Special Beauty-guarding Master





Hearing Zhang Zihui's words, Meng Ziyi was pleasantly surprised.    


After receiving Zhang Zihui's affirmation, she did not hesitate to go to the amusement park.    


< p > For most people, they had been to an amusement park before.    


But for Meng Ziyi, to be able to get her tuition, Little Meng Kexin had to work really hard for her. How could she possibly have the time and money to accompany her to the amusement park?    


And every time she heard others talking about how fun an amusement park was, Meng Ziyi would always silently envy them in her heart.    


But now, Meng Ziyi already had time and money to go to the amusement park.    


However, the people she wanted to accompany never had the chance to do so.    


Now that such an opportunity was right in front of him, how could Meng Ziyi miss it?    


The playground." "Alright, let's go there then.    


Zhang Zihui did not have too many memories of the amusement park.    


Except for a few times before he was ten, he had never been there.    


< p > "Yeah!"    


Hearing Zhang Zihui's agreement, Meng Ziyi actually jumped in joy.    


Afterwards, the two of them drove towards Hong City's amusement park.    


The playground of Hongcheng was quite famous. It took up an area of over a hundred hectares, and all sorts of games, ranging from children to adults, were played here.    


Therefore, the Hong City amusement park was filled with people walking to and fro every day, and it was extremely lively!    


After parking his car in the playground's parking lot, Zhang Zihui bought two sets of tickets. The items written on it could be played for free, and after that, if he wanted to play, he would have to spend more money.    


They had just entered the amusement park, which was a small street formed by a dozen or so restaurants selling all kinds of food and beverages.    


The moment Meng Ziyi entered, she immediately pulled Zhang Zihui and ran to the front of a small store selling cotton candy.    


Boss, give me two marshmallows!    


Meng Ziyi said while smiling.    


The owner nodded in agreement, and then skillfully triggered the cotton candy.    


Soon, two pink marshmallows were ready.    


Here, five dollars.    


The shop owner passed the cotton candy to Meng Ziyi. After Meng Ziyi paid the money, he took the cotton candy and handed one to Zhang Zihui.    


< p > "Thank you."    


Zhang Zihui had really never eaten cotton candy before. This could be considered as the first time Meng Ziyi had eaten cotton candy due to her great honor.    


He took a bite. It felt very soft. It melted in his mouth and was very sweet.    


This caused Zhang Zihui to take another big bite. Unexpectedly, Meng Ziyi suddenly laughed as he looked at him.    


< p > "What's wrong?"    


Seeing Meng Ziyi smiling so happily, Zhang Zihui could not help but ask.    


< p > "Hee hee."    


Meng Ziyi continued to smile, but reached out her right hand to the side of Zhang Zihui's mouth and took a piece of cotton candy from there.    


"Brother Zihui, you will stick to your mouth if you eat so much."    


Meng Ziyi reminded her.    


< p > "So it's like that." "Then, I'll eat slowly later. What should we do first?"    


Zhang Zihui looked at the tickets in his hands, which included a few leisure merry-go-round horses, flying chairs, a small train, a Ferris Wheel, a roller coaster, a three D visual experience, and some other things.    


< p > "I want to get on the Ferris Wheel first."    


Meng Ziyi said.    


Actually, to most Lovers, the Ferris Wheel was a very romantic thing.    


The two of them sat inside, looking down at the diminishing number of people below them, or looked into the distance. During this time, they could even enjoy the warm atmosphere that belonged to two people.    


The two of them arrived at the Ferris Wheel. Fortunately, there weren't many people in line, so it wasn't long before it was their turn.    


The two of them got on the Ferris Wheel and each sat on one side of it.    


In fact, they couldn't sit on the same side of the Ferris Wheel. This way, their center of gravity would be off balance.    


However, it was not necessarily a bad thing to sit face to face with someone.    


The Ferris Wheel slowly rose up, and through the glass, the people below were getting smaller and smaller.    


At this time, Meng Ziyi suddenly held onto Zhang Zihui's hand, her head lowered, her cheeks slightly flushed.    


It looked so attractive, like a white lotus suffused with a layer of pink.    


"Silly girl, what are you thinking about?"    


Zhang Zihui lovingly smiled at Meng Ziyi.    


< p > "Brother Zihui, I, I ?"    


Meng Ziyi hesitated, took a deep breath in the end and said, "Brother Zihui, I like you, I want to be your girlfriend."    


< p > "I know."    


Zhang Zihui gently held onto Meng Ziyi's small hand, soft and slippery, "But, Zi Yi, it's not the time yet."    


"Brother Zihui, when will it be considered time?"    


Meng Ziyi asked anxiously.    


However, Zhang Zihui really did not know how to answer this question.    


Just as he had not known how to answer that man's question.    


Perhaps, if he didn't answer this time, she would never know his answer again.    


However, Zhang Zihui was still unable to pass the test in his heart.    


"Zi Yi, don't think too much into it. It will be soon."    


Zhang Zihui could only say this.    


However, he did not know how long would pass exactly.    


Meng Ziyi seemed to have also felt something and she did not say anything more. Instead, she just quietly looked at Zhang Zihui.    


For a time, the atmosphere between the two had become awkward, yet it didn't lose any warmth.    


It was very strange.    


It only took a few minutes for the Ferris Wheel to land.    


However, after they got off the Ferris Wheel, the two of them held each other's hands and played together.    


In the carriage on the merry-go-round, Zhang Zihui was sitting inside a coffee cup with Meng Ziyi in his arms even as they were riding a torrent of water.    


It seemed that some sort of feeling was quietly growing.    


< p > "Huff..." "Huff ? Huff ?"    


After a round of fun, Meng Ziyi had even tried the most exciting roller coaster ride.    


During the entire process, she had her eyes closed, her claws grabbing onto Zhang Zihui's hand tightly, thus she was able to hold on.    


It was just that, when he came down, Meng Ziyi's face was still a little pale and his breathing was not smooth either. This made Zhang Zihui's heart ache.    


"You, I told you not to play that game."    


Zhang Zihui held onto Meng Ziyi's small hand, a surge of energy entering her body, and Meng Ziyi's face immediately recovered.    


Big Brother Zihui, I'm fine. I'm much better now.    


Meng Ziyi also clearly felt a warm current of energy that allowed her to quickly recover.    


Although she did not know what it was, she felt that it was definitely related to Zhang Zihui.    


"Brother Zihui, look over there. That pair of beavers and peaches are so cute. "    


Meng Ziyi pointed behind Zhang Zihui and said.    


Zhang Zihui turned around to look at the place where he had hit the balloon.    


Beat the balloon on the wall with a toy and exchange it for a prize based on the number of balloons you hit the stone with.    


Generally, this kind of game only cost one bullet, but for prizes, you might not even get two if you spend ten.    


That would count as ten shots out of ten.    


Of course, everyone knew about this as well.    


It was just a game, but the prize was secondary.    


As for the pair of figurines that Meng Ziyi was talking about, they were the popular ones on the internet ? the Wise Fox, the Beaver and the Peach Beaver.    


A pair of cute foxes, one red and one pink.    


The two were also as big as basketball.    


< p > "Do you like it?" Let's go and bring it back! "    


Zhang Zihui said, then pulled Meng Ziyi and walked over.    


< p > "You two, would you like to try?" One round for each round. One more round for every ten rounds. "    


The game booth owner said enthusiastically.     3


He had some ideas, and he even thought of delivering bullets.    


Boss, how do I get a pair of fox dolls?    


Meng Ziyi asked.    


"That pair of foxes!"    


Hearing Meng Ziyi's words, the boss knew that business was coming because ?" You just have to take fifty balloons out of the shell.    


< p > "This,"    


It's not like Meng Ziyi didn't know how to calculate.    


Fifty balloons would require at least fifty rounds, or fifty pieces.    


However, if he bought the dolls directly, they would only cost around twenty yuan.    


< p > "Come on, give it a try." Seeing how handsome your boyfriend is, I'm sure he has studied brute force before. "    


The boss encouraged them from the side.    


Zhang Zihui merely smiled and let Meng Ziyi think about it for himself.    


That pair of figurines, he would definitely take them away. The only difference was what Meng Ziyi thought of it.    


Brother Zihui, why don't we give up?    


Meng Ziyi said in disappointment.    


"Silly girl, no matter how hard it is, I'll still help you get the things you like."    


Zhang Zihui said gently, then took out fifty pieces and handed it over to the boss.    


< p > "Okay!" "Come on, handsome, pick any gun here. Here are fifty-five rounds of bullets."    


The boss swiftly took out the money and placed the bullets on the table.    


< p > "Brother Zihui, you ?"    


If it was anyone else who said this, in Meng Ziyi's opinion, it would only be fair words or flowery words.    


But what Zhang Zihui said was equivalent to a promise!    


Zhang Zihui casually took out a toy gun and poured the bullets into it in one go.    


This kind of toy gun was a rifle type gun, its chamber was still very large.    


< p > "Eh?" Aren't they handsome men and beautiful women? "    


Just as Zhang Zihui was about to take aim, a familiar voice came out from behind.    


The two of them looked back at the same time and realized that it was actually the girl who took the photos of them last time, Zhuang Fangfang.    


Furthermore, there was someone else beside Zhuang Fangfang who had also interacted with him before, Meng Qi!    


"Elder sister, why are you here as well?" And why are you with this exile? "    


Meng Ziyi said.    


Meng Qi's previous performance had left a deep impression on him, so he naturally did not have a good impression of him.    


< p > You    


What was surprising was that Meng Qi only said that one word, as though he was wary of it and did not dare to speak.    


Zhuang Fangfang looked at Meng Qi nonchalantly and said, "Him? He's just an ordinary friend of mine. Right, are you planning on using brute force now? Which prize did you choose? "    


Meng Ziyi was also smart, she understood that Zhuang Fangfang did not want to talk about Meng Qi anymore, and immediately pointed to the pair of figurines that she had her eyes on.    


"Elder sister, look at that pair of dolls. They look pretty good, don't you think?"    


< p > "It's definitely not bad."    


Zhuang Fangfang nodded in agreement.    


Although she did not lack such things, it did not mean that she did not like them.    


"However, that figurine would probably hit at least fifty balloons."    


Zhuang Fangfang had guessed correctly.    


< p >    


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