Special Beauty-guarding Master



3When he left the club, Zhang Zihui's face was full of seriousness.    


Although he had only interacted with Shen Yun for less than ten minutes, the exchange between the two of them had already revealed a lot of problems.    




The power behind him was definitely not small!    


/p p However, these were not Zhang Zihui's worries.    


What he truly cared about was the reason Shen Yun came to Hong City.    


Obviously, Shen Yun was already in his fourth year of university, and it was definitely not because of Zhang Zihui or the Nuclear Aircraft that Xiao Tianmu had created.    


However, Zhang Zihui didn't believe that Shen Yun didn't have any purpose for coming here.    


Forget about it. There's nothing special about him right now.    


Thinking of this, Zhang Zihui threw all these things to the back of his mind and headed back to his dorm.    


On the other side, He Kong brought his people back to the Gulong Gang after warning his cousin to not cause too much trouble.    


When he first came in, Bald Malezi coincidentally met him.    


Idiot, I heard you just took someone out?" Where did you go?     


This baldy was none other than one of the core members of the Gulong Gang, a tiger.    


Uncle Hu, I just went out to take a stroll, that's all. I just brought a few of my lackeys with me to increase my aura.    


He Kong casually said.    


However, Tiger actually laughed when he heard this. Brother Long recently asked you not to take anyone out when you have nothing to do. You definitely aren't out for a stroll, just be honest with yourself. "    


/p p "Amount"    


He Kong was a bit depressed that his lie was so easily seen through.    


Still, he didn't want to tell the tiger.    


After all, last time, the tiger's restless nature had been completely revealed.    


Well, what is it that your Uncle Tiger can't say?" Was he bullied?     


The tiger guessed.    


/p p "Uncle Tiger, I …"    


Actually, He Kong was also very angry in his heart.    


He was used to being arrogant, but ever since he met Zhang Zihui, he had no choice but to suppress it.    


This was unbearable!    


/p p "Speak!" Who bullied you! Uncle Hu will take revenge for you! "    


The tiger spoke seriously.    


/p p Me    


He Kong hesitated again, but in the end, the unwillingness in his heart forced him to tell the story of meeting Zhang Zihui in the afternoon to the tiger.    


/p p "I'll copy it!" This brat is too arrogant! "    


After hearing He Kong's story, the tiger immediately became angry!    


Last time when he went to Zhang Zihui's store to cause trouble, he was already annoyed that he did not succeed!    


When he came back, he was even scolded by Xiao Liu, which made him even angrier!    


But he never thought that Zhang Zihui would actually announce that he would come to Gulong Gang for a chat!    


this simply did not put their Gulong Gang in their eyes!    


"Kongzi, just wait. I'll tell Brother Long about this right away!" My Gulong Gang is not something that anyone can underestimate! "    


The tiger said bitterly and walked inside.    


Inside, He Long and He Long were discussing something with Liu Zizi.    


The afternoon passed quickly.    


Especially for Zhang Zihui, who didn't have any classes at all. If he played True Three with his three roommates, then time would pass even faster!    


Any random True Three would take from half an hour to an hour.    


Therefore, Zhang Zihui accompanied the three of them and copied four or five of them, which was six o'clock.    


Because he had to take the three girls to buy things at night, Zhang Zihui naturally had to take them out to eat.    


/p He sent a short message to Bai Rongrong and Yang Zhiyan, telling them to wait for him in the parking lot. He then said goodbye to his three roommates and headed towards the parking lot.    


When they arrived at the parking lot, the three girls had already arrived and were waiting for Zhang Zihui.    


Zhang Zihui quickly ran over.    


"Brother Zihui, you're really slow!"    


Seeing Zhang Zihui come over at this moment, Lulu pouted and complained.    


On the other hand, Yang Zhiyan rolled her eyes at Lulu and said, "Zi Hui, don't listen to Lulu's nonsense. We just arrived a moment ago."    


The three girls were actually only a minute early.    


However, making a girl wait for him didn't seem like a good thing.    


"This is also my fault. I should have come here earlier than you."    


After Zhang Zihui said that, he walked to his car, opened the door, started the car and drove in front of the three girls.    


The three girls agreed and sat in the back, continuing their conversation.    


Seeing this, Zhang Zihui was also happy to accept it.    




His destination was the jewelry shop on Mintai Road. There were many famous jewelry stores that were being put together there.    




They got off the car, found a place to eat, and then went to the jewelry store.    


The jewelry shop had a total of five floors, but not all of them bought jewelry.    


It could be said that the goods here were all prepared for the rich.    


When they entered the trading firm, they saw that everyone was selling watches, so they went straight up to the second floor.    


The second floor was mainly sold for gold and silver, including some diamonds and platinum.    


However, after walking around, the three girls did not catch their attention.    


He then continued to the third floor.    




It fit Yang Zhiyan's requirements perfectly.    


However, Lulu and Bai Rongrong didn't want to buy these.    


They wanted to go to the fourth floor, because the fourth floor sold jade.    


"Zhiyan, choose one for yourself here. I'll accompany the two of them and take a look first."    


Zhang Zihui said.    


It wasn't that he didn't care about Yang Zhiyan, but since Lulu was here, he thought it would be better.    


"It's fine. You guys can go up. I'll just take a look myself."    


Yang Zhiyan didn't have any objections.    


It was already good enough for her that Bai Rongrong could accept her.    


/p /p "Okay, I'll come down and accompany you later."    


As Zhang Zihui said this, he brought Bai Rongrong and Lulu to the fourth floor.    


Compared to the first floor, the fourth floor had a lot more people.    


Jadeite was something that more and more people liked, compared to diamonds and gold and silver jewelry.    


Moreover, many people felt that the jade had the ability to repel evil spirits.    


To the rich, this was exactly what they wanted.    


"Lulu, what do you want to buy?"    


Bai Rongrong asked right away.    


The area of each floor was also very large. If one wandered around aimlessly, it would be a waste of time.    


/p p "Mmm"    


Lulu thought for a moment, then said, "I want to buy a bracelet!"    




However, not just anyone could match a jade bracelet. It was just like how not everyone was suited to wearing socks.    


The three of them walked for a distance before they saw an emerald shop that specialized in selling bracelet bracelets.    


The business of this shop was not bad, and there were already nearly ten customers who were choosing among them.    


"Brother Zihui, which one of these bracelets do you think I should wear?"    


Lulu asked as she ran to the cabinet filled with bracelets.    


Zhang Zihui and Bai Rongrong also followed.    


There were dozens of bracelets of different sizes and colors on display, and a few of them were in pairs.    


/p p However, Zhang Zihui felt that none of these bracelets were suitable for Lulu.    


After all, Lulu was only seventeen years old.    


However, bracelets were more suitable for mature women to wear.    


He turned his head to the side and looked at the jade bracelet on the other cabinet.    


"Lulu, why don't we change our bracelet?" What do you think of this opponent chain? "     1


Zhang Zihui saw a bracelet in a glance.    


The bracelet is made of many small squares made of emerald.    


There were two of them, a pair, which looked pretty good.    


/p p "Yeah?" Not bad! I'll try! "    


Lulu said to the shop assistant.    


The sales clerk immediately took out the bracelet and helped Lulu put it on.    


After putting on the bracelet, Lulu's loveliness increased by quite a bit!    


The two bracelets matched Lulu's snow-white skin, giving her a fresh, green, and bright feel.    


Moreover, because it was made up of many small things, when Lulu waved her hand, the bracelet would make a crisp sound. It sounded very comfortable.    


"Brother Zihui, I like this opponent chain."    


Lulu said happily.    


This opponent chain was indeed not bad.    


/p p "Really?" That's good. "    


Zhang Zihui smiled and then took a glance and saw a very simple bracelet.    


The jade beads were strung together, with a few leaf-shaped jades in the middle and a lily pendant at the end.    


/p p "Give me this one."    


Zhang Zihui said.    


The shop assistant did as he was told.    


Zhang Zihui held up his bracelet and smiled at Bai Rongrong. "Rongrong, stick out your hand."    


/p p "Okay."    


Bai Rongrong knew what Zhang Zihui wanted to do without even thinking.    


Zhang Zihui reached out his right hand and put the bracelet on her hand.    


The bracelet perfectly matched with Bai Rongrong's!    


In other words, Bai Rongrong herself could perfectly match the bracelet.    


/p p "Wow!" Sister Rongrong looks better with her bracelet! "    


Lulu shouted.    


However, her words were a bit exaggerated. She herself wasn't that far off either.    


It's all right.    


Zhang Zihui nodded in satisfaction and then continued picking.    


This time, he saw a bracelet with quite a few extensions.    


The bracelet was made of jade and gold. The bracelet itself was strung with all kinds of beads made of gold, and at the end of it, there was a jade carving in the shape of a Jasmine.    


/p p "Alright, wrap this up." The rest will be settled immediately. "    


Zhang Zihui took out his bank card at the same time.    


/p p Soon, the shop assistant wrapped the third bracelet around himself and calculated the total price.    


Taking over Zhang Zihui's bank card, he swiped it on the machine and paid the bill.    


"Alright, let's go down and find Zhiyan."    


Zhang Zihui said as he put away his bank card.    


Although the three didn't look like they were picking fast, it had already been half an hour.    


As for Yang Zhiyan, who was wandering alone on the third floor, she bumped into someone while Zhang Zihui and the others were picking out their bracelet.    


Furthermore, the person who started the conversation was a middle-aged man who looked to be in his thirties at the very least!    


/p p /p p     


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