Special Beauty-guarding Master



1At this time, Ye Xue was still pushing the cart back and forth between the passengers.    


Even though she was still a little flustered in her heart.    


However, she also understood that panic could not be resolved, and it would even spread to others. Eventually, it might lead to many bad results!    


Therefore, Ye Xue forced herself to calm down, and started to pacify those startled passengers, just like how she had helped Zhang Zihui back then.    


Ye Xue's way of doing things immediately attracted a lot of favorable impression from her.    


Regarding this, Ye Xue only responded with a warm smile.    


However, when Ye Xue was looking for the next passenger who needed help or service, a cold voice came from behind her.    


flight attendant, can you please take me to the washroom?    


Ye Xue turned her head to look at it. It was one of the people who was afraid, a very skinny white man who also looked very ordinary.    


Furthermore, the eyes he looked at Ye Xue with contained an even more obvious desire!    


< p > "Sir, the washroom is just around the passenger compartment. You can find it by walking straight ahead."    


Although the other party was a member of the Fearsome Division, Ye Xue still politely smiled and explained to him.    


However, the skinny white man actually walked in front of Ye Xue, his vulgar eyes wantonly sweeping across her body, and spoke with a greedy tone, "Beauty, I want you to bring me in."    


It was obvious that the skinny white man was not planning to let Ye Xue go!    


At this moment, Ye Xue's heart began to panic again.    


However, she quickly forced herself to calm down. Only by doing so would she be able to think of a solution.    


Unfortunately, the skinny white man didn't give Ye Xue time to think.    


The submachine gun in his hand pointed it towards Ye Xue. His tone became impatient, "I said it already, bring me there!"    


< p > "It's fine."    


Ye Xue was a weak girl after all.    


In the end, he could only be afraid of agreeing to the thin Caucasian man's request.    


However, if she agreed to his request, she would be sending herself to the wolf.    


Just that, how could Ye Xue not agree?    


When the passengers who had been pacified by Ye Xue saw Ye Xue in such a state, rage filled their faces!    


However, when they saw the gun in the skinny white man's hand, none of them had the courage to stand out.    


Life was more important than any fight to the death.    


Ye Xue walked towards the bathroom step by step.    


The skinny man behind her stared at Ye Xue's beautiful figure and actually extended her left hand to touch Ye Xue's butt!    


< p > "Ah!"    


Ye Xue was shocked by the sudden harassment!    


He took two quick steps forward, his face full of panic.    


When the other terrorists saw the actions of the skinny white man, they all started laughing.    


As for the skinny white man, he brought his left hand close to his nose and sniffed the scent on it.    


The actions of the skinny man had angered even more people!    


However, it could only be anger!    


Finally, Ye Xue led the skinny white man to the entrance of the washroom.    


Ye Xue took a deep breath and turned to face the skinny white man, "Sir, this is the bathroom. Go in yourself. I'm going to continue serving the others. "    


Saying that, Ye Xue wanted to walk over to the skinny white man.    


However, the skinny white man raised his hand and smiled at Ye Xue, "Serve me first before you serve others!"    


With that said, he suddenly carried Ye Xue by her waist!    


He directly entered the washroom!    


< p > "Let me go!" Let me go! "    


The thing that Ye Xue feared the most was finally going to happen!    


She could only helplessly struggle, but it was to no avail.    


As he carried Ye Xue into the bathroom, the skinny white man directly threw her onto the floor with a heavy thud.    


Ye Xue suddenly felt a wave of pain from her buttocks, making him unable to stand up.    


The skinny white man, however, did not care about this. He casually threw the submachine gun to the side and walked towards Ye Xue.    


< p > "Don't come over!" Don't come near me! "    


Unable to stand up, Ye Xue could only sit on the ground and retreat.    


However, a washroom was only this big.    


Soon, she retreated to the wall and the skinny white man followed right behind her!    


The skinny white man did not stop at all, and rushed towards Ye Xue's Moons instead!    


Ye Xue hurried to protect the Moon-Hawk Tribe with her hands, preventing him from getting away with it!    


However, the woman was too weak after all. How could she block the hands of the skinny white man?!    


Both his hands were held in place by a single hand and lifted up!    


The other hand continued to move towards Ye Xue!    


< p > "Get lost!" Get lost! "    


Ye Xue continued to struggle!    


In her panic, she viciously kicked the white man's legs!    


< p > "Ah!"    


The skinny white man's face immediately changed!    


He bent down like a shrimp and covered his body with his hands!    


Seeing that, Ye Xue quickly supported herself up and ran to the door!    


However, just as she ran past the skinny man, his claw caught her hair and she felt a force tugging at her hair!    


It caused her expression to be in pain!    


< p > "Pa!"    


The skinny white man slapped Ye Xue!    


Her strength was so great that it knocked her to the ground!    


A red handprint immediately appeared on his face!    


< p > "F * ck!" How dare you kick me there! I will definitely kill you today! "    


The skinny white man cursed and pounced towards Ye Xue again!    


His hands clawed at her uniform and were about to tear it apart!    


< p > "Get lost!" Help! Help! "    


Ye Xue struggled helplessly, and cried for help!    


However, this kind of situation, who would appear here?    


However, no one expected that right at the moment when Ye Xue's uniform was about to tear apart, the door to the washroom was suddenly pushed open!    


< p > "What are you doing!"    


A very cold voice rang out.    


And the owner of this voice was shockingly the boss of the Fearsome Faction, the Bald Blackman.    


"Aiya, boss!" You saw it too, I was planning on having a good time with this ugly woman! Boss, why don't you come along as well ? "Huh?"    


Before the skinny white man could finish speaking, Bald Blackman had already rushed over and lifted him up by his collar!    


Bald Blackman looked at the skinny white man with an angry face, "When we came up, I told you not to mess around with me. Didn't you hear it? "    


Boss, isn't it just looking for a woman to make you feel good? Is there really a need for that?" "If you also have your eyes on this ugly woman, then I'll let you have her first.    


The skinny white man said indifferently.    


However, just as he finished speaking, the Bald Blackman's gun was already in his forehead.    


"Do you believe that I won't shoot you!?"    


Bald Blackman said with a cold tone.    


This time, the skinny white man was scared.    


This baldy was not just any normal ruthless person!    


He immediately nodded his head.    


Only then did Bald Blackman let him go.    


"Do you know?    


The Bald Blackman warned.    


The skinny white man naturally nodded. However, there was a hint of hatred hidden in the depths of his eyes!    


After taking care of the skinny white man, Bald Blackman walked to Ye Xue's side and said, "Come with me to the captain's room. I need someone to make me coffee."    


After he finished speaking, he did not care about Ye Xue's reaction and directly walked out.    


As for the skinny white man, he looked at Ye Xue twice with an unresigned expression, and then walked out as well.    


After all, no one would be willing to lay their hands on a beauty that was already in their mouths.    


At the moment, only Ye Xue who was curled up against the wall was left in the bathroom, faintly sobbing.    


< p > Zi Hui, where are you?    


I'm so scared!    


At this moment, Ye Xue really wanted to lie in Zhang Zihui's embrace and cry loudly.    


However, she knew that was impossible.    


On the other side, Zhang Zihui had already traveled more than half the distance!    


It had to be said that the Nuclear Aircraft's speed was indeed very fast!    


Zhang Zihui, who was in his crotch, could not tell how much time had passed.    


Based on his senses, it could only be the initial judgement that another ten minutes had passed.    


Just then, the pilot's voice came through the earpiece.    


"That plane has been spotted. Please be prepared. I will release you in a minute."    


At this time, the plane could already be seen in front of the Nuclear Aircraft.    


In order to avoid being discovered, Nuclear Aircraft naturally had to approach from below.    


As he descended, he reached the bottom of the plane.    


He quickly turned around, maintaining a speed that was almost the same as the plane.    


< p > The pilot turned on the scanner and soon discovered the entrance to the warehouse.    


< p > "The chassis entrance has been discovered. Please prepare your body position." Please try to get as close to the entrance as you can, so that I won't hurt you with my body pressure cap. "Right now, the penultimate attack speed is 3, 2, 1, attack speed!"    


As the pilot counted down, Zhang Zihui and Lincoln both flew out like two missiles!    


If it weren't for the airflow suit, they would have been instantly killed!    


< p > "Dong!" "BOOM!"    


With two clear sounds of collision, Zhang Zihui and Lincoln steadily used the high-pressure suction pads to stick to the bottom of the plane.    


It happened to be facing the entrance of the warehouse!    


< p > "Please keep your body steady, I will use the pressure cover on you. Three, two, one! Anti-pressure cover body! "    


The pilot counted again.    


When he finished counting down, a round lid with a diameter of three meters appeared from the bottom of the Nuclear Aircraft!    


The protective cover was immediately embedded into the plane. The two of them did not feel any strong air currents at all!    


< p > The pressure cap has been released. Please enter the plane and complete your mission as soon as possible. "    


The pilot's voice came through the headset again.    


However, after he said this, it meant that he had to leave first.    


After all, the Nuclear Aircraft was a secret. If they were not discovered by a certain satellite, it might cause some trouble.    


"All right, let's get on the plane now."    


Letting go of the high pressure suction cup, Zhang Zihui used his earpiece and said to Lincoln.    


At the same time, he quickly took the backpack and took out an unlocked device from inside. He swiftly put it on the keyhole of the underground warehouse!    


The device had been displaying a red light for more than ten seconds before it turned green.    


This meant that the entrance to the chassis had been opened!    


< p > "Enter!"    


Zhang Zihui quickly removed the device, and then fiercely pushed open the entrance to the chassis. Using the power in his hands, he instantly entered the plane!    


And Lincoln was equally fast!    


Soon after, Zhang Zihui also entered the plane!    


He also quickly closed the entrance to the warehouse!    


< p > Any change in any part of the plane will be prompted accordingly.    


If the two of them were accidentally discovered entering the plane, it would be a huge problem!    


Fortunately, the two of them moved quickly. The captain only saw the light that indicated the entrance to the cabin and didn't mind if he thought he had seen wrongly.    


< p >    


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