Special Beauty-guarding Master



3As usual, the people who were filmed were separated in the quadrangle pavilion.    


Little Lu and the others naturally went home, while Zhang Zihui sent Zhuang Fangfang back first before returning to his villa.    


As for Meng Qi, he had already picked a random intersection to separate from the others when he received the text message from Meng Pi.    


He sent Zhuang Fangfang back to her villa.    


He just stopped the car, and Zhuang Feiying also came back at the same time.    


Seeing his daughter coming back with Zhang Zihui, Zhuang Feiying couldn't help but have a few more thoughts in his heart.    


Zi Hui, you were the one who accompanied Fang Fang out today." Do you want to come in? Eh? Are these two beauties your girlfriend?     


Zhuang Feiying walked to the side of Zhang Zihui's car and saw Lulu and Meng Ziyi inside. He was also very surprised: one was a pure and white girl, while the other was a foreign princess.    


Zhuang Feiying could not help but marvel at the charm of Zhang Zihui, two girls who each had their own characteristics and did not lose out to his daughter at all.    


"It's time for me to go back. I'm not going in. Next time, I'll come visit Boss Ying if there's nothing else."    


Zhang Zihui politely refused.    


However, he did not realize that the way he addressed Zhuang Feiying caused Lulu's eyes to light up.    


/p p "That's fine too."    


Zhuang Feiying didn't care.    


All in all, he and Zhang Zihui were friends.    


Although he was much older than Zhang Zihui, Zhang Zihui's ability was still there. If Zhuang Feiying wanted to meet him, he wouldn't hesitate to take advantage of the opportunity.    


At the very least, his current cooperation with Gulong Gang was already beginning to bring him a lot of benefits.    


Zhuang Fangfang was slightly disappointed when her father rejected his invitation.    


Furthermore, she liked Zhang Zihui. She just wanted to play with Meng Ziyi and Lulu a little longer.    


Ziyi, Lulu, let's go out together next time.    


Zhuang Fangfang waved goodbye to the two little girls.    


After that, Zhang Zihui drove back.    


While Zhang Zihui was heading back to the mansion, a man was hiding a suitcase on a big tree about a hundred meters away from the mansion.    


The man opened the suitcase and took out the things inside and assembled them.    


In less than two minutes, a sniper rifle appeared in the man's hand.    


After loading the bullets, the man tried to aim a few times. Then, he pointed the gun at the entrance of Zhang Zihui's mansion.    


Wait, he was going to put Zhang Zihui's body at the moment he opened the door!    


It was at this moment that Zhang Zihui returned to his villa after sending Zhuang Fangfang off.    




Meng Ziyi and Lulu got off the car first. They opened the door of the mansion and stood there waiting for Zhang Zihui.    


Through the help of the sniper rifle, the man in the distance could clearly see the beauty of the two girls. Immediately, he felt his heart burn!    


It was as if he had already seen the two girls being stripped naked by him, and they were all being modestly gentle!    


"Brother Zihui, hurry up."    


Lulu waved non-stop at Zhang Zihui, signaling him to come in quickly.    


Zhang Zihui merely smiled and walked towards Lulu.    


At the same time, the man raised his sniper rifle and aimed at Zhang Zihui, waiting for him to pull the trigger when he reached the door.    


As for why it was at the door, this was the result of a man's research: when a person came home, it was the most relaxed moment, and also the least vigilant one!    


He walked to the door, which was a dozen or so steps away.    


When Zhang Zihui arrived in front of Lulu, the man pulled the trigger!    


A bullet flew towards Zhang Zihui!    


At this moment, the man saw that he could earn another hundred thousand taels of silver and enjoy these two girls!    


/p However, the moment the man pulled the trigger, Zhang Zihui immediately felt a strong sense of danger approaching him!     




At this moment, Zhang Zihui felt the incoming bullet!    


Someone shot him?    


Zhang Zihui immediately understood.    


At the same time, he rushed to Lulu's side, pulled her into the villa, and shut the door firmly behind him.    


/p p "Ding!"    


The door of the villa blocked the bullets with great force!    


This caused the sniper in the distance to be stunned: Zhang Zihui's sudden action clearly indicated that he had sensed something.    


And at this time, the man seemed to have already failed his mission!    


Even if he failed, the man didn't think too much and quickly began to remove the sniper rifle in his hand, preparing to leave.    


After all, if he didn't succeed this time, he could only wait for the next time.    


He couldn't just leave like that.    


Since Zhang Zihui was aware of the danger, he might have already found out the man's position!    


/p p "Brother Zihui, what happened?"    


Meng Ziyi, who was in the room, looked at Zhang Zihui's sudden action and his forceful closing of the villa's door and couldn't help but feel puzzled. Did something happen?    


Zhang Zihui let go of Lulu and said seriously, "Someone is sniping us."    


/p p "Ah?"    


Zhang Zihui's words gave Lulu a fright. She couldn't help but cover her mouth.    


"Brother Zihui, what do we do now?"    


Lulu asked nervously.    


You guys stay inside. I'll go take a look.    


Because of the Perceptual Power's proliferation, Zhang Zihui had already vaguely sensed that there was only one person nearby who was a threat to him.    


That is to say, only the man who fired the shot.    


Could it be the Di Long that Fox Girl mentioned?    


Zhang Zihui had his own guesses.    


But he immediately denied it.    


According to what Fox Girl said before, Di Long should be a close-combat fighter, so he wouldn't suddenly use a sniper rifle.    


/p No one knew who it was, so Zhang Zihui stopped thinking about it.     


He opened the door of the mansion and rushed out.    


/p p "Hm?"    


The man, who had already taken off more than half of the sniper rifle, couldn't help but feel surprised when he saw Zhang Zihui suddenly run out from the mansion.    


What made him even more surprised was that Zhang Zihui was running in his direction!    


The man's heart skipped a beat at the speed of light!    


That speed was too fast!    


Too terrifying!    




He quickly got down from the tree and headed to the corner with his luggage.    


At that moment, the man had just passed the corner and Zhang Zihui was under the tree where Zhang Zihui had ambushed him earlier. It had only been twenty seconds!    




Along the way, there were walls, houses and a zigzag route. If it were any ordinary person, they would definitely need a minute to get here.    


But Zhang Zihui used less than 20 seconds!    


An ordinary person's speed was more than three times faster!    


From the man's point of view, this was simply not a speed that a human should have!    


At this moment, the man finally understood why an ordinary Mercenary would be willing to pay three hundred thousand dollars to get rid of Zhang Zihui!    


At this time, the man felt that even if he was given three million, he wouldn't dare to have any thoughts about Zhang Zihui!    


That was not something he could deal with!    


It was a pity that it was already too late for the man to think like this.    


When he arrived at the big tree, Zhang Zihui already knew that there was no one there.    


Moreover, he had actually already locked onto that man a long time ago.    


Without any hesitation, Zhang Zihui continued forward and turned around, directly blocking the man's path.    


The man's heart tightened when he saw Zhang Zihui, who was standing in front of him, but he forced himself to remain calm. He didn't look at Zhang Zihui and planned to walk past him.    


However, Zhang Zihui suddenly raised his hand to stop him.    


"Boy, what's the matter?"    


The man deliberately asked in a puzzled manner.    


Having seen Zhang Zihui's fear speed, the man could no longer have any thoughts of dealing with him. He could only hope that Zhang Zihui did not discover him and leave safely.    


It was a pity that Zhang Zihui's first sentence stunned him.    


"I say, you suddenly came over and shot me. Then, without saying anything, you intend to leave. Isn't that a bit too much?"    


When he spoke, Zhang Zihui had a light smile on his face.    


However, to men, this felt like a smile from a demon!    3


/p p "Lad, what are you talking about?" "What kind of shooting?"    


The man continued playing dumb.    


Zhang Zihui shook his head slightly, "Stop pretending." I don't plan on making things difficult for you, as long as you tell me who hired you and who is his target. "    


/p p "Lad, what are you talking about?" If you don't have anything else, I'm in a hurry to get to work. "    


The man continued to persevere and moved two steps to the side to avoid Zhang Zihui.    


However, just as he moved his feet, Zhang Zihui suddenly made a move and snatched his luggage from him. A burst of energy destroyed the lock on the trunk and the dismantled sniper rifle was quietly lying inside.    


/p p "Now, are you going to continue pretending?"    


Zhang Zihui's tone turned slightly cold.    


Inside the Hong City University, Ye Xue and Yang Zhiyan had already settled the matters in their hands. After tidying up a bit, they planned to head back.    


Jill had already gone to the parking lot and parked in front of the school to wait for them.    


"Xue Er, that one." The first time you and Zi Hui met, how were you feeling? "    


When no one was around, Yang Zhiyan suddenly asked a question.    


Yang Zhiyan didn't know that Ye Xue and Zhang Zihui had already had an affair. It was only later on that she found out about the relationship between Lulu and Zhang Zihui.    


In his heart, he buried this question.    


"Zhiyan, why did you suddenly ask such a question?"    


Ye Xue glared at Yang Zhiyan with a flushed face.    


But she didn't expect that her performance would instantly allow Yang Zhiyan to guess something.    


"Xue Er, Zi Hui can't be that strong, right?"    


A trace of an evil smile appeared on Yang Zhiyan's face.    


I can't believe that Yang Zhiyan, a pretty girl with lovely eyebrows, can be bad at times.    


/p p "Hmph!"    


Ye Xue deliberately snorted. "You'll know if you try it yourself in the future."    


Thinking about how she was always beaten up by Zhang Zihui, while Zhang Zihui was still full of fighting spirit, her face turned even redder.    


/p p "Aiya!" Xue Er, of course I'll give it a try if I have the chance. However, you should at least tell me some things in advance.    


Yang Zhiyan was not afraid to say this.    


Of course, she would not refuse Zhang Zihui as long as it was possible.    


Yang Zhiyan's bold words were still hard for Ye Xue to accept.    


However, they were both Zhang Zihui's girlfriends, and since she was already Zhang Zihui's woman, she didn't have any scruples when she talked. Instead, it showed that they had a good relationship with each other.    


/p p     


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