Special Beauty-guarding Master



1"Xiao Ying, what's going on with you? Why is Zi Hui wearing... "Yes ?"    


Su Yinyin asked Xiao Qingying in confusion.    


The others were equally puzzled.    


Xiao Qingying, who was wearing a national uniform, and Zhang Zihui, who was standing next to her, were wearing the same loose suit as a tango!    


< p > That's right!    


The other set of clothes that Xiao Qingying had given Zhang Zihui was a suit, a suit that jumped out of nowhere.    


Until now, Zhang Zihui had only worn it once more at the shop.    


Hee hee, don't you guys think that handsome men look good in this kind of outfit?    


Xiao Qingying said with a smile, but she did not answer Su Yinyin's question.    


The girls all agreed with him.    


However, most of them only agreed in their hearts, other than Xuewen who would casually say, "Brat, you're even more handsome than those handsome guys in the movies! "No, I have to take a photo with you and send it back to make others jealous."    


"Xiao Ying, this isn't the key point."    


Bai Rongrong interrupted, but her gaze was still fixated on Zhang Zihui, she was simply too handsome, too refined!    


If not for the fact that she thought of Zhang Zihui as someone who wanted to dance, Bai Rongrong couldn't be certain that she wouldn't directly pull him home.    


"If you let Zi Hui wear this kind of clothes, won't it be strange if you guys come on stage?"    


Bai Rongrong's question, was also something the others wanted to know.    


Xiao Qingying laughed in an unconcerned manner, and said confidently, "Don't worry, I've been thinking about it all this while. "I'll be playing a modern version of 'Butterfly Love Flower' with the handsome brother later on!"    


< p > Modern version of the Butterfly Flower?    


Everyone was confused by Xiao Qingying: I've heard of the modern version of Romeo and Juliet, but I've never heard of the modern version of Butterfly Love Flower.    


< p > The answer doesn't require much thought.    


< p > "Okay, thank you students for bringing us such a brilliant performance." The next person to come on stage was another school beauty. School Beauty of the Dance Department! Clap clap clap. Welcome to the Xiao Qingying School Beauty who brought us a dance show. She's going to give us a show.    


Zhuang Fangfang's last sentence was extremely mysterious, and after she left, the stage lights suddenly dimmed.    


< p > Music, classical music.    


Following the music, Xiao Qingying walked to the side of the stage and took a deep breath to relax her body.    


As she took her first step, Xiao Qingying spun around twice. Her footsteps became even more hurried and she ran to the center of the stage. She stopped with his right foot, extended his left foot backwards, and spread both her arms.    


At this moment, the music suddenly became gentle again.    


Following the change in the music, Xiao Qingying's arms began to flap slightly. Her pair of slender jade arms actually gave off the feeling of a butterfly flapping its wings leisurely!    


Suddenly, Xiao Qingying jumped up from the ground, both of her arms pulling his body backwards, and the moment she landed, she retracted his body and half squatted on the ground.    


She had only half a squat before she started spinning again.    


Then, he suddenly paused and began to dance around on the stage in a relaxed manner!    


Yes, it was dancing!    


It was as if she had really turned into a butterfly dancing on the stage!    


The spectators below were all stunned senseless by the scene. Everyone kept quiet, their gazes tightly fixed on Xiao Qingying, not wanting to miss a single detail.    


< p > Soon, with another change in the music, it was time for Zhang Zihui to make his debut.    


Once again, Xiao Qingying stretched his body as she ran forward two more times before leaping into the air, his body spinning in midair before landing on the ground.    


It was at this time that Zhang Zihui frowned: "Xiao Qingying met with an accident!"    


The answer didn't require much thought.    


Even though it was just that one strike, it was not that simple for Xiao Qingying who was on the ground!    


Xiao Qingying instantly lost her center of gravity!    


Fortunately, Xiao Qingying had a very good sense of balance, and quickly recovered, allowing her to avoid falling.    


But, the price he had to pay for this was that Xiao Qingying's foot had twisted!    


The sudden pain almost made Xiao Qingying cry.    


However, at this time, she endured it with all her strength.    


However, even if she endured it, it would not be of any help to the rest of the show!    


If she twisted her leg, how could she continue to jump?    


The music still continued, it was time for Zhang Zihui to make his debut.    


Right now, Zhang Zihui wanted Xiao Qingying to step down from the stage to treat him.    


However, looking at how she was enduring, Zhang Zihui knew that she definitely wasn't willing to give up!    


Zhang Zihui shook his head slightly. He knew he had to go and help her.    


Without mentioning anything else, just Xiao Qingying being his girlfriend was already enough.    


After taking a few steps onto the stage, Zhang Zihui stood at the side of the stage.    


Immediately, quite a few members of the audience turned to look at him.    


When they realized that Zhang Zihui was wearing a suit, many people were puzzled: Could it be that Zhang Zihui was dancing with Xiao Qingying?    


Only, this outfit didn't look right!    


Zhang Zihui would never know of the audience's doubts.    


He followed the music and walked towards Xiao Qingying step by step, then extended his right hand towards her with his palm facing upwards.    


Sensing that Zhang Zihui had come to his side, Xiao Qingying raised his head and looked at him with eyes shining with tears.    


"Zi Hui, what do we do? I accidentally twisted my leg."    


Xiao Qingying endured the pain and whispered.    


Looking at Xiao Qingying's expression, Zhang Zihui couldn't help but feel very uncomfortable in his heart, but he was also touched by Xiao Qingying's persistence.    


"Qingying, don't worry. Give me your hand. Let me handle the rest."    


Since Xiao Qingying did not plan to stop the performance, then Zhang Zihui would give it a shot.    


< p > "Zi Hui, you"    


Xiao Qingying was startled, she did not understand what Zhang Zihui wanted to do after receiving the sword.    


However, seeing his gentle smile, Xiao Qingying inexplicably felt at ease.    


Slowly raised his hand and placed it on the center of Zhang Zihui's palm.    


Zhang Zihui lightly pinched her fingers, bent down and kissed the back of her hand, this gentleman's action made many of the girls below lose their focus!    


After kissing the back of Xiao Qingying's hand, Zhang Zihui suddenly took a step forward and wrapped his left arm around Xiao Qingying's waist to help her up. With a slight push of his arm, he lifted her into the air, turned around, and took a step to the side with his left foot to support her waist as he bent down.    


At this moment, their gazes met at a close distance.    


"Zi Hui, what should we do next?"    


The sprain had subsided and was no longer painful, but it was still too weak.    


Xiao Qingying was at a loss as to what to do.    


Zhang Zihui only smiled, "Qingying, don't worry, I'll fly you."    


With that, Zhang Zihui bent down and kissed Xiao Qingying.    


The people below were once again stunned: Could it be, Xiao Qingying is also Zhang Zihui's girlfriend?    


After kissing Xiao Qingying, Zhang Zihui suddenly straightened his body. At the same time, he exerted force through his arm, and the energy from his body began to flow into Xiao Qingying's body to help her maintain her center of gravity. Then, he used his left hand to lift her up and pulled her hand with his right hand to spin.    


Thus, a scene that shocked everyone appeared: Xiao Qingying, who was only pulling Zhang Zihui's right hand, was like a butterfly that was flying in the air, spinning and dancing around Zhang Zihui!    


After circling a few rounds, Zhang Zihui pulled Xiao Qingying and ran around the stage.    


After that, his right hand lightly pulled, and he immediately pulled Xiao Qingying back into his embrace, followed by his two hands supporting her waist, as he lifted her up.    


Xiao Qingying began to dance her jade arms in sync.    



< p >, he slowly put Xiao Qingying down.    


Zhang Zihui embraced her, laid his head on her hair and said softly, "Qingying, I will throw you out later. Don't be afraid, I will catch you."    


Xiao Qingying was a little puzzled by these words.    


Before she could even ask a question, Zhang Zihui had already pulled her left hand with all his might, lifting her up into the air!    


It was like a butterfly flying through the air!    


After that, Zhang Zihui once again embraced her buttocks, hugged his head, and slowly turned around. He then slowly put her down, bit by bit, then laid her flat on the ground.    


"Qingying, put your arms around my neck."    


When Xiao Qingying laid on the ground, she spoke out.    


Although Xiao Qingying did not understand, she was currently being pulled by Zhang Zihui.    


Without any hesitation, she wrapped her arm around Zhang Zihui's neck!    


< p > At this time, the music had already reached its end. Obviously, Zhang Zihui's next move, was the end of the dance.    


However, no one expected that Zhang Zihui's finishing move would be like that!    


After Xiao Qingying wrapped her arms around Zhang Zihui's neck, Zhang Zihui leaned in front of her and said with an evil smile, "Qing Ying, do you remember when we were in the dance hall?"    


< p > "Hm?" "Ahh ?"    


Xiao Qingying had just reacted, what did Zhang Zihui want to do, Zhang Zihui had already bent down to kiss her lips!    



However, this time Zhang Zihui didn't intrude into Xiao Qingying's business.    


Because there were only a few seconds left of the music.    


Very quickly, the music ended. Zhang Zihui straightened his body and hugged Xiao Qingying.    


After saluting the audience below, he carried Xiao Qingying and left the stage.    


< p > "Pa Pa Pa!"    


After a brief moment of silence, the first person clapped. Following that, everyone followed suit and applauded!    


"Xiao Ying, your modern version of the Butterfly Flower is really interesting."    


Just as the two of them left the stage, the girls surrounded them. Su Yinyin was the first to speak.    


However, what she said next was to tease Xiao Qingying, "Xiao Ying, tell me honestly, what happened between you and Zi Hui? You're hugging and hugging, and you're even kissing! What? Is Zi Hui's embrace comfortable? "    


The moment Su Yinyin said this, the girls realized that there must be a connection between the two of them.    


"Yinyin, my legs are twisted, so I did all the dancing." "However, Qingying is indeed my girlfriend."    


Since Su Yinyin was her girlfriend, why would she hide anything from Xiao Qingying?    


< p > "Huh?" Zi Hui, when did you and Xiao Ying become so sure of their relationship?! "    


Bai Rongrong asked, and the other girls stared at Xiao Qingying with burning gazes.    


Zhang Zihui was a little depressed. Now was not the time to talk about this, he had to help Xiao Qingying heal her leg first.    


Of course, Zhang Zihui could easily solve such a small problem.    


Right after he finished handling it, Zhuang Fangfang who was on stage was about to begin her next performance.    


And that performance, was Twins's performance!    


< p >    


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