Special Beauty-guarding Master



0Just when Zhang Zihui and Lincoln entered the plane.    


Ye Xue had already tidied up her uniform and made three cups of coffee, which she sent to the captain's office.    


When they just reached the first class warehouse, Bald Blackman's two subordinates immediately lit up when they saw Ye Xue!    


He whistled, stared at Ye Xue, and walked towards her!    


About that, I'm here to deliver coffee to your boss.    


Ye Xue hurriedly said.    


When the two of them heard this, they both stopped and shook their hands impatiently, asking her to hurry over.    


Ye Xue did not dare to stay any longer. Holding her cup of coffee, she quickly trotted over!    


This gave the two, who were planning on eating tofu, no chance.    


"Hello, I'm here to deliver coffee."    


Even though the captain's room door was open and the two captain and Bald Blackman could be seen, Ye Xue still knocked on the side and said.    


/p p "You're here."    


Seeing that Ye Xue came up, Bald Blackman said lightly. He then took a big gulp of coffee and said to her, "Sit over there." If I have any other orders later, I might as well go down and look for someone else. "    


/p p "Ah?" "It's fine."    


These words made Ye Xue tense for a moment.    


He was sitting uneasily in the nearest position outside the captain's room.    


Fortunately, a few minutes passed. Bald Malezi sat on the other side with his eyes closed. It was unknown if he was asleep or just thinking about something.    


On the other side, Zhang Zihui and Lincoln had already left the high altitude airflow suit and were moving quickly!    


According to Zhang An's deductions when he first arrived, he guessed that there was a high probability that there was a Bomb on this plane!    


Therefore, the first thing Zhang Zihui did was take out the explosive device.    




As expected, there were Bomb s inside the plane!    


"Lincoln, do you have any heat sensors on your side? Help me figure out the distribution of the people in the plane. I'll go install a few cameras first."    


Zhang Zihui instructed.    


He took off his backpack, took a pistol, and a dozen or so wireless camera cameras, and walked under the plane towards the plane.    


Lincoln didn't say anything else. He took out a laptop from his backpack and picked up a palm-sized box. After typing a few times, a heat image appeared on the screen.    


From the above, it could be clearly distinguished that there were a lot of people in the regular cabin and a lot of people in the special warehouse.    




Because it's not enough to tell who's a terror!    


Moreover, it was possible that there were also some fearful people mixed in with the passengers!    


On the other side, Zhang Zihui also quickly moved!    


He quickly arrived at the bottom of the regular warehouse, took out a small drill bit and drilled a small hole, then installed the wireless camera inside.    


Not long later, he installed four people in the corridor of the normal warehouse.    


/p Following which, Zhang Zihui went through the upper and lower channels of the storage room and arrived at the T-page section of the plane. He removed a hanging belt from his bulletproof vest and swiftly tied it to the main steel frame that ran through the plane.    


/p p After that, Zhang Zihui continued forward and arrived at the forefront.    


This was only the location of the captain's room and the special class warehouse!    




Zhang Zihui had installed a camera about a quarter of the front and back, and then another at the entrance of the captain's room. It just so happened that as long as the door of the captain's room was opened, the situation inside could be seen.    


It wasn't that Zhang Zihui didn't want to install them in the captain's room, but there were all kinds of circuits in the captain's room. Not to mention installing a camera, even reaching out his hand to enter wouldn't be that easy.    


If he accidentally managed to get an important route, it was possible that something bad might happen to him.    


/p p After installing all the cameras, Zhang Zihui quickly returned to where he came from.    


He was anxious to find Ye Xue and see if she was alright.    


When Ye Zichen returned to Lincoln's side, he had already started to observe the situation in the plane through the camera.    


Zhang Zihui walked behind him and also stared at the screen.    


/p p "Lincoln, wait!" "Turn on the camera outside the captain's room for me."    


Zhang Zihui suddenly said.    


Lincoln naturally did as he was told. After typing a few times on the keyboard, he switched to the outside of the captain's room.    


/p p At this moment, the camera was pointed directly at the captain's room. The cabin door was open, and he could see that the two captain inside were safe and sound.    


/p p "Adjust your angle and scan your surroundings."    


Zhang Zihui continued.    


Lincoln pressed a few more keyboards and started dragging the mouse.    


Immediately, the screen began rotating clockwise.    


Not long later, Bald Blackman appeared on the screen.    


/p p "Stop."    


Zhang Zihui said, "This guy is the leader. I actually didn't get locked up after I took care of him last time. "    


Zhang Zihui was blaming himself. If it wasn't for him not being ruthless enough to teach Bald Blackman a lesson, how could he have the chance to escape?    


I say, there are times when even you can't do it.    


Lincoln said in disdain.    


Zhang Zihui ignored him decisively and indicated for him to continue rotating the screen.    


Not long later, a very nervous air stewardess appeared on the screen!    


It was none other than Ye Xue, the person Zhang Zihui was most worried about!    


/p p "Stop."    


Zhang Zihui said and looked at Ye Xue carefully.    


Looking at the screen, Ye Xue seemed to be more nervous than anything else.    


Of course, this was mainly because Ye Xue was sitting on the left side, so the camera couldn't see her left cheek. Otherwise, Zhang Zihui would have definitely seen the red handprint on it.    


Zhang Zihui let out a sigh of relief when he saw that Ye Xue was fine.    


Next, he had to get rid of those fearful people!    


/p p "Do you know how many people there are?"    


Zhang Zihui asked.    


"On the surface, I've already calculated everything." There were thirteen of them, the leader and his two lackeys in first class. The other eight were in the normal cabins, with three people in front and three in the back. The other two were responsible for patrolling the area. As for the one in the shadows, I still can't tell. "    


Lincoln said slowly.    


"There must be someone else in the dark among the passengers." Moreover, it was very likely that the Bomb's detonator was in his hands! "Therefore, we must think of a way to find that person, or …"    


At this point, Lincoln interrupted Zhang Zihui.    


"Or remove the Bomb."    


Lincoln's heart suddenly became excited when the topic of tearing down Bomb was mentioned.    


He really liked the feeling of his heart beating faster when he was tearing Bomb apart!    


The kind of nervousness that would cause a Bomb to explode and turn into pieces just by making a mistake!    


/p p It had to be said that Lincoln was a bit abnormal.    


/p p "Have you detected the approximate location of the Bomb?"    


When Zhang Zihui installed the cameras, all the instruments were placed here by Lincoln.    


"I can only roughly tell that the Bomb is at the back of the plane. As for the specifics, we still have to look around."    


Lincoln's tone was relaxed.    


To him, a quest was a form of enjoyment.    


"Alright, let's go to the back and find the Bomb first."    


Zhang Zihui said decisively.    


He kept his cool and made all sorts of decisions.    


The two immediately packed up a few other tools, including the toolbox, the fire detector, and their laptop.    


For the time being, he would leave those that he wasn't able to use on the spot.    


The two of them quickly arrived at the back of the plane.    


All the salutes of the passengers were stacked here.    


Seeing these salutations, Lincoln's lips curled up into an interesting smile. He said in a gloating manner, "Now we have something to play with!"    


Zhang Zihui frowned.    


The place where the fire detector was pointing at was where the small mountain of a salute was!    


Do they want to check the suitcases one by one?    


It was obviously impossible!    


Furthermore, Zhang Zihui couldn't be sure how many Bomb were in the trunk!    


It was clear that the possibility of removing the Bomb was close to zero.    


They only had two people, and there were only a few hundred sets of salutes here. Even if it took them an hour, they might not be able to complete all of them.    


"To be honest, I'm really curious as to how they managed to bring the Bomb over for security."    


Lincoln said.    


/p p "Wait!" Security? "     0


Lincoln's words made Zhang Zihui think of something!    


If these Bomb had passed through the security check, they would definitely be discovered!    


But now that these Bomb were brought in, the only explanation was that they did not pass the security check!    


It was directly sent in by someone!    


Since it was sent directly in, it must have been brought in by the person in charge of carrying the gifts!    


Thinking of this, Zhang Zihui swept his eyes over the bottom of the salute pile!    


As expected, at the furthest corner, there were clearly three salutation boxes that were forced in at the end!    


/p p Without any hesitation, Zhang Zihui immediately took out the three suitcases!    


As for the Explosive Flame Sentinel, it clearly had some reaction to them!    


/p p "Next, I'll leave it to you."    


After finding the Bomb, the job of dismantling it would be Lincoln's.    


In this aspect, Zhang Zihui was indeed not as good as Lincoln.    


"Hehe, aren't you afraid that I accidentally detonated a Bomb?"    


Lincoln joked. He took out the master key from the toolbox and quickly opened the first suitcase. It was indeed the Bomb!    


To put it bluntly, this Bomb was a chemical detonator.    


There were all sorts of circuits connected to each other, but in the end, they were all connected to glass bottles that contained green liquid.    


Looks like these guys are quite capable!    


Lincoln nodded and said, "This device is very advanced. Don't look at all the things in this bottle. If there really is a fire, this plane will bid farewell immediately. "    


While speaking, Lincoln opened the other two suitcases with the same equipment.    


/p p "Tsk tsk tsk tsk!" These guys were really willing! Three in one breath! "    


Lincoln was surprised.    


Zhang Zihui also didn't expect Bald Blackman to be so fierce!    


If it wasn't for the fact that the person who released the Bomb was lazy to put all three of them together, Zhang Zihui would have also thought of this and they would be helpless now.    


"Since you've seen this type of device before, there shouldn't be a problem removing it, right?"    


Zhang Zihui asked.    


/p p "Hehe!" He might not dare to say anything else. But I've touched this device eight times, if not ten times. Although the route could be changed a lot, it had a very fatal flaw. The things inside the glass bottle were very unstable. Therefore, its final interface cannot be changed in any way! "    


With that, Lincoln took a pair of scissors and cut off all the wires underneath the glass bottle!    


/p p "This, will be fine, right?"    


Such a method of removal was definitely the simplest one Zhang Zihui had seen!    


/p p     


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