Special Beauty-guarding Master



1In a single apartment in a certain villa in Hong City City, the sound of flowing water could be heard.    


Looking through the blurry Bath Room glass, one could still see that the person inside was a woman. She had a head full of long hair, as well as a very beautiful and curvy figure.    


After about twenty minutes, the woman finally finished her shower and came out wrapped in a large towel.    


Immediately, the woman's face was revealed.    


The girl, Jorie, had a pair of moderately beautiful phoenix eyes, and long eyelashes under her shallow eyebrows.    


His nose was slightly high, but he had a heroic air about him.    


Her two thin red lips had an attractive flavor to them.    


His face was a goose-faced face, and his long hair was still damp from the bath, naturally falling down.    


But a woman's figure, it was only after coming out of the Bath Room, that completely knew how good it was!    


She was nearly 1.7 meters tall, which was considered quite a tall height for women!    


The towel wrapped around her white arms that were like lotus roots and her sexy collarbone was revealed.    


Her peak before the moon was still under the bath towel.    


By a slight estimation, he was at least at the D level!    


It was so plump, yet it did not sag in the slightest, causing the towel to bulge!    


As he continued to look down, he noticed that the towel around the woman's body was showing a clear curve!    


The towel extended all the way to the lady's knees, revealing only a pair of snow-white legs.    


The woman sat on the edge of the bed and gently ruffled her hair.    


However, at that moment, her laptop suddenly beeped. Someone had sent a video request!    


The woman looked at the other party's address and frowned slightly. Then, she pressed agree.    


Immediately, a white-haired man with a cross scar on his right cheek and short brown hair appeared on the laptop screen.    


"Number Ten, what's the matter?"    


The woman said coldly.    


"Aiya, Yi Yue, why is your tone so cold the moment you see me? You know, I've always longed to have you under my body, fiercely possess you, and deeply cherish you! And then we'll reach the final pinnacle together! "    


The man said with a narcissistic expression!    


However, his words gave off an extremely unbearable feeling!    


These words naturally made the woman very angry!    


Immediately, a look of dissatisfaction appeared on his face!    


"Number Ten, if you are only here to speak nonsense with me, then I will die!"    


As he said that, he raised one of his lotus arms and pressed down on the laptop!    


< p > "Aiya!" Yi Yue, don't be so cold and detached? "This time, I'm going to pass on my views on you to the organization."    


The man looked at the girl's snow-white arms, and a wistful desire to possess appeared in his eyes!    


When the woman heard this, she immediately stopped. "Speak!" What thoughts does the organization have towards me!    


If it was just a man contacting her, she could ignore it. However, if it was related to the organization, she had no choice but to pay attention to it.    


"Hehe, the organization is quite disappointed with your performance this time." I didn't expect that you would be unable to complete the mission. I heard your sniper rifle was left behind? "    


The man's face carried a hint of schadenfreude.    


"You really talk too much nonsense. Even if I fail, it's only temporary." If it wasn't for that troublesome guy, I would have completed my mission long ago. "    


The woman spoke with the same indifferent tone.    


Everyone in the organization thought the same." So, they plan to give you another chance. I hope that you will make another move against Su Yinyin and Xiao Qingying in the near future. It would be best to get rid of one of them! Speaking of which, the organization originally thought that you would easily succeed, but they did not expect ?    


As he spoke to here, the man shook his head.    


< p > "Hmph!" If not for that fellow who was standing in the way, the mission would have been completed long ago! "    


The woman said coldly.    


Indeed, if not for Zhang Zihui, her mission would have been accomplished long ago.    


A failure is a failure. The organization doesn't care how you fail.    


The man said indifferently.    


These words caused the woman to become slightly silent.    


Naturally, she knew this as well.    


In the last few days, the organization has been asking you to act again and take care of one of them." I think this time, you won't fail again, right?    


The man's face was full of indifference.    


It was unknown whether he didn't care about the organization's arrangements or the strength of the woman.    


< p > "Got it." Anything else? If not, I'm hanging up. "    


The woman touched the hair stuck to her forehead.    


This small movement made her peaks stand out even more.    


"There's one more thing."    


The man revealed a flirtatious smile, "Yi Yue, your Lunar Hun Tribe is bigger now, isn't it? How attractive! "Next time, I will hold them in my hand and feel them slowly."    


< p > "Pa!"    


As soon as the man finished speaking, the woman closed her laptop.    


He quietly sat on the edge of the bed and played with his hair.    


The woman's eyebrows creased as she thought about the boy she met in the forest.    


She really could not imagine how that boy could have such a high level of strength!    


The girl, Jorie, had a pair of moderately beautiful phoenix eyes, and long eyelashes under her shallow eyebrows.    


For her, who had always been cold towards others, this was really hard to understand!    


He slowly raised his left hand. On the back of his snow-white hand, a wound that was three centimeters long was clearly visible.    


This wound was caused by the knife that the boy had thrown out that day in the forest ? And in a rather dark office in Hong City City, it was still the same glasses wearing man and the same muscular man.    


Lil 'Six, do you have any plans for what I want you to do?    


The strong man asked.    


< p > "Ah?"    


The bespectacled man became enthralled by this question.    


"Brother Long, what did you just say?"    


The bespectacled man's performance made the well-built man furrow his brows slightly. "Little Six, what's wrong with you?" You don't usually do this. Is there something on your mind?    


"Brother Long, I'm fine."    


The bespectacled man slightly lowered his head. What he saw was the strong man's work desk. He couldn't help but recall the scene where he and the woman were having fun not long ago.    


After adjusting his breathing, the glasses man quickly returned to his normal state, "Brother Long, are you sure you want to make a move?"    


Even though the bespectacled man knew the answer, he still asked again.    


"Xiao Liu, aren't you asking a little too much?" When did I ever say I didn't do it? "    


The strong man said with his eyes half-closed.    


"Brother Long, what is your goal?"    


< p > "The twins."    


The strong man answered immediately.    


From the first time he saw the twins, he could never forget them!    


Although he had played with quite a few twins up till now, there was no other twin that he could desire so much for possession!    


That kind of mysterious and noble temperament, and the allure of purple, had captivated him!    


< p > "This, then I'll arrange it properly."    


This time, the bespectacled man actually agreed.    


However, it was unknown whether it was the final compromise he usually made, or if he agreed to it due to some other reason.    


However, it was certain that what the bespectacled man wanted to do was clear, and would likely bring about many unimaginable consequences.    


In the same place as before, in the garage of a single apartment in Hong City City, there were flashes of welding that illuminated more than half of the garage.    


Inside, a boy around the age of twenty was holding a variety of welding equipment and wearing a mask. He looked like he was making something.    


While the boy was busy, his phone suddenly rang.    


The boy took off his mask. Looking at his face, he was actually the Lincoln that Zhang Zihui had never seen before after he left the plane!    


Lincoln took out his phone and looked at the number. A mocking smile surfaced on the corner of his mouth, and then he pressed the answer button.    


< p > "My dear father, I wonder what business you have with me?"    


Lincoln's tone seemed to be very respectful, as he even used honorifics.    


However, when they listened to his words, they could clearly hear the trace of disdain in his tone.    


"Lincoln, how is the situation? It's been almost ten days now. "    


The voice on the other end of the phone was still that of a calm middle-aged man.    


< p > "I'm not God, it's only been ten days. It would be great if I could find the location of that research facility. "    


Lincoln casually threw away his mask, turned and walked upstairs.    


< p > "Research institute?" "What, have you found the location?"    


Hearing the words' research institute ', the middle-aged man immediately became excited.    


< p > "I've finally found it." However, I had no idea about the distribution of guards inside, as well as other matters. I think we'll have to spend some more time. "    


Lincoln said indifferently, as though he did not care about this matter.    


< p > "Where is that place?" "Hurry up and tell me!"    


The voice on the other end of the line became somewhat hurried!    


"Father, why are you in such a hurry?" I'll send you something. "    


While talking on the phone, Lincoln had already returned to his room.    


Arriving in front of his computer, he opened up a special software. Using his unique activation method, he sent out a segment of the video file.    



> Two minutes later, the man on the other end of the phone opened his mouth again. "Well done!" He could actually sneak into that research institute so quickly! Great! Great! "As expected of my son!"    


The man had actually praised Lincoln in the end!    


It was just that these words made the hint of mockery at the corner of Lincoln's mouth become even more obvious.    


"Father, is there anything else?" If there are none, I will have to continue preparing the items. After all, it is not easy to infiltrate that research facility again. "    


Lincoln already started to not want to continue the discussion.    


< p > "It's fine now." Go ahead! Work hard! As long as we can obtain that information and facilitate the completion of that business, our family will be able to obtain eleven funds! "When that happens, leaping to become the number one family in the United States will be just around the corner!"    


When he finished speaking, the man's tone could not help but become excited!    


After hanging up, Lincoln casually threw his phone onto the bed. With a mocking smile on his face, he said, "Hehe, First Family, what a tempting dream! Unfortunately, what does it have to do with me? "    


With that, Lincoln sat in front of his computer and found a number with no comments. He sent a message that had been specially processed.    


< p > This message, if translated in the right way, is:

< p > The first step has been successful and is beginning to emerge.    


< p >    


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