Special Beauty-guarding Master



3"There's too much information." If you want to complete the transfer, you will need at least another hour and a half. "    


The middle-aged man said bitterly.    


All in all, this was a hidden danger that they had left behind.    


Due to the fear that the data would be easily taken away when stored on the CD-ROM, the research institute's data had always been locked away in the computer.    


After all, the military's network defense system was very reliable.    


Who would have thought that someone would leak the information of the system!    


It really made people feel helpless!    


/p p "An hour and a half?" I tried to see. If the other party's skill is not much higher than mine, then I should be able to delay it. "    


Jill said seriously.    


/p p "Really?" That's great! "    


Xiao Tianmu shouted in surprise.    


The middle-aged man looked at Ji Er in surprise, then said, "We can't just watch you help us like this. I'll bring my men to help you with all I can, and at the same time, I'll speed up the transfer of information."    


/p p "Then hurry up."    


Ji'er didn't say anything more and refocused her attention on her notebook.    


Meanwhile, the middle-aged man and his subordinates continued to get busy. For a while, Zhang Zihui became the person with the least work to do.    


Zi Hui, let's go outside and discuss something first.    


Seeing that the situation had cleared up once again, Xiao Tianmu let out a breath of relief as he thought of the matters related to Zhang Zihui.    


/p p "Okay."    


Since the others were busy, Zhang Zihui felt too embarrassed to stay inside to discuss other things with Xiao Tianmu, so it was better for him to leave.    


Xiao Tianmu was the first to speak when the two of them arrived outside.    


"Brat, I've already brought you the weapon you sent over." When you go back, take it with you. "    


The weapon Xiao Tianmu was talking about was naturally Xuewen's.    


The things Zhang Zihui wanted were already here.    


"Thank you, Deputy Commander."    


Zhang Zihui thanked him.    


/p p "Hehe."    


However, Xiao Tianmu smiled, "Brat, you won't thank me either. This was what we agreed upon back then. Besides, your people are still helping me inside. No matter what the final outcome is, I have to thank you. "And …"    


Xiao Tianmu paused here.    


"Kid, you're still pretty quick with your moves." Both girls are yours. "It seems that our relationship will progress further sooner or later."    


Naturally, Xiao Tianmu still had subordinates that would stay by Su Yinyin and Xiao Qingying's side.    


However, they were mostly ordinary people who had received some training, so they could only help collect information.    


/p p "This. "We'll see."    


Zhang Zihui laughed dryly.    


Although he did not plan to let go of the girl beside him, it was still a little too early to talk about it like that.    


Young man, be straightforward when you need to.    


What Xiao Tianmu said made Zhang Zihui sweat: Is this really what a military district like Deputy Commander said?    


"By the way, do you know Old Cao's daughter, Cao Yayi?"    


After changing the topic, Xiao Tianmu started to get serious again.    


/p p "Yayi? Deputy Commander knows Yayi? "    


Zhang Zihui was surprised.    


Hearing Xiao Tianmu's words, Cao Yayi, who was also Yi Yue's father, knew him.    


Xiao Tianmu turned his head and looked inside, "The person in charge of my Nuclear Aircraft is Old Cao, that middle-aged man."    


/p p "This."    


Zhang Zihui was surprised, he didn't expect to meet Yi Yue's father again.    


I have no right to ask about your affair with Yayi." It was just that Old Cao told me that Yayi was the one who attacked the two girls, because she seemed to have lost her memory and became Lady-killer. Later, Old Cao told me that you and Yayi seemed to have a good relationship. "Don't you know where Yayi is now?    


Xiao Tianmu spoke a lot in one breath.    


/p p "This."    


Zhang Zihui opened his mouth awkwardly, "Yayi is with me now. Moreover, she got along well with Yinyin and Qingying."    


/p p "Hm?"    


Xiao Tianmu was stunned for a moment before instantly understanding: Cao Yayi had also become Zhang Zihui's girlfriend!    


"Brat, you're awesome!"    


Xiao Tianmu couldn't help but say!    


He couldn't figure out how Zhang Zihui did it.    


"Kid, you're definitely the best at making a fool out of girls I've ever seen."    


Xiao Tianmu wanted to say that Zhang Zihui was the best at flirting with women.    


Unexpectedly, the door of the research lab suddenly opened, and a researcher hurriedly ran out, asking anxiously.    


Oh no, the young lady who helped me has a headache!    


/p p Headache?    


Zhang Zihui was stunned for a moment and then quickly returned to the research room.    


He saw Jiran's right hand supporting her temple with a pained expression on her face!    


What's the matter with you, Sister Jier?    


Zhang Zihui quickly ran over to Ji Er's side. Looking at her painful expression, it was clear that it was no ordinary headache!    


/p p "Me, Me,"    


Jill tried to speak, but the pain left her speechless!    


His left hand, which was placed on the keyboard, was even tighter.    


A layer of fine beads of sweat appeared on her forehead!    


Ji didn't say anything more, and Zhang Zihui didn't ask any further questions.    


What surprised Zhang Zihui was that there was nothing wrong with Ji Er's head!    


However, her painful expression was clearly not fake!    


Ji didn't say anything more, and Zhang Zihui didn't ask any further questions.    


His actions had actually produced some results. Ji Er's facial expression immediately eased up, and her breathing returned to its normal speed.    


"Sister Jier, are you alright?"    


Zhang Zihui asked with concern.    


"Zi Hui, I'm fine, it's just a small problem." We should still hurry up and continue. "    


Jill didn't say much, she just kept tapping on the keyboard.    


On her laptop, paragraphs of codes that Zhang Zihui couldn't understand were quickly appearing.    




Still, his hand continued to press against her temple, pumping out energy.    


Oh no, the other side broke through from another direction!    


A researcher suddenly shouted!    


Another person shouted before his voice could fade away, "Another attack is coming from another route!"    


Another route has been attacked!    


Another researcher shouted out!    


Ji didn't say anything more, and Zhang Zihui didn't ask any further questions.    


Clearly, the other side had at least three D-rank hackers!    


Without even thinking, Zhang Zihui was sure that it was the mysterious organization!    


But what's the use of knowing it's a mysterious organization?    


Right now, both sides were competing on the internet!    


The only person who had the power to fight was Ji'er!    


Ji didn't say anything more, and Zhang Zihui didn't ask any further questions.    


At the same time, she opened up two programs and transmitted a set of codes to the computer.    


Fighting one against three, even if Ji Er was a computer expert, she wouldn't be able to match up!    


Fortunately, with Zhang Zihui's power, she didn't have any headaches. She could keep her head clear and keep thinking!    


"The other side has attacked two more lines!"    


Another researcher shouted out!    


This time, it was an attack from five different routes!    


And it was still going on!    


Another researcher shouted!    


And his words caused everyone to be stunned.    


"Again. Three lines have been attacked! "    


/p p Eight lines!    2


The entire computer system was beginning to be unable to withstand it!    


All sorts of random code flashed across the screen!    


There were even some strange lines appearing on Jill's notebook!    


It was as if her notebook was about to be invaded!    




However, the research institute's system was not immune to this. The other party's hacker was about to touch the core information!    


As for the transfer of information, it had only reached 80%!    


/p 80%, there was still a long way to go before the transfer was completed!    


But for the hackers, they were attacking from eight directions, so they only needed a few more minutes to get the information they wanted!    


At that moment, everyone in the research lab turned silent. They all focused their attention on Ji Er, hoping that she would have another plan!    


However, most people knew clearly in their hearts that it was impossible for one person to fight against eight people, and it was even a war on the internet!    


Looking at the depressed crowd and the frowning Ji'er, Zhang Zihui was also wondering if he could help with something.    


Coincidentally, Zhang Zihui had an idea.    


"Sister Jier, is there any way for them to fight themselves?"    


Zhang Zihui said.    


All he could think of was to let them fight on their own.    


On the Internet, hackers would not leave behind any clues that they could be discovered.    


Since the other party had a route for each of them, it meant that they did not know each other.    


If they could find a way to make them meet head on, it was very likely that there would really be internal strife.    


/p p "Fight by yourself?"    


Ji Er was stunned for a moment, but quickly understood what Zhang Zihui meant.    


Furthermore, Zhang Zihui's idea could be copied!    


Ji didn't say anything more, and Zhang Zihui didn't ask any further questions.    


It did not take long for Qiao'er to draw up a simple program!    


At the same time, there was only one firewall left that had yet to be conquered!    


/p /p Hurry up and upload this simple program to your computer!    


As the program entered the computer, the last firewall immediately gave up protecting the core information. Instead, it had completely surrounded the hackers in their assault!    


/p p This was also the case. A scene that no one expected happened: the hackers actually started attacking each other!    


Ji didn't say anything more, and Zhang Zihui didn't ask any further questions.    


Of course, a large part of this was because of the simple program she had edited. It had the effect of camouflaging and transferring the hacker's attack onto the research facility's defensive system.    


In this case, such simple camouflage was the easiest way to attract attention.    


/p p     


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