Special Beauty-guarding Master



0"Lincoln?" The foreigner who knew you? "    


Of course, Yang Zhiyan remembered Lincoln. Not only had she come into contact with him a few times, but she also knew Zhang Zihui.    


As long as it was someone related to Zhang Zihui, Yang Zhiyan would definitely care a lot.    


/p p "Yes." Can you help me find out which department he's from? Has he been in school lately? "    


Zhang Zihui asked.    


Although Lincoln had also entered Hong City University, Zhang Zihui did not have any contact with him.    


/p p "Didn't you know him?" How come you don't even know that he's from our department? "    


Yang Zhiyan looked at Zhang Zihui in surprise.    


/p p "Our department?"    


Zhang Zihui was stunned for a moment. "Zhiyan, that guy only came to our department because of you, right?"    


Zhang Zihui suddenly remembered back when Lincoln was shouting "Lady Yang Zhiyan" at the school gate.    


When Yang Zhiyan heard this, she smiled mischievously. "Hee hee, are you jealous?" He told me that he was going after me. "    


/p p "Then what?"    


Zhang Zihui asked gloomily.    


Lincoln had gone against him too much in the past, so it was hard to say if he wouldn't be infatuated with Yang Zhiyan.    


/p p Then …    


Yang Zhiyan purposely paused for a moment, as though she was trying to get rid of Zhang Zihui's appetite, "After that time at the school gate, he has never appeared in front of me again. However, I've heard quite a few people mention him. With his handsomeness, it's natural that he didn't leave.    


/p p "Oh?" That is to say, he has been coming to school for the past few days? "    


Zhang Zihui frowned.    


/p p "Yeah." Of course, he wasn't in school when there were no classes. "What, is there a problem?"    


Yang Zhiyan was puzzled.    


Zhang Zihui seemed to care a lot about Lincoln.    


"It's nothing. I just wanted to talk to him about something."    


Zhang Zihui answered with a smile.    


Just as he was about to say something, the sound of a teacher coughing came from below.    


The two of them looked over at the same time and saw the teacher looking in their direction.    


Immediately, both of them became quiet. After all, during class time, Yang Zhiyan still had her own matters to attend to.    


She wanted Zhang Zihui to go with her, but Zhang Zihui needed to find Lincoln first.    


He had to figure something out first.    


After separating from Yang Zhiyan, Zhang Zihui quickly found Lincoln's class according to her.    


Strangely, Zhang Zihui and the others didn't have a class, but Lincoln did.    


Of course, the curriculum was sometimes inexplicable.    


Zhang Zihui already saw Lincoln walk out of the classroom surrounded by several girls before he even reached Lincoln's class.    


And Lincoln also saw Zhang Zihui the moment he came out.    


He walked straight towards Lincoln, but before Zhang Zihui could say anything, Lincoln had already spoken to him.    


It's rare for you to come looking for me today!" What? What kind of trouble do you need help with?     


Lincoln revealed an indifferent expression.    


Only then did the girl beside him notice Zhang Zihui. She couldn't help but have her eyes pop out like peach blossoms!    


In their eyes, Zhang Zihui was publicly recognized as the ideal boyfriend!    


It was a pity that Zhang Zihui had so many school beauties around him, so they were only stunned for a moment.    


"There are some things I want to talk to you about. Let's find a place to sit first."    


Ignoring the girls' Peach Blossom Eyes, Zhang Zihui invited Lincoln.    


/p p "I'm fine with anything."    


Lincoln smiled lightly and shrugged his shoulders.    


Zhang Zihui didn't say anything else. He turned around and walked to the side. Lincoln naturally followed.    


Not long later, the two of them arrived under a large tree.    


/p p "Tell me, what do you need from me?"    


Lincoln was direct and was about to bring up the topic.    


Zhang Zihui narrowed his eyes for a moment, then said, "Did you take away the three chemical Bomb's glass bottles on the plane?"    


/p p "Yes." What? Is there a problem? "    


Lincoln admitted it directly.    


/p p "So, did you use one of them?" And then, I had to reconfigure it and go to the military district to set the walls of the research institute on fire? "    


Zhang Zihui didn't hide anything and said what he wanted to know in a few sentences.    


Ha ha, not bad at all. You came to me so quickly.    


Lincoln smiled and continued, "However, although I have such a possibility, but do you have any proof that I did it?"    


Lincoln asked in return, while his face revealed a hint of interest.    


/p p "Evidence?"    


Do you need me to cover up the whole process of you sneaking into the military area and installing the Bomb and detonating it?    


/p p "What kind of evidence is this?"    


Lincoln was puzzled by Zhang Zihui's words.    


However, Zhang Zihui didn't say anything else and just stared straight at Lincoln.    


After a long while, Lincoln suddenly laughed, "I say, whenever you have a problem with something, you will never look for evidence. Well, I admit I did it. "    


At this time, Lincoln actually admitted that he was the person who sneaked into the military.    


So it was you.    


Zhang Zihui's tone was cold.    


The person he guessed at before was Lincoln.    


Firstly, Lincoln could take away three bottles of chemical Bomb from the plane, and with his ability, he would definitely be able to assemble another Bomb!    


As for infiltrating the military sector, that was just a small matter!    


But... /p p "Why did you do that?" What is your purpose? "    


Zhang Zihui asked coldly.    


He had to be sure that Lincoln didn't have any bad intentions in coming here.    


Lincoln still didn't seem to care, "You know what I do. Other than the mission, I don't usually have any interest in troublesome matters. This time, it's also a mission. "    


/p p "Who told you to come?"    


Zhang Zihui frowned. There weren't many who could give Lincoln a mission.    


Other than a few big shots in the secret service, perhaps only some forces that could make him excited could make Lincoln accept the mission.    


/p p "I can't answer that question." However, I can assure you that my mission will not affect you in any way, including those girls by your side. "    


Lincoln still looked indifferent.    


"If this is for the information on the Nuclear Aircraft in the research institute, then you have already affected me."    


Zhang Zihui continued as he looked at Lincoln.    


These words also indirectly mentioned Lincoln's purpose.    


But I'm not interested in it. And when I do need that piece of information, it will come to me on its own.     


After separating with Yang Zhiyan, Zhang Zihui quickly found Lincoln's class according to her instructions.    


If what he said was true, then wouldn't that mean that there was someone in the institute who could help Lincoln obtain information?    


Otherwise, how could the information get into his hands?    


"Are there people from your side of the institute?"    


Zhang Zihui was a little worried about how Xiao Tianmu managed his subordinates.    


Fortunately, Lincoln's answer put Zhang Zihui at ease for a moment, "There is nothing inside. When I want the information, there will be a big shot helping me settle it. I don't even need to do anything. "    


/p p "Ha!" I said if there was nothing else, I would leave first. "Anyway, there are some things that you're not suitable to know right now, you can find out in the future."    


Lincoln said.    


Then, he turned around and walked back.    


Zhang Zihui didn't stop him. He was lost in thought as he watched Lincoln's leaving figure.    


According to Lincoln, he only came to Hong City because of a mission, and this mission most likely involved the information of Nuclear Aircraft.    


However, what puzzled Zhang Zihui was, who was the person behind the mission?    


From Lincoln's tone just now, this person seemed to be very powerful, he could even obtain information on Nuclear Aircraft!    


This made Zhang Zihui frown again.    


However, Lincoln's words didn't affect Zhang Zihui, so his words weren't entirely correct.    


Although Zhang Zihui felt that Lincoln wasn't lying, the development of Taoqing was always out of people's expectations … Zhang Zihui walked around the school casually as he thought about Lincoln's affairs.    


As he was walking, a voice suddenly came from behind him. It was calling him.    


/p p "Zhang Zihui!"    


From the sound of it, it was a girl. Furthermore, it should be a beauty.    


Turning around, he saw that it was Zhuang Fangfang.    1


What can I do for you, Miss Zhuang?    


Zhang Zihui didn't expect to meet Zhuang Fangfang at this time.    


/p p "What are you looking for?" Didn't you say that you wanted to talk to my father about something in the Viridescent Eagle? I've already told my father that he hasn't been busy these past few days, but who knows where you have been. "    


Zhuang Fangfang's tone was slightly dissatisfied.    


After all, she could be considered to have helped Zhang Zihui, but Zhang Zihui actually forgot about it.    


"Sorry, I met with some troubles these past two days, so I'm not at school."    


Zhang Zihui said apologetically, "Why didn't you use your phone to contact me? Isn't that much more convenient? "    


/p p "Where do I have your number?"    


Zhuang Fangfang also thought about informing Zhang Zihui on her phone, but even though Zhang Zihui called her once, she forgot to save it.    


And it didn't seem right to ask his girlfriend for the number.    


/p p "So it's like that." Then why don't we go over now? "    


Because of Jiang Zier's matter and the research institute, Zhang Zihui had indeed forgotten about his promise with Chen Tianhua.    


Fortunately, it had only been two days, so blocking the news for three to five days wasn't a problem for Chen Tianhua.    


Zhang Zihui was right.    


If Chen Tianhua had been under so much pressure, he would have called him a long time ago.    


/p p "Are we going now?" I called my father and asked him if he was busy. "    


As Zhuang Fang was speaking, she took out her cell phone and made a call, "Dad, are you busy right now? My friend would like to see you now. "Oh, okay. We'll be there in a bit."    


Zhuang Fangfang hung up.    


/p p "My father is not busy right now. Let's go. "    


With that, Zhuang Fangfang turned around and walked towards the parking lot.    


Of course, she didn't take a taxi, so it was Zhang Zihui who drove the car …    


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