Special Beauty-guarding Master



0"Of course there's no problem."    


Lincoln said indifferently, he casually took out the glass bottle and placed it on the side.    


And this action made Zhang Zihui's heart inexplicably tighten.    


< p > "I say, is this really okay?" Didn't you say that the contents of this bottle are very unstable? "    


Zhang Zihui asked again.    


He came here to save people, not to throw his life away.    


< p > "Why did you ask it twice?" Afraid that I would lie to you? In fact, this method of dismantling does seem incredible. Because in the eyes of normal people, if you were to randomly cut a line incorrectly, it might cause the Bomb to explode. "    


Lincoln gave a rare explanation, "This kind of thinking is not wrong. But this was only adapted to normal Bomb. The device in front of him was quite special. However, I am the only one who knows how to do that. The others do not have as much guts as me. "    


At the same time he explained, Lincoln took out the other two bottles from the other two devices.    


Then he tied them together with tape and put them in his backpack.    


"Alright, we've settled the Bomb. What are you going to do next? We still don't have a clue about those guys among the passengers. "    


Lincoln said.    


"We'll first take care of the eight guys in the common cabin and then replace them with video cameras.    


Zhang Zihui said as he walked back.    


They had to be ready again.    


Just as the two of them were removing the Bomb, Bald Blackman called the American government.    


Soon, the call connected and an old white general appeared on the screen.    


"Dear Government of the United States, it has been six hours since the plane took off. I know you will send men to try to rescue them. But, to tell you the truth, I already have three detonator devices in the plane, and the detonators for these three devices are in the hands of the three people underneath me who have blended into the passengers. "    


After saying that, the Bald Blackman looked at the screen with a cold smile.    


< p > "There's no point in doing this! will only let the Chinese side strike at organisations like yours. "    


The general opposite him said in a strong tone.    


However, Bald Blackman continued to smile, "Really? What if I set off the explosion when the plane landed? I think then China will not just be targeting us, you know. "    


This move of the bald black man's was indeed very sinister.    


If the plane exploded in mid-flight, it was not too difficult to deal with.    


It could be covered up as a plane crash.    


But if it was detonated at the Hong City Airport, the nature of the detonation would be completely different!    


Not to mention whether the explosion would involve other people, even an aircraft explosion needed a reasonable explanation!    


How could he explain why a plane would suddenly explode when it was already in flight and had landed?    


Any normal person would be able to guess that there was definitely something like a Bomb inside the plane!    


< p > "You!" You are simply forcing us to shoot the plane down! "    


the general said angrily.    


It was a pity that Bald Blackman laughed even more heartily than before. "Hehe, you were blasted off the plane? I suppose you haven't figured it out yet? "Now that the plane has entered Chinese airspace, you dare to launch an Inch Missile?"    


< p > You    


The general was so angry that his face turned red!    


It had to be said that Bald Blackman's calculations were too good.    


Now that the plane was in Chinese airspace, if he, the United States, were to shoot down the plane, it would be a huge problem!    


It was simply a slap to the face of China!    


Would they not deal with you so easily?    


< p > "Give us another hour to think about it."    


At the moment, the general could only delay it.    


< p > "Half an hour." Otherwise, I will no longer have any contact with you and will directly detonate the plane when it lands. "    


But Bald Blackman didn't give them that much time!    


Moreover, after saying this, he directly hung up the phone!    


< p > "Hello!" Hey! "Bastard!"    


In the military sector of the United States, a general hung up the phone with all his might!    


Then, he turned to the assistant beside him and said, "Immediately bring Zhang An over to me!"    


< p > "Yes!"    


The assistant didn't dare to refuse and quickly picked up the call from that organization.    


Soon, a handsome yellow man with short black hair appeared on the screen.    


< p > "Zhang An! How on earth do you do things over there?! "Even now, we still haven't solved the problem!"    


shouted the general.    


"General Welsh, are you questioning our competence?"    


Zhang An's face instantly turned cold.    


Although he didn't have any official status, his position was not something that a general could casually scold.    


< p > "Hmph!" The other party was already calling again. "In half an hour, if we do not agree to his request, he will no longer contact us and will detonate the plane when it lands!"    


The Welsh general's tone was still tough!    


"General, please pay attention to the tone of your voice. I'm not someone you can berate."    


Zhang An also became unyielding.    


He wasn't bullied.    


"Also, my people will take care of this matter, so there's no need to trouble you."    


With that, the screen suddenly went black, and Zhang An immediately cut off the phone!    


< p > "F * ck!" A yellow person dares to be so arrogant towards me! "    


The Welsh general roared!    


However, the surrounding people didn't even dare to breathe loudly ? They just returned to the plane.    


Zhang Zihui observed for a good while through the camera. He carefully observed the entire cabin and finally found the exit near the kitchen. It was a place that the fearsome people did not notice.    


< p > "Let's get out of here!" Then I will go in front of you and not give them the chance to shoot. If necessary, we can even take care of them. "    


Zhang Zihui explained it briefly.    


There were a few terrorists, but he would definitely be able to deal with them.    


< p > "I'm fine with anything."    


Lincoln said indifferently.    


< p > "Okay, let's go." When the time is right, record their images first, then we can make our move. "    


Zhang Zihui said again.    


Soon after, the two of them made some preparations before heading towards the exit of the kitchen.    


The two of them arrived at the bottom of the kitchen and used a camera to investigate the situation. After confirming that there was no one around, they quickly left the kitchen and hid in a corner.    


Zhang Zihui took out a small signal blocker and opened it.    


The purpose of this was to prevent those who were mixed in with the passengers from using the short distance communication device to inform the Bald Blackman in the first class cabin.    


Afterwards, he picked up his laptop to look at it. When the two patrolling robbers went through the kitchen, Zhang Zihui nodded at Lincoln.    


The two of them rushed out almost simultaneously!    


He went to the nearest empty seat and quickly sat up.    


The passengers next to them were all surprised to see that there was another person beside them.    


However, they didn't say anything. After all, they weren't sure if this person's identity was good or bad.    


On Zhang Zihui's side, he had already picked up the recording device to gather the images of the four terrifying molecules in front.    


At the same time, Lincoln was also collecting them.    


Two minutes later, both of them completed the mission at the same time.    


Let's do it.    


Through the communication earpiece, Zhang Zihui said softly.    


At this time, the scout who was in charge of the patrols, walked over to Zhang Zihui.    


Zhang Zihui did not hesitate, he extended his leg and tripped him!    


At the same time, his right elbow accurately smashed into the neck of the fallen man!    


Immediately, the person fainted!    


< p > "What's going on?"    


Two of the three frightened men at the front came over.    


However, Zhang Zihui pretended to be confused and looked at the fellow who fell down.     4


Just as the two terrorists came over to his side and bent down to look at his comrades, Zhang Zihui directly shot his wrist guard against the man who did not come over.    


At the same time, a Hypnosis Bullet was casually thrown down, aiming at the necks of the two terrorists and chopping them down!    


After taking care of the four fellows, Zhang Zihui hurriedly stood up and threw the video device he took out from the portrait long ago.    


All of a sudden, four images took the place of four fear molecules.    


As for Lincoln, he arrived even faster than Zhang Zihui, and the method was much simpler.    


After the man in charge of the patrol walked past him, he quickly pulled out a pistol that was already equipped with a silencer and shot three times in a row to finish off the three fellows behind him!    


Then, he turned around and shot the patrolling guys as well!    


"You're here to keep an eye out for the creepy people among the passengers."    


As Zhang Zihui spoke, he took a few steps and quickly rushed to the first class cabin, and at the same time, pulled out his gun from his waist!    


Sticking close to the stairs, Zhang Zihui carefully walked up.    


Coincidentally, one of the terrorists was planning to come down!    


This couldn't help but cause Zhang Zihui to slightly narrow his eyes.    


Zhang Zihui took large strides until he reached the end of the stairs, and then bent his body against the wall!    


And just as the monster of terror was walking up the stairs, before he could even turn around, Zhang Zihui had already pulled him over, and twisted his neck with force!    


With a slight "kacha" sound.    


As the sound rang out, the fellow fell powerlessly to the ground!    


After throwing the thing in his hand next to the stairs, Zhang Zihui still used the camera to look around the First Class cabin.    


The other terror was less than five meters away from him.    


The Bald Blackman, on the other hand, did not see it. It was clear that they were either in the captain's room or at a seat beside them with his eyes closed.    


< p > There is no point in continuing to wait.    


Zhang Zihui decided to force his way in!    


His body abruptly charged out from the stairs, the gun in his hand aimed at the other terrorist and shot him out!    


Then, he rolled in front of that fellow, held him up, and slowly placed him on the ground so that he would not make any noise and alert Bald Blackman.    


However, it was once again very coincidental and unfortunate that Bald Blackman had actually stood up at this moment!    


Furthermore, he was looking toward the staircase!    


< p >    


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