Special Beauty-guarding Master



1< p > "I"    


The bespectacled man looked at Zhang Zihui hesitantly. He had always been good at capturing details and figuring out the thoughts of others.    


But this time, he completely did not understand Zhang Zihui's thoughts.    


It could be said that he was simply unable to see through Zhang Zihui!    


You'd better hurry. I don't have that much time to waste with you.    


Zhang Zihui suddenly looked coldly at the man in glasses.    


< p > "This,"    


The bespectacled man shivered. He looked at Zhang Zihui and hesitated for a good while before slowly saying, "I owe Brother Long a favor, I must repay him."    


These words could be considered as a reasonable explanation. However, if one were to put on an expression of unwillingness, regret, and even a trace of hatred, then these words would be worthy of further investigation!    


Zhang Zihui's mind spun, and an idea suddenly occurred to him.    


It was still a cold tone, "I think, it shouldn't be as simple as a favor, right? In your heart, you actually want him dead! But unfortunately, you have a reason why you can't let him die. "    


Zhang Zihui's words sounded a little contradictory, but in reality, this kind of situation was the most frequent one.    


The only thing that makes people speechless is that you fall for the daughter of someone who has a deep grudge against you ? This was the kind of scene that people loved the most on TV!    


However, he had to admit that this kind of play did indeed originate from reality.    


< p > Actually...    


The bespectacled man lowered his head in silence for a long time before speaking again, "He married the woman I love the most. But, I should hate him, yet I can't hate him! I was in prison for him when he married her. At that time, Brother Long was naturally helping me take care of her. When I came out two years later, He Long had already had a child with her. "    


At the end of her words, the man in glasses directly said He Long's name.    


< p > "Hm?" Isn't that supposed to be your woman's problem? "    


The experience of the bespectacled man was rather unlucky.    


However, Zhang Zihui had always thought that life itself was full of dog blood. The difference was whether you understood it at the time or had always understood it.    


"In the beginning, I hated her too!" However, I still stayed by He Long's side. It was only later on that I finally found out that it was He Long who used * * to give her to ? "    


At this point, there was no need to say anything to understand what had happened afterwards.    


< p > "Then you should take revenge." Why are you still helping him? "    


Zhang Zihui was a little confused.    


< p > "Revenge?" At that time, I was just a little character who had just helped our boss, Ding Peizhi. How could I have the ability to take revenge on him? "    


Helplessness surfaced on the bespectacled man's face, "Fortunately, at that time He Long's own faction was still just a small gang, and because I helped him, I was also beginning to be noticed by him! Thus, I worked hard to show off! Help him break through rivers and mountains! Finally, my position is with him for the only time now! "    


The bespectacled man's eyes flashed with a strange light.    


< p > "Oh?" "Then you should do it now."    


Zhang Zihui walked to the side of the bed and looked at Jiang Zier.    


It was clear that he had hit something!    


This caused Zhang Zihui's heart to ache uncontrollably.    


< p > "Do it?" "Hehe, at this point, even though I already have enough status, it would be even more difficult to deal with him."    


The bespectacled man smiled bitterly.    


< p > "More difficult?"    


This aroused Zhang Zihui's curiosity, "Why?"    


The bespectacled man slightly organized his thoughts, "There are three major gangs in Hong City, and they are all in a mutually restricted state! Normally, they would only fight occasionally. If they really fought, no one would dare to do so. So it's always in a balanced state. "    


After a pause, he continued, "However, if the boss of a certain gang dies, then the entire gang will go into chaos! After that, the other two gangs would surely join forces to divide the gang! In the end, even if I managed to take revenge, as a higher ups of the Gulong Gang, I could still not escape being chased down! Of course, it could also be absorbed by one of the gangs. However, as a newcomer, it wouldn't be easy to develop them! If one is not careful, others might even get jealous and end up doing the same thing! "    


These words caused Zhang Zihui to continuously nod his head as he listened to them.    


The bespectacled man's overall view made Zhang Zihui admire him a little!    


At the same time, it also made Zhang Zihui feel that there was a great possibility that the idea in his head could be realized.    


< p > "Well analyzed." However, if this goes on, you won't be able to take revenge! As a man, it's not right to not take revenge when there's enmity. "    


The corner of Zhang Zihui's mouth curved into a faint smile.    


< p > "Hmph!" Who said I won't take revenge! I already have one-third of the power of Gulong Gang in my hands! "As long as I can reach half of that, I will be able to split the place up between the two gangs!"    


Saying this, the bespectacled man's face revealed a trace of confidence.    


< p > "Interesting, interesting."    


Zhang Zihui smiled lightly, "If I were to give you a chance for revenge, would you dare to take it?"    


< p > "Hm?" "What do you mean?"    


The bespectacled man squinted his eyes as he became vigilant!    


Smart people always understand one thing: There is no free lunch in this world!    


"I can help you deal with He Long, but I won't do it for him. I'll make him a vegetable instead. Then, I can help you prevent the Viridescent Eagle from attacking your Gulong Gang, so that way, you just need to be able to stop the Hei Hu gang. "    


Zhang Zihui's tone was very casual.    


He had thought about these words before.    


If the Azure Hawk Gang were to approach her father through Zhuang Fangfang, he would be the boss of the Azure Hawk Gang.    


At that time, with Zhang Zihui's strength, there would naturally be a way for him to agree to not attacking the Gulong Gang.    


The bespectacled man, however, felt pressured.    


The bespectacled man would definitely not believe a boy who was not even twenty years old could say such words and make him believe it subconsciously.    


However, the bespectacled man still maintained his cool.    


Because he knew one thing... "What are the conditions?"    


The bespectacled man said calmly.    


Of course he wouldn't think that Zhang Zihui was kind enough to want to help him.    


"Help me manage my Gulong Gang."    


Zhang Zihui only had one condition, but his appetite was huge!    


However, this was also the thought that came to mind!    


< p > "Hm?" You have a big appetite! What do you think Gulong Gang is? It's not what you said you wanted! "    


The man in glasses looked at Zhang Zihui coldly.    


There were some things that one wouldn't give up easily even if they knew that the other party was stronger than them.    


Only, Zhang Zihui shook his head and said something that stunned the bespectacled man, "I am not interested in Gulong Gang at all. I just don't want it to bother me anymore. "    


< p > "Not interested?" I don't want to bother you anymore? "    


The bespectacled man was confused.    


Very simple. The actions of the Ancient Dragon Gang today have provoked me!" As someone in the upper echelons, you should also know that I had a grudge with He Kui before, right? "I don't want this to happen again, so all I can do is put someone who won't bother me.    


Zhang Zihui explained.    


< p > Although this explanation sounded simple, it was still acceptable.    


However, the bespectacled man would not only look at the surface of the reason.    


< p > "What do you need me to do?"    


the bespectacled man asked again.    


"It's simple. Don't touch the people around me." You try to help me when I need your help. Of course, if anyone around me is in trouble, I hope you can help too. "    


Zhang Zihui's request was indeed that simple.    


The people around him were too few, so he could only use such a compromise.    


The bespectacled man stared at Zhang Zihui for a few seconds before asking his last question, "On what basis should I believe you?"    


Zhang Zihui laughed indifferently, "I don't need you to believe me. You can take it as a deal, but whether you want to do it or not is up to you. "    


< p > "I promise you."    


Just as Zhang Zihui finished speaking, the glasses man actually agreed without hesitation.    


"Hehe, you're even more straightforward than I thought."    


Zhang Zihui praised.    


The bespectacled man, however, narrowed his eyes and added, "He'll also be more capable than you can imagine!"    


< p > In response, Zhang Zihui declined to comment.    


Of course, this actually didn't have much to do with him.    


"By the way, I don't know your name yet."    


It was only then that Zhang Zihui remembered to ask the man in glasses for his name.    


"Chen Tianhua."    


The bespectacled man answered very straightforwardly.    


"Alright, Chen Tianhua. Since you've agreed, then I'll help you take revenge."     1


Zhang Zihui's words caused Chen Tian Hua to be startled.    


Before he could even react, Zhang Zihui had already walked to He Long's side, his right hand pressed on his forehead as a surge of energy poured into his head.    


Immediately, He Long woke up!    


< p > "Hm?"    


He Long who had just woken up had an uncomfortable look on his face. After seeing Zhang Zihui beside him, he immediately reacted!    


He quickly retreated!    


However, Zhang Zihui's speed was much faster than his!    


Just as He Long took a step back, Zhang Zihui had already kicked him right at the mouth of the moon, at the same time, a burst of energy penetrated into his body, suppressing his strength!    


Their goal was naturally to make it easier for Chen Tianhua to take action.    


< p > "Cough!"    


He Long was immediately sent flying by the kick, and only after colliding with the wall did he fall down.    


It was at this moment that he saw one more person in the room ? one of his capable subordinates!    


"Xiao Liu, quickly save me!"    


He Long struggled to get up, but with the suppression from Zhang Zihui, he did not have any strength left!    


However, he quickly noticed the pistol in Chen Tianhua's hand.    


Immediately shouted, "Xiao Liu, hurry up and kill this brat with one spear! If you kill him, you will be the Deputy Sect Master from now on! "    


At the same time, He Long did not forget to make an attractive promise.    


It was a pity that Chen Tianhua was no longer the Xiao Liu he was before.    


"Now, he doesn't have any strength left in his body, so you can do whatever you want with him." "As long as you don't do anything to him, don't use a gun."    


Zhang Zihui said.    


If he did not intend to make He Long a vegetable, he would not care about He Long's life.    


< p > "Thank you."    


Even though he was confused about what Zhang Zihui had done to He Long, but since he had helped him, Chen Tian Hua was naturally not stingy with his words of thanks.    


At that moment, He Long also noticed that something was amiss: Not only did his subordinates thank him, after doing so, they even walked over to him coldly!    


In an instant, He Long was stunned!    


< p >    


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