Special Beauty-guarding Master



4"Zhiyan, do you really want to know?"    


Ye Xue asked with a blushing face.    


However, he didn't stop what he was doing.    


"If you don't want to know, why should I ask you?"    


Yang Zhiyan rolled her eyes at Ye Xue. She had already packed up the things in her hands and was waiting for Ye Xue to finish so she could go downstairs together with her.    


"Then I'll tell you."    


Ye Xue packed everything up properly, her face red, she said, "Zi Hui, it's true. Very strong. It was more than an hour each time, and in the end I couldn't stand it when he stopped. He didn't have one herself. "I'm not satisfied yet."    


Every time until the end, Ye Xue would always feel that she had let Zhang Zihui down. After all, even though he was his own man, he could not satisfy him.    


Ye Xue had also thought of using some other method to satisfy Zhang Zihui, but after she had a good time with Zhang Zihui, she simply did not have a single ounce of strength left; she did not even want to move.    


Especially Zhang Zihui, who would always hug her gently after every match. Hearing his powerful and comforting heartbeat, Ye Xue naturally fell asleep in his arms very quickly.    


< p > "Huh?" Zi Hui. Is he that powerful? "    


Hearing Ye Xue's reply, Yang Zhiyan also blushed a little.    


After all, she would be Zhang Zihui's man sooner or later, and with Zhang Zihui's strength, she would definitely not be able to avoid or endure it when the time came.    


"Alright, let's not talk about this anymore. Let's hurry up and leave." Don't let Jill wait too long. "    


Ye Xue changed the topic.    


However, an absurd thought emerged in her mind: I wonder if she and Yang Zhiyan can satisfy Zhang Zihui together?    


The two of them went downstairs and headed towards the school gate.    


Halfway through, Ye Xue suddenly realized that she had left her phone in the office!    


< p > "Aiya!" I left my cell phone in the office. "Zhiyan, you go over first. I'll go over after I take my phone."    


Ye Xue said somewhat gloomily.    


Yang Zhiyan did not object, she just took out her phone.    


Thus, the two separated temporarily.    


Ye Xue jogged back to the office and went straight upstairs.    


When she went up, a boy coincidentally saw her. He smiled at her from behind.    


After entering the office, Ye Xue saw the phone on the table, picked it up, put it into her pocket, and walked out.    


However, when she walked out of the office, a male student stood in front of her and blocked her way.    


< p > "Su Ming? Why are you here? "    


The boy in front of him, was none other than Su Ming.    


At the moment, Ye Xue did not have any good impression of Su Ming.    


Not only was she cheated by him back then, she was even threatened by him last time. How could she still have any feelings for him?    


However, Ye Xue felt that something was strange. Su Ming did not like to spray fragrant water, why was there a scent on his body today?    


"Xue Er, is it too clear? After all, we also loved each other back then. "    


Su Ming did not care about Ye Xue's attitude towards him.    


< p > "Love?" Hehe, Su Ming, when did you become so shameless? I dare to say anything. "    


Ye Xue looked at Su Ming with extreme contempt.    


Ye Xue's words caused a trace of coldness to flash through Su Ming's eyes!    


However, his face still showed the same expression as before, "Xue Er, can't we sit down and talk? You know what? Actually, I still have feelings for you. "    


"Su Ming, you still have feelings for me? I think you must have seen how good Zi Hui and I were and felt bad about it, which was why you had such thoughts about me. "    


Ye Xue interrupted Su Ming.    


Right now, the more she looked at Su Ming, the more uncomfortable she felt.    


"Xue Er, you don't understand how I feel about you at all."    


Su Ming's face turned grim.    


However, in his heart, he was very surprised that Ye Xue actually managed to guess most of his thoughts!    


It was true that he couldn't stand seeing Ye Xue together with Zhang Zihui, but part of the reason was because of the dispute between him and Zhang Zihui.    


He wanted to take revenge on Zhang Zihui through Ye Xue.    


< p > "I'm not interested in learning about it."    


Ye Xue decisively said.    


After that, he went around Su Ming and planned to head downstairs.    


However, just as she took two steps, she suddenly felt dizzy and her steps became unstable as she fell backwards!    


"Xue Er, what's wrong with you?"    


Su Ming had already been waiting for a long time, so he naturally held Ye Xue back and let her lean into her embrace.    


< p > "Play." "Let go."    


Ye Xue wanted to stand up, but her body did not have the slightest bit of strength!    


Moreover, she discovered that her eyelids had suddenly become very heavy!    


It was as if he was about to fall down at any moment!    


"Xue Er, are you alright?"    


Seeing that Ye Xue looked like she was about to fall asleep, Su Ming asked with concern.    


A smile of satisfaction appeared on his face.    


Finally, Ye Xue was unable to resist the indescribable sleepiness as she heavily closed her eyes.    


"Hehe, the effects of the medicine given by Brother Hu aren't that bad."    


Looking at Ye Xue in her arms, Su Ming laughed complacently.    


Ye Xue's coma was naturally caused by Su Ming.    


Using this method, Ye Xue had already discovered a few traces, which was the fragrance off Su Ming's body.    


The fragrance was actually not the smell of perfume, but was actually the rice medicine that Su Ming had brought over. It could help a person fall asleep quickly after inhaling it.    


When Su Ming went upstairs, he had sprayed this medicine on himself. He used his words to stall Ye Xue and unknowingly knocked her down.    


As for why Su Ming was fine, it was obviously because he took the antidote.    


Heh heh, Zhang Zihui, next, I'll prepare you what you need to do to continue!" "Hehe.    


Su Ming laughed coldly, picked up Ye Xue and quickly went downstairs.    


On the other side, Yang Zhiyan had already come to the school gate to meet with Ji'er.    


The two of them waited for ten minutes, but Ye Xue still did not come over.    


Yang Zhiyan had already taken out her phone and dialed Ye Xue's number.    


However, no one answered!    


Ji Er hurriedly took out the reception device. What surprised her was that Ye Xue was no longer in the school!    


They were quickly moving towards the northern part of the Hong City!    


< p > "Not good!" Ye Xue is probably in trouble! "    


Ji'er realised that the problem was serious, and immediately called for Yang Zhiyan to get on the car, stepped on the accelerator and chased after Ye Xue!    


"Zhiyan, quickly give Zihui a call and have him come over as soon as possible."    


Ji Er instructed Yang Zhiyan as she drove.    


Although she was also a spy, her skills could only be considered average. She could deal with a dozen ordinary people with her bare hands, but with more or less strength or tools, it would be difficult for her to deal with them.    


Therefore, she needed Zhang Zihui's help.    


After Yang Zhiyan heard this, without any hesitation, she picked up her phone and dialed Zhang Zihui's number.    


On Zhang Zihui's side, at this moment, the man in front of him knew that he could no longer argue!    


Without any hesitation!    


He turned around and was about to run away!    


Unfortunately, would Zhang Zihui let him escape?    


The moment the man turned around, Zhang Zihui had already grabbed his neck.    


With his neck being caught by the claws, the man immediately pulled out a dagger from between the crescent moons, turned and stabbed it towards Zhang Zihui's Yue Yang!    


But, just as he turned around, his hand was caught by Zhang Zihui's claw, with a slight tug, the man immediately felt pain and released his dagger!    


Zhang Zihui caught the dagger in his hand and said while looking at the man, "You don't have to run. You did not cause any consequences. Of course, you can still insist on not saying it, but that's for sure. "    


Saying that, Zhang Zihui waved his dagger, causing the man to feel as if something cold had passed through his mouth.    


After that, his shirt was suddenly cut open!    


< p > "I'll say it!" I say! "    


The strength Zhang Zihui displayed immediately made the man compromise!    


If he did not compromise, then maybe his life would be ruined!    


How could he dare to be dishonest?    


< p > "Tell me, who asked you to come? Who is your target?"    



Throwing the dagger in his hand, Zhang Zihui realized that it was a retractable dagger.    


He immediately put away the dagger's edge and put it into his own pocket.    


The man paused for a moment, then confessed honestly. No one would ever know.    


If he was not honest, Zhang Zihui might be able to tell that he was not telling the truth.    


"The one who hired me was a merchant called Meng Pi. He gave me three hundred thousand and told me to kill you."    


The man said.    


"Meng Pi?"    


Of course, Zhang Zihui wouldn't know him, but the name made him think of Meng Qi instantly.    


"Do you know anything about this Meng Pi?"    


"Our Mercenary only cares about doing missions with money. We don't care about other things. However, he seems to have asked me to deal with you because you are an enemy of his son. "    


This reason was something that the man had unexpectedly heard of.    


The man's words immediately made Zhang Zihui confirm that Meng Pi was Meng Qi's father.    


However, when he thought about how he had become Meng Qi's enemy, Zhang Zihui felt that he was wrongly accused.    


< p > "That, can I leave now?"    


the man asked cautiously.    


< p > "Okay."    


Just as Zhang Zihui wanted to say yes, his phone suddenly rang. He picked it up and saw that it was Yang Zhiyan.    


He pressed answer, and just as he placed the phone close to his ear, Yang Zhiyan's anxious voice came over.    


"Zi Hui, something has happened to Xue Er! I wonder who took her away! "    


< p > "What!"    


Yang Zhiyan's words stunned Zhang Zihui: Ye Xue met with mishap?    


"Hurry up and tell me what exactly happened."    


Zhang Zihui frowned, he never thought that after discussing with Zhuang Feiying and Chen Tian Hua, there would actually be someone who would make a move on the people beside him.    


The process of something happening to Ye Xue was very simple. After taking out her phone, she didn't come back, and when they found out, Ye Xue was already heading towards the north of the city!    


"Zhiyan, you and Sister Jier don't have to follow each other too closely, you just need to be able to determine the other party's destination. I'll be right there. "    


Zhang Zihui gave a brief order and then hung up, ignoring the man who was still standing by the side, he quickly ran back to the villa!    


When Zhang Zihui returned to the villa, the two little girls had already called for Jin over from the other side of the door, so as to avoid Zhang Zihui from continuing to call out again.    


"Uncle Jin, I have to trouble you to protect the two of them. I need to go out."    


Zhang Zihui said, he was already in the car, he started the car, stepped on the gas pedal and rushed out!    


This scene caused Meng Ziyi and Lulu to uncontrollably become worried: Zhang Zihui's performance clearly indicated that something had happened!    


< p >    


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