Special Beauty-guarding Master



3After a series of explanations from Bai Rongrong, Zhang Zihui told her about the incident when he was young and Jiang Yueer. Only then did he let Bai Rongrong know the reason.    


However, after knowing the reason, Bai Rongrong became even more resentful.    


Fortunately, Wang Xiaochun had arrived in time and didn't give Bai Rongrong another chance to complain to Zhang Zihui in private.    


After that, the three of them walked to the street outside the school together … It hadn't even been half an hour since then, and Bai Ye, who had been busy with work, had a rare afternoon where he didn't have to busy himself.    


Originally, he wanted to let Bai Rongrong and Zhang Zihui accompany him for a walk, but since they were both in school, he didn't know if they were busy or not.    


In the end, Bai Ye still chose to walk alone.    


However, a man who was in his forties and was shopping by himself was too boring.    


If Bai Ye didn't want to take a walk when he was free, he might as well find a few business friends for a chat.    


Since Bai Ye was planning to take a walk, he didn't choose to drive. Instead, he walked directly towards the Mintai Road.    


Half an hour at most.    




When Bai Ye arrived at the street entrance, he could already feel the lively atmosphere on the street.    


Perhaps it was because it had been too long since he relaxed, but Bai Ye actually had the thought of taking a walk around for a while.    


Immediately, he bought a cup of jasmine honey tea and began to savor it, starting from a new female tea shop beside him.    


Then, he would occasionally see new shops that he would go into to take a look. Although he didn't buy anything most of the time, judging by his attire, those who knew what he was doing could tell that Bai Ye was a successful person.    


As a result, many of the shop attendants were enthusiastically promoting him, giving him suggestions. In the blink of an eye, he had also strolled through half of the street and arrived at the plaza at the center of Mentai Road.    


At this time, Bai Ye unexpectedly found that the central shop that no one had rented before had already opened!    


And it was a clothing store.    


People like Bai Ye on the business battlefield cared a lot about their clothes!    


One had to know that wearing the right attire would often affect the success of a business deal.    


As such, suits were of great concern to them.    


The shop in front of them naturally sold high-end suits, which was exactly what Bai Ye wanted.    


Thus, without much thought, Bai Ye walked straight into the shop.    


/p p "Welcome."    


The receptionist at the door greeted Bai Ye very politely.    


After he entered the store, a clerk immediately came up to him and asked if he needed any help. At the same time, she introduced a few suits that were very famous right now to Bai Ye.    


I'll see for myself first. I'll get you to help me if I need anything.    


Bai Ye said politely to the clerk.    


The clerk didn't dawdle and politely recalled with a smile as she returned to the resting area.    


After dealing with the shop assistant, Bai Ye looked around the shop. From the decoration to the decoration, this shop was done very well.    


This made him nod his head in satisfaction.    


Soon after, he found his favorite brand of suit and walked over to take a look.    


The suits on the shelves were not only clean, but they were also tidied up well. This made Bai Ye more confident in the store owner's abilities.    


Reaching out with his hand, he took out a decent piece, walked in front of the mirror, and gestured with his body.    


However, what made Bai Ye a little disappointed was that this suit was a little too small for him.    


He turned around and tried to hang his suit back on.    


However, as he turned around, he saw that a woman in a blue uniform, who looked to be in her early thirties, was slightly bending her waist to adjust the suit on the shelf beside him.    


Only when Bai Ye saw the girl did he lose his mind.    


She was a mature and beautiful woman. Although she was already quite old, her lithe and alluring figure was still there. Her beautiful appearance was quite charming. Moreover, she exuded a mature charm that could attract people towards her.    


/p p "Bang!"    


The absent-minded Bai Ye didn't stop his steps as he looked at the girl.    


Therefore, he crashed into the shelf.    


Immediately, the girl's attention was attracted over.    


Ye Zichen looked at Bai Ye in confusion.    


When Bai Ye felt the woman's gaze, he couldn't help but feel embarrassed. He hurriedly stabilized his body in panic, but he didn't expect that the suit in his hand would fall to the ground without him noticing!    


Bai Ye immediately felt his face burning. He quickly squatted down and was about to pick up the suit.    


However, just as Bai Ye bent down to pick up his suit, Xiao Yue, who was well-proportioned while stepping on a pair of flat shoes, stepped back in front of him.    


However, when Bai Ye saw it, he was already about to stand up.    


Without stopping, he felt his head touch two very soft things.    


At the same time, Bai Ye also knew what he had hit, along with a call from a woman that made him uncomfortable!    


/p p "Sorry!" I'm sorry! "    


Bai Ye quickly apologized!    


At this moment, he no longer had the aura of an expert from the mall. He was like a child who knew that he had done something wrong and was extremely nervous.    


That was the only time he had shown this kind of attitude towards his wife, Bai Rongrong's mother.    


However, that was many years ago.    


The woman didn't say anything immediately.    


He frowned slightly and gently rubbed the somewhat uncomfortable Lunar Prairie.    


Originally, when she saw Bai Ye like that, she planned to come over and ask if he needed any help.    


But he didn't expect such a thing to happen.    


However, the woman had no intention of getting angry when she saw Bai Ye sincerely apologizing.    


On the contrary, Bai Ye now had an inexplicable attraction to her!    


/p p "Sir, do you need any help?" I see that you are a bit absent-minded. "    


The woman said.    


Her voice was very soft, and she didn't mention that Bai Ye had hit her.    


/p p "This,"    


Bai Ye looked at the woman nervously.    


He didn't know why he would lose his composure like this after so many years.    


"The size of this suit does not suit me. I wonder if there are any larger suits?"    


After a long while, Bai Ye finally thought of an excuse.    


However, this excuse gave him the feeling that he wanted to use this opportunity to strike up a conversation.    


However, the woman didn't mind. She smiled slightly and said, "Sir, can I trouble you to let me take a look at your suit?" I'll see if there's anything big. "    


After saying that, the woman reached out for the suit.    


Although Bai Ye was nervous, he immediately handed it over when the woman asked to see the suit.    


The woman looked at the style of the suit and said, "Sir, this style just so happens to have a large size. I'll let you try it out."    


As soon as the woman finished, Bai Ye nodded and agreed.    


The woman didn't say anything else. She turned around and walked to the rack, and after a while, she took out a suit of the same design and handed it to Bai Ye. "Sir, is this suitable for you to try?"    


/p p "Okay!" "Alright!"    


Bai Ye quickly took the suit and rushed into the fitting room.    


However, in the woman's eyes, there was an indescribable feeling.    


This feeling was very similar to the time when she met the first boy she liked … In the fitting room, Bai Ye repeatedly took deep breaths to calm his nerves.    


At this moment, he realized that his feelings for that woman had changed.    


The kind that saw Zhong Qing!    


It was just that when it saw Zhong Qing, it didn't know if it would believe it or not.    


Bai Ye didn't even know the woman's background or family background, so what would happen if he saw Zhong Qing again?    


He didn't even know the name of the girl!    


Bai Ye let out a heavy exhale and temporarily suppressed the thoughts in his head and put on the suit that he was wearing.    


When Bai Ye walked out of the fitting room, the woman's heart suddenly started pounding heavily several times when she saw him coming out!    


At this moment, Bai Ye's attractiveness to her had greatly increased!    








A typical successful man!    


/p p "Sir, this suit suits you well." "However …"    


She walked to the cabinet on the side and took out a tie to return to Bai Ye's side, "You have to wear a suitable suit and tie to get a suitable suit."    


/p p "Thank you."    


Bai Ye took the tie and quickly put it on. Then, he checked himself in the mirror.    


One had to say, the woman's words were indeed true.    


This suit suited him very well, and the tie set was even more suitable!    


However, the woman suddenly walked in front of Bai Ye and smiled at him. "Sir, you didn't tie your tie properly, let me help you tidy it up."    


With that, the woman stretched out her hands to help Bai Ye straighten his tie.    


Maybe women are born to be men with good ties.    



Although the woman had not touched the tie much, she had done a good job of it.    


/p p "Sir, it has been tidied up."    


The woman smiled and retracted her hands.    


However, just as her hand left her tie, it was caught by Bai Ye.    


/p p "Are you alone?"    


Bai Ye started to get nervous again.    


The questions that came with his questions were all very strange.    


Fortunately, the woman understood what he wanted to ask.    


But she couldn't stop blushing when her hand was caught by another man's claws.    


"I have a daughter. "What about you?"    


The woman became nervous as well.    


/p p "I also have a daughter. Um, my name is Bai Ye, what about you? "    


Bai Ye continued to ask nervously. At the same time, the woman's hands were sweating.    


"My name is Meng Kexin." "About that, can you let go of me first?"    


The woman hesitated for a bit before speaking.    


Although it felt good to be clawed by Bai Ye, but she was, after all, the shop manager here, so it wasn't good to be seen by too many people.    


/p p "Oh?" "Sorry."    


Bai Ye quickly let go.    


After that, he didn't know what to say anymore.    


The woman was similarly speechless for a moment.    


As such, the two stood there, not more than ten centimeters apart from each other.    


/p p     


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