Special Beauty-guarding Master



2Due to Zhang Zihui and the boy's match, the other guys were all very interested in who would create the guns!    


Moreover, many of the male students had their speed increase!    


"Yinyin, that boy is so strong!" Yesterday, he took first place. Today, he had won yet again! He really knows a lot! It can't be a young spy, right? "    


Xiao Qingying and Su Yinyin became a pair as they fiddled with the parts in their hands.    


"Xiao Ying, why do you think that?" Maybe this is just his personal interest. "    


Su Yinyin said.    


/p p "Who knows?"    


Xiao Qingying finally finished assembling most of the pistols, and said, "However, Yinyin, he's such a great boy, it must be very safe to be his girlfriend. Are you really not interested? "    


"Xiao Ying, why do you keep talking about this?" "Don't tell me you've fallen for him yourself?"    


Su Yinyin narrowed her eyes at Xiao Qingying.    


Unexpectedly, Xiao Qingying blushed slightly. "Yinyin, he's so good, but he's already reached the standards of my boyfriend. Of course I'd be moved."    


Xiao Qingying said.    


Su Yinyin was taken aback by his words. "Xiao Ying, you … you've really fallen for him?"    


Su Yinyin said, stunned.    


For some reason, he heard.    


Her best friend liked that boy. She suddenly felt uncomfortable.    


/p p Could it be that I like that boy too?    


Su Yinyin couldn't help but ask herself.    


However, she still didn't know the answer.    


"Hee hee, look at how nervous you are."    


However, Xiao Qingying suddenly laughed, "Yinyin, I won't fight with you for it." I can see that you like him, too. "    


/p p "I don't know."    


This time, Su Yinyin didn't deny it.    


Even though he wasn't sure, he knew what it meant.    


When Xiao Qingying heard this, a trace of surprise appeared on her face, but it soon turned into a pleased smile.    


In her heart, there were some things, some people, that she had to put in front of herself.    


/p On the other side of the handgun, it took another two hours.    


When it was almost half past three, Instructor Ye left with everyone.    


What he needed to do next was to get hit by a brute force!    


Of course, the so-called 'Body Blow' here was a real one. Although it was a real gun, its power had been reduced by a bit, and its range was only 15 meters.    


After all, for someone who had never been hit by a brute force before, fifteen meters was a long distance.    


Everyone, come closer and look at this one in my hand.    


Instructor Ye shouted at a higher location.    


Since the handsome boy's team also followed over, they all listened to Instructor Ye explain.    


Of course, everyone should not think that it has no power. Within a five meter radius, facing your head, it can still take your life! So, don't just put your spearhead on a person later on! "Otherwise, I will never be courteous to you!    


As for the details on the safety of the others, Instructor Ye said it very seriously!    


This sort of thing couldn't be careless in the slightest!    


/p p "Then, let me explain how to use it."    


Instructor Ye put one side of the handle in front of the crowd, "This handle here, go for it. Every time you hit it, you have to pull this handle to reinflate the gun. "The specific method is very simple. Pull the handle, and then you can jam it in this small groove."    


While Instructor Ye said this, he also demonstrated it.    


/p p "Next, aim. To aim at the target, the three points and one line of thought made sense. If the target was near the door, then the target would be at the target at the muzzle before the target was at the target. Of course, do not shake your hand when you shoot, otherwise, you will not be able to aim accurately. "    


Instructor Ye continued to explain.    


"So, we're going to move on to the position of brute force over there." There is an electronic target there that can accurately determine your accuracy. In addition, let me remind you all that there will be a jungle battle tomorrow afternoon. It would be best for you all to familiarize yourselves with it as much as possible today.    


Instructor Ye reminded everyone out of his good intentions.    


These words did indeed make quite a few boys more serious.    


However, for Zhang Zihui, this kind of brute force was nothing.    


In his mind, however, he began to think about what he should do in the wild battles in the forest tomorrow.    




Of course, this was in the absence of Zhang Zihui. If Zhang Zihui was going to make a move, it would be enough for him alone.    


In those three years, he had done many jungle missions.    


"Handsome, what are you doing?"    


Just when Zhang Zihui was thinking about what stage he should bring the team to, Xiao Qingying pulled Su Yinyin over.    


/p p "Is there anything I can help you with?"    


Zhang Zihui smiled gently at the two of them.    


Even though he wasn't tempted by the two school beauties, he had already gotten used to them being gentlemen.    


The two of us don't know how to use our bodies. Can you teach us?    


Xiao Qingying said.    


Su Yinyin on the side glared at Xiao Qingying in dissatisfaction.    


Xiao Qingying had come up with the idea of letting Zhang Zihui teach them how to use brute force.    


Su Yinyin actually didn't quite accept this.    


If he were to teach someone else how to flatten their body, they would definitely have a physical contact with it.    


To Su Yinyin, this was indeed hard for her to accept.    


However, she found it strange that under Xiao Qingying's three instigation, she had actually agreed!    


Su Yinyin couldn't help but ask if she really had feelings for Zhang Zihui.    


/p p "Teach you?"    


Zhang Zihui was surprised. It was surprising that two weak girls wanted to learn the art.    


However, Zhang Zihui didn't expect that in the future, the two girls in front of him would really help him quite a bit because of this study.    


/p p "Yeah!" You were good at assembling guns, so you must have been pretty good at making brute force too! Teach us! We might be able to help you tomorrow. "    


Xiao Qingying said.    


/p p "Teaching you guys should be fine, right?" But, when teaching, there will be physical contact, do you not object? "    


Zhang Zihui said in advance, he didn't want others to think that he was eating their tofu while he was teaching them.    


Why do you say that, handsome?" "If you didn't say anything, you would definitely have no objection to Yinyin being eaten by you.    


Xiao Qingying snickered.    


Su Yinyin, who was standing beside her, looked at her angrily!    


Zhang Zihui, on the other hand, smiled speechlessly: Who would have known that although Xiao Qingying, the 7th school beauty of the school, appeared weak, she was actually a very cheerful and weird girl?    




In order to show his magnanimity, the boy naturally took the initiative to show it.    


However, finding a spot had nothing to do with the two girls.    


It was Zhang Zihui who went to look for him.    


"Do you know how to hold a gun?"    


To hold a gun, that was the same posture as holding a gun.    


For beginners, the correct way to use a gun was to use it more stably and improve accuracy.    


/p p "How to get it?"    


Xiao Qingying asked curiously.    


Su Yinyin also looked at Zhang Zihui seriously.    


/p p "Actually, it's very simple. The left hand is almost straight, holding the gun body, the right index finger is placed on the trigger, and the other fingers are placed on the outside of the trigger. "    


Zhang Zihui picked up his gun and gestured to the correct position, then added, "If you find it hard to do this, you can rest the butt of the gun on your right arm or near your shoulder."    


/p p "Simple."    


After listening to Zhang Zihui's explanation, Xiao Qingying's expression relaxed.    


Su Yinyin followed suit.    


It had to be said that the two girls' learning abilities were quite good. Soon, they did as they were told.    


However, whether he could aim for it or not was a different matter.    


/p p "That, do you know how to aim?"    


Zhang Zihui asked again.    


/p p "I will!"    


Xiao Qingying hurriedly said, and then gestured for them to aim at the target.    


However, when Zhang Zihui saw her posture, he couldn't help but laugh.    


Xiao Qingying had no idea how to aim it!    


Even if you didn't say if she was aiming at the door, she probably wouldn't have been able to see it.    


/p p "This..." I think you could try a shot. "    


Zhang Zihui was used to speaking with facts.    0


/p p "Alright!"    


On the other hand, Xiao Qingying aimed at the electronic target with great interest and pulled the trigger.    


There was only the sound of air flowing, but there was no reaction from the electronic target on the other side.    


"Strange, why didn't you remind me to play a few rounds?"    


Xiao Qingying was confused.    


When Zhang Zihui saw this, he couldn't help but laugh. Even Su Yinyin, who was standing beside him, covered her mouth and laughed.    


/p p "You didn't hit it, so it naturally won't remind you."    


With Xiao Qingying's skill, not hitting the target could be said to be a hundred percent clear.    


/p p "Ah?" "How could that be? I was clearly aiming."    


Xiao Qingying complained.    


/p p "You didn't actually aim."    


Zhang Zihui said as he raised the gun in his hand, "Although you were looking at the door, you didn't directly look out. Furthermore, you didn't completely stabilize your body when you attacked. You know, when you shoot, just a little shake and you're off target. "    


At this point, Zhang Zihui raised his gun, aimed at the electronic target and pulled the trigger.    


/p p "How amazing!"    


Xiao Qingying was shocked.    


Su Yinyin also looked at Zhang Zihui in such a manner. The two girls had never thought that Zhang Zihui would be so powerful.    


/p p "Awesome!" How about this, you teach Yinyin first! I'm trying to find out for myself. "    


Xiao Qingying suggested.    


However, her suggestion made Su Yinyin blush again.    


/p p "Can I?"    


Zhang Zihui naturally asked for her opinion on this blushing girl.    


Su Yinyin didn't answer, she merely nodded.    


Well, then, come and stand here and do what I told you to do." What's wrong, I'll help you fix it.     


Zhang Zihui gave up his seat.    


/p p "Okay."    


Su Yinyin nodded and walked over. She raised her gun and aimed at the electronic target.    


However, Zhang Zihui felt a bit helpless when he saw her posture. There were too many things that were out of line.    


/p p     


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