut and a sharp, firm face, was sitting in his office leaning against the wall, carefully savoring the coffee in his hand.    


Opposite the man sat a rather handsome boy in his twenties.    


If Zhang Zihui saw him, he would definitely be able to recognize that this boy was Chen Dao, who had arranged for Zhao Dayong to find trouble with him on the first day of his Hong City.    


"Son, it'll be Rongrong's birthday in a few days." Thinking about it, you're almost twenty-one, and Rongrong's around the same age. Why don't you propose to her on her birthday? "    


The man facing Chen Dao, was precisely Chen Dao's father.    


< p > "This."    


Chen Dao hesitated.    


Even though he was also studying at Hongcheng University, with his father's support, he was more studying at the company, so he didn't often appear at school.    


This was also why he didn't appear by Bai Rongrong's side during this period of time.    


However, not returning to school did not mean that he did not have any contact with Bai Rongrong.    


He was still very clear about the major matters that Bai Rongrong and Bai Rongrong had at school.    


However, although Chen Dao was clear about it, his father was.    


Up until now, Chen Dao had never told his father that Bai Rongrong had a boyfriend.    


< p > "What's wrong?"    


Sensing Chen Dao's hesitation, the man put down the coffee in his hand and asked.    


< p > "I,"    


Chen Dao hesitated for a while, but still decided to tell this matter to his father in the end.    


Regarding Zhang Zihui, with his power, it was difficult to deal with him. However, if he had his father's support, things would perhaps be different.    


"Father, Rongrong already has a boyfriend." Moreover, his ability seems to be better than mine, I have no way to deal with him. "    


Chen Dao did not hide the truth that he had dealt with Zhang Zihui.    


His father had instilled in him many things from the moment he began to engage in business, two of them: People who had conflicts of interest with you had to be dealt with!    


If you want something, you must fight for it!    


< p > "Oh?" Rongrong has a boyfriend? "Where did you come from?"    


The man raised an eyebrow.    


He didn't need to ask about the details of the situation. Chen Dao being unable to deal with the boy alone was already enough to point out some of the problems.    


His origins.    


Chen Dao told everything he had heard at that time to his father. At the same time, he also explained in detail about Zhang Zihui's appearance, "Father, that brat is still a mixed blood kid with sky blue eyes."    


< p > "Hm?" The sky blue eyes? "    


The man frowned as the image of a boy suddenly appeared in his mind.    


"Do you have a picture of him, son?"    


< p > "This. "No."    


Chen Dao was very curious as to why his father suddenly wanted to see Zhang Zihui's photo.    


However, he did not have a picture of Zhang Zihui on his phone, "Father, I will show you his photo on the forum tonight."    


Although it did not exist, there were many pictures of Zhang Zihui on the Hongcheng University forums.    


< p > "Okay."    


The man nodded but did not say anything else.    


< p > "That." Father, have you met him before? His name is Zhang Zihui. "    


Chen Dao said out Zhang Zihui's name at this time.    


Hearing the three words Zhang Zihui, the man's hand paused.    


He thought of that night when all three girls had called him boy Hui.    


< p > "It should be him."    


The man nodded, then looked at Chen Dao: "Son, you're still not mature enough. Sometimes, the things that we hear, may not be true. If the other party was trying to cover something up, he would definitely not speak the truth. "    


Thinking about that night when Zhang Zihui fought with him for money, the man was sure that Zhang Zihui's origins were not ordinary.    


At least, it would not be as simple as Chen Dao said.    


"Father, you mean to say that Zhang Zihui never revealed his true background?"    


Thinking of Zhang Zihui's skill, Chen Dao felt that Zhang Zihui would definitely not be simple!    


The man just finished the cup of coffee and opened his mouth. "Do you think a boy who dares to bargain with me over two million for a necklace doesn't have a background?"    


< p > That's right!    


Chen Dao's father was the man who fought with Zhang Zihui over the necklace that night!    


< p > "This."    


Hearing his father's words, Chen Dao was completely stunned: Fighting for a price of two million with his father?    


This was something that even he did not have the ability to do!    


Seeing Chen Dao's astonished look, the man shook his head slightly. His own son was still not mature enough.    


"Don't worry." Rongrong's birthday, I will have the people below fully cooperate with you. If you have any ideas about how to win her heart, just use them all. "    


The man put down his cup.    


These words were his support for his son.    


In the school's press conference group, in the president's office, Shen Yun sat on his office chair, beside his secretary, Little Ping.    


Opposite him was Su Ming.    


"Shen Yun, it will be Bai Rongrong's birthday in a few days. Her father, Bai Ye, seemed to be holding a birthday party for her. It is said that he will announce something at the party. "    


Su Ming said.    


< p > "Oh?" How do you know? "    


Shen Yun was surprised.    


However, he quickly recalled the identity of Su Ming's father.    


As his father, it was normal for him to be invited.    


As expected, the answer was exactly the same as Shen Yun's.    


Su Ming's father was invited by Bai Ye to attend Bai Rongrong's birthday party.    


Shen Yun, didn't you want to chase after Bai Rongrong?" You can come with me to her birthday party.    


Su Ming invited.    


Naturally, Bai Rongrong would invite many upper class Hong City cultivators for her birthday party.    


As a result, many of those invited would bring their children along with them.    


First of all, he had to meet some people.    


Second, they could get to know each other's children, and perhaps form a couple.    


However, Su Ming wanted Shen Yun to go as well. His main goal was to use Shen Yun to protect him.    


Because, he wanted to make Zhang Zihui suffer during Bai Rongrong's birthday party!    


What Zhang Zihui had done to him last time was still fresh in his mind!    


"Hehe, it can't be that you simply want me to participate, right?"    


Shen Yun laughed indifferently, he was very clear about what kind of person Su Ming was, "However, no matter what you think when the time comes, as long as it doesn't cross my bottom line, I don't mind helping you."    


Hearing the first half of Shen Yun's words, Su Ming was extremely nervous.    


Fortunately, the latter half of Shen Yun's words had put him at ease.    


He wanted Zhang Zihui to suffer a loss, but only wanted him to lose face at the party!    


At that time, losing face in front of the majority of the upper class was a very embarrassing thing!    


Who knows? Maybe Bai Ye and Bai Rongrong will despise Zhang Zihui because of this!    


It was a pity that some people could never be dealt with by others.    


However, those people still refused to stop.    


In a western-style restaurant on Mentai Road, White Leaf and Meng Kexin were sitting opposite each other, enjoying a western-style lunch.    


Last night, Meng Kexin did not return to the villa. Instead, she spent the night with Bai Ye.    


As for what happened last night, there was no need to elaborate further.    


"But heart, I'm going to bring my daughter to meet you the day after tomorrow." Do you think we should also bring your daughter over? "    


Bai Ye asked for Meng Kexin's opinion.    


Even though he and Meng Kexin had already reached the final step last night, loving someone, no matter how much you love them, you would always think about how they would feel, and not choose for them yourself.    


< p > "Day after tomorrow?" It should be possible. "    


Although Meng Ziyi still had to go to class, Meng Kexin had already told her about it before.    


Meng Kexin's answer made Bai Ye happy. "That's great. "At that time, as long as both of our daughters agree, I will announce our marriage at Rongrong's birthday party."    


He arranged for both of their daughters to meet, in order to facilitate the marriage between him and Meng Kexin as soon as possible.    


Although the two of them were people who had passed on before, Bai Ye's seriousness towards Meng Kexin allowed him to try his best to avoid every detail!    


"But Xin, are you willing to marry me?"    


Bai Ye looked at Meng Kexin and spoke seriously.    


At the same time, he took out a heart-shaped box and opened it; there was a crystal clear diamond ring quietly lying inside!    


< p > "I,"    


Looking at the ring, Meng Kexin covered her mouth in surprise.    


After which, he nodded his head vigorously.    


She had already answered Bai Ye's question with practical actions last night. If she wasn't willing to accept, why would she be together with him?    


Taking off the ring, Bai Ye pulled Meng Kexin's right hand away and wore it on her ring finger. With a gentle gaze, he looked at Meng Kexin and asked, "But Xin, can I call you wife now?"    


At this moment, the heart of dreams was filled with excitement.    


She had never thought that when she met happiness again, all of this would happen so quickly.    


< p > The heavens, always like to tease people.    


That's all.    


Like, not long after Meng Kexin and Bai Ye.    


< p > His gaze returned to the villa.    


Zhang Zihui, who was sitting in front of the computer, had already prepared most of what he needed.    


Although he spent a lot of money, he wasn't someone who was short on money. Furthermore, the people he was looking for were all his friends, who knew that Zhang Zihui had ordered things for his girlfriend.    


When Zhang Zihui finished dealing with everything else, the two girls woke up not long after.    


Looking at the Fox Girl hugging her arm, Yi Yue realized that she was actually not as hateful as she thought.    


However, it was possible that part of the reason for this was because of last night's experience.    


But Fox Girl did not expect that she would actually hold Yi Yue's arm, and fall asleep while leaning on her shoulder.    


She could not help but blush.    


Fortunately, Zhang Zihui who had just woken up had already walked over and said, "Have you slept enough? Get up and eat something. "    


It was already past ten, breakfast was already cold, but Zhang Zihui had also prepared some oatmeal, so he could just make two bags for breakfast.    


< p > "Okay."    


The two girls nodded in unison.    


Then he propped himself up and sat up.    


But he didn't expect that with this movement, he would accidentally grind against the softness beneath his body.    


The two girls immediately frowned.    


At the same time, the blanket that was covering them also fell off.    


Immediately, two snow-white peaks appeared in front of Zhang Zihui!    


In his mind, he recalled what he had done to the two girls that morning!    


Zhang Zihui had already gathered most of the things he needed while sitting in front of his computer.    


< p > "Damn it!"    


Zhang Zihui quickly turned around!    


He did not understand why he could not control himself today!    


With just that one look, he was unable to calm down even if he wanted the two girls!    


About that, you guys put on some clothes and clean up first. I'll go down to get you some bread.    


Zhang Zihui said on his back, then quickly walked out.    


"Yi Yue, so it turns out that you and Zi Hui had only happened the first time last night."    


Fox Girl had always thought that she was Zhang Zihui's person that night.    


It was only when the blanket slid down and she saw the two red roses on the snow-white bed that she realized.    


< p > "Aren't you the same?"    


Yi Yue was also equally surprised that this was the first time such a thing had happened to the Fox Girl.    


However, this was a good thing in itself. If the Fox Girl was really like how she was on the surface, even if Zhang Zihui was captivated by her, Yi Yue would definitely not allow her to get close to him.    


The two of them looked at each other for a few seconds and then laughed at the same time.    


Who would have thought that they would have such an experience?    


< p > > "Yi Yue, that. Are you all right? "    


Fox Girl suddenly asked with a red face.    


The first time last night, she had done it with Zhang Zihui under the effect of the medicine.    


Even though Zhang Zihui tried his best to restrain himself, the effects of the medicine still made him launch a very intense attack on the Fox Girl, causing her to feel very uncomfortable.    


The fox girl's question made January blush.    


She was much better than the Fox Girl. After all, when Zhang Zihui took her down, the effects of the medicine had already receded quite a bit.    


Thus, his actions were much more gentle.    


< p > "I'm fine, I won't feel too bad about it. Are you still upset? "    


Yi Yue asked.    


The fox girl was immediately dissatisfied with this question. "That guy is right. Even though it's our first time, he's not gentle at all." And him. He's so strong, but he doesn't know how to let us rest.    


Thinking about Zhang Zihui's power, the two of them flushed red again.    


< p > "Well, let's get dressed first." "Yah!"    


Yi Yue suggested.    


Speaking of clothes, Yi Yue recalled that she was only wearing a bath towel over here last night.    


At this moment, the bath towel was quietly hanging on the bed.    


Fox Girl naturally understood Yi Yue's awkwardness.    


However, she smiled and said, "Yi Yue, don't put on your clothes. I don't even want to move. I don't have much strength left after being tortured by him like that. Eh? Yi Yue, it seems that your Lunar Fox Clan is older than me! "    


At this time, the Fox Girl returned to her nymphomaniac nature.    


Furthermore, looking at Yi Yue's Moons, she seemed to have found something interesting, and extended her hand out towards it!    


< p > "Ah!" Fox Girl, what are you doing! "    


Sensing that the peak had been attacked, Yi Yue couldn't help but to cry out in alarm!    


It was just that, Fox Girl only smiled and pinched it, "Yi Yue, your place is so soft and comfortable."    


Zhang Zihui had already gathered most of the things he needed while sitting in front of his computer.    


However, if he was simply attacked by the Fox Girl, wouldn't he be at a disadvantage?    


Thus, Yi Yue also attacked the mountain peak of Fox Girl!    


< p > "Ah!" Yi Yue, why are you here too! "Don't!"    


< p > "Hmph!" I told you to sneak attack me last night! I told you to sneak attack me! "    


< p > "No!" "You're about to let go!"    


< p > "Let go of me first!"    


< p > "Can we let go together?"    


The next scene was of the two girls frolicking around.    


For a moment, Zhang Zihui's bed was covered with spring colors.    


Unfortunately, Zhang Zihui didn't have the fortune to see anything.    


In these two days, Mitte's and Su Yinyin's relationship had already improved by a lot.    


At least, he could casually sit beside Su Yinyin and chat with her and discuss things related to learning.    


As for whether his goal was that or not, it was hard to say.    


"Yinyin, why don't we have lunch together?"    


Ever since he had met Zhang Zihui last time, Mitte had specifically searched for his information. What shocked Mitte the most, was that Zhang Zihui had actually subdued almost all of the students on the school's flower ranking!    


It was what many people called the School Beauty Lady-killer!    


However, not only did Mitte not feel any pressure from this, he was instead overjoyed.    


His thoughts were, Zhang Zihui had so many girlfriends, he definitely could not care about every single one of them!    


This, he did not see Zhang Zihui for the past few days, it was clearly given him an opportunity to interact with Su Yinyin!    


It was also because of this that Mitte wanted to invite Su Yinyin for lunch again.    


Unfortunately, Mitte did not know how outstanding Zhang Zihui was, nor did he know how Su Yinyin felt about him.    


You have to know, Lincoln had once had thoughts about Yang Zhiyan, but when he found out that Yang Zhiyan was one of Zhang Zihui's people, he decided not to touch him anymore.    



This was self-knowledge, and also showed the high attractiveness of Zhang Zihui.    


Mitte wouldn't think this way. Whether he knew it or not, the credo he believed in was: only women who are easy to push and not women who can't be pushed down.    


< p > "Eating?" "There's no need for that. Rongrong and I are fine together with him."    


Thinking about the previous time, Su Yinyin decisively refused Mitte's invitation.    


She did not want to see Mitte fight with Wu Kang ever again.    


In the face of Su Yinyin's rejection, Mitte was momentarily at a loss as to what to do.    


With Lincoln's reminder and some of his own understandings, that Zhang Zihui really wasn't someone he could casually provoke.    


However, in order to complete the mission, he had to think of a way to get close to Su Yinyin.    


Otherwise, with his strength, how would he have the chance to approach the Hong City military region?    


"Yinyin, how about I go at top speed with you?" When the time comes, I'll sit at the table next to you. "    


Mitte tried to follow Su Yinyin in another way.    


In any case, even if Su Yinyin rejected him, it wouldn't be because she hated his actions.    


< p > However, no matter what Mitte does, Su Yinyin will still reject him.    


After all, she now understood that Mitte also had intentions for her.    


< p > "This. "Alright, I hope I'll have a chance to invite you next time."    


Mitte couldn't be too forceful with his rejection. He could only show a disappointed expression, but in his heart, he frowned and was rather unhappy.    


Since Mitte had already said so, Su Yinyin was too embarrassed to say anymore words of rejection. She only waved her hand at him, and said "Goodbye".    


He left.    


Looking at Su Yinyin's back figure, Mitte frowned.    


At this point, he realized that it was easy to get close to Su Yinyin, but it was very difficult to develop further.    


It was not enough to carry out the plan in his mind.    


It looks like I have to change my plan.    


Mitte held his chin and thought.    


At this moment, Mitte's phone rang.    


He picked it up and saw that it was a call from his father. He quickly picked it up.    


< p > "Father, you're looking for me?"    


Mitte spoke with a respectful tone.    


< p >    


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