Special Beauty-guarding Master



4After that, the foreign language director started a conversation with Ye Xue. During this time, he asked her about Ye Xue's family background multiple times indirectly, as well as whether there were any relatives or friends in Hong City University who had more personal questions.    


Zhang Zihui was slightly dissatisfied with this, but he didn't say anything.    


As far as he was concerned, Ye Xue could handle this kind of problem by herself, and she didn't need his help.    


After about half an hour, the Foreign Language Director finally had a basic understanding of Ye Xue.    


After that, he told her about the foreign language department teachers' office and told her to go over and take a look first.    


Although the director of foreign languages was not a good man, he was still responsible for his work.    


Otherwise, how could he keep his position?    


The two of them then went to the other teachers' offices.    


It was class time, so there weren't many teachers in the office.    


The two of them casually glanced at it for a bit before leaving.    


However, to the male teachers inside, Ye Xue's appearance made them all excited!    


They were all guessing if they were going to have another beautiful colleague!    


Until now, Ye Xue's business was settled.    


She only had to wait until the afternoon to collect some textbooks and familiarize herself with the dormitory.    


As for the rest, Zhang Zihui was naturally accompanying Ye Xue as they walked around the school.    


The two of them strolled around for more than ten minutes before they arrived at a teahouse.    


Zhang Zihui was about to buy two cups of tea when a familiar yet lovely figure appeared in front of him.    


"Zi Hui, you're finally back!" Where have you been these past few days? Why didn't you come and accompany me!? I missed you so much. "    


Yang Zhiyan held Zhang Zihui's hand naturally and pressed her body against him.    


It had been three days since Zhang Zihui and Wu Kang met that day.    


"Zi Hui, who is she?"    


Seeing that Zhang Zihui was about to buy tea for the girl, but was stopped by a beautiful woman who suddenly appeared in the middle of the way, Ye Xue quickly walked over.    


She looked at Yang Zhiyan warily.    


It had to be said that Ye Xue, who had just become Zhang Zihui's woman, had a strong desire to possess Zhang Zihui.    


Yang Zhiyan looked at Ye Xue, and the two of them looked at each other at the same time.    


One was a girl with an indescribable feeling of perfection, and the other was a girl with an extremely lovely appearance.    


Two different girls were equally matched.    


"Xue Er, this is Yang Zhiyan. She's also my girlfriend."    


Zhang Zihui introduced her to Ye Xue, then turned around and told Yang Zhiyan, "Zhiyan, this is Ye Xue. She's also my girlfriend like you."    


/p p "Hm?"    


The two girls harrumphed at the same time and continued to look at each other. The atmosphere was slightly tense.    


However, after the two girls looked at each other for more than ten seconds, they both laughed at the same time.    


Hello, it's Yang Zhiyan.    


Hello, it's Ye Xue.    


/p This was a very simple sentence, and it meant that the two girls knew each other.    


In fact, many times, knowing a person was as simple as that.    


Because he had Yang Zhiyan's help, Zhang Zihui bought three cups of female tea.    


After that, Yang Zhiyan brought the two of them to wander around the city with a certain goal in mind.    


She was more familiar with the places in the school than Zhang Zihui.    


The only thing that made Zhang Zihui a little depressed was that Yang Zhiyan and Ye Xue got together and no one held his hand.    


Unknowingly, the three of them had wandered around until noon.    


Just as he was about to go for lunch, Bai Rongrong called.    


"Hello, Rongrong, is there something you need?"    


Zhang Zihui asked.    




Bai Rongrong's tone was slightly dissatisfied. "Have you come back to school yet? I missed you. "    


At this point, Bai Rongrong's voice softened.    


There were so many girls around Zhang Zihui. Therefore, every time Bai Rongrong saw Lovers gather together, she was always envious.    


It was because Zhang Zihui couldn't always stay by her side.    


/p p "I'm sorry, it was my fault."    


Zhang Zihui apologized.    


"Rongrong, why don't you come over and eat with us? We're in a restaurant near your department. "    


/p p "You?" Who else are you with? "    


Bai Rongrong's voice carried a tinge of jealousy.    


If she didn't call Zhang Zihui, then wouldn't he still be accompanying others?    


/p p "Are you jealous?"    


Zhang Zihui also felt the jealousy in Bai Rongrong's words, "I'm here with Ye Xue and Yang Zhiyan. I'll tell you something when you come over. "    


"Ye Xue?"    


Bai Rongrong was slightly surprised, but she soon said with pleasant surprise, "You said Sister Ye Xue is back? And you even came to school? "    


Even though Bai Rongrong and Ye Xue didn't interact much, Ye Xue was the first girl that she was willing to accept. Naturally, she had a favorable impression of her and wanted to get to know and contact her.    


/p p "Yes, she's right beside me." You should hurry over. "    


Zhang Zihui said with a smile.    


After saying a few more words, Bai Rongrong hung up the phone and rushed over.    


Not long after, Bai Rongrong arrived.    


From a distance, she started to jog over to Zhang Zihui's side, ignoring the other two girls' existence as she took his hand.    


"Hehe, Rongrong, it seems like you also miss Zi Hui a lot!" He's the only one I can see. "    


Yang Zhiyan teased.    


/p p "You must be the same."    


Bai Rongrong said in a dissatisfied tone and then looked towards Ye Xue.    


Undeniably, Ye Xue gave others a feeling of perfection when compared to her.    


"Hello, Sister Ye Xue."    


Bai Rongrong greeted Ye Xue.    


Ye Xue also responded with a smile.    


Yang Zhiyan, who was standing to the side, was a little puzzled. "Eh?" Do you two know each other? "    


"Actually, Xue Er appeared even earlier than you did." It's just that she was an air stewardess before and she couldn't stay by my side. "    


Zhang Zihui explained, "But it's good now. Xue Er is going to be a teacher in school and will never leave."    


/p p "Ah?" Big Sister Ye Xue is going to be a teacher in school? Zi Hui, this can't be what you're talking about, right? "    


The smart Bai Rongrong immediately thought of this.    


/p p "Yes." I accompanied her to report today. After reporting, they brought her around the academy. As a result, they met Zhiran. "    


Zhang Zihui continued.    


This indirectly explained why he didn't go find Bai Rongrong.    


That would be nice." In the future, Sister Ye Xue will no longer have to run all over the place.     


Bai Rongrong was also happy for Ye Xue when she came to Hong City University.    


However, apart from being happy, he was also a little disappointed. He was disappointed that there was another girl by Zhang Zihui's side.    


Alright, let's not stand here. Let's go in and eat first.    


The few of them standing there chatting had already attracted the attention of many.    


Not only was Zhang Zihui related to many of the school beauties, he could be said to be the number one rumored male student among the freshmen.    


Just three beauties being together was enough to attract people.    


Yeah, it's noon now, but I'm hungry.    


Yang Zhiyan agreed.    


Thus, the four of them found a random restaurant and entered. Each of them held onto a menu to see if there were any dishes that suited their needs.    


/p Not long after, the four clicked on the order, and then began chatting and waiting.    


Of course, the ones who talked the most were the three girls.    


As for the topic of conversation, it ranged from shopping, to clothes, to their own preferences and to a lot of things related to Zhang Zihui.    


Zhang Zihui looked at the three girls getting along with each other and couldn't help sighing in his heart. He was so lucky to have three such outstanding and beautiful girls at the same time.    


/p After lunch, Ye Xue went to report to the foreign language department.    


She had to get in touch with her new colleague and go to the dormitory.    


Yang Zhiyan still had a few things to do in the afternoon, so she left first.    


Finally, Zhang Zihui and Bai Rongrong were left to have a date with each other.    


However, Zhang Zihui did indeed have to accompany Bai Rongrong more.    


Thus, this afternoon, Zhang Zihui focused on accompanying Bai Rongrong as they walked around the school.    



Nothing annoying happened, nor did any annoying characters appear. An afternoon passed leisurely and harmoniously like this.    




When there were classes, he would accompany his three friends in the classroom and do whatever they wanted, occasionally listening to them.    




It was either Yang Zhiyan, Bai Rongrong, or Ye Xue, as well as Lulu and Meng Ziyi.    


Of course, the small trouble with this was that after Ye Xue appeared at Hong City University, the forums immediately pushed her into the position of number one beauty as a teacher.    


This caused her to receive flowers and gifts from a lot of single male teachers every day.    


Fortunately, they were only giving out gifts. Otherwise, Zhang Zihui would have had to deal with a lot of people.    


/p p In the blink of an eye, a week had passed.    


Those annoying things and people did not appear in front of Zhang Zihui.    


Lincoln hadn't seen anyone for a week.    


Shen Yun was still insisting on sending Bai Rongrong roses.    


Regarding this, Zhang Zihui also followed him.    


Anyway, Bai Rongrong would not fancy him.    


However, Zhang Zihui was still curious about Shen Yun's identity.    


As for Wu Kang and the other special youths, Zhang Zihui was too lazy to bother with them.    


They were just a bunch of overconfident guys.    


However, for the time being, it was because Su Yinyin and Xiao Qingying would be fine.    


After that, Zhang Zihui would have to come into contact with them.    


Finally, it was Zhang Zihui's practice.    


Ever since he had completed Foundation Establishment, his cultivation speed had clearly increased by quite a bit!    


Not only did this significantly improve all aspects of his body, it also allowed him to learn a few more ways to use energy!    


It was precisely because Zhang Zihui had learned so many things that he didn't get stuck in the next trouble that was going to happen to him.    


/p p     


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