Special Beauty-guarding Master



3In less than eight minutes, Number Ten came out of his room. His hair was a little wet, probably because he had washed it.    


However, after washing up, his spirit had indeed recovered quite a bit.    


"Alright, let's go to the airport."    


Number Ten's voice was still a little hoarse, but this kind of thing, no one would care.    


At least, no one would care about the Number Ten.    


The two of them got on a taxi and headed to the airport.    


Although they could actually buy a car, but for the Lady-killer, they had a lot of ways to do it and didn't need to spend any other money to buy a car.    


He came to the airport. According to the news sent by Di Long, he was on a plane that came from France.    


It was quite puzzling. Although both of them were members of the organization, they did not even know where the headquarters was located.    


Every time they needed a partner, the organization would arrange for it to be done, and every time they sent someone over, it was possible for them to come from any country.    


The most direct one was that Number Ten was obviously white, but Fox Girl was a genuine Asian. As for whether she was Chinese or not, only she knew.    


< p > Looking at the big screen in the airport, it said that Di Long's plane would only land in ten minutes.    


The two of them found a quiet place to sit down and waited.    


Just as Number Ten and Fox Girl were waiting for them for almost ten minutes, a plane flew in from New York, United States of America, and landed.    


After that, a brown-haired young man wearing designer clothes, under the protection of four men in black suits and sunglasses who appeared to be bodyguards, got off the plane.    


After the few of them passed through security, another black haired, white middle-aged man walked in front of the young man with a respectful face, "Young Master Mitte, welcome to Hong City. I will do my best to cooperate with you in everything that happens next."    


Mitte laughed unconcernedly, "Master Father always likes to do his best to arrange everything for me, it has truly troubled him. I'll have to trouble you with the rest of the mission. "    


No matter what, Mitte was from a high level clan, he still understood the etiquette of a gentleman.    


"It's my honor to be able to help the Master and Young Master."    


The middle-aged man replied respectfully.    


Mitte only laughed, and then slowly walked towards the exit of the airport.    


"That's right! I wonder how that cheap brother of mine is doing these days? "Hmph hmph, once I have achieved a better result than him, I will definitely trample over him!"    


Thinking about how his lucky big brother who came to Hong City was already a little nervous, Mitte couldn't help but be disdainful of his good luck.    


In reply to Young Master Mitte, Young Master Lincoln is currently studying in the Hongcheng University, and I'm not too clear about what actions he usually takes. The Old Master did not ask me to help him, so I did not interact much with Young Master Lincoln.    


The man answered simply.    


"Hehe, Young Master Lincoln?"    


The middle-aged man's way of addressing Lincoln made Mitte smile sarcastically: Is his identity worthy of being addressed as Young Master?    


However, Mitte didn't say much to the middle-aged man.    


After all, on the surface, Lincoln was indeed his big brother but that was because he felt that Lincoln was not worthy.    


"Hongcheng University reading?" He was so relaxed. I heard that there are a lot of beauties in Hongcheng University. Looks like I have to go in and take a look. "    


Although Mitte had a mission to complete, he didn't have to complete it twenty-four hours a day.    


"Master has already instructed me regarding this matter. He said that there are many descendants of local people with authority within the Hongcheng University, and hopes that Young Master can do his best to communicate with them. This will be of great help to the clan in entering the Hong City Market in the future."    


It had to be said that Mitte's father's considerations were rather comprehensive.    


Of course, Mitt would not object to his father's arrangements.    


After that, he casually chatted with the middle-aged man.    


However, just as they were about to exit the airport's exit, Mitte suddenly caught sight of something that made him stop in his tracks. In a quiet corner of the airport, a very attractive woman was quietly sitting on a chair and quietly playing with her phone.    


The woman had a head of long black hair that was tied in a ponytail at an angle, and her features were so alluring.    


The jeans that bound her body accentuated her perfect curves. Although her upper body was made of a plaid shirt, it was still unable to cover up her proud appearance!    


In an instant, Mitte was moved!    


Even though he wasn't even twenty yet, he had played with quite a few girls.    


The rich, powerful, and handsome him, naturally had women wanting to get on his bed.    


< p > Without any hesitation, Mitte turned around and walked towards the woman.    


When the four bodyguards saw his target, they consciously chose not to follow him.    


To them, this sort of situation was something they had encountered many times before. They had already gotten used to it.    


The fox girl was bored from waiting, so she picked up her phone and started playing the game.    


As for her, she continued to play and watch.    


Ye Zichen saw White Jade's fingers moving around on the screen.    


It was just that, the Fox Girl's thoughts were not entirely focused on the game. It was more for the sake of relaxing and thinking about some issues.    


Just as Fox Girl was thinking about this matter, Number Ten who was sitting on the other side of the chair suddenly spoke, his tone carried a sense of schadenfreude, "Fox Girl, another handsome guy that you have sneaked over! Hehehe! "    


Thinking about the results from last night and how he was mocked by Fox Girl several times during the day, Number Ten was naturally unhappy.    


Since he was unhappy, he was naturally happy to see the Fox Girl busy themselves with things.    


Fox Girl raised her head and looked over. There was a twenty year old brown haired, very handsome youth looking at her with fiery eyes. He was walking straight towards her.    


"Beautiful lady, my name is Mitte. I wonder if I can get to know you? I'd like to invite you to dinner if I may. "    


Saying that, Mitte revealed a very handsome and sunny smile.    


This smile was the biggest skill he had ever used since he soaked in women's ugliness.    


One had to know that a famous brand, handsome looks and such a smile were all extremely harmful to most girls!    


< p > Unfortunately, this was only for most women, and not all of them.    


And Fox Girl was coincidentally not one of the majority.    


Fox Girl put away her phone, and smiled at Mitte.    


This made Mitte completely dumbstruck!    


The Fox Girl's charm was just too strong!    


But Fox Girl's next sentence had disappointed him!    


"I'm sorry, I'm not interested in knowing you, much less having dinner with you.    


Fox Girl rejected him very straightforwardly.    


He thought that it would be better if Zhang Zihui came over to invite her. After all, Zhang Zihui was a man that she had his eyes on.    


Mitte never thought that he would be rejected so directly!    


Of course, this was only natural in the eyes of the Number Ten.    


Anyone could get close to him if he or she jumped out?    


If it was really like that, he, the Number Ten, would have already made his move!    


Beauty, why do you refuse so straightforwardly?" You don't even know me, and I'm sure you'll be happy to accept me once you know me.    


Mitte said proudly.    


He could also be proud of his wealth. It was all there was to it, and it was the kind that was close to the end of the page.    


< p > However, in the eyes of some people, these things are not very attractive.    


< p > "Yes." Perhaps what you say will be true. If I understand you, perhaps I will accept you. "However."    


"You don't even have the qualifications for me to understand."    


< p > "Ah?"    


Fox Girl's words caused Mitte to come back to her senses. The gaze she used to look at Fox Girl was initially filled with surprise, but afterwards, it gradually became cold: The words Fox Girl said afterwards made him feel as if her self-esteem had been ruthlessly trampled upon!    


I don't have the qualifications? Then how many people were qualified? "To put it more bluntly, how many are qualified?    


Mitte's tone was slightly cold.    


At this moment, he had the bearing that a disciple of a large clan should have.    


< p > However, to Fox Girl, this was meaningless.    


< p > "I think there's definitely more than you are qualified to have it. "At least, I've met someone like him before."    


Naturally, Zhang Zihui appeared in the Fox Girl's mind.    


This fellow who snatched her away from her the first time they met!    


Fox Girl did not expect her words to surprise both Mitte and Number Ten.    


Mitte was naturally surprised that someone had obtained the favor of the Fox Girl.    


And the Number Ten, was shocked that the Fox Girl would be tempted at times?    


Beauty, I wonder who you're talking about?" I wonder if I'll have a chance to meet him?    


Mitte's skin, was thick as well, and at this time, his tone became gentle again.    


However, he had already understood in his heart: the beauty in front of him must take her time.    


< p > "You're annoying."    


Mitte's words made Fox Girl a little angry.    


The reason was actually very simple. She had ulterior motives towards Zhang Zihui, but Zhang Zihui had no interest towards her.    


And for Mitte to speak like that, wasn't it precisely the same as lifting a pot?    


Of course, Mitt would not object to his father's arrangements.    



Mitte continued to shamelessly say those words, but he did not have the slightest realization in his heart.    


It seemed like his skills weren't up to par here. How could he casually expose a beauty like her?    


Of course, Mitt would not object to his father's arrangements.    


Just as she wanted to tell him to scram, a mischievous smile suddenly appeared on her face.    


< p > "Kid!" Who told you to get close to a woman I like? "    


A deep voice came out from Mitte's back.    


Mitte turned around to look. Behind him, a two meters tall muscular African was staring at him coldly!    


The black man was wearing a pair of black jeans with a hole in it. His upper body was covered with a white vest.    


And the exposed arm, the lower arm was the size of Mitte's big arm!    


As for his arm, it could even be compared to Mitte's crescent retreat!    


Of course, Mitt would not object to his father's arrangements.    


Beautiful lady, could it be that the person you were talking about just now was this big guy?    


Mitte said somewhat disdainfully.    


This could be considered as him being too arrogant, but his own strength was one of the reasons he dared to say so.    


Mitte's words made Fox Girl's smile become even more sarcastic, while Number Ten was coldly laughing at Mitte's recklessness.    


< p > "Guess for yourself."    


Fox Girl would obviously not tell Mitte the answer.    


This made Mitte frown.    


However, Mitte was not so simple!    


The bigger the trouble, the more it was on the verge of exploding out!    


< p >    


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